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Syrian army: Israeli jet shot down, another hit
Post Date: 2017-03-17 05:18:01 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... The Syrian army says four Israeli jets breached the Arab country’s airspace on Friday morning, adding its air defense shot down one of the aircraft and hit another. Israeli warplanes "penetrated our airspace at 2:40 a.m. (0040 GMT) via Lebanese territory and hit a military target on the way to Palmyra," said an army statement carried by state news agency SANA. "Our air defense engaged them and shot down one warplane over occupied territory, hit another one, and forced the rest to flee," the army said, apparently referring to the Golan Heights. The Syrian army also slammed Tel Aviv’s strikes as “an act of aggression” meant to assist the ...

Syria sees ‘looming dam catastrophe’ amid US-led airstrikes
Post Date: 2017-03-17 05:08:14 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... The Syrian government has warned against an imminent disaster in the wake of airstrikes by the US-led military coalition against purported Daesh-held areas close to the Euphrates and Tishrin dams, urging UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to compel the coalition to stop the raids. On Thursday, Syria's Deputy UN Ambassador Mounzer Mounzer, in separate but identical letters to Guterres and Security Council President Matthew Rycroft, argued that the “systematic sabotage of infrastructure” could affect Iraqis living along the Euphrates River as well. “The total destruction of these dams that are being targeted by the airstrikes will wash away and flood ...

Trump Escalating War in Syria
Post Date: 2017-03-16 08:21:59 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Escalating War in Syria by Stephen Lendman Instead of winding down US wars he campaigned against, arguing they wasted trillions of dollars vital for domestic needs, he’s escalating them in Syria and Yemen, likely in Afghanistan, and continuing US terror-bombing in Iraq, massacring civilians. Hundreds of airmen manning B-52H Stratofortresses were deployed to Syria and Iraq. Along with US special forces and marines, they’ll aid anti-government terrorist fighters. They carry powerful payloads, able to cause extensive damage to targeted areas, along with indiscriminate killing of civilians. Reports indicate Washington may deploy 1,000 or more additional combat troops to ...

U Super-Fuzed, Super-Powerful Nukes
Post Date: 2017-03-15 08:56:34 by Stephen Lendman
US Super-Fuzed, Super-Powerful Nukes by Stephen Lendman Today’s thermonuclear weapons are monstrously more powerful than the 15 kiloton Little Boy and 21 Kiloton Fat Man nukes used to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An article by nuclear experts Hans Kristensen and Matthew McKinsie, together with ballistic missiles expert Theodore Postol explained the enhanced power of US submarine-launched ballistic missiles “with more than three times the number of warheads needed to destroy the entire fleet of Russian land-based missiles in their silos.” Super-fuzing makes these weapons super-powerful, the authors saying “even the most accurate ballistic missile warheads might not ...

US Demands Raped Cambodia Repay War Debt
Post Date: 2017-03-15 08:33:51 by Stephen Lendman
US Demands Raped Cambodia Repay War Debt by Stephen Lendman During its war on Southeast Asia, America raped and destroyed Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Terror-bombing massacred civilians indiscriminately. A decade of merciless war took millions of lives, around eight million tons of ordnance used in Vietnam alone, threefold WW II’s tonnage - about 300 tons for every Vietnamese man, woman, child, infant, the elderly and infirm. Herbicidal warfare was waged using deadly agent orange. Millions of gallons of dioxin-containing defoliant contaminated over five million acres. Exposure to minute amounts causes serious health problems or death. Other terror-weapons were used, including ...

Committee of Inquiry on Syria Propaganda Report
Post Date: 2017-03-15 08:15:18 by Stephen Lendman
Committee of Inquiry on Syria Propaganda Report by Stephen Lendman The COI is an imperial tool, formed in September 2011 to wrongfully blame Syria for human rights abuses, downplaying atrocities committed by US-supported terrorists. It lacks credibility, Syria’s UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari earlier, saying it’s “deliberately blowing things out of proportion when displaying its findings, also fully disregarding or downplaying core issues.” “There are blood-curdling scenes that flagrantly contravene the Syrians’ dignity and human rights regarding the crimes of the armed terrorist groups…” They “rang(e) from eating human flesh, cutting throats, ...

