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These American anti-Semites deserve to live in infamy forever
Post Date: 2017-02-25 22:21:10 by Dakmar
To the editor: Law professor James Q. Whitman’s article, while technically correct about the Nazis copying racist laws at the time in the U.S., misses the real point: Why did intelligent persons in power profess such ideas and codify them into despicable laws that classified races into sub-standard positions? (“When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes,” Opinion, Feb. 22) We must look to the trend setters of the day, including Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh, who professed a deep hatred of Jews and non-whites and supported their beliefs with the “science” of eugenics. Hitler was greatly influenced by Lindbergh, Ford and ...

Russia to Veto New SC Sanctions on Syria
Post Date: 2017-02-25 08:25:55 by Stephen Lendman
Russia to Veto New SC Sanctions on Syria by Stephen Lendman Russia intends vetoing a draft US, UK, French Security Council resolution, imposing new sanctions on Syria - based on fabricated accusations of chemical weapons use. No credible evidence proves Syria used toxic agents at any time throughout years of conflict. Plenty indicates use by US-supported terrorists. They’ve used sarin and other toxic agents against civilians numerous times, trained in their use in Turkey and Jordan, supplied these weapons by Pentagon military contractors, Saudi Arabia and perhaps other regional countries - Syria wrongfully blamed for their criminal acts. Russian Foreign Ministry’s director of ...

Trump’s Terrorism Fearmongering vs. The Facts
Post Date: 2017-02-25 06:10:41 by Ada
This article appeared in the New York Daily News on February 22, 2017. When President Trump rails against the news media and decries reports as “fake news,” he is beating a dead horse. American trust in the news media is already at a historic low point, with a September 2016 Gallup poll finding that just 32% of the public (and just 14% of Republicans) have a “fair amount” or a “great deal” of trust in the mass media. What’s more disturbing is how loose with the facts Trump has been when it comes to talking about terrorism. In recent weeks, as his immigration, refugee, and travel ban foundered in the courts, Trump turned to Twitter to proclaim that ...

The United States of Permanent War
Post Date: 2017-02-25 05:47:43 by Ada
As the foreign policy establishment continues to grapple with the consequences of Trump’s election, U.S. officials can still agree on one thing. The United States is a nation that is waging a permanent war. In December 2016, President Obama reflected on the development in a speech that he delivered to US soldiers at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. “By the time I took office, the United States had been at war for seven years,” Obama said. By continuing that war, “I will become the first president of the United States to serve two full terms during a time of war.” Notably, Obama did not issue his remarks to criticize the United States. He only made his ...

Trump's Hawkish National Security Advisor
Post Date: 2017-02-24 13:31:38 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Hawkish National Security Advisor by Stephen Lendman Bipartisan neocons infesting Washington love General HR McMaster. So do media scoundrels, notably The NYT, calling his appointment “an enlightened choice” for good reason. He’s militantly anti-Russia. In a May 2016 Potomac Foundation address, he lied claiming Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea - calling 2014 the end of the post-Cold War “holiday from history,” adding: “(W)e have awakened to this (nonexistent) threat by Russia, (aimed) “not at defensive objective but at offensive objectives to collapse the post-WWII, certainly the post-Cold War security, economic and political ...

Iraq Bombs ISIS in Syria
Post Date: 2017-02-24 13:20:23 by Stephen Lendman
Iraq Bombs ISIS in Syria by Stephen Lendman According to an unnamed Damascus source allegedly close to its Foreign Ministry, Iraq’s mission was approved and conducted in “coordination” with Syria’s government. It hasn’t been officially confirmed so what’s going on isn’t clear. A statement by US-installed Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi said “(w)e are determined to chase terrorism that tries to kill our sons and citizens wherever it is found, so we gave orders to the air force command to strike Islamic State positions in Hosaiba and Albu Kamal inside Syrian territory as they were responsible for recent bombings in Baghdad.” Since ...

