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US War Without Mercy in Mosul
Post Date: 2017-03-29 08:50:02 by Stephen Lendman
US War Without Mercy in Mosul by Stephen Lendman The battle for Mosul began last October - conducted by Iraqi ground forces and US-led warplanes. Relentless terror-bombing killed thousands of civilians, war crimes by any standard. Residents told to remain inside were buried under the rubble of their destroyed homes. US-installed Iraqi puppet president Haider al-Abadi lied, calling civilian deaths “miscalculations (and) unintended mistakes.” Indiscriminate US-led terror-bombing and ground shelling destroyed or badly damaged almost every structure in western Mosul where fighting still rages. The area resembles a moonscape with no visible life. The horror of what continues ...

Lies and Coverup of US War Crimes in Syria
Post Date: 2017-03-28 09:03:52 by Stephen Lendman
Lies and Coverup of US War Crimes in Syria and Iraq by Stephen Lendman Early in his administration, Trump is guilty of horrendous crimes of war and against humanity in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere - governing lawlessly like his predecessors, escalating aggression, not ending it. Delegating authority for military operations to Defense Secretary Mattis, National Security Advisor McMaster, Joint Chiefs chairman Dunford and other Pentagon commanders doesn’t shift responsibility of the buck stopping with him on all administration policies, none more serious than waging war. Civilians in harm’s way pay the greatest price in all US war theaters. Pentagon terror-bombing massacres them ...

Dick Cheney on Nonexistent Russian Act of War
Post Date: 2017-03-28 08:19:30 by Stephen Lendman
Dick Cheney on Nonexistent Russian Act of War by Stephen Lendman Cheney represents the worst of America’s dark side, guilty of genocidal high crimes against peace. Throughout his public life, he showed contempt for rule of law principles as a congressman, defense secretary and vice president. A special place in hell awaits him! Speaking at the Economic Times’ Global Business Summit in New Delhi, India, Cheney lied about nonexistent Russian meddling in America’s presidential election. He lied about nonexistent “rising number(s) of threats.” He lied about nonexistent “Russia(n) aggressive actions,” saying: “I think (Putin) has designs on the ...

Trump’s War on Terror Has Quickly Become as Barbaric and Savage as He Promised
Post Date: 2017-03-27 09:14:43 by Ada
From the start of his presidency, Donald Trump’s “war on terror” has entailed the seemingly indiscriminate slaughter of innocent people in the name of killing terrorists. In other words, Trump has escalated the 16-year-old core premise of America’s foreign policy — that it has the right to bomb any country in the world where people it regards as terrorists are found — and in doing so, has fulfilled the warped campaign pledges he repeatedly expressed. The most recent atrocity was the killing of as many as 200 Iraqi civilians from U.S. airstrikes this week in Mosul. That was preceded a few days earlier by the killing of dozens of Syrian civilians in Raqqa ...

Trump’s Wars
Post Date: 2017-03-27 07:55:24 by Ada
President Donald Trump is no stranger to conflict escalation. In his short time in office, he has managed to successfully escalate disputes against the media, immigrants and the intelligence community. Yet Trump’s most important escalation has been in the War on Terror, substantially increasing the U.S. commitment to wars in Yemen, Syria and elsewhere. Unfortunately, these steps are likely only to draw America deeper into some of the world’s most intractable conflicts. Trump’s foreign policy approach during the campaign can be charitably described as incoherent. On the one hand, he openly admitted that the Iraq war had been a mistake, and repeatedly criticized the money ...

Pentagon Heads Toward Escalating Genocide in Yemen
Post Date: 2017-03-27 06:24:12 by Stephen Lendman
Pentagon Heads Toward Escalating Genocide in Yemen by Stephen Lendman Yemen is Obama’s war, now Trump’s, complicit with Saudi terror-bombing, massacring civilians indiscriminately, causing vast destruction, human suffering and starvation. A previous article explained millions of Yemenis face slow, painful deaths from lack of food needed to survive, blockaded coastal areas preventing it from entering the country. Amounts airlifted in are woefully inadequate. Media scoundrels suppress the ongoing horror, ignoring US responsibility for genocide. On March 26, the neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post-owned Foreign Policy magazine headlined “Pentagon Weighs More Support for ...

