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Time to Liberate Afghanistan
Post Date: 2019-09-02 07:42:56 by Ada
After 18 years of war in Afghanistan– America’s longest – US and Taliban negotiators are said to be close to an agreement that may see the withdrawal of many of the 14,000 US soldiers in that remote nation. That’s the official version. President Donald Trump keeps changing his mind about the number of US troops to be withdrawn. The latest version from the White House has 5,000 US troops remaining in Afghanistan as a permanent garrison to guard the major air bases at Bagram and Kandahar and protect the US-installed puppet Afghan government in Kabul. Without US troops to defend it, the Afghan regime of Ashraf Ghani would be swept away in days. Even Trump has admitted ...

Beware The Vengeance Of The Afghans
Post Date: 2019-09-01 09:05:15 by Ada
After 18 years of war in Afghanistan– America’s longest – US and Taliban negotiators are said to be close to an agreement that may see the withdrawal of many of the 14,000 US soldiers in that remote nation. That’s the official version. President Donald Trump keeps changing his mind about the number of US troops to be withdrawn. The latest version from the White House has 5,000 US troops remaining in Afghanistan as a permanent garrison to guard the major air bases at Bagram and Kandahar and protect the US-installed puppet Afghan government in Kabul. Without US troops to defend it, the Afghan regime of Ashraf Ghani would be swept away in days. Even Trump has admitted ...

Why You Should be Against War in China
Post Date: 2019-08-30 08:59:50 by Ada
The right-wing of the US is now overrun with paid shills claiming that it is a good thing for the Jewish-controlled US State Department to overthrow the government of China by instigating brutal terrorist riots in the Chinese province of Hong Kong. “Revolution now!” has been a big talking point on the Jewish website Breitbart, which is otherwise good on many issues. What is more shocking, however, is that this has infiltrated far-right circles, with many of these shills gaining traction even in our own comments section. I have written about how Pepe the Frog has appeared in Hong Kong, and that this was then shilled on 4chan to support the State Department terrorism there. ...

Tank Building: Swedish Tanks - World of Tanks
Post Date: 2019-08-29 19:35:42 by BTP Holdings
Swedish tanks were built with Scandinavian precision. They were expensive, high-quality, and produced in limited quantities. It may seem strange that a country that never fought in the 20th century managed to create their own tank building legacy. That is why we’re shining a spotlight on Poster Comment:On to Moscow!

Turkey fuming after Syrian airstrike on convoy in Islamist-held Idlib province
Post Date: 2019-08-19 09:12:21 by Ada
The Turkish Defense Ministry has condemned Syria for attacking its convoy in the Syrian province of Idlib. Damascus said the vehicles were transporting weapons and ammo to “terrorist forces.” Ankara said three people were killed and 12 others injured on Monday after the Syrian airstrike, which targeted a Turkish military convoy travelling between two observation points in northern Syria. The statement said all victims were civilians, without explaining how they were involved in a military operation. Ankara said the attack violated the agreement between Russia, Turkey and Iran, which paved the way to a relative de-escalation in the protracted war in Syria, the Turkish news ...

The War on White Supremacist Terror
Post Date: 2019-08-10 06:06:05 by Ada
If you enjoyed the global corporatocracy’s original War on Islamicist Terror, you’re going to love their latest spinoff, The War on White Supremacist Terror. It’s basically just like the old War on Terror, except that this time the bad guys are all white supremacists, and Donald Trump is Osama bin Laden … unless Putin is Osama bin Laden. OK, I’m not quite sure who’s Osama bin Laden. Whatever. The point is, the Terrorists are coming! Yes, that’s right, some racist psycho murdered a bunch of people in Texas, so it’s time to “take the gloves off” again, pass some new kind of Patriot Act, further curtail our civil liberties, and generally ...

