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Chinese noodle makers in hot water
Post Date: 2011-04-25 06:18:20 by Tatarewicz
Seventeen starch noodle manufacturers in Dongguan city, Guangdong province, were ordered to stop production over the weekend after claims emerged that they had been using illegal additives. Workers from a production facility in Zhongshan city, Guangdong province, that is suspected of having used illegal additives in the production of fake starch noodles, remove their impounded products from drying poles, on Thursday. A large quantity of starch noodles were seized and will be subjected to tests following a raid by the Guangdong provincial administration of quality and technology supervision. The starch noodles are suspected of containing illegal additives and of being made from corn ...

The Mountain - a movie
Post Date: 2011-04-24 16:47:55 by Lod
Poster Comment:Amazing.

Another one bites the dust
Post Date: 2011-04-23 08:01:14 by Itistoolate
Watch this video at SolvoSermo.Com

Lambert Intl in StL hit by tornado. Da norf side beez hit, nomesayin'!
Post Date: 2011-04-23 07:10:54 by PSUSA
The tornado sirens are getting a real workout here over the last week. They went off twice with probably more to come in the next few days. There were at least 2 tornadoes last night. One slid around to the north of us. HAARP???? I would like to see one, from a distance.

Sheldrake defends animal ESP
Post Date: 2011-04-23 04:37:41 by Tatarewicz
Biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake expresses dismay at latest claims made by Skeptic Richard Wiseman in his recent book, Paranormality. paranormalityJoin Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. A distinguished biologist, Dr. Sheldrake is the author of several books including, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home. During the interview Mr. Tsakiris and Dr. Sheldrake discuss the latest claims of Skeptic Richard Wiseman: Alex Tsakiris: When someone hears you say Richard Wiseman’s portrayal of your research is deceptive, well, it sounds so horrible. But in this case, the deception is so obvious, the misinformation so outrageous, that ...

Anti-Gun Senator Shoots Intruder
Post Date: 2011-04-22 10:15:26 by Jethro Tull
Anti-Gun Senator Shoots Intruder Uploaded on February 14, 2011 Anti-Gun Senator Shoots Intruder State Senator R.C. Soles (D - NC) Long time Anti-Gun Advocate State Senator R.C. Soles, 74, shot one of two intruders at his home just outside Tabor City, N.C. about 5 p.m. Sunday, the prosecutor for the politician's home county said. The intruder, Kyle Blackburn, was taken to a South Carolina hospital, but the injuries were not reported to be life-threatening, according to Rex Gore, district attorney for Columbus, Bladen andBrunswick counties. The State Bureau of Investigation and Columbus County Sheriff's Department are investigating the shooting, Gore said. Soles, who was not ...

Roll Call - Where is Cynicom ?
Post Date: 2011-04-22 04:51:20 by noone222
I haven't seen a post from Cyni recently ... anyone know why ?

Are we ready to admit that we are involved in World War three? And that WE are the axis invaders?
Post Date: 2011-04-21 20:46:57 by titorite
So on the media tonight they referred to the action in Africa as a war...because that is what it is. We are now involved in a 3 front war against the oil countries of the middle east. WE routinely launch assaults on and into the border nations(Pakistan and Iran) for what ever reasons. Our European allies support us as we support them and engage in this war themselves... We have concentration camps ...... We torture our military prisoners some of whom had nothing to do with this war. What can we US citizens do to insist that our government stops this military invasion of middle east nations... What can we do to insist that we stop waging world war three? Our soldiers shouldn't be ...

Gold / Silver Price Ratio at 32.44 / 1
Post Date: 2011-04-21 15:22:33 by Critter
When it gets to about 25 to one, I think I'm going to dump all my silver and buy gold. I started buying silver at 70 to 1 or so. I knew the ratio would close eventually, but never expected it to go this far this fast. I bet we see $50 silver within a day or two.

Body of "ET" found in Siberia [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-04-21 01:53:08 by Tatarewicz
It just seems too strange to be true. But in the frozen wastes of Siberia two walkers claim to have found the body of an alien. On its side with its mouth slightly agape, the slender, badly-damage body lies half-buried in snow close to Irkutsk, Russia. The area is a known UFO hotspot and video of the alien's corpse has become a massive worldwide hit with hundreds of thousands of followers after being posted on the internet. alien Alien life? This strange 'body' was discovered by two walkers close to Irkutsk, Siberia, in a renowned hotspot for extraterrestrial behaviour Reports of aliens crashing to Earth as in the 1947 Roswell incident have led to images purporting to be ...

Nothing but motorcycle skills...(Japan)
Post Date: 2011-04-20 18:03:54 by X-15

For Baseball Aficionados - One Very Wicked Pitch
Post Date: 2011-04-19 15:57:35 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:Brian Wilson has a new two seam, sinking fastball that tails away and drops on a right handed hitter. To get a perspective of it's movement, watch the catcher's glove when the pitch is released, and then where it is when he catches it. He actually catches it behind the hitter. Good luck trying to hit that!

Intention Experiment on C2C Monday night
Post Date: 2011-04-18 02:51:49 by Tatarewicz
Mind Over Matter Date: 04-18-11 Host: George Noory Guests: Lynne McTaggart Author and researcher Lynne McTaggart will report on the ongoing results of the world’s largest mind-over-matter experiment. Because we are all connected on a subatomic level, could working together be the next requirement for our evolution? Website(s): * theintentionexperiment.com Book(s): * The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us

Mindless Weekend [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-04-15 22:16:59 by Lod
Poster Comment:

News on The George Gordon School Of Law
Post Date: 2011-04-14 08:57:52 by innieway
Does anybody remember George Gordon? I found something very interesting which may be of interest to those who do...George Gordon Lies

Obama moves $85-billion to Honduras
Post Date: 2011-04-13 06:08:59 by Tatarewicz
An entry in the March, 2011 report prepared by the Russian Ministry of Finance for the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) [aka INTERPOL] designed to track major international monetary transactions related to the global drug trade lists a US-EU transfer to Banco Citibank de Honduras, S.A. from Barack Hussein Obama II in the shocking amount of “$73 Billion in cash and US Securities” and “(estimated) $15 Billion in gold and silver bullion” on the same day the American President (March 22nd) was visiting El Salvador on his visit to Central America. Important to note is that the entry in this report naming “Barack Hussein Obama II” does not list him ...

