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South Carolina Launches All-Out Assault on Truck Nutz
Post Date: 2011-07-28 18:44:56 by tom007
South Carolina Launches All-Out Assault on Truck Nutz by Kirsten Boyd Johnson 3:53 pm July 27, 2011 107 Comments 2844 Views OH COME ON, as though somehow there are people out there who don’t love Truck Nutz? Judging by the number of people who sent us this tip, absolutely NO ONE in all of space/time except a humorless douchebag police officer who issued a $445 ticket to a 65-year-old woman for putting giant red balls on her truck, along with some prosecutor who ran out of black people to throw in prison and will now make this lady stand trial for being a public fan of novelty testicles. We might as well be living under Stalin. A man known as Turtle, a freedon 4um poster, 58, was ...

Censorship of war casualties in the US
Post Date: 2011-07-28 12:04:26 by tom007
Censorship of war casualties in the US US mainstream media and the public's willful ignorance is to blame for lack of knowledge about true cost of wars. Ted Rall Last Modified: 28 Jul 2011 11:32 The US mainstream media has tended to shy away from showing images that accurately depict the reality of war [EPA] Why is it so easy for political leaders in the US to convince ordinary citizens to support war? How is it that, after that initial enthusiasm has given away to fatigue and disgust, the reaction is mere disinterest rather than righteous rage? Even when the reasons given for taking the US to war were proven to have been not only wrong, but brazenly fraudulent - as in Iraq, which ...

FBI ‘Islam 10182; Guide Depicted Muslims as 7th-Century Simpletons
Post Date: 2011-07-28 10:09:13 by tom007
A grainy copy of the PowerPoint was obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union’s Northern California chapter and the Asian Law Caucus, a San Francisco-based civil rights group, and provided to Danger Room. The two groups filed a Freedom of Information Act request last year inquiring about government surveillance of American Muslim communities. “In order for FBI training to be effective it has to present useful, factual and unbiased information. This material fails on all three criteria,” said Mike German, a former FBI agent who now works for the ACLU. “Factually flawed and biased law enforcement training programs only expand the risk that innocent Muslim and Arab ...

The Reason Why Obama Will Not Invoke the 14th Amendment: The Supreme Court
Post Date: 2011-07-27 10:35:04 by tom007
The Reason Why Obama Will Not Invoke the 14th Amendment: The Supreme Court Submitted by mark karlin on Tue, 07/26/2011 - 3:57pm. EditorBlog MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT There's a simple reason that President Obama will not invoke the 14th Amendment to resolve the debt-ceiling crisis: the Supreme Court. Yes, there is speculation that Obama is too risk averse to assert that the Constitution gives him the power to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling - and that may be true. But Obama and his advisers know that if he bypasses Congress by using the 14th Amendment, it will immediately be challenged in the federal courts - which are loaded with partisan Republican judges - ...

A self-inflicted wound: The budget battle and America's reputation Posted By Stephen M. Walt
Post Date: 2011-07-27 09:32:56 by tom007
A self-inflicted wound: The budget battle and America's reputation Posted By Stephen M. Walt Tuesday, July 26, 2011 - 12:30 PM Share Remember the 1990s? Back in those days, the U.S. was recognized as the world's sole superpower. Our economy was booming, we ended the decade with a budget surplus, and there was a widespread sense around the world that the United States really had its act together. True, we had some pretty bitter partisan politics, misguided polices like "dual containment" were helping pave the way for 9/11, and corrupt financiers were busy sowing the seeds for the 2007 meltdown, but most of the world had the impression -- rightly or wrongly -- that the ...

Antifas most hated man
Post Date: 2011-07-25 21:43:48 by Itistoolate
Most "dangerous" White Winger man according to the antifas. Will you dare listening to the raw, sometimes ugly truths this man has the courage to say out loud for his kin's sake ? Or will you rather chicken out, and keep your head up your @$$ ? You don't need to believe in God (Yahweh) to learn some historical facts about The Jew/mulato Kike Eisenhower, or was his first name Ike ? How he betrayed over 900 American POWs held in Russian Gulags. How he ordered to starve to death the Germans and their allies POWs in France, Germany, and other European countries after WW2 was over. How the Jewish Banksters will take from you what they didn't take yet in 2008. What ...