Pentagon Uses Report to Lobby Against Bogus Syria Pullout
Post Date: 2019-08-09 07:50:54 by Ada
Report blames pullout that never happened for ISIS resurgence The Pentagon was very public about how much they opposed President Trump’s plan to withdraw from Syria last year. They’re still very opposed to it, and are trying to spin it as a mark of failure in Syria. There are big problems with this argument, the biggest of which is that the US never actually withdrew from Syria in the first place, so any report that suggests this mythical pullout caused other things to happen was necessarily flawed. Still, that didn’t stop the Pentagon from issuing a report that claimed that ISIS is making a comeback in Syria because of Trump’s withdrawal, which never actually ...

From 2006 to 2019: after failures in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, war is no longer an option for Israel
Post Date: 2019-08-06 08:58:43 by Ada
From 2006 to 2019: after failures in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, war is no longer an option for Israel During the summer war of 2006, Israel managed to destroy a large number of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile stocks. Most Hezbollah missile units were destroyed and, in the suburb of the capital Beirut, over 250 buildings (mainly but not exclusively hosting Hezbollah offices, warehouses and officers’ homes) were flattened by Israeli precision bombs targeting Hezbollah (and many civilians) in the suburbs of Beirut. Hundreds of houses were completely destroyed in the south of Lebanon. However, Israel was unable to fulfil its objectives due to the defeat of its infantry which ...

Breaking Report: Osama bin Laden’s Son and Heir Is Dead
Post Date: 2019-08-01 07:18:59 by BTP Holdings
Breaking Report: Osama bin Laden’s Son and Heir Is Dead Volume 90% By Joe Setyon Published July 31, 2019 at 11:13am The son of former al-Qaida leader and 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden is dead, according to intelligence obtained by American authorities, three U.S. officials told NBC News. “The officials would not provide details of where or when Hamza bin Laden died or if the U.S. played a role in his death,” NBC reported Wednesday afternoon. “It is unclear if the U.S. has confirmed his death,” the report said. Hamza bin Laden is believed to have been roughly 30 years of age. His “last known public statement was released by al Qaeda’s ...

Tulsi Gabbard’s Chance to Make the Race About the Wars
Post Date: 2019-07-30 07:52:52 by Ada
Don't waste it! Tulsi Gabbard, U.S. Representative from Hawaii, is running for president. She’s one of the only Democrats in the race who says anything meaningful or interesting about foreign policy. Unlike the rest of them, she’s decided to make it the center of her campaign. Gabbard was for Iraq War II before she was against it, serving two tours overseas during the war, one at Balad air base north of Baghdad and another in Kuwait. But she has done the very best thing she could do with that experience, and that is to use it to cover her right flank from hawks’ criticism about “weakness” while demanding retrenchment in the name of her colleagues in the ...

Trump: Afghan Invasion Bankrupted the Soviet Union
Post Date: 2019-07-27 10:49:49 by BTP Holdings
Trump: Afghan Invasion Bankrupted the Soviet Union Comments lead to media questioning war's well-documented history by Jason Ditz January 2, 2019 In comments Wednesday, President Trump caused a substantial stir in noting the Soviet Union’s collapse in the wake of their disastrous war in Afghanistan. This caused a flurry of backlash in the media questioning the historical accuracy of the statement. Trump said that the Soviet Union was bankrupted by the Afghan War, leading an official at the American Enterprise Institute claiming the cost of the war was “an insignificant portion of the Soviet GDP.” Of course, the Soviets didn’t literally declare bankruptcy at ...

No More Jewish Wars
Post Date: 2019-07-18 22:03:14 by Tatarewicz
PMF... ISRAEL is not sacred. Jews are not sacred. Iran is not a threat to the people of the United States. Russia is not a threat to the people of the United States. No more Jewish wars. These words need to be written, shouted, printed, published, and repeated again and again and again until the American people understand how they’re being manipulated and refuse to send their sons to die in any more of Israel’s wars. Israel is not sacred. Conservatives especially need to be jolted awake and see how they are being used to send their own brothers and sons and even daughters to die in the filthy sand for nothing. They wrote a new version of your Bible, Christians. The Scofield ...

Rep. McCaul Struggles to Keep War On Terror Alive
Post Date: 2019-07-16 09:18:14 by Ada
Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, minority leader of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is struggling to keep Bush’s unconstitutional AUMF in place. If the no-end-in-sight “war on terror” is to continue and the AUMF is to remain embedded in the NDAA, McCaul must defeat the enemies of forever war. Click for Full Text!

