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Austin's the Only Fast Growing City in the Country Losing African-Americans
Post Date: 2014-05-17 23:41:49 by X-15
The overall Austin population exploded between 2000 and 2010, growing by more than 20 percent. But a University of Texas study [PDF] finds that Austin was the only U.S. city experiencing double-digit population growth that saw its African-American population not keep pace, but actually decline. "Among the ten fastest growing major cities in the United States, Austin stood out in one crucial respect: it was the only such city that suffered a net loss in its African- American population," says study author Dr. Eric Tang. "Indeed, between 2000 and 2010, Austin was a statistical outlier; it was the only major city in the United States to experience a double-digit rate of general ...

Glorifying Perversion
Post Date: 2014-05-17 09:37:12 by James Deffenbach
It is now established orthodoxy that not only must the homosexual lifestyle be “accepted” by all without question, but it must be glorified by all as well. The sports and entertainment media jumped the shark with Michael Sam’s celebrated kiss televised for all to see after learning he was drafted by an NFL team. But the kiss was not a one-off event, as it began to be replayed ad nauseam on sports media, particularly ESPN. Sam was lauded for his courage in “coming out.” But what courage is involved in riding the wave of popular culture? When he announced he was gay, he was invited to the White House by President Barack Obama. Sam had the example of NBA player Jason ...

Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult
Post Date: 2014-05-17 08:25:28 by James Deffenbach
Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult

Birds of Prey 4K (ULTRA HD) 60fps
Post Date: 2014-05-16 18:40:20 by James Deffenbach

Yosemite HD II
Post Date: 2014-05-16 18:34:39 by James Deffenbach

Gatlin says yukon was his "internet hero." Why am I not surprised?
Post Date: 2014-05-16 14:51:04 by James Deffenbach
This was in reply to another poster who said she never complained about yukon. It was not just you, there were others who never complained about him. I am among those. What Goldi said about yukon is of course true. He did move freely from thread to thread to counterattack those who constantly provoked and antagonized him for correcting misstatements, shining a bright light on untruths and sounding a clarion call directing attention to flat out lies. Goldi did warn him, but yukon continued to be relentless in the pursuit of truth and crusade against the evil voices of faux Patriots and faux Christians who were spreading garbage to promote their agenda and unfounded conspiracy theories ...

Recently Spotted 103-Year-Old Orca Is Bad News For SeaWorld -- Here's Why
Post Date: 2014-05-16 01:13:17 by X-15
SeaWorld could be in trouble because of “Granny,” the world’s oldest known living orca. The 103-year-old whale (also known as J2) was recently spotted off Canada’s western coast with her pod -- her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. But while the Granny sighting is thrilling for us, it’s problematic for SeaWorld. First of all, SeaWorld has claimed that “no one knows for sure how long killer whales live,” when simple figures or even living and thriving examples -- like Granny -- can give us a pretty good idea. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation project estimates that whales born in captivity only live to 4.5 years old, on average; many of ...

As Park Service Culls Deer in Washington, It Helps Fill Bellies
Post Date: 2014-05-14 17:35:58 by X-15
WASHINGTON — The government sharpshooters worked so efficiently in the dead of the night in Rock Creek Park that by the end of this year’s short killing season, they had shot 106 white-tailed deer. Make that 3,300 pounds of local venison turned into meatloaf, burgers and more for the surprised directors of homeless shelters and other charities across the capital. “I don’t think of Rock Creek Park as a hunting ground,” said Michelle Durham, program director of Rachael’s Women’s Center, speaking of the expanse of forest and ravines where President Theodore Roosevelt once rode horses. She said she was shocked to learn that a recent batch of venison served ...

Be careful with this message. Similar messages were used to steal people's personal information. Unless you trust the sender, don't click links or reply with personal information.
Post Date: 2014-05-12 23:16:09 by James Deffenbach
Message-ID #7935761 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = . Confirmation Email Serial 2215-13 Contact Person:Frits Philip TEL: +32-483-726-044 Reply To Email:nationalepostcode@aol.com Reference Nr.beg/2551256008/07, Batch N. 11/0125/IPp, Serial. 2215-13 Ticket N.X-1002793284-w, lucky N. 04-02-37-36-49-54-2-7, you have won Five MilIion E*U*R in the Nationale Postcode online sweepstakss program corporations, held 30th of April 2014. In Bruxelles Belgium. This email was sent to notify you officially about the award and to advise you to contact the processing office immediately for claim Reply to nationalepostcode@aol.com Note: all winning must be claim not later than 25th of May. ...

