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US-led Coalition Drops Leaflets Warning Syrian Army Not To Approach Al-Tanf Town
Post Date: 2017-05-29 07:57:03 by Tatarewicz
South Front... The US-led coalition warplanes dropped warning leaflets on the Al-Tanf road after Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advanced to the Shehmi area, 55 km from Al-Tanf town. The leaflets warned the SAA from continuing its advance and asked it to withdraw to the Zaza Triangle. They also included sectarian expressions, according to local sources. According to the Syrian TV, the SAA managed to advance in the vicinity of the Scientific Research area in the eastern desert in the Suweida countryside. The SAA also repelled an attack of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the same area. The US-led forces used Switchblade suicide drones again, and also targeted the SAA positions with Grad ...

Memorial Day Ignores the Horrors of Endless US Aggression
Post Date: 2017-05-29 07:34:38 by Stephen Lendman
Memorial Day Ignores the Horrors of Endless US Aggression by Stephen Lendman Deplorable US history is belligerent, ruthless, immoral, defiant of rule of law principles and democratic values while feigning high-mindedness. America glorifies wars and violence in the name of peace, perpetually at war with invented enemies, pacifism considered unpatriotic, civil and human rights obstacles to its imperial aims. Neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post editors deplorably blustered “(t)oday, let us remember those who acted selflessly. THEY DIED for you.” They died in vain, lives wasted, sent to battle on false pretenses - in pursuit of US imperial aims for unchallenged global dominance, ...

Libya: A US-Created Terrorist Haven
Post Date: 2017-05-28 08:16:05 by Stephen Lendman
Libya: A US-Created Terrorist Haven by Stephen Lendman US-led NATO aggression on Libya raped and destroyed its sovereign independence - one of history’s great crimes. Africa’s developed nation was transformed into a cauldron of failed state, terrorist-infested violence, chaos, deep poverty, mass unemployment, and devastating human misery. Libya was Obama’s war, launched in 2011, orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. Her remark after hearing of Muammar Gaddafi’s death, saying “(w)e came, we saw, he died” alone will long define her pure evil. Claiming Washington’s aim was humanitarian intervention to establish democratic governance was pure subterfuge, the ...

Syria Calls on UN to Halt US-Led Terror-Bombing
Post Date: 2017-05-28 07:51:31 by Stephen Lendman
Syria Calls on UN to Halt US-Led Terror-Bombing by Stephen Lendman Since September 2014, US-led coalition warplanes have been terror-bombing Syrian infrastructure, government sites, and at least twice striking its military - on the phony pretext of combating ISIS. Thousands of civilians in harm’s way were massacred, more killed virtually daily, media scoundrels ignoring the carnage. Numerous previous Damascus Foreign Ministry letters sent to UN authorities fell on deaf ears - the latest in response to US-led coalition warplanes terror-bombing al-Mayadeen city in the Deir Ezzor countryside, massacring dozens of civilians, including women and children, injuring many more - a high ...

Another AUMF Introduced
Post Date: 2017-05-27 07:26:44 by Stephen Lendman
Another AUMF Introduced by Stephen Lendman Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) empowering the president to use all “necessary and appropriate force” in response to 9/11 unleashed endless wars on humanity at home and abroad. Senators Jeff Flake (R. AZ) and Tim Kaine (D. VA) introduced new AUMF legislation on the phony pretext of combating ISIS, al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Earlier, Rep. Adam Schiff (D. CA) introduced a similar House measure. So did Flake and Kaine in mid-2015. On Thursday, a joint statement by both senators claimed “numerous terrorist organizations” like ISIS didn’t exist in 2001 - without explaining US responsibility for creating them ...

US Is Killing More Civilians in Syria Air War Than Assad Is
Post Date: 2017-05-27 07:10:35 by Ada
US Coalition Strikes Are Causing Soaring Casualties Exemplified by the hundred and some odd people they’ve killed in the last 48 hours, the US is struggling mightily with the narrative that they are taking extraordinary care to limit the number of civilian casualties in the air war in Syria, and are rapidly losing any pretense of a moral high ground. Indeed, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is noting that the soaring death toll from US airstrikes has now surpassed the civilian toll of the Assad government’s own airstrikes, which the US and other Western nations have condemned as indiscriminate and irresponsible. Oftentimes, US officials have been so outraged at ...