Cholera Rips Through War-Torn Yemen: Nears 500,000 Cases In 2019
Post Date: 2019-07-11 17:25:37 by Horse
As the UAE announced this week it would withdraw its forces from Yemen as a longtime lead country in the Saudi coalition which has fought Houthi rebels since 2015, the United Nations issued a damning report on what it previously dubbed the "world's worst humanitarian crisis" and what many analysts have described as the "forgotten war," due to the little coverage it receives in the mainstream media. War-ravaged Yemen has seen more than than 460,000 suspected cholera cases so far this year, which is significantly higher that the total number for all of 2018, at 380,000 — the UN stated early this week. This as the over four-year long war is has reached casualty ...

June 2001 Bioterror Exercise Foreshadowed 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks
Post Date: 2019-07-10 08:33:31 by Ada
Coincidence … Or Something More? On June 22-23, 2001 – some 3 months before 9/11, and 4 months before the Anthrax attacks – the U.S. military held a senior-level war game at Andrews Air Force Base called Dark Winter. The scenario of this bio-terrorism drill was designed to simulate a smallpox attack in three states. Numerous congressmen, former CIA director James Woolsey, New York Times reporter Judith Miller (who pushed the Iraq WMD myth, as well as the false link between Iraq and the Anthrax attacks), and anti-terror official Jerome Hauer all participated in the exercise. As a part of this war game, scripted TV news clips were made to help make this drill as realistic ...

US Carries Out Cyber-Attacks on Iran
Post Date: 2019-06-23 16:05:18 by Ada
U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told the Associated Press on Saturday that the U.S. military launched cyber-attacks on Iran after the downing of an unmanned U.S. surveillance drone in Iranian airspace on Thursday. Two officials said the cyber-attacks were approved by President Trump, another official outlined the scope of the attacks. According to the officials, the cyber-attacks – a contingency plan developed over weeks amid escalating tensions – disabled Iranian computer systems that control its missile and rocket launchers. The attacks specifically targeted Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps(IRGC) computer system. Earlier in the year, the ...

A Winnable Nuclear War?
Post Date: 2019-06-21 08:08:35 by Ada
New Pentagon document shows US military thinks so The Pentagon document laying out the US doctrine of nuclear operations was publicly available for about a week, then made ‘official use only.’ What’s inside is a chilling reminder that Washington sees nuclear war as winnable. “Nuclear Operations,” or Joint Publication 3-72, was dated on June 11 and made private since, but not before it was downloaded by Steven Aftergood, an activist at the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). It is currently available on the FAS website as a PDF. The publication “provides fundamental principles and guidance to plan, execute, and assess nuclear operations.” The rest ...

Malware and the War on Russia
Post Date: 2019-06-16 21:25:41 by Ada
Buried in their hubris and a false sense of superiority, the global elite actually believes they can roll over Russia and reduce it to a neoliberal vassal state. This illusion may soon result in war and the destruction of civilization. On Saturday, The New York Times reported the US Cyber Command “is reportedly going on offense against Russia’s power grid by placing ‘potentially crippling malware’ in its systems. Click for Full Text!

US Wipes Out Afghan Security Forces Unit in Major Friendly Fire Incident
Post Date: 2019-06-14 07:29:40 by Ada
Second major friendly fire incident by US in Afghanistan in a month For the second time in less than a month, US forces carried out airstrikes “in self defense” in Afghanistan, only to discover that they were actually attacking Afghan security forces. The Wednesday strike ended up wiping out an entire unit, though officials have yet to disclose the exact number of deaths, beyond it apparently being everyone present. The previous attack saw US ground troops believing they were under fire, and the warplanes attacking police, killing 18. In this case, too, US officials said they believed the troops came under fire, and the airstrikes targeted the Afghan forces, who had been ...

