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Sports Science: "World Record Kick to the Groin" Part 2~Tough Nuts!
Post Date: 2011-07-16 11:02:25 by abraxas
Sports Science: "World Record Kick to the Groin" Part 2

Red Pill Guide to the Top 20 Secrets of our Times
Post Date: 2011-07-16 04:10:13 by wudidiz
Martin Truther's Red Pill Guide to theTop 20 Secrets of our Times This guide is the result of over ten years of research I've done in my own process of “waking up” to hidden truths. The topics are generally considered taboo. While my curiosity compelled me to go forward, it was difficult work and I hope this guide will make “waking up” easier for you and other readers. As Newton put it, “If I have seen further [than others] it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Many whose work I cite below gave their lifetimes and even their lives to gift us this information. I hope they will not always be as unsung in their heroism as they presently ...

In What state do you reside? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-07-15 20:26:49 by Lod
Poster Comment:While getting some Rife therapy from titiorite's machine this afternoon, we were trying to name all the members and their state of residence. If anyone's willing to give it up, that would be great. Thanks. (I'm in Austin, TX)

Legends of the M1911 Pistol
Post Date: 2011-07-14 22:53:05 by Jethro Tull
Sgt. Alvin York On the morning of 8 October 1918, elements of the 328th Infantry, 82nd Division, United States Army, were pinned down by German machine-gun fire. Seventeen men, under the command of Sgt. Bernard Early, were ordered to out-flank the machine guns. Shortly after they left their own lines, they came across a German officer and several soldiers having breakfast. Believing that they were surrounded, the Germans surrendered. However, before Early could detach a man to take the prisoners back through the lines, intensive machine gun fire swept the patrol. Eight American soldiers survived. Sgt. Early was killed. As the remaining non-com, Cpl. Alvin York took command of the ...

im not right in the head.com's Photos - SIGNS OF BEING NOT RIGHT
Post Date: 2011-07-14 17:34:38 by wudidiz

Three Kids from Italy
Post Date: 2011-07-14 14:26:36 by christine
www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=CLThl6xEYBM Poster Comment:amazing voices!

Tea as beverage and food
Post Date: 2011-07-14 02:03:36 by Tatarewicz
To drink or dine? Like your cuppa? Pauline D. Loh says there's a lot more to tea than what you get in the pot. TEA, coffee and chocolate (cocoa) are probably the most popular beverages in the world. But when it comes to vintage, tea leaps ahead by millenniums. Which other beverage actually has a god devoted to its cultivation and culture and an almost evangelistic spread throughout the world? Wars have been fought over tea. Empires lost. Kings and empresses toppled. Tea is as much linked to history as it is to its own definitive culture. China is the home of tea. As long as 6,000 years ago, tea was brewed and drunk in China, and the cultivation of tea on a large scale as a trade ...

Dried up Pedernales River (Texas)
Post Date: 2011-07-13 17:03:57 by christine

Happy2BMe-OnLP - gatlin - missing !
Post Date: 2011-07-13 10:56:54 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Happy2BMe-OnLP - gatlin - missing ! Title: Happy2BMe-OnLP - gatlin - missing !Source: lpURL Source: http://lpPublished: Jul 13, 2011Author: by Post Date: 2011-07-13 00:54:43 by byeltsinViews: 71Comments: 4 What happened ! Poster Comment:Don't we deserve a notice - good bye ! Poster Comment:========================================================== Goodbye!

Multiple Stab Wounds May Be Harmful To Monkeys
Post Date: 2011-07-13 05:18:00 by wudidiz

"Edgar releases Installment #3: Sex, Lies and Audiotape Part 1"
Post Date: 2011-07-13 01:46:50 by christine
Sex, Lies & Audiotape (Part I) by Edgar J. Steele The jury never heard even a hint about the single most important piece of evidence in the Government’s case in my defense at trial: proof that the government’s evidence, the two recordings, were phony. Without those recordings, the government’s case against me literally disappeared. What’s that? You say that there must be something wrong? That I am failing to tell you everything? Nope. Ask anybody who was at that pre-trial hearing that took longer than my entire defense at trial. Judge Winmill ruled that I could not present any evidence disputing the authenticity of the audiotapes. Why? Why? For two reasons, said ...