Trump's Phony War on Terror
Post Date: 2017-05-26 08:15:06 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Phony War on Terror by Stephen Lendman America’s war on terror is a colossal hoax. None exists, not now or earlier. At least since Reagan declared war on international terrorism, US administrations supported, and continue supporting, the scourge they claim to oppose - notably post-9/11. State-sponsored scoundrel media disinformation deceives the public to believe otherwise. Propaganda works. Most Americans don’t know they’ve been had - lied to by their government, deceived by media scoundrels, unaware of what’s going on and what’s ominously at stake. Today is the most perilous time in world history. Daily events should scare everyone. Endless wars ...

The NYT Reinvents NATO's Killing Machine
Post Date: 2017-05-26 08:05:16 by Stephen Lendman
The NYT Reinvents NATO’s Killing Machine by Stephen Lendman NATO’s existence prevents world peace and stability. Serving America’s imperial agenda, it’s humanity’s greatest threat. Not according to NYT editors, disgracefully calling the alliance “the anchor of Western security… (its) nations mostly democracies with vibrant free markets…have helped America keep enemies at bay…” Fantasy democracies comprise NATO, not legitimate ones. So-called “free markets” aren’t fair, serving monied interests exclusively at the expense of general welfare, exploiting people for profit. America’s only enemies are ones it invents. No ...

Globalists Using Donald Trump To Take America Into War
Post Date: 2017-05-25 17:44:03 by Ada
Globalists Using Donald Trump To Take America Into War One thing globalist Republicans and Democrats both love is WAR. They might squabble over social and domestic issues, but when it comes to war, the two parties are ONE. As I have said repeatedly, there is really only ONE party in Washington, D.C.: the War Party. And “outsider” Donald Trump has quickly mastered the presidential art of killing. Let’s face it: our federal government has become one of the bloodiest regimes in world history. Between the killing of unborn babies and the killing of men, women, and children around the world in our so-called war on terror, the U.S. government is an insatiable, sadistic killing ...

U.S. Navy Warship Warned by China to Leave South China Sea
Post Date: 2017-05-25 16:47:08 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
May 25, 2017 Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around Mischief Reef in the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea this still image from video taken by a P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraftTensions rise in South China see has Chinese Warship warn U.S. warships for getting to close to artificial island.China said on Thursday that Chinese warships warned a U.S. Navy warship to leave after it sailed within 12 nautical miles of an artificial island built up by China in the South China Sea.Speaking at a monthly news briefing in Beijing, Defense Ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang said China had lodged stern representations to the U.S over the patrol and that ...

NATO: America's Long Arm
Post Date: 2017-05-25 08:28:58 by Stephen Lendman
NATO: America’s Long Arm by Stephen Lendman The North Atlantic Alliance became obsolete after Soviet Russia dissolved in 1991 and should have been disbanded. Instead it expanded, its aim to have members and partners on every continent, serving US imperial interests. America dominates alliance policy, other member states and partners subservient to its objectives. In 1989, GHW Bush promised Mikhail Gorbachev NATO wouldn't expand East. It wouldn't encroach on Russia's borders provided Moscow let its former republics become independent. Another promise made, another broken. Former Russian republics Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are NATO members.  Other Eastern ...

Michael Snyder: Desperate Liberals Try To Blame The Manchester Terror Attack On Anyone Other Than Islamic Terrorists
Post Date: 2017-05-25 08:25:57 by Horse
he left just can’t seem to understand that Islamic terrorists are going to try to destroy our way of life no matter how nice we are to them. On Monday night, a bombing at Ariana Grande’s Manchester concert made headlines all over the globe. 22 people, including an 8-year-old girl, were killed and 59 were wounded. It is exactly the sort of “soft target” attack that I have been warning about, and ISIS quickly claimed responsibility. Within the last 30 days, there have been 169 Islamic terror attacks in a total of 24 different countries. Last year, the number of global terror attacks was up 25 percent from the year before, and this year we will almost certainly see another ...