In the Western Media Narrative, SAA-Targeted Underground Bunkers and Terrorist-Run Prisons Become “Hospitals”
Post Date: 2019-06-11 10:06:29 by Ada
We should not allow ourselves to be collectively hypnotized into believing the media hype that would portray armed-group murderers as heroes, and the Syrian people and government struggling to expel them from their country as the villains. IDLIB PROVINCE, SYRIA (Report) — In recently liberated Qalaat Al Madiq — 500 meters from As Suqaylabiyah, a predominantly Christian town near Syria’s embattled Idlib province — the White Helmets, a controversial rescue group financed primarily by the U.K. Foreign Office, was found to have an established presence in a network of tunnels. The tunnels zigzagged under a former wheat factory that had since been converted into a ...

The Generals Won’t Save Us From the Next War
Post Date: 2019-06-10 06:50:37 by Ada
The brass are careerists, never punished for their mistakes, quietly assenting to the latest doomed interventions. Poll after poll indicates that the only pubic institution Americans still trust is the military. Not Congress, not the presidency, not the Supreme Court, the church, or the media. Just the American war machine. But perhaps that faith in the U.S. Armed Forces is misplaced. I got to thinking about this recently after I wrote articles calling for dissent among military leaders in order to stop what seems to be a likely forthcoming war with Iran. While I still believe that dissent in the ranks stands the best chance of galvanizing an apathetic public against an ill-advised, ...

Whitewashing War Crimes Has Become the American Way
Post Date: 2019-06-08 05:35:55 by Ada
Just after dawn on March 16, 1968, a company of U.S. Army infantrymen, led by Capt. Ernest Medina and spearheaded by Lt. William Calley, entered the small hamlet of My Lai in Quang Ngai province, South Vietnam. The villagers, mostly women and children, had no idea what was coming that day. If they had, they’d have fled. Despite facing zero resistance and finding only a few weapons, Calley ordered his men to execute the entire population. In all, some 500 Vietnamese civilians were executed, including more than 350 women, children and babies. Other senior leaders in the chain of command had advised the soldiers of Charlie Company that all people in the village should be considered ...

Times Square Terror Plot: Inspired by Bin Laden, Man Planned Bombing, Officials Say
Post Date: 2019-06-07 19:49:53 by BTP Holdings
Times Square Terror Plot: Inspired by Bin Laden, Man Planned Bombing, Officials Say William K. Rashbaum and Michael Gold 38 mins ago © Provided by The New York Times Company Ashiqul Alam, 22, was charged Friday with purchasing firearms with obliterated serial numbers. Prosecutors said he aspired to be a terrorist. Around the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks last year, Ashiqul Alam voiced his admiration for their mastermind, Osama bin Laden, and said he wanted to carry on Bin Laden’s legacy of violent extremism, court documents said. “He did what he is supposed to do,” Mr. Alam, 22, said, according to a criminal complaint. “Now it’s up to us.” ...

Memorial Day
Post Date: 2019-05-27 12:27:44 by boonie rat
Memorial Day Memorial Day is their day, isn't it? It is supposed to be the day a grateful nation pauses to quietly thank the more than one million men and women who have died in military service to their country since the Revolutionary War. Or is it the day the beach resorts kick into high gear for the summer season, the day the strand is covered by fish-belly white people basting themselves in coconut oil, the day the off-season rates end and the weekend you can't get in a seaside seafood restaurant with anything less than a one hour wait. Or is is one of the biggest shopping center sales days of the year, a day when hunting for a parking space is the prime sport for the holiday ...

Trump's latest pardon is an implicit endorsement of war crimes
Post Date: 2019-05-12 08:24:37 by Ada
In the spring of 2008, former Army 1st Lt. Michael Behenna was in Iraq, where he and his platoon were charged with transporting for release a suspect named Ali Mansur Mohamed. Military intelligence thought Mansur was linked to a recent IED attack which killed two American soldiers, but, lacking evidence to tie him to terrorism after days of questioning, they had to let him go. Behenna did not find that satisfactory, and his platoon stopped at a bridge for some questioning of their own. With another soldier, Behenna blindfolded Mansur and cut off all his clothes with a knife. They removed his handcuffs. Then Behenna shot him twice, before allegedly ordering the other soldier to use a ...

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