Geneva IV Peace Talks on Syria Off to a Rocky Start
Post Date: 2017-02-24 07:51:41 by Stephen Lendman
Geneva IV Peace Talks on Syria Off to a Rocky Start by Stephen Lendman On Thursday, Syria’s delegation faced off against US-supported terrorist groups wanting its legitimate government toppled. Both sides are nowhere near resolving differences between them after three previous failed rounds. Two sessions in Astana, Kazakhstan this year achieved little. Geneva IV may turn out no better. It’s unclear whether Trump wants continued war or resolution. Israel abhors the latter, wanting Assad toppled. NATO countries remain hostile to his government. So do Turkey, Saudi Arabia, other Gulf states and Jordan - not a prescription for ending six devastating years of conflict. On ...

John McCain Again Meets with Terrorists in Syria
Post Date: 2017-02-23 13:42:55 by Stephen Lendman
John McCain Again Meets with Terrorists in Syria by Stephen Lendman In May 2013, ISIS elements posted photos they took with neocon John McCain, during his Syria visit to meet with anti-government terrorists. On return, he said “it was a very moving experience to meet these fighters who have been struggling now for over two years.” He called cutthroat killers moderate rebels. “I know who they are. I was in Syria and I met with them,” he said - explaining nothing about America’s war of aggression against a sovereign independent country threatening no one, using imported terrorists as imperial foot soldiers. Last weekend, McCain returned to Syria, showing support ...

Geneva IV Peace Talks on Syria Begin
Post Date: 2017-02-23 08:42:06 by Stephen Lendman
Geneva IV Peace Talks on Syria Begin by Stephen Lendman Three previous rounds failed because Washington undermined them. Will this time be different? Pro-Western UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura said he’s “not expecting a breakthrough” - not a good sign as new peace talks begin after six years of devastating war, launched by Obama for regime change. Nor was opposition delegation spokesman Salem al-Muslet encouraging, saying Syrian representatives aren’t “here to negotiate about a political transition, but they're here to buy time and commit more crimes…There's no trust” in Damascus. According to opposition Syrian National Coalition head ...

Russia Foiled America's Middle East Strategy
Post Date: 2017-02-23 08:12:08 by Stephen Lendman
Russia Foiled America’s Middle East Strategy by Stephen Lendman After US-led NATO’s rape and destruction of Libya in 2011, Syria’s fall was supposed to be next. Things didn’t turn out this way. Not so far at least. Russia’s intervention on September 30, 2015 turned the tide of battle in favor of government and allied forces. On Tuesday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said “(t)he deployment of our group (to) the Syrian Arab Republic helped solve the geopolitical task of breaking the chain of (US instigated) ‘color revolutions’ replicated in the Middle East and Africa.” At the same time, he warned of the high ...

Trump: America's Latest Warrior President
Post Date: 2017-02-22 13:27:23 by Stephen Lendman
Trump: America’s Latest Warrior President by Stephen Lendman Trump’s first month in office proved nothing he said campaigning holds water. All politicians lie, saying whatever it takes to get elected, doing whatever they please once in office. In short order, America’s 45th president surrendered to Wall Street and war-profiteers, gorging at the public trough - at the expense of humanity at home and abroad. The hoped for antidote to Hillary appears no different when on policymaking - both subservient to monied interests at the expense of popular ones, both warriors, not peacemakers, both intolerant of challenges to America’s hegemonic aims, both hostile to all ...

Post Date: 2017-02-22 09:29:08 by Ada
UNLIKE HIS SHORT-LIVED PREDECESSOR, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President Trump’s new national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, has no history of openly associating with bigotry. In fact, McMaster has throughout his career emphasized the need to work constructively with foreign Muslim populations. But his presence only calls even more attention to the dramatic divide among Trump’s top foreign policy advisers. One one side are career military personnel who understand that antagonizing Muslims is both offensive to American values and damaging to the country’s security. On the other side are inexperienced radical ethno-nationalists who shrug off international norms and ...

Israel Again Terror-Bombs Syria
Post Date: 2017-02-22 09:06:05 by Stephen Lendman
Israel Again Terror-Bombs Syria by Stephen Lendman Israel wants war on Syria continued, Assad removed, pro-Western governance installed, and Iran isolated ahead of targeting its sovereignty the same way. Does Trump support this agenda? It’s unknown. Yet US warplanes continue terror-bombing Syrian infrastructure sites, and reports suggest he may deploy combat troops, escalating conflict, not working to resolve it diplomatically if he gets America more involved this way. On Wednesday, Lebanon’s Al-Jadeed television reported one or more Israeli warplanes terror- bombed targets in Syria’s al-Qatifa mountains, located near Damascus. The attack occurred from Lebanese airspace. ...