As the US empire spreads abroad, it becomes a police state at home
Post Date: 2011-07-25 19:17:42 by tom007
As the US empire spreads abroad, it becomes a police state at home Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:26PM GMT Sherwood Ross As America's empire spreads abroad, it becomes ever more the police state at home. The methods used for the suppression of foreigners by military force and violence are eventually copied in the “homeland”. In an article last September 25th titled "It Is Official: the US Is A Police State," author Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Treasury Secretary during the Reagan years, wrote, "'Violent extremism' is one of those undefined police state terms that will mean whatever the government wants it to mean. In this morning's FBI foray into the homes ...

Your world is changing.
Post Date: 2011-07-25 06:56:51 by Tatarewicz
Actually, it's always been changing... But for some reason, right now feels especially turbulent. Chalk it up to divisive politics, rapidly advancing technology, or the Third World coming of age, never in my life have I seen a time when the world faced such serious problems and at the same time engaged in so much idiotic and fruitless behavior. Something's awry, indeed. Stay focused and you can make the chaos pay off for you. (Ideas on how to do that further below.) But first, a bit more prodding of this craziness. The New “Poor” Results out from the 2010 Census claim 40 million Americans — one in seven — are “poor.” But don't cry for them ...

The Only Social Security Reform Worth Considering: Raising The Ceiling On Income Subject To It
Post Date: 2011-07-24 20:41:02 by tom007
The Only Social Security Reform Worth Considering: Raising The Ceiling On Income Subject To It Robert Reich | Jul. 23, 2011, 6:37 AM | 1,364 | 31 A A A inShare5 Robert Reich URL Robert Reich is an economist, a professor, and former Clinton labor secretary Recent Posts Budgetary Stupidity: Why Medicare Is The Solution -- Not The Problem The Shameful Murder of Dodd Frank Robert Reich On The Dangerous Hi-Jinks Of The GOP's Juveniles RSS Feed Why Medicare Is the Solution -- Not the Problem The Only Social Security Reform Worth Considering: Raising the Ceiling on Income Subject to It The Shameful Murder of Dodd Frank See Also: bernanke Fed "Actively" Planning For Default ...

Paul Craig Roberts: The President Can Just Ignore the Debt Ceiling Limit; Will Republicans Make Congress Superfluous?
Post Date: 2011-07-24 18:23:03 by tom007
Paul Craig Roberts: The President Can Just Ignore the Debt Ceiling Limit; Will Republicans Make Con Posted by James adap2k on July 24, 2011 at 12:41pm View James adap2k's blog Paul Craig Roberts: The President Can Just Ignore the Debt Ceiling Limit; Will Republicans Make Congress Superfluous? July 23, 2011 KINGSTON, NY — The drama of it all! Will Congress refuse to raise the debt ceiling, forcing the US government to default and, thereby, immediately turning the "world’s only superpower" into a Third World country subject to an IMF austerity program? The markets are poised to explode upward in jubilation or collapse in despondency. Only in America could such ...

Barack Obama is Gutting the Core Principles of the Democratic Party
Post Date: 2011-07-24 16:55:48 by tom007
Barack Obama is Gutting the Core Principles of the Democratic Party The president's attacks on America's social safety net are destroying the soul of the Democratic party's platform By Glenn Greenwald July 22, 2011 "The Guardian" - - In 2005, American liberals achieved one of their most significant political victories of the last decade. It occurred with the resounding rejection of George W Bush's campaign to privatise social security. Bush's scheme would have gutted the crux of that entitlement programme by converting it from what it has been since the 1940s – a universal guarantor of minimally decent living conditions for America's elderly – ...