Senate Neocons Want Permanent Aggression on Afghanistan
Post Date: 2017-03-14 12:58:13 by Stephen Lendman
Senate Neocons Want Permanent Aggression on Afghanistan by Stephen Lendman Afghanistan is America’s longest war, a forever war if neocon Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have their way. The country had nothing to do with 9/11, nor anyone residing within its borders. It didn’t threaten America - not earlier or now. Washington used state-sponsored 9/11 as a convenient pretext to wage war on humanity at home and abroad - continuing endlessly in multiple theaters, Trump so far escalating them in Syria and Yemen, perhaps Afghanistan and elsewhere to follow, despite campaign rhetoric indicating he’d go another way. McCain and Graham (M&G below): “On Sept. 11, 20 ...

Ukrainian Soldiers Caught Planting Car Bombs in Donbass. Guess Who Trained Them?
Post Date: 2017-03-14 07:00:28 by Tatarewicz
RI... The "mystery" behind the long list of assassinated rebel leaders in Donbass might now be solved. Two Ukrainian soldiers have been captured with weapons and bomb-making materials by Lugansk authorities. The two soldiers, both allegedly part of Ukraine's Special Forces, confessed to assassinating the rebel commander Oleg Anashchenko last month. Guess who trained them? You already know. Watch: A (very) incomplete list of prominent rebel leaders who have been assassinated: May 23, 2015: Luhansk rebel leader Aleksey Mozgovoy is assassinated in East Ukraine (his car was ambushed). October 16, 2016: Donetsk rebel leader Arsen Pavlov, aka "Motorola", is ...

More Mideast Madness as Trump Prepares to March
Post Date: 2017-03-14 06:42:47 by Ada
We are now moving rapidly into stage II of Levantine Madness as the US boosts its intervention in the war-torn Mideast. Five thousand US troops are back in Iraq to bolster the shattered nation’s puppet regime that is propped up by American bayonets. New Iraqi military formations have been formed, totally equipped with modern US M1 Abrams tanks, Humvees, and fleets of trucks. More US forces are on the way. These US-financed Iraqi units are euphemistically called ‘anti-terrorism forces’ and are supervised by US officers. In fact, what we see is the old British Imperial Raj formula of white officers commanding native mercenary troops. These Iraqi units are now assaulting ...

What a Mess: The US Blunders Deeper Into The Mysterious Levant
Post Date: 2017-03-13 07:02:43 by Ada
We are now moving rapidly into stage II of Levantine Madness as the US boosts its intervention in the war-torn Mideast. Five thousand US troops are back in Iraq to bolster the shattered nation’s puppet regime that is propped up by American bayonets. New Iraqi military formations have been formed, totally equipped with modern US M1 Abrams tanks, Humvees, and fleets of trucks. More US forces are on the way. These US-financed Iraqi units are euphemistically called ‘anti-terrorism forces’ and are supervised by US officers. In fact, what we see is the old British Imperial Raj formula of white officers commanding native mercenary troops. These Iraqi units are now assaulting ...

The Empire Should be Placed on Suicide Watch
Post Date: 2017-03-12 16:07:34 by X-15
In all the political drama taking place in the US as a result of the attempted color revolution against Trump, the bigger picture sometimes gets forgotten. And yet, this bigger picture is quite amazing, because if we look at it we will see irrefutable signs that the Empire in engaged in some bizarre slow motion version of seppuku and the only mystery left is who, or what, will serve as the Empire’s kaishakunin (assuming there will be one). I would even argue that the Empire is pursuing a full-spectrum policy of self-destruction on several distinct levels, with each level contributing the overall sum total suicide. And when I refer to self-destructive behavior I don’t mean ...

Turkey's Erdogan Wants Norther Syria and Iraq Annexed
Post Date: 2017-03-12 13:44:20 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey’s Erdogan Wants Northern Syria and Iraq Annexed by Stephen Lendman His aim is longstanding. In December 2015, heavily armed Turkish forces invaded Iraq, an act of aggression, occupying territory near Mosul, on the phony pretext of combating ISIS he supports. His real aim is seizing the area’s valued oil fields, a prize he’s long coveted. Last August, he invaded northern Syria, his aggression code-named Operation Euphrates Shield - aiding anti-government forces, combating Kurdish YPG fighters, not terrorists. His forces seized Jarabulus in northwestern Syria straightaway, continued advancing east. Last November, he said his goal is gaining control over “5,000 ...

