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General McMaster Itching to Send 50,000 US Troops to Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-14 07:55:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Cernovich Was Right=> General McMaster Itching to Send 50,000 US Troops to Syria Carter Apr 13th, 2017 10:23 pm Leave a Comment It looks like Mike Cernovich may have been right once again! US officials want to send troops to Syria Following Mike Cernovich’s assertions earlier this week that General H. R. McMaster “wants 150,000 ground soldiers in Syria”, Bloomberg’s Eli Lake, who is now notorious for verifying Cernovich’s mainstream-media-derided “conspiracy theories” (see the Susan Rice unmasking story), claims the U.S. is potentially about to send anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 ground troops to Syria. If Mike Cernovich is right, we could be ...

Trump Loves NATO
Post Date: 2017-04-14 07:45:43 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Loves NATO by Stephen Lendman What a difference an election made. Candidate Trump railed against the North Atlantic Alliance, calling it “obsolete.” Last April, he said if elected he’d consider withdrawing America. “It’s possible that we’re going to have to let NATO go,” he said, adding: “When we’re paying and nobody else is really paying, a couple of other countries are but nobody else is really paying, you feel like the jerk.” He said he’d “call up all of those countries . . . and say ‘fellas you haven’t paid for years, give us the money or get the hell out.’ I’d say ...

South Korea Must First Approve Any Preemtive Strike By US On North Korea
Post Date: 2017-04-13 21:51:23 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
South Korea Must Sign OffImplementation of the preemptive U.S. plans, according to multiple U.S. officials, depends centrally on consent of the South Korean government. The sources stress that Seoul has got to be persuaded that action is worth the risk, as there is universal concern that any military move might provoke a North Korean attack, even a conventional attack across the DMZ.Tensions have escalated on the Korean Peninsula, as this Saturday marks the anniversary of the birth of the nation's founder — Kim il-Sung, grandfather of the current leader, Kim Jong-un. At the highest levels in South Korea and the U.S., sources told NBC News, there are fears North Korea could mark the ...

China flaunts its mighty missiles on state TV as Beijing urges North Korea to give up its nuclear ambitions amid growing military tensions
Post Date: 2017-04-13 18:23:46 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
China flaunts its mighty missiles on state TV as Beijing urges North Korea to give up its nuclear ambitions amid growing military tensionsChina Central Television yesterday revealed footage of deadly weaponsOne of the missiles, said to be DF-21, is dubbed 'the killer of aircraft carrier'Programme also reported on the 'intensive' mock battles by Chinese armyTensions are high with North Korea warning of a nuclear attack on the USChina has urged Kim Jong-un to halt his nuclear programme in exchange for greater protection from Beijing China has flexed its military muscle on state television as tensions escalate between the US and North Korea. China Central Television (CCTV) ...

The Wars Are Coming
Post Date: 2017-04-13 17:33:18 by Ada
Well, I hate to say I told you so, but…I told you so. Look, I was suspicious of Trump from the beginning. But for a couple weeks into his presidency, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I didn’t just criticize the man day in and day out from Day One. After a couple weeks, though, it became very obvious that he was no different than any other president. I’ve been predicting he’d get us into two no-win wars long before this deal with Syria and North Korea began. Well, this morning the news has “revealed” photos of a North Korean nuclear test site they’re about to go hot with a new test on. Right, just like the Syrian gas attack, this is ...

Russian Expert Stephen Cohen: In 40 Years, I Have Never Been as Worried as I Am Today About Possibility of War with Russia
Post Date: 2017-04-13 11:48:30 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Russian Expert Stephen Cohen: In 40 Years, I Have Never Been as Worried as I Am Today About Possibility of War with Russia (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Apr 13th, 2017 8:49 am Leave a Comment On Wednesday Tucker Carlson invited professor Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton and NYU and editor of The Nation magazine, to discuss current US relations with Russia. Cohen told Tucker he was very concerned about the current geopolitical situation and warmongering by the Democrat Party and Lindsey Graham. Stephen Cohen: They think we’re crazy… You quoted Russian the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev saying we’re on the brink of war. He also said, and I’ve ...

Flashpoint in Syria Risks US War on Russia
Post Date: 2017-04-13 07:39:35 by Stephen Lendman
Flashpoint in Syria Risks US War on Russia by Stephen Lendman Washington wants confrontation, not constructive dialogue with Russia. It continues adversarial relations over cooperative ones - Trump no different from his predecessors, a warrior, not a peacemaker. Neocons controlling US geopolitical policies want endless wars, not peace, risking unthinkable nuclear war. If reckless US policies aren’t curbed, it seems inevitable. Dangerous flashpoints persist in Ukraine, North Korea and Syria - Russia, China and Iran on America’s target list. On Tuesday, Secretary of State Tillerson met with Sergey Lavrov and Vladimir Putin, his demand for Russia to abandon Assad rebuffed. ...