US Terror-Bombing Killing Thousands of Civilians
Post Date: 2017-03-27 06:12:31 by Stephen Lendman
US Terror-Bombing Killing Thousands of Civilians by Stephen Lendman calls itself “a journalist-led transparency project. It “(m)onitor(s) and assess(es) civilian casualties from international airstrikes in Iraq, Syria and Libya (from) open-source reports and military claims by nations.” From August 2014 - March 21, 2017, it estimates up to nearly 9,800 civilian deaths from US-led terror-bombing in Iraq and Syria, citing casualties from over 1,000 incidents. Civilian deaths and injuries aren’t aberrations. They occur virtually daily from indiscriminate terror- bombing. AirWars’ figures likely way undercount the full extent of massacres committed by ...

“Our Western Values” No Longer Exist
Post Date: 2017-03-26 09:24:11 by Ada
Let’s be honest. The US attack on Mosul, Iraq, is not an attack on ISIS. It it a repeat of Israel’s operation Cast Lead in Gaza. The purpose is to kill as many Muslims for Israel as possible. Here is the evidence: Remember, the reason ISIS is in Iraq and Syria is that the US equipped ISIS and sent ISIS to overthrow Assad when the British Parliament and the Russian government blocked Obama’s ...

Is Israel Provoking More War on Gaza?
Post Date: 2017-03-26 08:38:27 by Stephen Lendman
Is Israel Provoking More War on Gaza? by Stephen Lendman Throughout its sordid history, Israel got away mass murder and targeted assassinations repeatedly, flagrant international law violations, committed unaccountably. On Friday, senior Hamas member Mazen Fuqahaa was assassinated in Gaza City’s Tal al-Hawa neighborhood. According to eyewitnesses, unknown assailants shot him four times in the head before fleeing. In 2011, he was freed along with other Palestinian political prisoners in exchange for IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. Exiled to Gaza, he was likely closely monitored. According to Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al- Zahar, “(t)he Israeli enemy operates a number of spies and ...

Millions in US War Theaters Face Starvation
Post Date: 2017-03-25 08:35:26 by Stephen Lendman
Millions in US War Theaters Face Starvation by Stephen Lendman According to the ICRC, about 20 million people in Yemen and Somalia face starvation without vitally needed food aid, mostly not forthcoming, saying: “This is not business as usual.” Crisis conditions in both countries need to be addressed “now.” Cholera “on the rise in Somalia (alone is killing about) 20 people…each day.” US drone war takes a horrendous toll. Obama’s war in Yemen, complicit with Riyadh, now Trump’s war, took a horrendous toll on civilians for the past two years. Reporting on years of covert US war on Somalia, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism said elite US ...

ASSANGE: Cyber weapons more dangerous than nukes
Post Date: 2017-03-24 16:32:14 by Ada
On the heels of releasing thousands of documents related to the CIA’s hacking program, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is making the case that cyber weapons are more dangerous than nuclear weapons. Speaking to Arabic-language talk show “The Fifth Estate,” Assange said cyber weapons are easier to build and can do more damage more quickly. “The ideas behind nuclear weapons of involving critical mass and the physics, those are mostly known, so that information has spread around the world,” Assange said. “But in order to build a nuclear weapon, you need to build up enough uranium to make a critical mass and then you need some kind of launch system. “And ...

Mosul Operation: A Medieval Massacre
Post Date: 2017-03-24 09:04:24 by Stephen Lendman
Mosul Operation: A Medieval Massacre by Stephen Lendman Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described it this way weeks after US-led terror-bombing and Iraqi ground operations began last October - long before the worst horrors ongoing now. US-orchestrated operations are being conducted under “conditions of absolute information blockade,” Zakharova explained. Nothing was done to protect, evacuate or otherwise help civilians. They’ve been on their own in harm’s way without humanitarian or any other type aid or consideration for their welfare and safety since last October. Hundreds of thousands remain trapped in the city. Others getting out risk their ...

Tillerson Promises Endless Imperial Wars
Post Date: 2017-03-23 08:39:56 by Stephen Lendman
Tillerson Promises Endless Imperial Wars by Stephen Lendman No US enemies existed anywhere since Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and imperial Japan were defeated in WW II. Yet imperial wars rage endlessly, enemies invented to justify them. Fear-mongering enlists public support. Vital homeland needs go begging to feed America’s war machine - benefitting profiteers at the expense of social justice. Earlier on Press TV, I explained America wages endless wars on countries threatening no one, raping and destroying them, exploiting their people, stealing their resources, along with enacting police state laws at home, supporting corporate interests exclusively, public welfare be damned. ...