5 Reasons Why The Oslo Bombing Already Looks Like A False Flag Attack
Post Date: 2011-07-24 14:33:00 by Itistoolate
Oslo Bombing just another False Flag Attack . 5 Reasons Why The Oslo Bombing Already Looks Like A False Flag Attack

Norway's attacks reveal world of hatred
Post Date: 2011-07-24 14:26:40 by tom007
Norway's attacks reveal world of hatred Initial reactions to the attacks in Norway showed a "clash of civilisations" exists, but not in the way many understood. Ahmed Moor Last Modified: 24 Jul 2011 14:40 Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker It is a credit to liberalism in Norway that the country's prime minister did not respond to the attack with fear or vicious speculation [EPA] The Norwegian terrorist who murdered more than ninety innocent civilians - many of whom were teenagers - did not act alone. Or rather, he acted within a cultural and political context that legitimises his fearful and hate-infested worldview. It is now clear that Anders Behring Breivik was ...

An Economy Destroyed: The Enemy Is Washington
Post Date: 2011-07-24 13:06:02 by X-15
Recently, the bond rating agencies that gave junk derivatives triple-A ratings threatened to downgrade US Treasury bonds if the White House and Congress did not reach a deficit reduction deal and debt ceiling increase. The downgrade threat is not credible, and neither is the default threat. Both are make-believe crises that are being hyped in order to force cutbacks in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. If the rating agencies downgraded Treasuries, the company executives would be arrested for the fraudulent ratings that they gave to the junk that Wall Street peddled to the rest of the world. The companies would be destroyed and their ratings discredited. The US government will never ...

Norway defies the haters
Post Date: 2011-07-24 00:58:41 by Ferret
Even in his nation's hour of anguish, as shaken Norwegians mourned their dead, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg vowed that his people will never be cowed into turning in on themselves and away from the world. “You will not destroy us,” he said. “You will not destroy our democracy and our commitment to a better world. Those who try to frighten us will not prevail.” King Harald V, too, reaffirmed his faith in “an open Norwegian democracy and society.” Canadians, who share Norway's idealism and openness, can only admire this grace under duress, and grieve our ally's loss. Indeed, Oslo's principled response should inspire leaders across Europe. ...

US to launch WWIII to rescue 'American empire'
Post Date: 2011-07-24 00:17:15 by Tatarewicz
US to launch WWIII to rescue 'American empire' from collapse.The subject of the funding of election campaigns for US presidential candidates begins to attract attention in the United States. The participation of the so-called Jewish lobby in the process has also become actual recently. How important is this lobby for the United States? Who controls money flows in America? To which extent is business and power connected with each other? Pravda.Ru interviewed Geidar Jemal, the chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia, to find out his expert opinions on these questions. "What can you say about the connection between business and power in the United States? "Indeed, ...

Post Date: 2011-07-23 23:12:11 by Itistoolate
'I SMELL THE JEW MOSSAD IN THE WOODPILE IN NORWAY' Perhaps the article below will give you a better insight as to what really happened in Norway, as to the bombing and the killing of the children... and why. Take a very good look and read on the information and you should smell JEW MOSSAD. What you are seeing below in the pictures and printed material will NEVER be shown to you on American Jew controlled news outlets. When it happened.... I said to a close friend; "It was the Jews." Now, low and behold.... out pops the truth that they surely were involved. Dr. James P. Wickstrom "BOIKOTT ISRAEL" SIGN DISPLAYED AT UTOYA ISLAND ONE DAY BEFORE MASSACRE. Saturday, ...

More shit you won't believe. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-07-23 15:50:00 by TommyTheMadArtist
This morning, wife goes upstairs, to find a nice bullet hole through our window, and into the wall. We called the police. Two hours later they show up. They didn't bother with doing any ballistics. They didn't give a shit. They chalked it up to us living in a bad neighborhood. I know where the round came from. I know who shot at my house, as they told me there was some "Nice Shooting" the other night. I explained to him that there's a Russian Proverb about poking a bear with a stick. Of course he didn't speak white English, or any Russian. I've come to a crossroads folks. All I know is that you do not shoot at my house, and get away with it.

