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Taliban Slaughter Elite Afghan Troops, as ‘Safe’ District Is Falling
Post Date: 2018-11-13 08:10:51 by Ada
Even reinforcements aren't keeping Ghazni district safe With the Taliban carrying out offensives against several provinces around the country at any given time, the Afghan government has been forced to prioritize who gets reinforcements. This weekend, that meant sending special forces to the Jaghori District of Ghazni. The Shi’ite dominated district was long seen as “safe.” That’s not panning out, however, as the Taliban are not only routing Shi’ite militias, but defeating the reinforcements as well, killing at least 25 commandos and continuing to advance deeper into the district. On the surface, the district is only important in that it gives the Taliban a ...

Will the War Stories Ever End?
Post Date: 2018-11-12 09:23:20 by Ada
Death-by-ally: now that, by definition, is a fate from hell. You might at least imagine that such “insider attacks” – in which a member of the Afghan security forces turns his weapon on his American or NATO trainers or advisers and tries to gun them down – would be the rarest of events. After all, if you’re an armed Afghan who decides to try to kill such an ally, you have to be aware that you’re almost assuredly committing suicide. You have a moment to fire and then, in that armed environment, you’re likely to be dead. And yet those attacks, which started in 2007-2008 with four American deaths, peaked in 2012 with dozens of them, and by 2017 had resulted ...

US Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan Killed 500,000 People
Post Date: 2018-11-11 09:15:17 by Ada
Over 60,000 US troops either killed or wounded in conflicts Brown University has released a new study on the cost in lives of America’s Post-9/11 Wars, in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The study estimates between 480,000 and 507,000 people were killed in the course of the three conflicts. This includes combatant deaths and civilian deaths in fighting and war violence. Civilians make up over half of the roughly 500,000 killed, with both opposition fighters and US-backed foreign military forces each sustaining in excess of 100,000 deaths as well. This is admittedly a dramatic under-report of people killed in the wars, as it only attempts to calculate those killed directly in war ...

North Korea Warns They’ll Return to Nuke Development If Sanctions Aren’t Lifted
Post Date: 2018-11-05 17:39:23 by hondo68
Pompeo: No sanctions lifted until US achieves 'ultimate goals' Over the weekend, North Korea issued a statement warning that they will “seriously consider” returning to the development on nuclear weapons if the US continues to refuse to ease economic sanctions against them. Since North Korea halted nuclear testing and has made substantial diplomatic progress, many nations have advocated for some early sanctions relief, but so far every such effort has been blocked by the US. North Korea is growing increasingly impatient with that, and with the Trump Administration refusing to reach a peace treaty with them. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dismissed the threats, and ...

Syrian War Report – November 5, 2018: Former US-backed Militants Switch Sides In Conflict
Post Date: 2018-11-05 11:35:17 by Ada
Former members of US-backed militant groups are joining forces with the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, operating in Syria, the WSJ reported on November 1. According to the report, approximately 2,000 fighters had joined the forces and have even started receiving salaries. The WSJ claimed that it was due to losing funding from the US. However, the reason pointed out by local experts is that the US strategy in Syria had lost credit even in the eyes of some of its own proxies. In the period from 2016 to 2018, thousands of former members of militant groups had reconciled with the Damascus government. A notable part of them is now serving in the newly formed units of the Syrian military, for ...

After 17 years of war, top US commander in Afghanistan admits Taliban cannot be defeated
Post Date: 2018-11-02 10:36:03 by Ada
The Afghanistan war cannot be won militarily and peace will only be achieved through a political resolution with the Taliban, the newly-appointed American general in charge of US and NATO operations has conceded. In his first interview since taking command of NATO’s Resolute Support mission in September, Gen. Austin Scott Miller provided NBC News with a surprisingly candid assessment of the seemingly never-ending conflict, which began with the US invasion of Afghanistan in October, 2001. “This is not going to be won militarily. This is going to a political solution," Miller said. He mused that the Taliban is also tired of fighting and may be interested in starting to ...