America and Israel Threaten World Peace
Post Date: 2017-03-22 09:21:02 by Stephen Lendman
America and Israel Threaten World Peace by Stephen Lendman Multiple global flashpoints should terrify everyone. They’re hugely dangerous along Russia’s border with Eastern European countries, in the South China Sea, in Ukraine, in Syria, Iraq, and other US war theaters, and possible Israeli war on Lebanon and/or Gaza. America and Israel perpetuate endless wars, related violence, chaos and repression. Peace and stability defeat their rogue agendas. Days earlier, Israel activated around 2,000 reserve soldiers. Along with regular IDF troops, they’ve been involved in military exercises since Sunday, simulating war on Gaza. Is another one planned? IDF chief of staff General ...

Netanyahu Vows Continued War on Syria
Post Date: 2017-03-22 09:03:52 by Stephen Lendman
Netanyahu Vows Continued War on Syria by Stephen Lendman War in Syria isn’t civil as falsely reported. It’s US launched aggression, aided by NATO, Israel and other rogue regional allies. Its aim is regime change. Washington wants another imperial trophy. It wants Iran’s government toppled. It wants regional control along with Israel, weakening or eliminating Russian and Chinese influence in the Middle East. Imperialism is dirty business, human lives and welfare of no consequence. Millions of casualties attest to US viciousness. Trump seems bent in escalating things on the phony pretext of combating terrorism America supports. On Tuesday, Netanyahu denied reports about ...

Israel Escalating Aggression in Syria
Post Date: 2017-03-20 08:36:26 by Stephen Lendman
Israel Escalating Aggression in Syria by Stephen Lendman On Sunday, Lebanon’s al-Manar TV said an Israeli drone struck a car in Quneitra province near Golan in southwest Syria, killing two members of the National Defense Forces, allied with Syria’s military. An IDF spokesperson declined to comment on the incident. Syrian media didn’t report it. Eyewitnesses said Israeli planes breached Syrian airspace in areas bordering both countries. In January, an Israeli helicopter attack killed an Iranian general and several Hezbollah fighters in Quneitra province, including the son of the group’s late military commander, Jihad Mughniyeh. Sunday social media reports said senior ...

Syrian Arab Army progress
Post Date: 2017-03-20 06:18:22 by Tatarewicz
HOMS: AL-WA’AR QUARTER EVACUATED–TERRORIST VULTURES LEAVE FOR NORTHERN RURAL IDLIB; SAA SMASHES ALQAEDA ATTACK IN JAWBAR; LIBERATES NEW AREAS AROUND PALMYRA HOMS: As you all know, the Syrian government finally achieved a successful conclusion to the talks with the terrorists holed up in their last bastion in Homs. The area is called “Al-Wa’er”, a word which connotes rugged terrain. There are about 1,400 to –1,500 armed rodents still in the western enclave. They want to take their light weapons with them and be guaranteed safe passage to Idlib Province or northern Aleppo, specifically, the city of Jaraablus which is occupied by the inept and completely ...

Coverup of Humanitarian Disaster in Mosul
Post Date: 2017-03-19 08:50:39 by Stephen Lendman
Coverup of Humanitarian Disaster in Mosul by Stephen Lendman US-led terror-bombing along with Iraqi ground forces are systematically destroying the city, not liberating it as claimed. Western media scoundrels and international NGOs are ignoring a humanitarian disaster far worse than what affected East Aleppo. Government and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, saved the lives of tens of thousands of defenseless Aleppo residents, held hostage by US-supported al-Nusra terrorists. Media scoundrels misportrayed heroic efforts as aggression. Big Lies substituted for hard truths. Liberating Aleppo was a glorious triumph, one Syrians will long remember and commemorate, grateful ...

Escalating East Asia Tensions
Post Date: 2017-03-19 08:28:53 by Stephen Lendman
Escalating East Asia Tensions by Stephen Lendman Trump straightaway in office showed he’s the latest in a long line of US warrior presidents - escalating imperial wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Afghanistan is likely next. Will he launch new wars besides ongoing ones? Are Iran and North Korea on his target list? Are China and Russia at risk? Unthinkable nuclear war remains a possibility by design or accident. America’s bipartisan criminal class should terrify everyone. Last week, neocon Senators Marco Rubio (R. FL) and Ben Cardin (D. MD) introduced legislation to punish China for constructing artificial islands in its territorial waters. Rubio said proposed legislation would ...

