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The Real Michael Brown? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2014-08-15 12:20:21 by Lod

Alleged idiot killer asked Siri to help him hide his roommate’s corpse
Post Date: 2014-08-14 19:35:03 by scrapper2
Siri is a lot of things to a lot of people, but we don’t think we’ve ever seen it as a potential accomplice to murder before. 9to5Mac has a nice roundup of news surrounding the trial of a Florida man whom prosecutors are alleging murdered his roommate and then asked Siri for some advice on how to dump the corpse. In court on Tuesday, prosecutors presented some fresh new evidence in the trial surrounding the alleged 2012 murder of University of Florida student Christian Aguilar by his roommate Pedro Bravo. As part of their case, prosecutors revealed that Bravo turned on Siri and told the personal assistant that “I need to hide my roommate.” As has been shown in earlier ...

The serious study of what’s funny
Post Date: 2014-08-14 07:52:37 by Tatarewicz
SwissInfo...Science of laughter Humour is a part of life, but very little is known about it scientifically. A Zurich psychology professor looks at what’s been discovered. (SRF Kulturplatz, swissinfo.ch) Despite the fact that humour is found in many aspect of life, it has only been the subject of serious scientific research for the past 30 years. University of Zurich professor Willibald Ruch is recognised as the most significant researcher in the field of humour within the German-speaking world. He explains how research has shown that humour can be used as a way of getting to know other people. Through its different manifestations we can collect information that helps us build an ...

Fastest Army Jeep on the planet!!
Post Date: 2014-08-14 02:27:22 by X-15
NO DOORS, NO SEAT BELTS, NO WINDSHIELD + 180MPH.... Someone's got some balls! This is what happens when you have a close ass race and no one wants to lift! The LSx Willys pairs up against a Z06 and a damn good race! A few other races with a C7 Supercharged Corvette and an FD Mazda RX7 featured as well!

Over 100,000 foreigners get German citizenship
Post Date: 2014-08-12 05:10:42 by Tatarewicz
Local de More than 100,000 foreigners gained German citizenship last year, with a large jump in the number of people from Italy and Ukraine becoming naturalized. There has also been a leap in the number of Brits and Americans getting German citizenship. Turks remain the most numerous to become German citizens, but numbers are falling sharply. Just under 28,000 Turkish people were naturalized in Germany in 2013, a decline of 16 percent on 2012, and down from a high of more than 100,000 in 1999. But other groups have made up the numbers, according to the figures from Federal Statistics Office. After Turkish people, the next three groups were Poles (5,466), Ukrainians (4,539) and Greeks ...

Swiss sex tourists slapped with seatbelt fine
Post Date: 2014-08-12 04:16:16 by Tatarewicz
Local es Three married Swiss couples who were having sex in a van when their driver was stopped by Ibiza policemen have been fined for not wearing their seatbelts. A routine breathalyser test on the Spanish party island of Ibiza didn’t go as expected for officers who stopped a van in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The driver wasn’t speeding, nor had he drunk a single drop of alcohol; but he was carrying six half-naked people having sex in the back of the van. Rather than caution them for public indecency, officers decided to fine each of them €200 ($270) for not wearing their seat belts. The Swiss couples willingly accepted to pay the penalty there and then, which ...

Mork went back to Ork
Post Date: 2014-08-11 19:42:37 by terry
Story at link Hard to believe he suffered from depression

This Is Water
Post Date: 2014-08-09 12:35:29 by X-15
There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says "Morning, boys. How's the water?" And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes "What the hell is water?" The point of the fish story is merely that the most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about. Stated as an English sentence, of course, this is just a banal platitude, but the fact is that in the day to day trenches of adult existence, banal platitudes can have a life or death importance. The plain fact is that you ...

Back from the Abyss
Post Date: 2014-08-07 09:37:01 by Stephen Lendman
Back from the Abyss by Stephen Lendman I've been ill and unable to do what I love best for 2 months. Yesterday, August 6, I came home for the first time since hospitalized on June 4. At the time, I posted a brief message on my blog site. I expected a few days of treatment. Then home to resume my writing and media work. Things didn't turn out that way. I owe my friends, colleagues and readers an explanation. Multiple problems developed. One rather serious one. Thankfully they were resolved. But it took time - 2 weeks at Northwestern Memorial Hospital followed by 6 weeks at Warren Barr rehab facility. The experience was life changing. I wondered at times if I'd ever be me ...

