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Truck Wreck
Post Date: 2011-04-11 02:44:08 by Big Meanie
Look at the picture above and you can see where this driver broke through the guardrail, on the right side of the culvert, where the people are standing on the road, pointing. The pick-up was traveling about 75 mph from right to left when it crashed through the guardrail. It flipped end-over-end bounced off and across the culvert outlet and landed right side up on the left side of the culvert, facing the opposite direction from which the driver was traveling. The 22-year-old driver and his 18-year-old passenger were unhurt except for minor cuts and bruises. Just outside Flagstaff, Arizona on U.S. Hwy 100. Now look at the second picture below... . . . . . . . ">

Cat and dolphins playing together
Post Date: 2011-04-10 15:38:33 by christine

Gypsies: The mystical tribe
Post Date: 2011-04-10 03:58:16 by Tatarewicz
The International Roma, (Gypsy) Day was founded at the first World Gypsy Congress, which took place in London on April 8, 1971. The congress gathered representatives from 30 countries. The national symbols of the gypsies - the flag and the anthem - were approved at the congress. The gypsies of the whole world became one single nation. There are six basic branches of gypsies in the world today: three western and three eastern branches. Roma, Sinti and Iberian gypsies are referred to the Western branch. The eastern group includes the Lom, the Dom and the Lyuli people. In addition, there are smaller groups of gypsies. There are several ethnographic groups of nomadic peoples in Europe. Their ...

Why did LOL infiltrate the language?
Post Date: 2011-04-10 03:45:44 by Tatarewicz
The internet slang term "LOL" (laughing out loud) has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary, to the mild dismay of language purists. But where did the term originate? And is it really a threat to our lexicon? "OMG! LOL's in the OED. LMAO!" If you find the above string of letters utterly unintelligible, you are clearly an internet "noob". Let me start again. Golly gosh! The popular initialism LOL (laughing out loud) has been inducted into the canon of the English language, the Oxford English Dictionary. Blimey! What is going on? The OED defines LOL as an interjection "used chiefly in electronic communications... to draw attention to a joke or ...

Anyone remember this?
Post Date: 2011-04-08 12:33:20 by James Deffenbach
Does anyone here remember reading or posting something about a black cop who got in trouble by saying something like (this is a parpahrase) "Niggers don't know how to act. You could put 2,000 white people there and there wouldn't have been any problem." I know I read it but don't remember exactly when or who posted it. Thanks.

The Official "yukon cyber-stalks 4um members" thread [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-04-05 15:31:13 by wudidiz
Title: Dicovered! Three Humongous Sphincters Source: Forum Dtetectives Services Poster Comment:Omg wtf is wrong with that guy? I have concerns that poor ole yuk may be losin it.

Sic Turtle on You?
Post Date: 2011-04-05 11:18:10 by Turtle
I had six emails saying something about siccing Turtle on people. I can't find the thread. I have no idea what this is about.

Operation: Soccer Escort
Post Date: 2011-04-04 19:36:18 by PSUSA
Original ad: I am in need of a reliable and SAFE driver to take my 10-year-old daughter home from after-school soccer practice starting in September and ending in late November. She needs to be taken from school in Exton to home in Bryn Mawr. It should take about an hour each day. You will be needed Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri. Looking for a safe driver with a clean driving record. E-mail at ***********@comcast.net with references. We can discuss compensation. Thanks! From Me to ************@comcast.net Good afternoon. My name is Mike Partlow and I am very interested in this job. I have a lot of experience driving under dangerous conditions and guarantee your daughter will arrive safely ...

Goldi Posted the IP of the person who allegedly "hacked" yukon and it's from the UK [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-04-04 18:49:11 by James Deffenbach
#907. To: ALL, yukon, Gatlin, 22Rifle, Internet sleuths (#906) I'm posting the IP of the person who hacked Yukon's posting file. password hacker (hacked yukon) Maybe someone can find him/her. Isn't there some legal precident for filing a lawsuit for doing that? Remember someone hacked Palin's email...and I think the guy went to jail, or something bad happened to him. Anyone Know? Goldi-Lox posted on 2011-04-04 17:54:56 ET Reply Trace Yeah, anyone could find out, at least for the # she claimed was the hacker's number. I imagine--and this is assuming that there were actually any "hacking" going on, the hacker would use a ...

Why is Internet Explorer still working when it was uninstalled? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-04-04 11:01:34 by F.A. Hayek Fan
I uninstalled it from "add or remove programs" in the control panel and it successfully uninstalled (or so it said), however, when I attempt to open a link from an e-mail, instead of the link opening in Firefox, it opens in IE as if it were never uninstalled. So how the heck is this happening when it was uninstalled and doesn't appear to even be on the computer? More importantly, how do I get rid of this POS program? I'm tired of fighting with it. Has anyone else experienced this?

Smiling Taiwanese chieftan meets non-smiling mainland counterpart
Post Date: 2011-04-04 08:23:31 by Tatarewicz
XI'AN, April 3 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese mainland's Taiwan affairs chief Wang Yi met with Wu Poh-hsiung, honorary chairman of Taiwan-based Kuomintang (KMT) Party, in Shaanxi Province Sunday. Wang, director of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, exchanged views with Wu on the development of cross-Strait relations. Wu is in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province, to attend a ceremony honoring Huangdi, or the Yellow Emperor, a legendary hero lived more than 4,000 years ago, who is considered to be the common ancestor of all Chinese people. Click for Full Text!