US-Supported ISIS Using Chemical Weapons in Mosul
Post Date: 2017-03-12 08:20:58 by Stephen Lendman
US-Supported ISIS Using Chemical Weapons in Mosul by Stephen Lendman ICRC Middle East director Robert Mardini said patients treated in nearby Irbil show “clinical symptoms consistent with exposure to a blistering chemical agent.” Affected men, women and children suffer from respiratory problems, blisters, coughing, vomiting, along with eye redness and irritation. “The use of chemical weapons is absolutely prohibited under international humanitarian law. We are deeply alarmed by what our colleagues have seen, and we strongly condemn any use of chemical weapons, by any party, anywhere,” Mardini added. ISIS and other US-supported terrorist groups used chemical weapons ...

Russia and Iran Excluded from Meeting in Washington on ISIS
Post Date: 2017-03-12 07:58:23 by Stephen Lendman
Russia and Iran Excluded from Meeting in Washington on ISIS by Stephen Lendman US hostility toward both countries is longstanding. Russian air power, Iranian advisors and Hezbollah fighters alone are aiding government forces combat terrorism in Syria. America, NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other rogue states support the scourge they claim to oppose. On March 22 and 23, Washington will host ministers from 68 so-called coalition countries supporting, not combating ISIS - why Russia and Iran aren’t invited - besides US hostility toward both nations. Trump was co-opted to renege on pursuing improved relations with Moscow. Throughout the campaign and post-election, he’s ...

Is Israel Planning Another War on Lebanon?
Post Date: 2017-03-11 08:19:41 by Stephen Lendman
Is Israel Planning Another War on Lebanon? by Stephen Lendman Last year, Press TV cited the Beirut-based al-Akhbar broadsheet, saying unnamed US officials warned about Israeli plans for war on Lebanon, a decade after its last aggression - embarrassed by Hezbollah fighters at the time, perhaps seeking an excuse for revenge. On March 11, Haaretz interviewed extremist Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett. Suggesting another possible war on Lebanon, he said its “institutions…infrastructure, airport, power stations, traffic junctions, Lebanese Army bases - they should all be legitimate targets. (Lebanon should be) sen(t) back to the Middle Ages.” Bennett is part of ...

US Mission Creep in Syria and Iraq
Post Date: 2017-03-10 12:32:37 by Stephen Lendman
US Mission Creep in Syria and Iraq by Stephen Lendman According to reports, around 5,000 US troops operate in Iraq -with so-called permission from the puppet regime it installed. Hundreds of US special forces are in Syria, now joined by unknown numbers of combat marines, America’s total military presence not officially announced, the Pentagon citing operational security. US forces invaded Syria illegally, without permission from Damascus, on the phony pretext of combating ISIS America created and supports. On March 9, the Army Times reported an additional 2,500 US combat troops are being sent to Kuwait - likely in preparation for America’s greater intervention in Syria and ...

Greater US Aggression Under Trump Coming?
Post Date: 2017-03-10 08:27:20 by Stephen Lendman
Greater US Aggression Under Trump Coming? by Stephen Lendman Nearly straightaway in office, Trump proved he’s the latest in a long line of US warrior presidents. He’s continuing naked aggression in multiple theaters, upping the stakes in Syria and Yemen, increasing numbers of US combat troops in both countries, perhaps more headed for Iraq. At the urging of CENTCOM chief General Joseph Votel, he may increase America’s military presence in Afghanistan. Earlier this week, a joint statement by US, UK and French ambassadors to Libya expressed concern about escalated violence in and around the country’s oil installations - urging a “unified military force” to ...

Trump Threatens Europe?
Post Date: 2017-03-10 07:44:03 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Threatens Europe? by Stephen Lendman NYT editors absurdly say so - claiming he’s “shown higher regard for President Vladimir Putin… than for NATO or the European Union.” The self-styled newspaper of record is ground zero for media misinformation. It keeps finding new ways of making itself a laughing stock, publishing rubbish and fake news instead of what readers most need to know. The only threats America and European nations face are ones they invent as justification for endless aggression, targeting nations threatening no one, wanting independent governments replaced with pro-Western puppet regimes. EU foreign and defense ministers announced plans for ...

U.S. Marines Enter Syria to Aid Fight for ISIS’ Capital Raqqa
Post Date: 2017-03-09 20:27:18 by bush_is_a_moonie
U.S. Marines have arrived in Syria to support local forces in the battle for Raqqa — the effective capital of ISIS — several U.S. defense officials told NBC News late Wednesday. A group from the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit arrived deployed with M777 Howitzers, capable of firing 155mm shells, to assist the coalition of militias collectively known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). These are not the first conventional troops to deploy to Syria, nor is this the first time the U.S. military has sent in ground-launched artillery. High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) have been used there in the past. U.S. military leaders based in neighboring Iraq can take advantage ...

