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An Alien Pod Person in a Room Full of Leftists
Post Date: 2011-07-16 08:54:58 by Dakmar
There is a phenomenon here in the Northeast where being conservative—no, wait, being not left—is to turn everyone in the room into Donald Sutherland from Invasion of the Body Snatchers, screaming and pointing at you as if you’re an alien pod person. I hear Berkeley is bad, and Madison is the only place I’ve ever seen one-person protest marches, but here in New York things are intense. It is a given that the political right is a cartoon pig who will do anything for money and wants everyone who isn’t a cartoon pig to die. The End. Nobody has ever questioned this and every time I do, it creates a hole in the space-time continuum that swallows the entire universe, or ...

Worse Than O.J.!
Post Date: 2011-07-13 01:09:10 by RickyJ
Sick, shaken, in disbelief. As I listened to the verdicts in the Casey Anthony case, acquitting her of the homicide of her baby girl, I relived what I felt back when court clerk Deirdre Robertson read the verdicts in the Simpson case. But this case is different. The verdict is far more shocking. Why? Because Casey Anthony was no celebrity. She never wowed the nation with her athletic prowess, shilled in countless car commercials, or entertained in film comedies. There were no racial issues, no violent Rodney King citywide riot just two years earlier. Because of those factors, many predicted from the very start in the Simpson case—in fact, long before we even began to pick a ...

4um Poll. Would the world be better off...
Post Date: 2011-07-12 14:57:58 by randge
. . . if A K A Stone pissed off for somewheres else?? Poster Comment:Just a thought.

What Are the Odds … Lightening Strikes Tree at Caylee Anthony Memorial Sight on Day Casey Sentenced & to be Released from Jail Next Week
Post Date: 2011-07-12 07:18:18 by RickyJ
Is it sign from above … You Betcha! On the very day that tot mom Casey Anthony was sentenced by Judge Belvin Perry for the 4 counts of lying to police that after time served will see her getting out of jail July 13 17 … there was a sign from above of displeasure of the juries decision. On the very day that Casey Antony is only sentenced for four misdemeanors of lying to police rather than for the murdering of 2 year old Caylee …a tree at the memorial where the remains of Caylee Anthony was found was struck by lightening. I am thinking that many in Heaven are none to happy and have interesting ways of showing their feelings. “It could be a sign from the angels that ...

Casey Jury Brainwash
Post Date: 2011-07-12 03:06:20 by RickyJ
The inevitable juror cameos have begun. Juror Number Three, now known as Jennifer Ford, spoke to Nightline. She came forward to give her explanation for the shocking acquittal that freed Casey Anthony of any criminal liability for the killing of her baby, Caylee Anthony. No doubt she meant to justify the verdict. On that score, she failed. But she succeeded in showing us a great deal about the dynamics and thinking of this jury—significantly, this sequestered jury. I'm going to start by saying that, for those who thought the jury came back awfully fast—less than eleven hours spent in deliberation, you should now wonder what took them that long. Because from the very first ...

Lessons Learned from Casey Anthony Trial
Post Date: 2011-07-12 02:44:59 by RickyJ
Lessons Learned from Casey Anthony Trial Posted by: Chief Billy Grogan Friday, July 08, 2011 Almost everyone has been glued to the television, reading their newspaper or checking online news for the last several weeks following the trial of Casey Anthony. This case has grabbed the interest of the entire country. Even those not interested in this case could hardly avoid the information, opinions, theories and analysis being broadcasted 24/7. In the end, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder and not guilty of the other more serious charges and was only convicted of lying to investigators. A collective gasp escaped from the public. Most were shocked by the verdict including, it ...

Post Date: 2011-07-11 22:26:20 by Itistoolate
TEARS OF AN 85 YEAR OLD VET Mon Jul 11, 2011 08:02 Last night My wife and I had dinner with an 85 year old veteran. He watches the news and sees what is going on. He knows that where he goes is recorded - and what he says on the phone is all recorded in the master computer bank. It is in the car manual and phone manual. See project Eschelon. He sees Obama cutting Social Security for Older and Disabled Americans and sees the Druggies and Foreigners on Social Security getting huge pay raises every year. He is aware that Older Americans and Physically Disable American receive about $300 Billion per year (Including Physically Disabled Vets) while Foreigners and Druggies receive a ...