The Forever Prisoners of the US’s Forever War
Post Date: 2018-10-29 09:12:10 by Ada
November 2018 marks the centenary of the end of World War I, “the war to end all wars.” Meanwhile, this month, the 17th anniversary of the US-led war in Afghanistan came and went quietly, yet it far exceeds the combined length of the 20th century’s two World Wars, and the US government still uses the invasion of the country in its launch of the “global war on terror” to justify detaining hundreds of people without charge or trial. In the Beginning In the early years of the war in Afghanistan, thousands of men, women and children were taken prisoner. Afghan militias allied to the US or in joint US-militia efforts killed many. Thousands of others simply ...

Quagmire: What the Attack on General Miller in Afghanistan Tells Us
Post Date: 2018-10-22 07:27:27 by Ada
This week, the Taliban ambushed the latest senior U.S. commander in Afghanistan – General Miller. Though he was unhurt, senior Afghan officials were killed. I knew one of them – General Raziq – and he might just have been a war criminal…that’s instructive. This week, the Taliban demonstrated – once again – that they can strike where and when they choose. The target was General Miller, the top US commander in Afghanistan, as well as some senior Afghan security officials. It was a close call, but General Miller was unhurt. The same can not be said for three top Afghan security leaders who were killed or the two American soldiers wounded in the crossfire. ...

Evil Mutant Death Walrus
Post Date: 2018-10-21 23:26:02 by hondo68
The time has come the Walrus said for us to bomb Iran Come on Mister Billionaire you are a bigly man Sign the order load the nukes and drop ‘em on Tehran Don’t let ‘em say that you are weak Show the world who’s got the biggest hands Come on dance with me you sexy thing Feel the rush that Armageddon brings So hit that button and let freedom ring ring ring ring yeah The Walrus and the Billionaire set out to start a war They brought along a Mad Dog and a press room fulla whores Holdin’ hands Clickin’ heels Skippin’ down that red brick road They laughed like kids on Christmas and got hard-ons as they filled the sky with drones We’ll kill the world and ...

Iranian Missiles Destroy ISIS Headquarters Next to American Base in Syria
Post Date: 2018-10-21 00:22:37 by Tatarewicz
PMF... Earlier this week, Iran launched seven drones and six precision-strike ballistic missiles on several terrorist targets in Syria’s Abu Kamal region in retaliation for a September 22 attack in Ahvaz that left 25 people dead. Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani stated that Iranian rocket strikes on militants in Syria hit a target several kilometers away from the position of US troops, Tasnim news agency reported on Wednesday. “Our aerospace forces sent you [the Americans] an important signal when they fired rockets at facilities three miles [about 5 km] from you,” said Shamkhani. He also suggested that the United States ...

The first officially recognized by USA. US Lt. Col. Nehring killed in Su-27 crash in Ukraine Vinnytsia region
Post Date: 2018-10-20 05:37:16 by Tatarewicz
The first officially recognized by USA. US Lt. Col. Nehring killed in Su-27 crash in Ukraine Vinnytsia region Started by USC, Oct 18 2018 03:10 AM Reply to this topic 4 replies to this topic PMF... An Ukrainian SU-27 fighter lands during an air force exercise at Starokostyantyniv military airbase on Oct. 12, 2018. Photo by AFP U.S. Lieutenant Colonel Seth “Jethro” Nehring has been killed in the crash of a Su-27 fighter aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force during the Clear Sky 2018 exercise in Vinnytsia region, according to the Facebook page of the 144th Fighter Wing, a unit of the California Air National Guard. “It’s with a heavy heart we share the news that we lost ...

Mass Immigration as a Form of Warfare
Post Date: 2018-10-19 13:51:20 by GreyLmist
23.25 minute video viewable at YouTube - Expletives warning. Sources available in the YouTube Description section. + this source for the 2010 doc referenced @ 1:06 Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive - Naval Postgraduate School DSpace Repository Faculty and Researchers Collection [Dudley Knox Library] Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement as an Instrument of Coercion; Strategic Insights, v. 9, issue 1 (Spring-Summer 2010) Greenhill, Kelly M. (Monterey, California. [NPS] Naval Postgraduate School, 2010); pp. 116-159. [YouTube video source to be posted here separately for dimensional editing purposes, if necessary.] Poster ...