Amazing solo climb in Mali
Post Date: 2011-07-12 18:30:45 by wakeup

(satire) Libertysflame traffic up 70 percent since Yukon left; Liberty Post down 30 percent - Alexa Traffic for LP shows a 30% Drop in 30 days
Post Date: 2011-07-12 13:46:47 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
(satire) Libertysflame traffic up 70 percent since Yukon left; Liberty Post down 30 percent Title: Libertysflame traffic up 70 percent since Yukon left; Liberty Post down 30 percent Source: [None]URL Source: www.alexa.com/siteinfo/libertysflame.com#" target="_new">http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/libertysflame.com#Published: Jul 12, 2011Author: A K A StonePost Date: 2011-07-12 11:25:10 by A K A Stone Keywords: NoneViews: 72Comments: 12 Estimated percentage of global internet users who visit libertysflame.com: Reach Change 1 month 0.00033 +6% Change in Reach over the trailing 1 month period 3 month 0.00033 +70% Change in Reach over the trailing 3 month period There's ...

Sensationalism in America's Media
Post Date: 2011-07-12 04:13:49 by Stephen Lendman
Sensationalism In America's Media - by Stephen Lendman Its history is long and sordid, dating back centuries elsewhere since the 1500s or earlier. In 19th century America, the penny press and yellow journalism featured it with regular coverage of crime, tragedy, gossip, and other ways to stimulate sales. Newspaper editor Frederic Hudson published a history of American newspapers titled, "Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872," an authoritative text saying: "The penny press arrived in New York on January 1, 1833, when Horatio David Shepard teamed up with Horace Greeley and Francis W. Story and issued the Morning Post." Both found fame and fortune in ...

Deadly Spider Shuts Down German Supermarket
Post Date: 2011-07-12 04:07:37 by Tatarewicz
A supermarket in Germany was evacuated last Friday after a worker reported seeing one of the world's must deadly and vicious spiders -- a Brazilian Wandering Spider -- jump out of a banana crate. The store is due to reopen Monday after it was sprayed with pesticide -- but the beast has not been found. Info It is a nightmare scenario for any supermarket. Last Friday morning, as an employee was unloading bananas from a crate in a large grocery store in south-western Germany, a large, greyish, hairy spider about 13 centimeters long jumped out and scuttled under a shelf. The member of staff checked the Internet for images of spiders resembling the one he had just seen, and was shocked ...

Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath
Post Date: 2011-07-11 20:15:11 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Two and a half minutes on one breath. Filmed underwater in real-time for Human Planet, Bajau fisherman, Sulbin, freedives to 20 metres to catch a fish. Poster Comment:========================================================= I used to snorkel with just over two minutes. This fish can go as long as five.

Paul is Dead - Paul McCartney was killed and replaced in 1966. We demand justice. Paul and the Serpent Cult: Rock n' Roll and Nazi Mind Control
Post Date: 2011-07-11 02:27:17 by wudidiz
Sir Paul and the Serpent Cult: Rock n' Roll and Nazi Mind Control Fellow PID researcher and guest contributor to this blog, Getsmart, posted the following analysis at PID - Motivations for the Murder of Paul McCartney.Getsmart discusses how music and musicians have been used to engineer social change, pointing to how military espionage has intervened in western society's cultural affairs [see The Beats and Government Intelligence: What Were the Sixties?]. Getsmart posits that, in the early days, talented musicians were used, which led to some problems due to true artists' naturally independent and rebellious spirit. Their opposition to the System and NWO agenda (especially the ...

Three Cheers for the Casey Anthony Jurors
Post Date: 2011-07-11 01:00:49 by christine
Every once-in-awhile events occur that provide some optimism that real people – rather than the sock-puppets who speak on behalf of institutional interests – have a firm grip on reality. The jury in the Casey Anthony trial did precisely what they were directed to do by the court: deliberated on the evidence presented to them, and concluded that there was not the requisite degree of certitude to allow them to find this woman guilty of the murder charges brought against her. This was more than the percaled agents of "justice" could take. They know a "guilty" person when they see one: it’s whoever is charged with a crime by the state! The cable-TV ...