Back frof m the Abyss
Post Date: 2014-08-07 09:35:48 by Stephen Lendman
Back from the Abyss by Stephen Lendman I've been ill and unable to do what I love best for 2 months. Yesterday, August 6, I came home for the first time since hospitalized on June 4. At the time, I posted a brief message on my blog site. I expected a few days of treatment. Then home to resume my writing and media work. Things didn't turn out that way. I owe my friends, colleagues and readers an explanation. Multiple problems developed. One rather serious one. Thankfully they were resolved. But it took time - 2 weeks at Northwestern Memorial Hospital followed by 6 weeks at Warren Barr rehab facility. The experience was life changing. I wondered at times if I'd ever be me ...

Houston ape mimics human speech
Post Date: 2014-08-05 10:40:39 by X-15
A veteran Congresswoman called on President Barack Obama to unilaterally grant amnesty to the 11 million illegal immigrants ((edit-there's that damnable lie, AGAIN!)) currently living in the United States, in response to a report circulating in Washington that the White House is planning major executive action. Speaking on MSNBC’s “News Nation with Tamron Hall,” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, decried Republican efforts to craft a comprehensive immigration bill and said, “The president is only trying to lead…I would applaud the president because all we’re doing is taking a sore, bleeding sore, and watching it bleed, continue to be infected, and ...

Don't Speak
Post Date: 2014-08-05 03:21:53 by Lorie Meacham

Shepherds discover mysterious new lake in Gafsa, Tunisia but is the water radioactive?
Post Date: 2014-08-05 00:31:46 by Tatarewicz
http://news.com.au... A Tunisian lake has appeared out of nowhere, with signs saying don't swim. Miracle or curse? This lake, nicknamed Gasfa Beach, suddenly appeared three weeks ago Source: Facebook A LAKE that mysteriously appeared in a drought-stricken region of Tunisia last month is being hailed as a miracle by locals but may in fact be radioactive. Local shepherds discovered the large body of water along the Om Larayes Rd, about 25km from the southern Tunisian city of Gafsa, about three weeks ago, Since then, hundreds of people have flocked to the oasis-like formation dubbed “Lac de Gafsa” or Gafsa Beach. Families swim there, youths leap from surrounding rocks into ...

Mysterious Siberian Holes Now Classified As “Potential National Threat”
Post Date: 2014-08-04 23:57:29 by Tatarewicz
Sorcha Faal A stunning new report issued by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) on the mysterious “holes” recently discovered in two Siberian regions states that President Putin earlier today “administratively informed” both the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) and Institute of the Earth Cryosphere (IEC) that all information relating to this phenomenon is now classified as “Of Special Importance” due to its relation to what could “potentially be a national threat”. “Of Special Importance” is the highest security classification level and refers to information which, if released, would cause damage to the entire Russian Federation. ...

China probes two Canadians for stealing state secrets
Post Date: 2014-08-04 23:04:35 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Two Canadian nationals are under investigation for suspected theft of state secrets about China's military and national defense research, Chinese authorities said on Monday. The two suspects are Kevin Garratt and Julia Dawn Garratt. The State Security Bureau of Dandong City, northeast China's Liaoning Province, is now investigating the case in accordance with law.

The Real Me
Post Date: 2014-08-04 19:15:20 by Southern Style
Poster Comment:Just in that sort of mood... Btw, Pearl Jam has a killer cover of this song

Jews and Gun Control: A Reprise
Post Date: 2014-08-03 02:29:40 by X-15
The thorny issue of Jewish support for gun control has reared its head once more, this time in Washington State. The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle has called for the resignation of Brian Judy, a National Rifle Association lobbyist who reportedly linked gun control to that untouchable icon of Jewish victimhood, the Holocaust. At a news conference at the Federation’s Seattle headquarters, President Keith Dvorchik said Judy should resign for connecting an anti-gun ballot initiative to policies pursued by Nazi Germany. Dvorchik further demanded the national office of the NRA “make clear that it rejects his ignorant and unproductive dialogue.” Judy’s remarks first ...

Do plane crashes happen in threes? - yes, and sometimes in fours and fives
Post Date: 2014-08-02 23:41:34 by Tatarewicz
24 July 2014 Note:This an updated version of an article first published in February 2009 Since AirSafe.com was launched in 1996, the site has tracked fatal events and other significant events involving airline passengers. When these events occur, especially if two occur a just a few days apart, I sometimes get the "Do bad things like plane crashes always happen in threes?" question asked by visitors to the site, by members of the media, and by others. I used to just dismiss the question out of hand because events like plane crashes, especially those involving passenger airliners, are very rare, and the circumstances are usually very different for each crash, often involving ...