Syria: Obama's War, Now Trump's
Post Date: 2017-05-25 07:44:09 by Stephen Lendman
Syria: Obama’s War, Now Trump’s by Stephen Lendman Moscow and Washington are world’s apart on Syria. Russia continues going all-out for diplomatic conflict resolution. America pursues endless war. Trump escalated aggression Obama began, undermining peace efforts, seeking regime change and sovereign Syria’s destruction, including by balkanizing the country, separating northern, southern and other areas from Damascus. On Tuesday, Sergey Lavrov warned against compromising Syria’s territorial integrity, explaining conflict resolution can’t be achieved if this objective is pursued. US-led coalition terror-bombing continues massacring civilians on the phony ...

The ‘War On Terrorism’ Isn’t Working
Post Date: 2017-05-24 08:00:21 by Ada
It’s time to try something different If insanity is doing the same thing over and over in the expectation of a different result, then our foreign policy surely qualifies as madness. Since 2001, in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, the United States has been in a state of constant warfare: the Afghan conflict has been ongoing since that time, the longest sustained combat in our history. From Iraq to Syria to Somalia and beyond, US forces and their proxies are engaged in a “war on terrorism” that shows no signs of slowing down, only expanding. And where has it gotten us? In Afghanistan, more than half the country is under the control of the Taliban, the ...

The Donald’s Risible Rendezvous in Riyadh
Post Date: 2017-05-23 08:16:00 by Ada
If the Donald had thrown a dart at the world map blindfolded, he could not have picked a worse stop than Riyadh for his maiden foreign journey. That’s because there isn’t one anywhere on the planet. The Saudi capital is the very heart of darkness – the seat of an absolutist tyranny that has nothing to do with America’s interests or ideals and has everything to do with fomenting the violent conflicts and economic deformations that plague the region. The House of Saud fosters Wahhabi fanaticism, exports jihadi violence and completely disenfranchises its 32 million inhabitants. So doing, it squanders its magnificent geologic patrimony on the unspeakable opulence of the ...

Post Date: 2017-05-22 08:21:58 by Ada
ON THE AFTERNOON of April 23, an American drone flying over the remote Al Said area of Yemen’s Shabwah province observed a group of men gathering to eat lunch at a security checkpoint. Mansoor Allahwal Baras, a former Yemeni Army lieutenant in his late thirties, was chief of the checkpoint, and his younger cousin Nasir, 23, was also stationed there. Khalid, another cousin Nasir’s age, was home on vacation from Malaysia, where he was studying English and aiming for his bachelor’s degree. A car full of five others joined them — local militants, but familiar to the Baras men — and they sent someone else to fetch lunch. As the drone hovered over them, the men did not ...

Trump's 'historic' military buildup vision has a money problem
Post Date: 2017-05-22 08:11:26 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
In February, President Trump told a cheering crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference that his administration was working on a "massive" defense budget request. "Offensive, defensive, everything. Bigger and better and stronger than ever before," the president said. "It will be one of the greatest military buildups in American history." When the White House unveils the president's full 2018 defense budget on Tuesday, lawmakers, experts and industry will finally get to see how far it will move the country toward the much bigger military promised by Trump. That military would have about 75 more Navy ships, 65,000 more soldiers, hundreds more Air ...

Mattis: Going with Military Option to NK Would Be "tragic on unbelievable scale"
Post Date: 2017-05-22 07:59:23 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is not ready to give up on a diplomatic solution to North Korea. He told the press Friday that a military option would be "tragic on an unbelievable scale.”North Korea has defied all calls to rein in its nuclear and missile programs, even from China, its lone major ally, calling them legitimate self-defense. It has been working to develop a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the U.S. mainland, and experts say its test on Sunday of a new missile was another important step toward that aim.    "We are going to continue to work the issue," Mattis told a Pentagon news conference. "If this goes to a military solution, ...

USS Ronald Reagan Moves To Korean Peninsula
Post Date: 2017-05-21 11:16:04 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
USS Ronald Reagan Moves To Korean Peninsula Notching it up one degree at a time. Via The Daily Mail:The US Navy is moving a second aircraft carrier to the Korean Peninsula amid growing tensions in the region. The USS Ronald Reagan is going to meet the strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson to conduct training exercises. The Reagan left from its homeport, Yokosuka, Japan, on Tuesday, just two days after North Korea launched a ballistic missile 500 miles into the Sea of Japan Sunday. The carrier had just finished maintenance and sea trials in its homeport before it set off for the Korean Peninsula, according to CNN. When it arrives, the Reagan will do training exercises and ensure it ...