Kate's 'Marilyn moment' in Calgary
Post Date: 2011-07-09 12:02:01 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Poster Comment:====================================================== I guess that's what royalty gets fer not puttin' on Royal Britches. Or did the prince take them off on the plane? Mebbe they're in his pocket? Janet Napolitano will get right on this ..

20 Really Bad Ideas That Are Almost Too Stupid To Believe
Post Date: 2011-07-09 09:02:33 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
20 Really Bad Ideas That Are Almost Too Stupid To Believe What in the world is happening to America?  It seems like all we get out of politicians at the federal, state and local levels is a steady stream of really bad ideas.  Even when our government officials appear to have the best of intentions things still turn out badly.  "What were they thinking" is a phrase that is being uttered by millions of Americans on a daily basis.  Sadly, instead of focusing on real problems and real solutions, the mainstream media loves to focus on the latest scandal.  Last month everyone wanted to talk about Anthony Weiner.  This month everyone wants to talk about ...

The Verdict on Casey Anthony’s Jury
Post Date: 2011-07-09 01:01:17 by christine
Unable to get past the Casey Anthony verdict today. What planet have these people been on for the last six weeks? At what point did they get off the trolley track the rest of us are rolling on and decide that the prosecution must supply them with a motive for Casey Anthony? It’s a damn good thing they weren’t impaneled to try Ted Bundy, who had absolutely no motive at all for murdering as many as 30 young women during the 1970s. Under this jury’s standard of reasonable doubt Bundy would be at murder 200 by now. Alternate juror Number 14 provides unique incite into the mind of the modern juror, where reality exists on ‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ and ...

Is Comet Elenin an incoming spacecraft heralding a New Age? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-07-08 23:47:41 by Tatarewicz
Comet Elenin is an incoming spacecraft or intelligently controlled object according to a number of presenters at a recently completed conference hosted online by the popular whistleblower website - Project Camelot. Several presenters agreed that Elenin will approach its closest points near the Sun and Earth at a time of extraordinary planetary and societal changes coinciding with the end of the Mayan Calendar. A number of anonymous whistleblowers were cited in support of the view that Elenin was an artificially controlled object responsible for widespread planetary changes in the solar system. The conference broke important ground in uncovering some of the mystery surrounding Comet ...

CAN'T HUG EVERY CAT -- a song about loving cats
Post Date: 2011-07-08 05:19:33 by wudidiz
youtu.be/rbX6pZcs580 Poster Comment:Check the date. This is fresh.

Wesley Hoyt affirmed as Ed Steele's representation
Post Date: 2011-07-07 13:13:41 by christine
(Authored by the www.free-edgar-steele.com Administrators. There was a court hearing today 7/6/2011 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on this matter.)Today marks the beginning of a defense for Edgar Steele by attorney Wesley W. Hoyt, formerly the attorney for Cyndi Steele. Over the objection of the Government, who did not want Mr. Steele to be represented by an effective attorney, the Court ruled that Mr. Hoyt, who was selected by Mr. Steele from the beginning, would be, from this time forth, Mr. Steele’s “attorney of record.” (That term will have special significance to anyone paying attention to this saga as it unfolds, especially in light of events that are about to happen in ...

Post Date: 2011-07-07 12:34:48 by IRTorqued
Austin police officer charged with B.W.I. by MORGAN CHESKY / KVUE NEWS Bio | Email | Follow: @MorganC_KVUE kvue.com Posted on July 2, 2011 at 10:35 PM Updated Monday, Jul 4 at 3:33 AM TRAVIS COUNTY, TX - Police arrested an off duty Austin police officer early Saturday morning for allegedly driving drunk on Lake Travis. Officer Jason Powers Huskins was arrested on a boat near the mouth of Devil's Cove at Lake Travis. Police also arrested the boat's passenger, James Ryan Englehardt. An arrest affadavit say police initially responded to a 911 call reporting a burglary at a home located near Devil's Cove. Police say Englehardt drove a boat to shore then let Huskins take the ...

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