A search for "911" under '"Latest Posts" turned up zip, nada, zilch, 4um is broke
Post Date: 2011-04-12 19:16:15 by Itistoolate
and Turtle is still posting asinine things

Sheboon receives medical degree from YouTube, botches her first circumcision
Post Date: 2011-04-12 17:54:19 by X-15
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A sheboon accused of attempting to circumcise her baby at home using a box cutter as a scalpel and a pair of pliers as a tourniquet faces assault, criminal mistreatment and malpractice charges. Keemonta Peterson, 29, of Portland, told police she decided to circumcise her baby at home after reading the Bible. She said she received her Medical License by watching some YouTube videos about circumcisions before making the attempt in October, according to The Oregonian. After the 3-month-old boy suffered two hours of uncontrolled bleeding, she called 911 and the baby was rushed to a hospital where he was initially listed in critical condition. The boy appeared to ...

Texas beer: Shiner Ruby Redbird
Post Date: 2011-04-12 16:08:09 by X-15
"Shiner Ruby Redbird is brewed with genuine Texas Rio Red Grapefruit, the signature sweet citrus of the Rio Grande Valley, and ginger. This lager beer features grapefruit tartness and finishes with a 'lil kick of ginger. With Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit and Ginger, Shiner Ruby Redbird is a crisp and refreshing summer beer." Poster Comment:I went over to visit a good friend and his wife last night and we killed a 12-pack of this stuff along with some Naked Chips and guacamole dip. It rocks!!

Pringles mystery
Post Date: 2011-04-12 02:25:34 by Tatarewicz
I didn't know it until today, but I have a very strong position on the age-old mystery of where the Pringles brand name originated. In a New York Times story today about Proctor & Gamble's sale of the Pringles brand to Diamond Foods, the author noted this mystery: "Company officials still aren't sure how the chips got their name, but one theory holds that two Procter advertising employees lived on Pringle Drive in Cincinnati and the name paired well with potato." Company officials may not be sure, but I'm fairly confident that the company copped the name from noted potato-related device inventor, Mark Pringle of Amsterdam, New York. Pringle co-patented a ...

A Family's Experience with Oregon State University (Academic McCarthyism)
Post Date: 2011-04-11 12:00:35 by Jethro Tull
A Family's Experience with Oregon State University Posted on Sunday, April 10, 2011 at 9:44PM In 1980, scientists Art and Laurelee Robinson moved their growing family to southern Oregon and, with the help of their colleagues, including Nobel Laureate Bruce Merrifield and the discoverer of carbon 14, Martin Kamen, established the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. This Institute today carries out research in physical chemistry, biochemistry, and medicine in continuation of the work that Art (a graduate of Caltech) and Laurelee (a graduate of Seattle Pacific University) did together over a 17-year period during which Art served on the faculty of the University of ...

Skin bleaching a growing problem in Jamaica slums
Post Date: 2011-04-11 11:25:13 by Jethro Tull
Skin bleaching a growing problem in Jamaica slums YAHOO = window.YAHOO || {}; YAHOO.Media = YAHOO.Media || {}; YAHOO.Media.SocialButtons = YAHOO.Media.SocialButtons || {}; (function(){ var o_facebook_iframe_url="http://l.yimg.com/b/social_buttons/facebook-share-iframe.php?u={url}&t={title}"; YAHOO.Media.SocialButtons.conf = { tracking: { _S: 85074877, pkg: "http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110411/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/cb_jamaica_skin_bleaching", intl: 'us', lang: 'en-US', ct:'a' }, content: { url: "http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110411/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/cb_jamaica_skin_bleaching", title: ...

Congressional Freshmen's Guide to Washington, D C
Post Date: 2011-04-11 10:56:24 by christine

Icelanders Vote on Predatory Bailout
Post Date: 2011-04-11 05:02:02 by Stephen Lendman
Icelanders Vote on Predatory Bailout: Nyet - by Stephen Lendman In his April 8 article headlined, "The Economic Crisis in Iceland: 'IMF Medicine' is not the Solution," Michael Hudson asked: "Will Iceland Vote 'No' on April 9, or commit financial suicide," their choice being: Reject debt bondage or "subject their economy to decades of poverty, bankruptcy and emigration of their work force." In other words, destroying the nation for profit, extorting its wealth, selling off its natural resources and public enterprises, raising taxes on working Icelanders, and transforming the country into a dystopian nightmare, what Merriam-Webster calls ...

More scifi from Sorcha Faal?
Post Date: 2011-04-11 04:01:03 by Tatarewicz
Russia Orders Missile Alert After Mysterious ‘Vortex’ Slams Into Germany A shocking ‘top-secret’ report prepared Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) on their meeting this past week with Prime Minister Putin, in Novgorod region, warns that our planet Earth is ‘under attack’ by an as yet unnamed ‘extraterrestrial entity’ to which President Medvedev has responded by ordering a second regiment of S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft missile system to protect Moscow from low-Earth orbiting ‘targets’. According to this report, the extraordinary gamma-ray explosion [photo top left] first observed in deep space on March 28 by NASA's ...

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