Israel at War with Syria
Post Date: 2017-03-18 08:26:51 by Stephen Lendman
Israel at War with Syria by Stephen Lendman Washington and Israel seek regime change. Both countries want pro-Western puppet governance replacing Syrian sovereign independence. Throughout Obama’s war, launched in March 2011, Trump escalating it, Israel supplied weapons and munitions to ISIS, al-Nusra and other terrorist fighters. It treats their wounded in Israeli hospitals. It terror-bombs Syrian targets at its discretion. Its aim is weakening Assad’s government. The ultimate aim of America and Israel is ousting it. Israel’s latest aggression occurred overnight Thursday, one of its many flagrant breaches of international law. Letters sent by Syria’s Foreign ...

Why Is Trump Abandoning the Foreign Policy that Brought Him Victory?
Post Date: 2017-03-18 08:13:22 by Ada
Candidate Donald Trump offered a sharp break from his predecessors. He was particularly critical of neoconservatives, who seemed to back war at every turn. Indeed, he promised not to include in his administration “those who have perfect resumes but very little to brag about except responsibility for a long history of failed policies and continued losses at war.” And he’s generally kept that commitment, for instance rejecting as deputy secretary of state Elliot Abrams, who said Trump was unfit to be president. Substantively candidate Trump appeared to offer not so much a philosophy as an inclination. Practical if not exactly realist, he cared more for consequences than his ...

NYT Defends Pentagon Mosque Terror-Bombing
Post Date: 2017-03-18 08:08:23 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Defends Pentagon Mosque Terror-Bombing by Stephen Lendman The self-styled newspaper of record operates as a press agent for wealth, power and privilege, featuring fake news instead of journalism the way it’s supposed to be. Overnight Thursday, US warplanes terror-bombed a Syrian mosque in al-Jinnah village near Aleppo, a previous article explained. Hundreds of worshipers were inside at the time, scores massacred, many others injured, a despicable war crime. A Pentagon photo The Times published showed an intact structure next to a crater. CENTCOM said a mosque across the street, 50 feet away, was untouched. The photo looks phony. The Times failed to explain. Vehicles on both ...

Will America Attack North Korea Again?
Post Date: 2017-03-17 13:05:51 by Stephen Lendman
Will America Attack North Korea Again? by Stephen Lendman Truman ordered the earlier war, turning most of the country to rubble, killing millions. US warplanes ran out of targets to strike. Is more US aggression coming against a nation threatening no one? Throughout its post-WW II history, it never attacked another country. It justifiably fears another US war on its territory, why it sought to develop a nuclear and ballistic missile deterrent - for self-defense, not aggression. In Seoul with his South Korean counterpart Yun Byung-Se, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sounded like Hillary Clinton and John Kerry never left, belligerently saying: “Let me be very clear. The policy of ...

Russia Falsely Accused of US Airstrike on Syrian Mosque
Post Date: 2017-03-17 12:53:32 by Stephen Lendman
Russia Falsely Accused of US Airstrike on Syrian Mosque by Stephen Lendman Overnight Thursday, US warplanes terror-bombed a Syrian mosque in al-Jinnah village near Aleppo. Hundreds of worshipers were inside at the time. Bodies are still being pulled from rubble, the death toll so far up to 70, likely rising, many others injured. CENTCOM denied the attack. Its spokesman said “(w)hat (was) target(ed) was destroyed. There is mosque within 50 feet of that building that is still standing.” Photos of it destroyed prove otherwise. A Pentagon source told NBC News the mosque was not hit, saying it may have been blown up later, falsely suggesting Russian responsibility. Foreign ...

Post Date: 2017-03-17 07:53:38 by Ada
NAVY SEALS attempted to conduct another raid inside Yemen earlier this month but aborted the mission at the last minute, according to a senior U.S. military official. Members of SEAL Team 6 deployed to Yemen in early March for a ground assault targeting suspected members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, a group U.S. officials view as the most dangerous branch of the terrorist organization. The aborted mission followed a botched January 29 raid in the village of al Ghayil, in al Bayda province. That raid left a Navy SEAL dead and two others seriously injured, and killed more than two dozen Yemeni civilians, including at least 16 women and children. The leader of AQAP, Qassim al Rimi, ...

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