A very happy Mother's Day: Woman gives birth to rare 'mono mono' twins
Post Date: 2014-05-12 04:53:30 by Tatarewicz
An Ohio middle school math teacher was given an early Mother's Day present, giving birth to rare monoamniotic twin girls after spending nearly two months in the hospital. Sarah Thistlethwaite, from Orrville, Ohio, gave birth to the identical twins, Jenna and Jillian, on Friday. The girls, who were born holding hands, shared an amniotic sac and placenta — a rare occurrence that doctors say happens just once in every 10,000 pregnancies. “It's definitely, truly a miracle,” Thistlethwaite told WEWS-TV in Cleveland. Thistlethwaite had been hospitalized at Akron General Medical Center since March 14 after discovering the unborn twins' "mono mono" ...

Former Rains Co. deputy indicted on animal cruelty charge after shooting dog
Post Date: 2014-05-10 22:46:47 by X-15
RAINS COUNTY, TX (KLTV) - The former Rains County deputy who shot a dog after responding to a burglary call on April 18 has now been indicted on animal cruelty charges. According to the Rains County District Clerk's Office, 32-year-old Jerrod Dooley has been charged with a state jail felony, punishable by up to two years behind bars. Dooley was fired on April 24 after threats were made against him and the sheriff's office following the controversial incident. Dooley's attorney Peter Schulte said he would have had his client testify before the grand jury regarding the case and he's disappointed that did not happen. "This is clearly a political knee jerk reaction by ...

Texas police officer shoots dead 93-year-old woman
Post Date: 2014-05-09 07:36:32 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo News AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A small town Texas police officer responding to an emergency call about a female with a gun has been suspended for shooting dead a 93-year-old woman in her home, authorities said on Thursday. Hearne police officer Stephen Stem fatally shot Pearlie Golden, who was brandishing a firearm, the Robertson County District Attorney's Office said in a statement. "Officer Stem engaged the elderly female asking her to put down the weapon and then ultimately fired his own sidearm wounding Miss Golden, who later died at St. Joseph's Hospital," the statement said. The Texas Rangers have been called in to investigate the incident in the central ...

CNN Suggests Aliens Or Time Travelers Abducted Malaysia Airlines Flight 370; World Proceeds To Facepalm In Unison .
Post Date: 2014-05-08 20:30:53 by Lorie Meacham
That sound you just heard, that faint death rattle? That was journalism's last dying breath. Yup, the centuries old craft of reporting news finally kicked the f**king bucket! And, before you starting pointing any fingers, also us to direct your attention to this: CNN has been caught red handed. You know the enigma surrounding the missing Malaysian airplane? Those scruple-free newsmen and women have been milking that mystery for two months, but their 24/7 tragedy coverage might have finally just crossed the line! In a "scientific" poll they conducted, the cable news network asked fans and followers whether they thought Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was… wait for ...

Obama Accepts Putin’s Invitation To Drinking Contest For Control of Ukraine
Post Date: 2014-05-08 17:25:57 by Lorie Meacham
PARIS, France — The world diplomatic community was stunned today when U.S. President Barack Obama accepted Russian President Vladimir Putin’s challenge to a drinking contest. The stakes: control of Ukraine, which Russian troops invaded several months ago. The Paris talks between the U.S. and Russia have been ongoing since the invasion but have often been strained to the point of open hostility. But none of the assembled diplomats and journalists could have predicted a drinking contest between the two most powerful men in the world. As aides cleared most of the room, leaving few reporters and neutral diplomats as witnesses, many bottles of alcohol were brought in. The two men ...

A friend from Australia sent me this in email, I thought it was hilarious
Post Date: 2014-05-07 18:52:39 by James Deffenbach
Stewart and his wife Barbara go to the county fair every year, And every year Stewart would say, "Barbara, I'd like to ride in that helicopter" Barbara always replied, "I know Stewart, but that helicopter ride is seventy quid, and seventy quid is seventy quid!" One year later Stewart and Barbara went to the fair, and Stewart said, "Barbara, I'm 75 years old. If I don't ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance" To this, Barbara replied, "Stewart, that helicopter ride is seventy quid, and seventy quid is seventy quid" The pilot overheard the couple and said, "Folks I'll make you a deal. I'll take the both of ...