Why do people give a goddamn about what happens on other boards, and some fag calling himself "yukon"??
Post Date: 2011-04-03 14:08:43 by PSUSA
Just curious. I don't understand the fascination about some faggot and a jewess. Bozo and ignore thread are nice, but the question remains. And now, I present a nice picture. .

Yukon buthted out of the clothet, the door hit him in the ath and he had a hithy fit! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-04-03 13:11:06 by James Deffenbach
Dithcovered! Three Humongous Thpinkters

Turtle Savs a Yorkie
Post Date: 2011-04-02 13:36:54 by Turtle
A few days ago I was walking down the street when I saw my neighbor's Yorkie get run over by a truck (he had a gotten out through a hole in the fence). I picked up his corpse, knocked on their door and when they answered, announced, "Your dog ran over a truck." They took the poor little dead thing and thanked me. The woman said, "You're the guy who walks down the sidewalk with the same pug and different girls." The next day I was walking down the alley with my pug when I saw a Yorkie frolicing in their backyard. I knocked on their and asked, "You got a new dog?" "No, it's the same dog. He was just unconscious. He's fine." Turtle ...

Older Than Dirt Quiz :
Post Date: 2011-04-02 03:21:12 by Horse
Count all the ones that you remember not the ones you were told about Ratings at the bottom. 1.Candy cigarettes 2.Coffee shops with table side juke boxes 3.Home milk delivery in glass bottles 4. Party lines on the telephone 5.Newsreels before the movie 6.TV test patterns that came on at night after the last show and were there until TV shows started again in the morning. (there were only 3 channels [if you were fortunate]) 7. Peashooters 8. Howdy Doody 9. 45 RPM records 10.Hi-fi's 11. Metal ice trays with lever 12. Blue flashbulb 13.Cork popguns 14. Studebakers 15. Wash tub wringers If you remembered 0-3 = You're still young If you remembered 3-6 = You are getting ...

Cold water on home gardening
Post Date: 2011-04-02 01:54:21 by Tatarewicz
Comment following sustainable gardening article: Home By james999 | 03/28/11 gardening is too expensive and too time consuming for most people. By the time one pays for all that city water, one could buy a lot more food at the store. And that's very marginal considering that one gives all their time to raising the plants. Giving time is the operative word, too. Without a lot of time to kill, gardening at home is a joke. Hours spent in a garden bring far less than minimum wage. Pennies on the hour is more like it. Having a garden is more about killing weeds than raising food to eat. Having a house full of kids to do the weeding is important, otherwise, a home garden is a waste of time. ...

Footage seen before of japan Ufo, a better version, very high quality,
Post Date: 2011-04-01 15:24:31 by gengis gandhi

Merseyside sewer monster hunt, after mysterious beast seen on CCTV
Post Date: 2011-04-01 14:46:01 by gengis gandhi
video at link above. Merseyside sewer monster hunt, after mysterious beast seen on CCTV * * Apr 1 2011 * * * 0Share * * Monster Monster 300 TODAY we reveal shocking CCTV footage of "Messie" – a freakish animal which is kicking up a stink in Merseyside’s sewers. Terrified staff at North West water company United Utilities, whose close circuit cameras captured the mystery creature, said it was "far too big for a rat". The public were today urged to sniff out the pipe prowler dubbed "the most unusual sighting ever". The creature, which can clearly be seen standing upright on strong back legs, was filmed by engineers. It is believed the animal ...

Five Finger Death Punch: Bad Company
Post Date: 2011-04-01 13:50:14 by gengis gandhi

To anyone who owns a house:
Post Date: 2011-03-31 18:53:51 by Itistoolate
Do you have the ORIGINAL DEED? I don't, so I checked at the County Office and all they have is a "copy".

Judge Judy's MK-Ultra Breakdown?
Post Date: 2011-03-31 18:24:24 by gengis gandhi
Judge Judy's MK-Ultra Breakdown? Comments: * Important! Paul Drockton states Silver and Gold will Skyrocket in 2011 as the dollar fades! Click Here Judge Judy Gibberish Episode... As I stated in yesterday's article, the Satanic Psychopaths known as the Illuminati have a secret deal with the legions of hell. The Illuminati provide mortal bodies for various demons in exchange for the powers that these evil spirits purportedly provide. Using various techniques, they brutally traumatize their offspring while still in the mother's womb in order to train the unborn child to "dissociate", or mentally separate from the traumatic experience. This creates an amnesia wall, ...

I finally purchased something made in the US.
Post Date: 2011-03-31 18:10:54 by Itistoolate
It has been a couple years now but I found something:

Symbolism – The Origin of Knowledge
Post Date: 2011-03-31 14:14:24 by gengis gandhi
Symbolism – The Origin of Knowledge Posted on April 6, 2008 Filed Under Fake Culture, Society, Symbolism | 11 Comments Perception is a strange thing; it is unique to the individual yet at the same time is heavily influenced by our surroundings and society. Over the years my personal perspective is something I have struggled with again and again. It’s a ‘compatibility’ thing, very much to do with how I relate to the world. The way we relate to the world is heavily influenced by language. Language is not only a form of communication, but it shapes our very world – through ideas, beliefs, taboos and laws. In this age of materialistic reason – language has ...

2012 - A Message of Hope (Video)
Post Date: 2011-03-31 10:56:00 by christine
Poster Comment:kinda interesting...

Sally (Goldi-Lox) has Passed Away [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-03-30 01:33:00 by Jack
From Liberty Post: I have obtained some rather sad news. Sorry to report that Sally passed away in her sleep. The site will remain active through next billing cycle. Email advises that the services will be private. :(

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