Shit you won't believe
Post Date: 2011-07-21 17:24:22 by TommyTheMadArtist
So today I was having coffee, in my dining room, where I work, when I heard a funny sound outside. Then I heard the revving of an engine, and then, a crash, and quickly a huge crash against my house. As it would turn out, a driver with MS, who is not legally able to have a license, smashed into a car, with 3 Asians in it, who did not have proper insurance, which spun around 360 degrees, the driver hit the gas not the brakes, and rammed through my fence, and into my fucking house. Not more than 10 seconds later, a gathering of primates from around the neighborhood came streaming through my yard, trying to see what happened. When told to leave, they told me to go F- myself, as I wasn't ...

The Militarization of Our Police
Post Date: 2011-07-19 11:57:08 by Itistoolate
The Militarization of Our Police from PuppetGov on Vimeo. *Note: This is not a general blanket statement about police. We know there are many more decent, hard-working police officers than not and we respect you and what you do. Intro Music: The Pansy School Bus Boys PUPPETGOV w/ Billy Vegas

Thank You for Your Service?
Post Date: 2011-07-19 10:34:31 by christine
It is without question that Americans are in love with the military. Even worse, though, is that their love is unqualified, unconditional, unrelenting, and unending. I have seen signs praising the troops in front of all manner of businesses, including self-storage units, bike shops, and dog grooming. Many businesses offer discounts to military personnel not available to doctors, nurses, and others who save lives instead of destroy them. Special preference is usually given to veterans seeking employment, and not just for government jobs. Many churches not only recognize veterans and active-duty military on the Sunday before holidays, they have special military appreciation days as well. ...

Why Casey Anthony Got Away With It…
Post Date: 2011-07-16 17:18:18 by James Deffenbach
I know why child-killer Casey Anthony was found (cough) “not guilty.” It’s the same reason why American drivers - most of them - will never dare turn right on red (even if the way is obviously clear) or pass a slowpoke over the double yellow, even if the double yellow used to be an official passing zone but was just recently painted over. It’s The Law. The American mindset has undergone a startling metamorphosis. I grew up in the ‘70s, when WW II-era Bugs Bunny and Woody Woodpecker cartoons were still on the air, unedited. These cartoons reflected an American mentality that has been almost completely snuffed out. A don’t-trust-authority (and use your own ...

Kucinich: Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans’ Wealth Is Stolen
Post Date: 2011-07-16 16:09:36 by tom007
Kucinich: Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans’ Wealth Is Stolen Friday 15 July 2011 by: Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Truthout | Speech Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio). (Photo: Matthew Ryan Williams / The New York Times) Washington D.C. – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today spoke on the House floor about the massive transfer of wealth from the American people to the hands of the few by virtue of wars, energy policies and monetary policies. He called upon Americans to witness Wall Street’s theft of Main Street, which has left millions of everyday Americans out of work and seniors facing cuts to Social Security to pay for tax cuts for the rich. ...

The fall of the house of Murdoch For Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation outlets, like Fox News, ideology and titillation trump facts and morality.
Post Date: 2011-07-16 12:03:49 by tom007
The fall of the house of Murdoch For Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation outlets, like Fox News, ideology and titillation trump facts and morality. Jonathan Schell Last Modified: 13 Jul 2011 10:43 Email Article E Murdoch's 'news' outlets are entertainment companies at best, if not purely propaganda machines for the far Right [GALLO/GETTY] During the four decades since the Watergate affair engulfed US President Richard Nixon, politicians have repeatedly ignored the scandal's main lesson: the cover-up is worse than the crime. Like Nixon, they have paid a higher price for concealing their misdeeds than they would have for the misdeeds alone. Now, for once, comes a scandal ...

The scam behind the rise in oil, food prices Speculation on the futures market, rather than supply and demand, is driving up costs, analysts say.
Post Date: 2011-07-16 11:51:27 by tom007
The scam behind the rise in oil, food prices Speculation on the futures market, rather than supply and demand, is driving up costs, analysts say. adSpeaker The US uses 18 million barrels of oil each day, so price rises have major impacts on consumers [GALLO/GETTY] The global economy and its recovery, and the living standards of millions of plain folks, are now at risk from the sudden rise in oil and commodity prices. Gas at the pump is up, and going higher. Food prices are following. The consequences are catastrophic for the global poor as their costs go up while their income doesn't. It's menacing American workers too, who in large part have not seen a meaningful raise since the ...

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