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Post Date: 2011-08-06 21:05:35 by tom007
What's an mreit? Mortgage Real Investment Trust. They bundle M's into sellable assets Hasn't worked too well for most of us.

If ya want to see whats going on in Syria.....
Post Date: 2011-08-06 19:03:24 by tom007

Agenda 21 - The Beast On The Planet
Post Date: 2011-08-06 18:29:42 by Itistoolate
Agenda 21 - The Beast On The Planet

Democratic politics in a nutshell
Post Date: 2011-08-06 10:01:06 by tom007
Democratic politics in a nutshell By Glenn Greenwald Democratic politics in a nutshell AP President Obama speaks with Nancy Pelosi at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, Friday. Let's begin by taking note of three facts: (1) Three days ago, Democratic Rep. John Conyers, appearing at a meeting of the Out of Poverty caucus, said: "The Republicans -- Speaker Boehner or Majority Leader Cantor -- did not call for Social Security cuts in the budget deal. The President of the United States called for that" (video here, at 1:30); (2) The reported deal on the debt ceiling is so completely one-sided -- brutal domestic cuts with no tax increases on the rich and the ...

Mallick: Image of girl, 10, on Vogue cover is retching
Post Date: 2011-08-06 07:02:01 by Ferret
I don’t know which is worse, French Vogue for painting and contorting a 10-year-old girl to model on the pages of its Enfants magazine, or the Washington State strawberry farms just fined by the U.S. State Department for hiring six-year-olds as pickers. And who’s most responsible, the parents who allowed their children to work the fields and the studios or we who buy the berries and the magazine? Either way, the way we regard children and use them is changing, and infinitely for the worse. It’s wrong to single out the French. Little-girl beauty pageants in the American South are positively gut-churning but no one has thought to ban them. In Canada, the sexualizing of ...

Hey Texans - I think your Heat Wave IS caused By God Punishing You For Your Govener Rick Perry.
Post Date: 2011-08-05 20:59:21 by tom007

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire By Paul Craig Roberts
Post Date: 2011-08-05 18:26:20 by tom007
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire By Paul Craig Roberts August 03, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- - -The United States Government and its presstitute media have wasted time and energy creating hysteria over a non-existent “debt ceiling crisis.” After reading the “news” in the Ministry of Propaganda and witnessing the stupidity of the US government, the rest of the world is struck dumbfounded by the immaturity of the “world’s only superpower.” What kind of superpower is it, the world wonders, that is willing to go to the eleventh hour to convince the world, which holds its banking reserves in US Treasury debt, that the US ...

Rupert Murdoch and Bradley Manning: Why Isn't Murdoch in Jail and Manning Free?
Post Date: 2011-08-05 14:53:37 by tom007
Rupert Murdoch and Bradley Manning: Why Isn't Murdoch in Jail and Manning Free? Submitted by mark karlin on Thu, 08/04/2011 - 1:26pm. Guest Commentary JANE STILLWATER FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT What if you were to obtain government information that is important to the public and then give it to someone to disseminate it widely? How should you be punished? If you are Bradley Manning, you will be thrown in jail, tortured, humiliated, deprived of even basic creature comforts and forced to sleep naked in an isolation cell. Can you even imagine this same thing happening to Rupert Murdoch? Ever? Let's compare these two men's actions. Manning made public some vital information that ...

Pentagon chief warns he won’t accept spending cuts ( Spunds Like The MIC Is Telling The Civilians to Keep Slaving Away)
Post Date: 2011-08-04 19:40:28 by tom007
Pentagon chief warns he won’t accept spending cuts By Agence France-Presse Thursday, August 4th, 2011 -- 5:10 pm Print 5 Tags: barack obama, leon panetta, pentagon chief WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned Thursday he would not accept large military cutbacks under a debt deal, charging the move would weaken the United States faced with rising powers. Panetta, holding his first formal news conference since taking charge of the Pentagon a month ago, launched a pre-emptive strike as a special committee prepares to slash spending under a last-ditch deal to avert a US debt default. Panetta, a veteran Democratic Party dealmaker who was once in charge of budgets, ...