Trident Juncture 2018 Is About to Kick Off: NATO’s Big War Games Near Russia’s Borders Never End
Post Date: 2018-10-13 19:56:27 by hondo68
The NATO-led Trident Juncture 2018 (TRJE18) exercise that is to be held in October and November is the largest massive and coordinated show of force since the Cold War. It will primarily be hosted by Norway. The training event will largely take place in the central and eastern parts of this Nordic country that neighbors Russia, as well as over the skies and in the seas of Sweden and Finland. The maritime component will be conducted in the surrounding areas of the North Atlantic and in the Baltic Sea. TRJE18-related activities will take place as far away as Iceland. Russia has been invited to send observers to watch the exercise. Actually, TRJE18 consists of three parts. The deployment phase ...

Forgotten FBI Anti-Terrorism Entrapment Debacles
Post Date: 2018-10-12 08:32:48 by Ada
The owner of the limousine company that killed 20 people in New York last weekend was an FBI informant who helped carry out two big entrapment operations against Muslims after 9/11. Prior to being recruited by the FBI, he was caught helping people cheat on DMV tests. Before that, he was arrested for murder in Pakistan but escaped after someone bribed police. FBI officially permits its informants to commit 5000+ crimes a year. But running an illegal limousine service that kills 20 people was probably not pre-approved. Actually, the FBI provided luxury cars to help get this business started in 2008. Here’s a piece I did 14 years ago on FBI and Justice Department entrapment and other ...

Citizens’ report shines light on NC role in CIA torture program
Post Date: 2018-10-12 07:49:00 by Ada
When the U.S government betrays American values, what is the best response? It’s Americans standing up for those values. When that stops happening, the nation – or at least the moral, honest, humane nation we know – stops existing. Fortunately for America, a persistent and uncompromising group in North Carolina has insisted that the government acknowledge its violation of American values and make amends regarding the use of rendition and torture after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. That group refuses to forget what the Bush and Obama administrations hoped would disappear under claims of self-defense or a desire to move on. When the government wouldn’t take ...

Israeli strikes in Syria to continue despite S-300 delivery, Netanyahu says
Post Date: 2018-10-09 23:29:26 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has informed Russian officials that the Tel Aviv will continue to hit targets inside Syria, irrespective of Moscow’s decision to deliver advanced S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to the Damascus government. Speaking at a press conference in Jerusalem al-Quds on Tuesday, Netanyahu said he had told Russian Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov that Israel would continue to fight what he charged as Iran’s attempts to deepen its military presence in Syria and transfer weapons to the fighters of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement. The Israeli prime minister added that he believed that the current dispute between ...

The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia
Post Date: 2018-10-05 07:48:26 by Ada
A new State Department report makes the grim reality clear. Yet interventionists don't want to change a thing.) While Saddam Hussein’s alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction was the main selling point for the 2003 Iraq war, ending the dictator’s many human rights abuses was another key rationale. And chief among those abuses was Saddam’s “rape rooms.” “Every woman in Iraq is better off because the rape rooms and torture chambers of Saddam Hussein are forever closed,” said President George W. Bush in 2004, one year after the U.S. intervention. The president and his administration went on to make this proclamation many times. Realists and ...

11 confirmed dead in US transport plane crash in Afghanistan
Post Date: 2018-10-03 19:14:25 by hondo68
C-130 Hercules airplane. © U.S. Air Force / Reuters An American C-130 transport plane has crashed in Afghanistan, killing at least 11 people, a US defense official has said. Among the dead are several US troop members and contracted civilians whose nationalities have not been disclosed. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for shooting down the C-130, according to AFP. However, this information has not yet been confirmed, and US authorities previously denied any hostile engagement.“Our mujahideen have shot down a four-engine US aircraft in Jalalabad,” AFP cited Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid as saying. “Based on credible information, 15 invading forces and a ...

US Would Preemptively Destroy Russian Warheads, Envoy Warns
Post Date: 2018-10-03 07:38:15 by Ada
Russian officials warn such threats are irresponsible US Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison appeared to threaten war against Russia in comments Tuesday, saying the US was prepared to preemptively “take out” certain Russian missiles that the US objects to Russia having. Hutchison added that Russia was “on notice” that the US was prepared to launch preemptive military strikes against them, and would not allow Russia to keep any missiles that the US believes are in violation of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty. Attacking Russia would be a serious isue, whether or not US officials believe they have a treaty pretext to justify it. Russian officials were ...