Russia Vetoes Unacceptable SC Resolution on Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-13 07:25:43 by Stephen Lendman
Russia Vetoes Unacceptable SC Resolution on Syria by Stephen Lendman The US/UK/French draft resolution was deplorably one-sided, hostile and unacceptable, reflecting how these rogue states consistently operate - waging naked aggression on Syria for regime change. Russia’s Deputy UN envoy Vladimir Safronkov said it “apportioned blame prior to an objective outside investigation of the incident.” “The outcome of the vote was predestined, because we disagreed categorically with a document that was fundamentally misconceived.” Approving it would “legitimize” Trump’s naked aggression based on a Big Lie. Neocon US UN envoy Nikki Haley lied, claiming ...

Trump Blasts Russia, Embraces NATO's Killing Machine
Post Date: 2017-04-13 07:11:41 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Blasts Russia, Embraces NATO’s Killing Machine by Stephen Lendman Less than three months into his tenure, Trump proved he’s as recklessly ruthless as his predecessors - escalating Bush/Cheney/Obama wars, threatening Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and Syria, risking unthinkable nuclear war. On Wednesday, he disgracefully called Assad an “animal,” a “butcher,” a disgusting Big Lie. He criticized Putin for backing him, at the same time falsely accusing Moscow of advance knowledge of the April 4 CW attack - another brazen Big Lie. US relations with Russia are at an “all-time low,” he added. In Moscow, Secretary of State Tillerson said ...

A Multi-Level Analysis of the US Cruise Missile Attack on Syria and Its Consequences
Post Date: 2017-04-12 17:51:20 by Ada
The latest US cruise missile attack on the Syrian airbase is an extremely important event in so many ways that it is important to examine it in some detail. I will try to do this today with the hope to be able to shed some light on a rather bizarre attack which will nevertheless have profound consequences. But first, let’s begin by looking at what actually happened. The pretext: I don’t think that anybody seriously believes that Assad or anybody else in the Syrian government really ordered a chemical weapons attack on anybody. To believe that it would require you to find the following sequence logical: first, Assad pretty much wins the war against Daesh which is in full ...

All the President's Liars
Post Date: 2017-04-12 08:35:05 by Stephen Lendman
All the President’s Liars by Stephen Lendman Lies, deceptions, distortions and misinformation provide bedrock justification for all wars - naked aggression when preemptively waged against countries threatening no one. Syria was invaded and attacked. Its war isn’t civil. Its military is combating US-supported terrorists. Its survival as a nation depends on defeating them. No evidence suggests Syria carried out CW attacks on civilians or militants any time throughout over six years of war - including on April 4 in Khan Sheikhoun, a likely CIA-orchestrated incident, using terrorists to do its dirty work. The attack came from the ground, not the air - likely from rockets filled ...

Russia Responds to US Aggression in Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-12 08:21:27 by Stephen Lendman
Russia Responds to US Aggression in Syria by Stephen Lendman In March 2011, Obama launched proxy aggression to oust Assad and destroy Syrian sovereignty - using ISIS, al-Nusra and other terrorist foot soldiers. In September 2014, US-led warplanes began terror-bombing northern Syria infrastructure and government targets - on the phony pretext of combating terrorism, massacring civilians indiscriminately, US high crimes ignored by media scoundrels. On April 7, Trump launched naked aggression against Syria’s Shayrat airbase, defying international and constitutional law - likely intending further attacks, based on phony accusations of Syrian use of CWs, weapons it destroyed and no ...

Irreconcilable East/West Differences
Post Date: 2017-04-12 08:06:29 by Stephen Lendman
Irreconcilable East/West Differences by Stephen Lendman Russia and America are geopolitical opposites. Irreconcilable differences separate them. Russia supports diplomatic conflict resolution, stability, security and multi-world polarity. America wages endless wars, seeking dominion over planet earth, its resources and populations. Good faith isn’t a US tradition. Whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge, negotiating with America diplomatically achieves nothing. Agreements reached are consistently breached. Washington seeks dominance, not cooperative relations. Ahead of his arrival in Moscow, Secretary of State Tillerson said Assad’s tenure as Syria’s leader is ...

Level of Trust Between Russia and America Kaput
Post Date: 2017-04-12 07:46:44 by Stephen Lendman
Level of Trust Between Russia and America Kaput by Stephen Lendman Candidate Trump said “Putin has done a really great job…I think I’d get along very well with” him… “I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect.” “…(T)here’s nothing I can think of that I’d rather do than have Russia friendly, as opposed to the way they are right now, so that we can go and knock out ISIS with other people.” These and similar comments gave hope for improved ...

FLASHBACK: Powell Says US Should Not Have Invaded Iraq Over False WMD Reports
Post Date: 2017-04-11 14:36:46 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Uploaded on Jun 10, 2007In a Meet the Press interview with Tim Russert, Colin Powell says in retrospect the U.S. should not have invaded Iraq.Powell Says US Should Not Have Invaded Iraq

Trump Pushes Back Against Neo Con Plan To Invade Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-11 14:21:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
HT to Itistoolate ===================

REPOST For Effect: Understanding NeoConservatism
Post Date: 2017-04-11 13:19:14 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Is Trump Enlisting in the NEOCON War Party?
Post Date: 2017-04-11 12:33:53 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
By firing off five dozen Tomahawk missiles at a military airfield, our “America First” president may have plunged us into another Middle East war that his countrymen do not want to fight.Thus far Bashar Assad seems unintimidated. Brushing off the strikes, he has defiantly gone back to bombing the rebels from the same Shayrat air base that the U.S. missiles hit.Trump “will not stop here,” warned U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley on Sunday. “If he needs to do more, he will.”If Trump fails to back up Haley’s threat, the hawks now cheering him on will begin deriding him as “Donald Obama.”But if he throbs to the war drums of John McCain, Lindsey Graham and ...