Warriors Running Defense, National and Homeland Security Assure No End of US Phony War on Terror
Post Date: 2017-02-22 08:18:42 by Stephen Lendman
Warriors Running Defense, National and Homeland Security Assure No End of US Phony War on Terror by Stephen Lendman So-called Israeli/Palestinian peace talks and America’s global war on terror are the two greatest hoaxes in modern times. Washington’s scheme is all about advancing its hegemonic agenda, benefitting privileged interests at the expense of most others, along with replacing fundamental freedoms with police state rule - tyranny by any standard. Trump so far seems bent on continuing deplorable policies of his predecessors, wanting a more muscular military, a stronger nuclear capability, increased use of combat troops in US war theaters, greater domestic police state ...

Trump Chooses Hawkish National Security Advisor
Post Date: 2017-02-21 08:42:09 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Chooses Hawkish National Security Advisor by Stephen Lendman On Monday, Trump named hawkish Army Lt. General HR McMaster to replace Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor (NSA). Political pressure lead to his unfortunate sacking for harmlessly discussing sanctions with Russia’s US ambassador. Twice passed over for brigadier general, McMaster earned two more stars in less than six years after getting his first one, a remarkable advancement - given to warriors, not peace advocates. As a lieutenant general, he was US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) deputy commanding general in charge of the Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC) - tasked with devising ...

Pence and WaPo on NATO
Post Date: 2017-02-20 12:34:55 by Stephen Lendman
Pence and WaPo on NATO by Stephen Lendman As long as NATO exists, world peace, stability and security are impossible. The alliance is a US-dominated killing machine, used for endless wars of aggression, not defense at a time the only threats are invented ones. Candidate Trump called NATO “obsolete.” UK Prime Minister Theresa May said he’s “100% behind NATO.” In early February, he expressed “strong support” for the alliance, according to a readout of his conversation with Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, “agree(ing) to continue close coordination and cooperation to address the full range of (invented) security challenges facing NATO.” ...

‘We’re a Nation at War’
Post Date: 2017-02-20 07:53:48 by Ada
Last week, Army General Raymond “Tony” Thomas, head of U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), expressed his dismay about the Trump administration. “Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil,” Thomas opined. “I hope they sort it out soon because we’re a nation at war.” What does that mean, we’re a nation at war? Many will think that a dumb question, but is it? Sure, we have roughly 10,000 troops in Afghanistan, and that war isn’t over. Sure, the US is still helping Iraqi forces (notably in Mosul) against ISIS and related terrorist groups. Yes, the US and NATO (joined by Russia?) are seeking to corral and eventually to end ISIS and ...

US Terror-Bombed Syria with Toxic DU Munitions
Post Date: 2017-02-19 13:02:47 by Stephen Lendman
US Terror-Bombed Syria with Toxic DU Munitions by Stephen Lendman America uses banned depleted uranium (DU) weapons in all its wars, ongoing since first developed during the Vietnam era. The 1925 Geneva Protocol and succeeding Geneva Weapons Conventions prohibited use of chemical and biological agents in any form as weapons of war. Although no Geneva Convention or other treaty specifically bans radioactive uranium weapons, including DU ones, they’re illegal de facto and de jure under the 1907 Hague Convention, prohibiting use of any “poison or poisoned weapons.” DU munitions are radioactive, chemically toxic and poisonous. America is a signatory to the Hague and Geneva ...

Rallying for Peace in Donbass, Putin Extends Outreach
Post Date: 2017-02-19 07:56:05 by Stephen Lendman
Rallying for Peace in Donbass, Putin Extends Outreach by Stephen Lendman On the second anniversary of the Minsk II peace agreement, thousands of Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) residents rallied against Kiev’s aggression. A moment of silence honoring regime victims proceeded a march and rally for conflict resolution. Addressing the crowd, DPR deputy chairwoman Olga Makeeva said “(d)uring the Minsk talks the world has heard us, and they know the truth. They talk more and more that it’s Ukraine who’s guilty in deaths of innocent people…” Since Washington’s February 2014 coup, Russia was falsely accused of “aggression” in Ukraine, ...