IRGC Launches Missile Strikes on Terrorists in Syria in Revenge for Ahwaz Attack
Post Date: 2018-10-02 02:56:26 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) fired 6 ballistic ground-to-ground missiles and launched drone attacks on terrorists' positions in Eastern Euphrates region in Eastern Syria in revenge for the September 22 Takfiri terrorist attacks in Ahwaz city which killed dozens of Iranian people. During the operations codenamed Zarbat-e Moharram (Blow of Moharram) carried out at 2:00 AM (local time) on Monday the headquarters of Takfiri terrorists near Albu Kamal region in Eastern Euphrates was attacked from Kermanshah province in Western Iran, 570km away from the targets. The missiles were of Zolfaqar and Qiam classes with ranges of respectively 750km and 800km. At least ...

Pakistan Is Russia's New Unlikely Friend
Post Date: 2018-09-29 10:13:54 by Ada
Russia has already sold attack helicopters to Pakistan, signed a pact to train Pakistani officers, and held joint training exercises. All developments unthinkable two decades ago, and yet more is coming If Rudyard Kipling met Vladimir Putin, he’d have a stern word for that unsportsmanlike Russian chap. How dare he put his hands on Pakistan! Doesn’t he know the rules of the “Great Game” of the late nineteenth century, when Britain feared that Russian armies would advance out of Central Asia to overrun British-controlled India (which then included modern-day Pakistan)? But the rules have changed. India, once a Russian ally, is buying weapons from America. And ...

Syrian government forces will liberate Idlib from terrorists: Deputy FM
Post Date: 2018-09-26 04:58:01 by Tatarewicz
Presstv... A high-ranking Syrian official says government forces will eventually defeat foreign-sponsored Takfiri militants operating in the country’s northwestern province of Idlib, and will retake the territory either through military operations or peaceful means. Speaking in an exclusive interview with the pro-government and Arabic-language al-Watan newspaper, Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad described the Turkish-Russian Idlib deal as part of a wider diplomatic track, which led to the creation of demilitarized de-escalation areas that later returned to the state rule. “As we were victorious in every part of Syria we will be victorious in Idlib and the message is very ...

The United States of America – The Real Reason Why They Are Never Winning Their Wars
Post Date: 2018-09-25 14:55:23 by Ada
This essay is inspired by Professor James Petras’s article, describing that the US never wins wars despite trillions of investments in her war budget and obvious military superiority. Professor Petras is of course right, the United States is currently engaged in seven bloody wars around the globe (Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Libya) and has not been winning one, including WWII. The question is: Why is that? To these wars, you may want to add the totally destructive and human rights adverse war that literally slaughters unarmed civilians, including thousands of children, in an open-air prison, Gaza, the US proxy war on Palestine, carried out by Israel; plus, ...

US Threatens War Against Iran If ‘American Interests’ Are Targeted
Post Date: 2018-09-25 06:15:43 by Ada
Pompeo vows to hold Iran 'accountable' as tensions soar Tensions between the US and Iran have been on the rise in the past several days, with Iran blaming US-backed groups for a Saturday terrorist attack, and Trump aide Rudolph Giuliani vowing an impending US-imposed regime change against Iran the same day. With talk of Iran doing something in retaliation for the terror attack, Secretary of State Mike Po9mpeo is now leading US comments threatening war against Iran, if the Iranians target any sort of “American interests.” “We will not let Iran get away with using a proxy force to attack an American interest,” Pompeo insisted, adding when asked about military ...

Putin Keeps Cool and Averts WWIII as Israeli-French Gamble in Syria Backfires Spectacularly
Post Date: 2018-09-22 10:07:48 by Ada
By initiating an attack on the Syrian province of Latakia, home to the Russia- operated Khmeimim Air Base, Israel, France and the United States certainly understood they were flirting with disaster. Yet they went ahead with the operation anyways. On the pretext that Iran was preparing to deliver a shipment of weapon production systems to Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israeli F-16s, backed by French missile launches in the Mediterranean, destroyed what is alleged to have been a Syrian Army ammunition depot. Click for Full Text!

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