Firm donates $1 million to pro-Romney PAC, then disappears
Post Date: 2011-08-04 14:06:26 by tom007
Firm donates $1 million to pro-Romney PAC, then disappears By David Edwards Thursday, August 4th, 2011 -- 11:43 am Print 47 Tags: high net worth individuals, michael isikoff, republican presidential candidate mitt romney Big donors have found yet another way to anonymously funnel obscene amounts of money to political candidates. Restore Our Future, a Super PAC supporting Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, received $1 million from W Spann LLC, one of the biggest donations of the 2012 campaign season so far. Months later, the firm dissolved, leaving few clues to the true identity of the donors. New reporting from NBC's Michael Isikoff sheds some light on the mysterious ...

PROFILE: The Outlandish Beliefs Of Rick Perry’s Prayer Rally Endorsers
Post Date: 2011-08-04 09:00:50 by tom007
PROFILE: The Outlandish Beliefs Of Rick Perry’s Prayer Rally Endorsers By Guest Blogger on Aug 3, 2011 at 1:00 pm On August 6th, Gov. Rick Perry will host a rally of prayer and fasting for a “nation in crisis.” Perry has invited all 49 other governors to share in the event he defines as “a nondenominational, apolitical, Christian prayer meeting.” He is expected to announce his presidential intentions soon after the rally. A quick look at the event’s endorsement list features a who’s-who of extreme right-wing religious figures. They warn of dire consequences for our nation: birds dying out because gays can serve in the military, hurricanes ravaging ...

Sen. Lieberman Says U.S. Must Cut Social Security To Pay For Wars & Offensive Military Action - Vote Him Out!
Post Date: 2011-08-03 11:59:02 by tom007
Sen. Lieberman Says U.S. Must Cut Social Security To Pay For Wars & Offensive Military Action - Vote Him Out! Video - Lieberman on the Senate floor - Aug. 2, 2011 The Senate's leading shill for Israel and useless war does not hide his extreme prejudice. Related stories:

John Boehner Says In Order To Pay For The Wars, We Need To Raise The Social Security Retirement Age To 70
Post Date: 2011-08-03 11:53:52 by tom007
John Boehner Says In Order To Pay For The Wars, We Need To Raise The Social Security Retirement Age To 70 (VIDEO) Video: Boehner on fixing Social Security -- June 29, 2010 Flashback to last Summer. According to the source, Boehner said the following: Ensuring there's enough money to pay for the war will require reforming the country's entitlement system, Boehner said. He said he'd favor increasing the Social Security retirement age to 70 for people who have at least 20 years until retirement, tying cost-of-living increases to the consumer price index rather than wage inflation and limiting payments to those who need them. "We need to look at the American people and ...

Post Date: 2011-08-03 10:46:30 by tom007
10+ sieverts per hour means there is direct exposure to fuel rods: Australia’s former top radiation official August 2nd, 2011 at 10:58 AM Record-high radiation detected at Fukushima, The World Today (ABC Australia), August 2, 2011: Peter Burns, former chief executive officer of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency “The levels reported of 10 sieverts per hour are very high levels and it’s going to be very difficult to manage workers going into those areas and doing operations.” “10 sieverts is actually a lethal dose of radiation. So you can’t afford to be exposed for more than a few minutes at those levels.” “It means ...

Small US town files for bankruptcy
Post Date: 2011-08-03 10:08:35 by tom007
Small US town files for bankruptcy By Alessandro Rampietti in Americas on Tue, 08/02/2011 - 23:00. Once, the tiny city of Central Falls, in the US state of Rhode Island, was a proud boomtown - textile mills and other manufactures dotted the landscape and anchored it in prosperity. Today, its website may still claim it to be a "town with a bright future" but the reality is a different story; one where the money ran out and the city had to file for bankruptcy. What broke Central Falls was its way too generous pension system mixed up with a good amount of mismanagement. In 1972, the town created its own pension plan for public safety workers like firefighters and police ...

The President Surrenders
Post Date: 2011-08-03 09:24:52 by tom007
The President Surrenders By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: July 31, 2011 Recommend Twitter comments (975) Sign In to E-Mail Print Reprints Share A deal to raise the federal debt ceiling is in the works. If it goes through, many commentators will declare that disaster was avoided. But they will be wrong. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » Blog: The Conscience of a Liberal Related Obama and Leaders Reach Debt Deal (August 1, 2011) Times Topic: Federal Debt Ceiling Related in Opinion Ross Douthat: The Diminished President (August 1, 2011) Op-Ed Contributors: Our Unbalanced Democracy (August 1, 2011) Editorial: To Escape Chaos, a Terrible Deal (August 1, ...