Russian Duma to ban officials from marrying foreigners
Post Date: 2014-08-02 07:41:37 by Tatarewicz
RT...After announcing possible amendments banning Russian officials from owning real estate and other property abroad, the State Duma is planning a ban on public servants marrying foreigners. The author of the bill, United Russia MP Evgeny Fyodorov has told the press that the document includes this restriction. “Wives and underage children of civil servants must also declare their property and cannot own property or real estate outside the Russian Federation. If a civil servant’s spouse is a foreigner, this person would not have the right to occupy the post. The officials will have to vacate their post if they wish to marry foreigners,” the Lifenews website quoted Fyodorov ...

Germany tops penis enlargement table
Post Date: 2014-08-02 07:21:40 by Tatarewicz
Local de...Germany is the world’s leader in penis enlargements, with five times as many people in the country undergoing the procedure than anywhere else in the world. Globally, Germany carries out the fourth highest amount of cosmetic surgery operations. Figures released by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, showed Germany performed 2,786 of the 15,000 penis enlargements across the globe in 2013. The second highest country, Venezuela, performed 473 while Iran, at the bottom of the chart, had 12. The German Centre for Urology and Phalloplasty Surgery says it has performed more than 6,000 enlargements. They claim they can extend the organ anywhere from three to ...

Race to be scrapped from Swedish legislation
Post Date: 2014-08-02 06:23:52 by Tatarewicz
The Swedish government announced that it plans to remove all mentions of race from Swedish legislation, saying that race is a social construct which should not be encouraged in law. 'The concept of race is a slippery slope': Ullenhag (01 Aug 14) "We know that different human races actually do not exist," Swedish Integration Minister Erik Ullenhag told Sveriges Television (SVT). "We also know that the fundamental grounds of racism are based on the belief that there are different races, and that belonging to a race makes people behave in a certain way, and that some races are better than others." SEE ALSO: The Local interviews Erik Ullenhag about removing ...

Huge Bavarian crop circle puzzles crowds
Post Date: 2014-08-02 05:47:02 by Tatarewicz
A mysterious crop circle in Bavaria has attracted thousands of visitors since it was spotted in a wheat field last week. Police: Bremen UFO 'was a model plane' (22 Jan 14) Crop circle feud leaves farmer fuming (26 Jul 12) Holiday hot-air balloons spark UFO alarms (02 Jan 09) The circle in Raisting, upper Bavaria, has a diameter of 75 metres and is formed of three rings. It was discovered last week by hot air balloonists and word quickly spread through internet forums of the find. “They sang, danced, played guitar... and slept in the field,” a woman who lives nearby said of the area’s new visitors to the site, the Süddeutsche Zeitung reported. Many visitors ...

Assault with iron pipe 'no hate crime':Swedish police
Post Date: 2014-08-02 04:20:02 by Tatarewicz
Local se Police in southern Sweden have concluded that a man who was beaten with an iron pipe for hanging an Israeli flag in his window was not a victim of a hate crime. In early July the 38-year-old man in Seved, Malmö, was severely assaulted when he ran out into the street after his window was smashed. Police initially classified the case as a hate crime, as the man had been hanging an Israeli flag in his window. The man said the flag had been there for over a year, and suspected that the true issue behind the smashed window was his social media activism against the Iranian regime. After hearing additional witnesses, the police have a new interpretation of events. Malmö ...

Lead in Teeth Holds Secrets of Person's Origins, Research Shows
Post Date: 2014-08-01 00:13:31 by Tatarewicz
Medscape... ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) - The lead in human teeth holds clues about where a person grew up and can help criminal investigators and archeologists working with old or decomposed corpses, according to a University of Florida researcher. Because lead ore deposits around the world differ, and as young people's teeth absorb traces of the metal in the environment, the region where a person grew up can be distinguished through lead analysis of a tooth, said geologist George Kamenov. His study on the topic will appear in the August issue of Science of The Total Environment, a peer-reviewed journal. "If you were born in Europe and then came to the U.S., yes, I will be able ...

Go Here to Feel Really, Really Smart
Post Date: 2014-07-31 07:53:36 by Lod

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