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Auto Legend Carroll Shelby ACCUSED OF SEXUAL ASSAULT
Post Date: 2011-08-02 11:30:38 by X-15
Automotive legend Carroll Shelby -- the guy who designed the Ford Mustang Cobra -- has been sued by a former receptionist who claims the 88-year-old sexually assaulted her ... and also ignored her complaints when she told him she was raped by one of his employees. According to the lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, Angelica Smith claims she began working for Shelby back in 2005 as a receptionist ... but was treated as a "personal servant" ... with Shelby often forcing her to go out on "grocery runs, liquor runs, pornography runs." In the docs, Smith claims Shelby ran a "pervasively hostile work environment" ... and "on at least one ...

Cletus take the reel
Post Date: 2011-08-02 11:30:19 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Unidentified object is sitting on the ocean floor between Sweden and Finland
Post Date: 2011-08-02 06:37:34 by Tatarewicz
A mysterious circle on a grainy scan, this is what scientists are claiming is finally evidence that Earth has been visited by aliens. Researchers have claimed the fuzzy outline is a flying saucer that ended up 300ft down on the ocean floor between Sweden and Finland. They were stunned when sonar scans taken while searching for a century-old wreck showed up the shape against the dirt. Scroll down for video UFO? Sonar scans taken while searching for a century-old shipwreck on the ocean floor between Sweden and Finland showed up this fuzzy outline UFO? Sonar scans taken while searching for a century-old shipwreck on the ocean floor between Sweden and Finland showed up this fuzzy outline ...

First Look: BMW i8 Concept (hybrid)
Post Date: 2011-08-01 04:27:43 by Tatarewicz
BMW's first plug-in hybrid vehicle will focus not just in saving the earth, but also on satisfying its driver's need for speed. Like the Chevrolet Volt, the BMW i8 concept combines a traditional gasoline engine with an electric drivetrain. According to BMW, the i8 can be as fuel-efficient as the best hybrid cars, while still delivering sports car-like performance. An electric motor drives the front wheels, while a traditional gasoline engine drives the rears. The i8 can thus act as a front-, rear-, or all-wheel-drive car depending on which power sources are running. An "energy tunnel" containing the battery and drivetrain electronics runs down the middle of the vehicle, ...

Post Date: 2011-07-31 23:37:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Judge Judy - Here's Who You Support With Taxes
Post Date: 2011-07-31 10:48:40 by christine

Police: 4 Shot After George Clinton Concert (8th annual Unity in the Park festival)
Post Date: 2011-07-31 08:47:24 by Jethro Tull
Cleveland – Several shots rang out from a handgun during a large fight near an outdoor concert venue in Cleveland, leaving four people wounded after a "Unity in the Park" festival featuring funk music artist George Clinton, police said Sunday. Authorities said they were searching for a male suspect who pulled out a handgun and fired into a group of people Saturday night during the fight. No arrests were reported in the hours after the shooting, Police Sgt. Sammy Morris told The Associated Press. "It was a large fight. Somebody in the crowd produced a handgun and fired several times," Morris said, adding all four victims were hit by gunfire. A 16-year-old boy had ...

Great bumper sticker
Post Date: 2011-07-30 13:25:45 by F.A. Hayek Fan
I seen this bumper sticker today and thought it was great. "I'm the domestic terrorist your government warned you about"

Train driver sues parents of suicide victim
Post Date: 2011-07-30 06:34:03 by Tatarewicz
A train driver who ran over a young man presumed to have committed suicide by throwing himself onto the tracks, is demanding compensation from the dead man’s parents, media reported Wednesday. The legal hearing on the dispute was held in a court in Nuremberg on Tuesday, according to news magazine Der Spiegel. The 52-year-old driver has ceded his complaint to his wife, who is appearing as the plaintiff, so the driver himself can appear as a witness. The wife initially asked for €15,000 compensation. She says her husband has suffered nightmares, sleep disturbances and headaches since the incident. Additionally, he was unable to work for two weeks after the accident. The dead ...

Dialing a good read in a phone booth
Post Date: 2011-07-30 06:16:45 by Tatarewicz
As mobile phones grow in popularity, telephone booths have become rare in German cities. But a new project in Berlin is hoping to turn them into a sanctuary for another endangered technology – books. Moises Mendoza reports. Technologies may change, but basic human needs never do. Once ubiquitous telephone booths have lost relevance in world dominated by mobile phones, even though people still need to communicate with each other. And reading remains key to human existence even if books are slowly being replaced by iPads and the internet. So it's perhaps surprising that someone eventually decided to marry the two antiquated technologies for a literacy project. But Konrad Kutt of ...