Texe Marrs on Jason Bermas: Don't know Jews run US Media?
Post Date: 2011-08-03 08:13:28 by Itistoolate
Texe Marrs on Jason Bermas: Don't know Jews run US Media? You DUMB

Rick Perry Partners With 'Apostle' Who Thinks The Statue Of Liberty Is A 'Demonic Idol'
Post Date: 2011-08-02 19:10:14 by tom007
Rick Perry Partners With 'Apostle' Who Thinks The Statue Of Liberty Is A 'Demonic Idol' Submitted by Brian Tashman on July 12, 2011 - 10:26am As we've been reporting on Right Wing Watch, Texas Governor Rick Perry is working a number of radical preachers to plan his upcoming Christians-only prayer rally. Perry's partners in the event include extremists who believe that tolerance for homosexuality caused the September 11th attacks, Oprah Winfrey is the harbinger of the Antichrist, the deadly Japanese earthquake was caused by the country’s Emperor having sex with a demon, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell caused bird deaths in Arkansas and violence ...

Debt ceil pass, nothing follows
Post Date: 2011-08-01 21:29:45 by tom007

Japan gov’t: Agency funding project to monitor online info about Fukushima crisis — Around the clock monitoring of “blogs on nuclear power” and “Twitter accounts”
Post Date: 2011-08-01 19:59:10 by tom007
Japan gov’t: Agency funding project to monitor online info about Fukushima crisis — Around the clock monitoring of “blogs on nuclear power” and “Twitter accounts” August 1st, 2011 at 11:48 AM Japan denies censorship over nuclear crisis, AFP, July 29, 2011: [...] Chikako Ogami, a spokeswoman at the energy agency of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) [...] said the agency had set aside funds in the nation’s disaster reconstruction budget for a project to monitor “inaccurate” online information that may lead to harmful rumours against residents of Fukushima. [...] The controversy was triggered when METI’s Agency for Natural ...

Support Your Local Pizza Guy
Post Date: 2011-08-01 06:21:15 by Ada
It's 9:45 PM and you forgot to eat. You'll be working on a project, there's nothing to cook quickly, and no time to go out and deal with the late-night dining selection. Who do you call? An old friend comes over and both of you just want to sit around, catch up, and maybe have a few drinks. You're both peckish but don't want to bother with the time or effort needed for a full culinary production. Where do you turn? There's a meeting of several people, all with different tastes, and the last thing you need is to introduce the complication of food politics. Does a simple answer present itself, one that will likely be accepted for its traditional legacy as a mediating ...

Zionist Terrorism in Norway
Post Date: 2011-07-31 13:10:43 by X-15

Brother Nathanael Kapner's Latest
Post Date: 2011-07-30 22:33:19 by Itistoolate
Did Israel’s Mossad Do 9/11?

USA: A Sea of Silent Peasants.
Post Date: 2011-07-30 16:38:08 by tom007
USA: A Sea of Silent Peasants. By David Benjamin July 28, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- PARIS — The Republican vision for America’s future keeps popping up in old movies. My latest flash of GOP déjà vu came unexpectedly, while I feasted with friends in a tiny Italian village. As we ate, the television unspooled a 1955 German movie dubbed in Italian. The only face I recognized was Romy Schneider as the title character, “Sissi,” who was — as best I could guess — princess of Austro-Hungary. I tried to ignore the TV. But the sheer spectacle, in vibrant, tear-inducing Agfacolor, kept pulling me back into the charming, although ...

Heres some interesting perspective… Japan… Knew first hand that there were three full on melt downs…
Post Date: 2011-07-29 15:43:13 by tom007
Heres some interesting perspective… Japan… Knew first hand that there were three full on melt downs… Global Response: Silence… (immediate disinformation campaign)(Accompanied with Blacking out global media; And raising safe radiation limits for its citizens…Tepco has now been caught paying more to date in ‘Hush’ money then actual Restitution to the victims and evacuees of the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis)… Canada… Probably also knew there was three meltdowns… Global Response: Took down radiation networks… United States… Knew there was three meltdowns… Global Response: Raised safe radiation levels (without a scientific ...

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