America First in War, Last in Peace
Post Date: 2017-04-11 08:34:49 by Stephen Lendman
America First in War, Last in Peace by Stephen Lendman All US presidential aspirants make promises they intend breaking if elected - Trump no different than his predecessors. Straightaway in office, he sold out to Wall Street, war-profiteers and other corporate favorites. Instead of draining the swamp, he filled it with neocon generals and billionaires. Hyperbole calling NATO “obsolete” is long forgotten. So is his phony worker friendly trade agenda - protecting investors over consumers, reneging on halting jobs offshored to low-wage countries. Instead of changing destructive US policies, he’s pursuing them with vigor - notably by escalating wars in multiple theaters, ...

The Syria Barrel Bomb Hoax
Post Date: 2017-04-11 08:22:10 by Stephen Lendman
The Syria Barrel Bomb Hoax by Stephen Lendman Phony accusations about Syrian use of CWs and barrel bombs are the propaganda equivalent of Saddam’s nonexistent WMDs. Repeated enough gets most people to believe these weapons are being used - to enlist support for escalated war against a sovereign state threatening no one. All wars are based on lies and deception. Truth-telling destroys their justification. Misreporting on Syria’s conflict is some of the worst in memory - willful disinformation to defend the indefensible. Under Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) supervision, Syria’s chemical weapons were destroyed. No evidence indicates any remain. ...

Selling Escalated War on Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-11 08:05:59 by Stephen Lendman
Selling Escalated War on Syria by Stephen Lendman Selling war requires inventing enemies, fear-mongering, substituting fake news for truth-telling, manipulating public opinion, and manufacturing consent. Media scoundrels play along, feeding the public a steady diet of managed news misinformation, suppressing full and accurate reporting - featuring state-sponsored press agent journalism instead of the real thing, most people none the wiser. Since GHW Bush’s 1991 Gulf War, America raped and destroyed Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen. It colluded with Kiev’s war on Donbass, partnered in three Israeli wars on Gaza, and toppled governments in Haiti, ...

Russia and Iran Committed to Combat Terrorism in Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-11 07:54:19 by Stephen Lendman
Russia and Iran Committed to Combat Terrorism in Syria by Stephen Lendman Trump administration officials demand Russia and Iran stop supporting Assad’s battle against terrorist invaders or face harsh recrimination and further alienation from Washington. They want their anti-terrorist operations halted, Assad ousted, replaced by a pro-Western stooge and Syrian sovereignty destroyed. On Sunday, Putin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani discussed conditions in Syria. They called Trump’s aggression against a sovereign state a grave breach of international law, aiding terrorist groups instead of combating them, undermining peace talks instead of supporting them. On Monday, ...

Reports Of 150,000 Troops Moving On The Korean Border Are ‘Pure Fiction’
Post Date: 2017-04-10 22:15:26 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
There “is no evidence” at this time of any significant troop movements along the Chinese-North Korean border, despite reports suggesting otherwise, the Department of Defense told The Daily Caller News Foundation Monday. Multiple media outlets are reporting that China has deployed 150,000 troops to the border for “unforeseen contingencies” believed to be the possibility of a U.S. pre-emptive strike on North Korea, such as the one President Donald Trump ordered on Syria last Thursday. U.S. Pacific Command refused to comment on foreign troop movements; however, they did tell TheDCNF that the first they had heard of Chinese troop movements along the border was when ...

Trump orders military advisers to prepare plans to hit North Korea
Post Date: 2017-04-10 22:09:01 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
It is believed that among the options are combined special forces raids and pre-emptive missile strikesPresident Trump has ordered his military advisers to be ready with a list of options to smash North Korea’s nuclear threat.One of the advisers, Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster, confirmed his Commander-in-Chief has made the order as a U.S. carrier strike group heads for the region.It is believed that among the options are combined special forces raids and pre-emptive missile strikes.One of the problems facing an American-led operation to hit Pyongyang’s leader Kim Jong-Un is the intricate tunnel network under the capital. The president has asked [us] to be prepared to give us a ...

Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment
Post Date: 2017-04-10 15:12:34 by Ada
Exclusive: President Trump earned neocon applause for his hasty decision to attack Syria and kill about a dozen Syrians, but his rash act has all the earmarks of a “wag the dog” moment, reports Robert Parry. Just two days after news broke of an alleged poison-gas attack in northern Syria, President Trump brushed aside advice from some U.S. intelligence analysts doubting the Syrian regime’s guilt and launched a lethal retaliatory missile strike against a Syrian airfield. The guided-missile destroyer USS Porter conducts strike operations while in the Mediterranean Sea, April 7, 2017. (Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Ford Williams) Trump immediately won plaudits from ...

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