The crucifix row that shows Amy Winehouse has become a religious icon
Post Date: 2011-07-29 20:13:07 by X-15
I have just seen an extraordinary scene outside Amy Winehouse’s house – just round the corner from my flat in Camden, north London. As I bicycled past, a woman in her late 30s, dressed in dark clothes and a trilby, started taking photographs on her phone of a dummy on a crucifix (pictured) that she had placed against the railings in Camden Square. An incensed local man, in his 70s, started shouting at her, “It’s outrageous. She was Jewish. Who else thinks this is outrageous? We must call the police.” “Are you Jewish yourself?” asked the cabbie who had brought the woman to the square. “No – but it’s still outrageous.” When the woman ...

SS an "Entitlement"???
Post Date: 2011-07-29 17:38:43 by ndcorup
My Wife is in an on-line discussion on a "social network" and it turns out that Many folks don't/didn't know that SS is entirely paid for (unless you're Really Old, or a Leach on Society) by The EMPLOYEE and the EMPLOYER. You Paid for it. The Government acts as if it's a Gift from them. They are the leaches on it, along with most SSI and Many Disability claimants (fakes). Don't get in an uproar over that comment. That's where the bulk of the fraud is. Obama and almost all other Pols are casting it in the "Entitlement Pool". If you and your employer's payments into SS were accumulated at simple interest over your working life, there is a ...

Half of men would ditch woman who gained weight?
Post Date: 2011-07-28 21:55:29 by Tatarewicz
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Men are more concerned with their partner's body type than women but they also seem to value family more highly, according to a new survey released on Tuesday. Nearly half of men questioned in the poll of 70,000 people said they would ditch a partner who gained weight, compared to only 20 percent of women. Two-third of men also said they had fantasized about their partner's friends, while only one-third of women had done so. "Even as men are getting more comfortable with meeting their girlfriends online and less anxious about who she's 'friending' there, other romantic behaviors have proven to be timeless ones: chivalry isn't dead, size ...

Firefighters Get $2M in Reverse Discrimination Case
Post Date: 2011-07-28 14:23:52 by Jethro Tull
A group of New Haven firefighters who won a reverse discrimination case before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2009 have won a combined $2 million in damages from the city. The Supreme Court ruled that officials violated white firefighters' civil rights when they threw out 2003 promotion tests results because too few minorities did well. The firefighters returned to U.S. District Court in Connecticut seeking back pay, damages and legal fees. Court papers indicate 20 firefighters have accepted offers from the city for back pay, additional pension benefits and interest. The firefighters will receive about $2 million and three years of pension credit and the city will pay their ...

Hoax Alien Invasion Planned - Bill Cooper
Post Date: 2011-07-28 08:06:27 by wudidiz
This is an edited 10 minute version of the hour-long radio broadcast that aired on William Cooper's Hour of the Time show. It discusses the history and planning of a possible HOAXED alien invasion to set the stage for a one-world government.

China orders passenger vehicle overhaul
Post Date: 2011-07-28 04:18:23 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING - China on Wednesday ordered an overhaul of commercial passenger cars, trucks and school buses in the wake of a deadly bus fire in central China that killed more than 40 people onboard. Huang Ming, vice minister of public security, called for "zero-tolerance" and "zero-malfeasance" with regard to safety loopholes during the overhaul and underlined the importance of strengthened supervision. A 35-seat double-decker, traveling from the city of Weihai in the eastern Shandong Province to central Hunan's provincial capital Changsha, caught fire at 4 a.m. Friday on the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway. Police detained six suspects and blamed inflammable chemicals for ...

Top 5 Tips for Making Winning Barbecue
Post Date: 2011-07-27 14:50:00 by James Deffenbach
Put down that pulled pork. You didn't know that making barbecue was a sport? It is, and TLC's new show, "BBQ Pitmasters," fills you in on it as it trails some of the biggest names in barbecue as they travel around the United States to competitions. "There's a whole world out here that's like NASCAR racing," says Myron Mixon, one of the show's pitmasters. "You have sanctioning bodies and circuits." Do you want to become a respected member of the barbecue brethren, a genuine pitmaster? Start at small, informal contests. Then work up to an event sanctioned by the Memphis Barbecue Network. If you win at that level, you're off to the World ...

Ladies beware of shoes peaking up your skirts
Post Date: 2011-07-27 01:33:31 by Tatarewicz
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo.—A Grand Junction man has been accused of using a modified video camera on top of his shoe to record video up women's skirts. Grand Junction police say 34-year-old Joshua Vohs was issued a summons Sunday at a local grocery store while people were shopping. He is accused of unlawful sexual contact through photographs, which is a misdemeanor. Authorities told the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel that Vohs approached unsuspecting women and attempted to record video by placing his shoe and the camera underneath their dresses or shorts. Police say a memory card on the camera included 11 videos of similar activities. ———

Should Google+ ban fake names?
Post Date: 2011-07-26 06:11:26 by Tatarewicz
The quickly-growing social network has been lambasted for booting users who sign up under pseudonyms What's in a name? A lot, at least for prospective users of Google+, the booming social networking service. Over the weekend, Google+ kicked many users off the site for violating its terms of service, which require that everyone on the site must use his or her real, legal name in order to "help fight spam and prevent fake profiles." The move infuriated those who commonly go by pseudonyms on the web, and find value in separating their true identities from their social networking presences. Does Google+ have the right to ban users who don't go by their real names? This ...