Phony US Plan to Smash ISIS
Post Date: 2017-05-21 07:34:45 by Stephen Lendman
Phony US Plan to Smash ISIS by Stephen Lendman Washington intends escalated Middle East aggression on the phony pretext of annihilating ISIS, supporting the scourge it claims to oppose, including al-Nusra and likeminded terrorist groups. On Friday, Defense Secretary Mattis’ announced “accelerated operation” to defeat ISIS was willful deception, saying: Trump “delegated authority to the right level to aggressively and in a timely manner move against enemy vulnerabilities.” “(H)e directed a tactical shift from shoving ISIS out of safe locations in an attrition fight to surrounding the enemy in their strongholds so we can annihilate ISIS. The intent is to ...

U.S.-Saudi Arabia Ink ‘Largest Single Arms Deal in American History’
Post Date: 2017-05-21 06:42:24 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Trump Admin Arming Saudis to Counter Iranian ThreatThe United States and Saudi Arabia have inked a $110 billion arms deal, the largest in American history, according to senior Trump administration officials who described the agreement as part of a major effort to counter Iranian threats in the region.The arms deal will see the U.S. providing Saudi Arabia with a "full spectrum of capabilities," including tanks, artillery, helicopters, armored carriers, combat ships, and an assortment of other advanced weapons systems, according to senior Trump administration officials working on the agreement.The massive arms package is part of a larger effort by the Trump administration to boost ...

Inside The US Government’s Plan To Survive Nuclear War (While Millions Die)
Post Date: 2017-05-20 15:20:01 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Posted on May 20, 2017 Inside The US Government’s Plan To Survive Nuclear War (While Millions Die) Authored by Sadie Dingfelder, originally posted at The Washington Post, In 2011, a staffer at Washingtonian found a government ID in a Metro parking garage and gave it to Garrett M. Graff (the magazine’s editor-in-chief at the time) to track down its owner. “Since I reported about that world, he figured I’d know what to do with it,” Graff says. Graff immediately noticed something strange. “The back of the ID had these evacuation instructions on it. And so I got on Google Maps and followed the instructions and they led to a road that very clearly went into the ...

Why Washington Terror-Bombs Syria
Post Date: 2017-05-20 07:46:17 by Stephen Lendman
Why Washington Terror-Bombs Syria by Stephen Lendman It’s all about wanting regime change, another imperial trophy, pro-Western puppet rule replacing legitimate governance, and preventing conflict resolution talks from going anywhere. It’s also about wanting the country balkanized, northern and southern border areas separated from Damascus, perhaps further divisions planned to destroy the Syrian Arab Republic as it now exists, eliminate an Israeli rival, isolate Iran, ahead of efforts to replace its sovereignty with pro-Western puppet rule. It’s about redrawing the Middle East map, leaving Israel the dominant power along with America’s presence - a sinister scheme ...

Pentagon an Eager Customer of Assassination Mini-Drones
Post Date: 2017-05-20 06:45:04 by Ada
Tiny Drones Are Built for Suicide Missions Against 'High-Value' Targets Fighting umpteen wars around the world, the US special forces (SOCOM) is forever offering “urgent operational needs statements” for its various weapons. This newest one is a real eye-opener, as SOCOM is seeking 325 more Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile Systems (LMAMS). LMAMS are not actually missiles so much as single-use drones, designed to be small, fast, and carry large explosive payloads. The drones are created with an eye toward assassination attacks against “high-value targets,” with US company AeroVironment, and some Israeli companies manufacturing various similar models. That SOCOM ...

AmericaÂ’s Reign of Terror: A Nation Reaps What It Sows
Post Date: 2017-05-19 21:09:28 by Ada
“The means of defense against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.” ― James Madison Who designed the malware worm that is now wreaking havoc on tens of thousands of computers internationally by hackers demanding a king’s ransom? The U.S. government. Who is the biggest black market buyer and stockpiler of cyberweapons (weaponized malware that can be used to hack into computer systems, spy on citizens, and destabilize vast computer networks)? The U.S. government. What country has one the deadliest arsenals of weapons of mass destruction? The U.S. government. Who is the largest weapons manufacturer and exporter in the world, such that ...

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