Putin's 2007 Straight Talk on Disastrous US Unipolarity
Post Date: 2017-02-18 08:52:44 by Stephen Lendman
Putin’s 2007 Straight Talk on Disastrous US Unipolarity by Stephen Lendman Annual Munich security conferences have been held since 1963. It’s the most important world forum on current and future security issues and challenges. Numerous heads of state, other senior government officials, high-ranking military ones, along with business, media and other private sectors figures attend. This year’s conference began Friday, continuing on Saturday. Sergey Lavrov will speak later today, presenting Russia’s views on international security, followed by a Q & A session. Foreign ministers from Normandy contact group members Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine will discuss ...

Syria Condemns Turkish War Crimes, US Keeps Killing Civilians
Post Date: 2017-02-18 08:19:40 by Stephen Lendman
Syria Condemns Turkish War Crimes, US Keeps Killing Civilians by Stephen Lendman Syrian Foreign Ministry letters to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Security Council president Volodmyr Yelchenko condemned Turkey’s “repeated crimes and attacks” on defenseless civilians, along with violations of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. It called for UN intervention to halt its aggression. According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), Ankara’s war on Syria remains ongoing for nearly six years. It “includes providing various forms of military, material and logistic support to the terrorist organizations, bringing foreign terrorists, facilitating their ...

Mattis Rules Out US/Russia Military Cooperation in Syria
Post Date: 2017-02-17 08:22:13 by Stephen Lendman
Mattis Rules Out US/Russia Military Cooperation in Syria by Stephen Lendman Trump said he wants to cooperate with Russia in combating terrorism in Syria. Defense Secretary Mattis rejects the idea. In Brussels at NATO headquarters, he claimed “(w)e are not in a position right now to collaborate on a military level, but our political leaders will engage and try to find common ground or a way forward so that Russia, living up to its commitment, can return to a partnership of sorts here with NATO.” “Russia’s aggressive actions have violated international law and are destabilizing. (It has) to prove itself first. The point about Russia is they have to live by ...

US Combat Troops to Syria?
Post Date: 2017-02-16 12:58:27 by Stephen Lendman
US Combat Troops to Syria? by Stephen Lendman Unknown numbers of US special forces operate in northern Syria illegally, aiding anti-government terrorists. In late 2015, Lebanon’s al-Akhbar reported Washington was constructing a 2,500 millimeter-long runway for its warplanes at Abu Hajar airport in the eastern countryside of Hasaka, controlled by Kurdish YPG fighters. US forces operate in Syria without government permission, a flagrant violation of international law. Last November, reports indicated the Pentagon was considering possible deployment of greater numbers of special forces to northern parts of the country. On Wednesday, CNN issued a similar report, quoting an unnamed ...

Human Rights Watch Fake News on Syria
Post Date: 2017-02-14 14:06:28 by Stephen Lendman
Human Rights Watch Fake News on Syria by Stephen Lendman George Soros generously funds numerous organizations for personal gain - Amnesty International (AI) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) among them. In 2010, he announced a $100 million grant to HRW from his Open Society Foundation - on the phony pretext of protecting and promoting human rights worldwide. He challenged HRW to raise a comparable amount from other private donors. On February 7, AI published a report on mass exterminations at Syria’s Saydnaya prison. It was strategically timed to coincide with Trump’s early days in office - aimed at undermining his involvement in resolving Syria’s conflict, along with his ...

London Guardian Fake News on Ukraine
Post Date: 2017-02-14 13:31:01 by Stephen Lendman
London Guardian Fake News on Ukraine by Stephen Lendman In late January, Ukrainian military forces escalated naked aggression on Donbass. Conditions are tense along the contact line separating both sides. Shelling by artillery, tanks, mortars and other weapons against Donbass communities is relentless, civilians in the line of fire. Since Minsk II ceasefire terms were agreed on in February 2015, Donbass freedom fighters alone observed them. Ukrainian forces violated them straightaway - escalating conflict two weeks ago, mobilizing tens of thousands of troops along the contact line, likely preparing for full-blown war. Nazi-infested OUN and Right Sector fighters are involved. According ...

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