Creamy strawberry moscato torte
Post Date: 2011-07-26 00:55:17 by Tatarewicz
Creamy strawberry moscato torte [Photo/The New York Times] Time: 20 minutes, plus 6 hours for chilling 1 1/2 quarts strawberries 1 tablespoon superfine or granulated sugar, more to taste 1 bottle (750 milliliters) moscato wine, more for serving 2 pounds mascarpone 1/2 cup heavy cream 1/3 cup confectioners' sugar, more for sprinkling if desired 2 plump, moist vanilla beans 48 ladyfingers (2 packages). 1. Hull and slice 1 quart of strawberries. Leave remaining 1/2 quart whole for garnish. Put sliced berries in a bowl and gently toss with superfine or granulated sugar, adding more if berries are very tart. Add a splash of moscato to bowl and macerate for 15 minutes. 2. ...

Farmers think oil leak is killing scallops
Post Date: 2011-07-26 00:41:01 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING - As ConocoPhillips and China's ocean watchdog try to control the spread of oil leaks in a gulf of the Yellow Sea, fishers in North China's Hebei province are complaining that the disaster has caused the death of a large number of scallops. "Because of the leak, about 70 percent of the scallops seedlings in Laoting county (Hebei province) have been found dead since late June, and the total economic loss for the local fishing industry is expected to reach 350 million yuan ($54 million)," Yang Jizhen, chairman of the Laoting fisheries association, told China Daily on Monday. The recent oil leak in Bohai Bay was first discovered on June 4 and a subsequent one was ...

Dr. Marc Faber, an ex South African discusses the IQ of blacks
Post Date: 2011-07-25 10:45:46 by Disgusted
South Africa (SA) – The Future I expect, like me, you are aware that there has never been a prosperous black-led country, but perhaps it’s just because of “bad luck”, or whatever, for that incontrovertible fact. Take Haiti as an example. Before the black slaves revolted and killed all the whites and half castes Haiti had a GNP greater than most of what is now the USA . It supplied 60% of all the sugar used in Europe. Today it is a wasteland. Apparently if you Google Earth the place you see is a sere, brown coloured landscape compared to the neighbouring Dominican Republic which is green and verdant. Twice the USA has occupied Haiti , building roads, ports, hospitals ...

Argentina's control of national stats
Post Date: 2011-07-25 06:20:01 by Tatarewicz
A recent article in The Wall Street Journal: “Argentina’s government has filed criminal charges against the managers of an economic consulting firm,” the paper reads, “escalating its persecution of independent economists.” Apparently a local firm, MyS Consultores, published an inflation figure that was not to the administration’s liking...which is to say, a figure probably much nearer to the truth than the “official” reading. The government’s own figure is 9.7%, even though you’d be hard pressed to find anybody who thinks it’s less than double that. Most economists reckon it’s north of 20%. Some say much higher, a notion the ...

Iran to produce gasoline from natural gas
Post Date: 2011-07-25 04:34:35 by Tatarewicz
Iran plans to produce gasoline form natural gas by the use of the GTL (Gas to Liquids) method, says the Iranian deputy minister of industry and mines. Majlid Hedayat said on Monday that a pilot GTL production plant is expected to be operational within the next two weeks in the Iranian capital city, Tehran, to produce gasoline “for a 3-month trial,” Mehr news agency reported. GTL is a refinery process which converts natural gas into gasoline or diesel fuel. “Six hundred million dollars would be invested in GTL industry,” Hedayat further explained. The Iranian official also noted that the country is planning to set up two “industrial and semi-industrial ...

Tolerance of gays in China
Post Date: 2011-07-25 03:54:19 by Tatarewicz
What is or what should be society's view about homosexuality? Two scholars and an activist come up with different answers. Indifference has led to tolerance Homosexuality has existed since prehistoric times across countries and cultures. But for a long time Chinese society has turned a blind eye to homosexuality and thus created an illusion that it is rare or simply does not exist in China. A few homosexuals do enter the public field of vision either seeking medical treatment or having committed a crime, thus aggravating the prejudice that homosexuality is a disease, crime or wrongdoing. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) conducted a national survey over the phone in 2007 ...

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