America's Dirty War on Islam
Post Date: 2011-07-11 04:28:48 by Stephen Lendman
America's Dirty War on Islam - by Stephen Lendman America's dirty war, in fact, targets Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, political activists, and Muslims for their faith, ethnicity, and at times prominence and charity, exploiting them as "war on terror" scapegoats. On July 9, a Press TV US prison system racket interview highlighted the problem and urgency to address it, accessed through the following link: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/188396.html America's media ignore how unjustly it harms millions of disadvantaged people. Instead, they regurgitate spurious high-profile case accusations, always when Muslims are affected. Most often they're men, occasionally ...

Climate change and disaster in Montana
Post Date: 2011-07-09 22:38:23 by farmfriend
Op-EdClimate change and disaster in Montana The flooding of the Yellowstone River and the oil spill in the riverbed are connected, and the burning of fossil fuels is the key. By Naomi Klein July 7, 2011 We're a disaster area," Alexis Bonogofsky told me, "and it's going to take a long time to get over it." Bonogofsky and her partner, Mike Scott, are all over the news this week, telling the world about how Montana's Exxon Mobil pipeline spill has fouled their goat ranch and is threatening the health of their animals. But my conversation with Bonogofsky was four full days before the pipeline began pouring oil into the Yellowstone River. And no, it's not that ...

Why Do Most Americans Know Nothing About These Issues?
Post Date: 2011-07-09 21:26:01 by Itistoolate
by Dr Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan), a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a 1986 graduate of the US Army War College. This is not intended for those who follow these issues, but as a primer for a general public (especially Americans) who do not follow them, and in fact are not even aware that they are issues! Hoping that others may also find useful material in it. www.veteranstoday.com/201...ng-days-night-for-us-all/

Bradley Manning: American hero Four reasons why Pfc Bradley Mannning deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom, not a prison cell.
Post Date: 2011-07-09 18:34:00 by tom007
Bradley Manning: American hero Four reasons why Pfc Bradley Mannning deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom, not a prison cell. Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker Bradley Manning faces many years in prison and a court martial for exposing the truth about US foreign policy [EPA] We still don't know if he did it or not, but if Bradley Manning, the 24-year-old Army private from Oklahoma, actually supplied WikiLeaks with its choicest material - the Iraq War logs, the Afghan War logs, and the State Department cables - which startled and riveted the world, then he deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom instead of a jail cell at Fort Leavenworth. President Obama recently gave one ...

Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty
Post Date: 2011-07-09 06:05:13 by Itistoolate
'WHAT WILL COME TO PASS WITHOUT THE SOON TO BE REVALUE OF IRAQ'S DINAR' The only solution to ward off what you are about to see and listen to below, is a world wide re-evaluation of the vast majority of the world nation's by the Jew controlled United Nations. You may ask; "How can this be?" Very simple. The Jew owned I.M.F. (International Monetary Fund) is based out of the United Nations building, and the I.M.F. is interconnected with all the Jew Central banks of the world. And the United Nations is very close to re-valuing the currency of over 120 countries on this earth in one day. Even as I am writing to you at this time, a plan was put into effect long before ...

One Nation Under Siege
Post Date: 2011-07-08 22:05:52 by Itistoolate
Full Play List 9: vidswww.youtube.com/watch?v=Y...1&list=PL80AFE45A92A54680

Sundown at Coffin Rock
Post Date: 2011-07-08 19:40:09 by Luke The Spook
Sundown at Coffin Rock by Raymond K. Paden The old man walked slowly through the dry, fallen leaves of autumn, his practiced eye automatically choosing the bare and stony places in the trail for his feet. There was scarcely a sound as he passed, though his left knee was stiff with scar tissue. He grunted occasionally as the tight sinews pulled. Damn chainsaw, he thought. Behind him, the boy shuffled along, trying to imitate his grandfather, but unable to mimic the silent motion that the old man had learned during countless winter days upon this wooded mountain in pursuit of game. He's fifteen years old, the old man thought. Plenty old enough to be learning. But that was another ...

Beyond the Marriage Strike: Entering the Era of Post-Marriage Consciousness
Post Date: 2011-07-08 12:23:31 by Lysander_Spooner
Beyond the Marriage Strike: Entering the Era of Post-Marriage Consciousness by zed on October 24, 2010 Now, I start this essay knowing that there is a fairly well-known MRA(men's rights activist) who will attack me for having the audacity to say what I am about to say. A lot of people seem to very hung up on this term “marriage strike” and are betting on it to produce social change of the type they wish to see. However, being attacked, insulted, and called names for daring to give voice to ideas which go against the grain of conventional social wisdom is something I have had to grow quite used to over the past 4 decades or so. While the idea of a marriage strike is a cute ...