Farm dog saves little boy!!
Post Date: 2014-05-07 01:10:17 by X-15
Cooperstown, ND (WDAY TV) - A missing 3 year-old boy was located in Griggs County overnight, and authorities say his dog helped keep him warm during his disappearance. Authorities received a call from North Dakota State Radio, who received a 911 call saying a 3 year-old boy and the family dog, Cooper, were missing and unable to be located. The Cooperstown Fire Department, Cooperstown Ambulance and Binford Fire Department were dispatched to the scene, about 7 miles northwest of Cooperstown, to assist with the search. Authorities arrived on the scene and started to search on foot where the family left off. ATVs, riders on horseback and volunteers joined the search shortly after. The North ...

Hotel California
Post Date: 2014-05-05 18:09:11 by Lod

Quickest tapout in MMA James Gallagher SBG
Post Date: 2014-04-30 19:50:13 by James Deffenbach
Gallagher tweeted that McCooke told him he had a sore chest and was not able to fight. Poster Comment:I suspect that McCooke will not be working in any MMA org much longer.

China-German resource recycling center completed
Post Date: 2014-04-29 20:38:00 by Tatarewicz
QINGDAO, April 27 (Xinhua) -- A joint resource recycling project between China and Germany was completed on Sunday in east China's Qingdao City, as part of bilateral efforts for innovative research on clean water. The recycling center, in the garden for ongoing Qingdao International Horticultural Exhibition, is capable of treating 1,500 cubic meters of domestic sewage per day from washing, cooking or toilets, said operators of the center. The treated water will return to houses of residents through special pipes for toilet use or be used to irrigate urban plants. The silt treatment section of the center can process 50 cubic meters of silt and kitchen garbage per day, which can ...

Think this will make dead people stop voting in Chicago?
Post Date: 2014-04-29 19:19:04 by James Deffenbach

Grandma Still Drives
Post Date: 2014-04-29 11:09:46 by James Deffenbach
Grandma is 88 years old and still drives her own car. She writes: Dear Grand-daughter, the other day I went up to our local Christian book store and saw a 'Honk if you love Jesus' bumper sticker. I bought the sticker and put it on my bumper. Boy, am I glad I did; what an uplifting experience that followed. I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, just lost in thought about the Lord and how good He is, and I didn't notice that the light had changed. It is a good thing someone else loves Jesus because if he hadn't honked, I'd never have noticed. I found that lots of people love Jesus! While I was sitting there, the guy behind started honking like ...

This Swimmer Noticed A Shark Was Following Him; The Dolphins Noticed, Too
Post Date: 2014-04-29 08:30:16 by Tatarewicz
A group of dolphins apparently came to the aid of a British long-distance swimmer just in the nick of time. Adam Walker was on a 16-mile swim in the choppy waters of New Zealand's Cook Strait on April 22 when he spotted a great white shark beneath him, Yahoo! News reports. A pod of 10 dolphins quickly surrounded him and stayed by his side until the shark swam off. Walker posted images of his guardian dolphins on Facebook a day after the rigorous swim. "I'd like to think they were protecting me and guiding me home!!!" he wrote of his brief time with the dolphins. Post by Ocean Walker. Walker, who was swimming to raise proceeds for the nonprofit Whale and Dolphin ...

Police Brutality and Abuse is no Longer the Exception, It is the Norm.
Post Date: 2014-04-28 22:50:51 by Lorie Meacham
Not a day goes by without news of another case of police brutality or the abuse of power by officers, which begs the question: is this the new norm? There was a time when it was not so common to hear about abuse by the police, let alone see actual footage of the abuse taking place. But now in this age of technology, camera phones, video cameras and even squad car dash cams have made it possible for the general public to have access to the rampant abuse of power by law enforcement. As police brutality becomes more commonplace one is left to wonder if the public can ever really feel safe and protected by the very ones supposedly charged with that duty. It has been said that the supreme court ...

Unfortunate typos
Post Date: 2014-04-28 14:33:30 by James Deffenbach
This obituary for Knut, the baby polar bear: This headline on a flag-disposal story: This menu: This nerve-inducing prescription: This news item: This grocery ad: This receipt: This recipe: This weather forecast: This really awful real estate ad: This Sesame Street caption: This:

English Grammar For Dummies
Post Date: 2014-04-28 13:12:12 by James Deffenbach
“When i first come to America, my english did cause me problems. In Soviet Russia i was strong teacher, my english i know is the best in all of Petropavlovsk. My brother, Mikhail, he say to me, “Nikolai you go to America, they make you rich like czar, take many woman as lover, kill many bear”. My brother, he is very wise, is greatest toymaker in all of Russia. So next day i wake up, sell my house, say goodbye to wife and children, and go to America to become millionaire. Then in America, I go to job interview and they say to me “Nikolai, you are not for the job here, you are not the skills we need, your english is poor like child”. I take that man and smash his ...

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