Trump Invades Syria
Post Date: 2017-03-09 20:23:47 by bush_is_a_moonie
Although the Syrian army, with its ally Russia, has made significant gains against ISIS over the past week or so, the Washington Post is reporting tonight that President Trump has for the first time sent regular US military personnel into that country in combat positions. This is an unprecedented escalation of US involvement in the Syrian war and it comes without Congressional authorization, without UN authorization, and without the authorization of the government of Syria. In short it is three ways illegal. According to the Post, US Marines have departed their ships in the Mediterranean and have established an outpost on Syrian soil from where they will fire artillery toward the ISIS ...

Trump Raises the Stakes in Syria
Post Date: 2017-03-09 08:25:43 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Raises the Stakes in Syria by Stephen Lendman His actions so far show he wants continued war, not resolution. Terror-bombing continues, targeting Syrian infrastructure, massacring civilians. On March 8, al-Matab village was struck, killing about two dozen civilians, including women and children - the mission conducted on the phony pretext of combating terrorism America supports. Trump upped the stakes by deploying hundreds of marines to northern Syria, US special forces already there - aiding anti-government terrorist groups, not combating them, as officially reported. Claiming America aims to liberate Raqqa from ISIS control is another US deception. Its orchestrated offensive ...

Regime Brutality in Iraq
Post Date: 2017-03-07 08:35:03 by Stephen Lendman
Regime Brutality in Iraq by Stephen Lendman US-installed prime minister Haider al-Abadi is at war with his own people, massacring them in the battle for Mosul. Amnesty International called human rights in the country “dire.” Civilians are threatened by violence instigated by ISIS and their own government, regime forces killing them indiscriminately - earlier in Anbar province, currently in Mosul for months. Unknown numbers of detainees are being extrajudicially executed. Thousands languish in prison uncharged and untried, held incommunicado without access to family members or counsel - tortured, otherwise mistreated and denied access to healthcare. If later trials occur, ...

Trump and Netanyahu Discuss Nonexistent Iranian Threat
Post Date: 2017-03-07 08:15:43 by Stephen Lendman
Trump and Netanyahu Discuss Nonexistent Iranian Threat by Stephen Lendman Both leaders are militantly anti-Iran. On Monday, they spoke by phone, discussing nonexistent Iranian “malevolent behavior.” A White House readout said they “discussed the need to counter continuing threats and challenges facing the Middle East region.” The main threat posed by US and Israeli belligerence wasn’t explained, the world’s leading pariah nations - with plenty of help from rogue states allies. The phone conversation followed reports of (legitimate) Iranian missile tests last weekend. On Monday, the Pentagon lied, claiming Iranian high-speed vessels harassed a US naval ship ...

Humanitarian Disaster in Mosul, Iraq
Post Date: 2017-03-06 09:07:57 by Stephen Lendman
Humanitarian Disaster in Mosul, Iraq by Stephen Lendman Media scoundrels ignore US-led terror-bombing, massacring Mosul civilians mercilessly - on the phony pretext of liberating the city from ISIS terrorists America created and supports. The ongoing battle isn’t what it seems. Thousands of ISIS fighters were redeployed from Mosul to Syria last October. A corridor opened by America let them flee. At the time, Iraqi Ansarullah al-Nujaba Movement spokesman Hashem al-Moussavi said “Washington is still continuing its military support for the terrorists in” his country, airdropping them weapons and other supplies. “Our forces have filmed US aircraft while dropping ...

Trump Orders Counterterrorism Expansion in Yemen (considering ground attacks)
Post Date: 2017-03-05 18:02:27 by hondo68
President Donald Trump speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Feb. 24 in Oxon Hill, Md. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) More than two years after a multi-sided civil war erupted in Yemen that allowed al-Qaida's local franchise to amass power and seize territory, President Donald Trump has told the Pentagon to conduct a complicated counter-terrorism campaign. Trump's decision, just six weeks into his presidency, intends to reverse the largely unchecked expansion across southern Yemen of the group, Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. The willingness to expand counter-terrorism operations inside war-torn Yemen is another signal that Trump is more willing to defer to ...

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