'That's racist' as a punch line
Post Date: 2011-07-07 16:44:00 by Ferret
It is the sort of thing those darn kids today say to make fun of their aging Gen X and baby boomer parents. "That's racist." It's a comedic catchphrase these days, popularized by an online clip from a 2005 TV show "Wonder Showzen" on MTV2. It's not as iconic as Gary Coleman's "What 'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?" or Fonzie's "Ayyyyyy" or even Bart Simpson's "Don't have a cow, man." But what it lacks in pedigree, it makes up for in ubiquity and social relevance. Across the country, it's a staple of schoolyards, Internet discussion groups, Twitter and sitcoms. For instance, when a character on ...

Are These GOP Candidates Running For President of the U.S.—or Israel?
Post Date: 2011-07-07 16:00:24 by Ferret
Although Sarah Palin was not among the seven Republican hopefuls who participated in the most recent June 13 GOP debates, she would have certainly found herself right at home with other high-profile politicians who have already pledged their allegiance to the Zionist agenda. Aside from Ron Paul, the current lineup of pseudo-conservative presidential wannabes has demonstrated a biased affection for Israel at the expense of all other international relationships, and even over the best interests of the United States. These Christian politicians even wear Israeli flag pins, yarmulkas and stars of David—whatever they can to convince Jewish voters and Christian Zionists they are on the ...

Casey Anthony: Referendum On Police?
Post Date: 2011-07-07 11:13:36 by christine
We got the verdict. The only convictions were on four counts of lying to the police. Now the armchair quarterbacking begins by the media, many of whom tried and convicted Casey all on their own. The last several hours have been nothing but news media wonks telling us that they know that this woman was guilty and the jury "got it wrong" and that the jury "didn't get the whole story." But the legal duty of the prosecutor is to present the full story in the courtroom. Not where you can run whatever sort of character assassination you wish in the media, not where you can make all sorts of claims without rebuttal, and certainly not where there are no rules of evidence ...

The Casey Anthony Verdict: Jurors Did the Right Thing
Post Date: 2011-07-07 10:52:56 by christine
Nancy Grace is livid. She had been shilling for months for a conviction of Casey Anthony for allegedly murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, and now the jury has acquitted Anthony of murder charges. What's a gal like Nasty Nancy to do? Perhaps the first thing that Nasty Nancy should do is to read the laws of this country, and learn the standards that supposedly exist for conviction. Even though Nasty Nancy's standards for conviction are simple – an accusation automatically means one is guilty – the legal standard actually is "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt." (One must remember that Nasty Nancy during the Duke Lacrosse Case, in which she automatically ...

OJ jurors relieved at no longer being the dumbest 12 people on earth
Post Date: 2011-07-06 15:07:51 by James Deffenbach
LOS ANGELES – Legal experts and scientists were quick to issue a verdict of their own following the shocking “not guilty” decision announced today in the Casey “Tot Mom” Anthony trial: the 12 jurors who were assigned to the OJ “The Juice” Simpson case are no longer the 12 dumbest people on the planet. The Juice, a former NFL star running back and master knife wielder, was found not guilty in the “trial of the century” in 1995 despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. “But at least they had an excuse, an ulterior motive, for liberating The Juice,” explains Dr. Timothy Miser, a law professor, psychiatrist and talk-show host with ...

Why U.S. is not a Christian nation
Post Date: 2011-07-04 19:12:36 by Ferret
Editor's note: Kenneth C. Davis is the author of "Don't Know Much About History: Anniversary Edition" (HarperCollins). He posts regularly at his blog at http://www.dontknowmuch.com/. (CNN) -- As America celebrates its birthday on July 4, the timeless words of Thomas Jefferson will surely be invoked to remind us of our founding ideals -- that "All men are created equal" and are "endowed by their Creator" with the right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." These phrases, a cherished part of our history, have rightly been called "American Scripture." But Jefferson penned another phrase, arguably his most famous after ...

The Isolationist Red Herring
Post Date: 2011-07-04 14:10:21 by F.A. Hayek Fan
The media have picked up a new buzzword: “isolationist.” They jumped on it after Sen. John McCain, who seems to want the United States to be at war everywhere, said after the last Republican presidential debate, “I do want to send a message, and that is that we cannot move into an isolationist party.” He was soon joined by his fellow advocate of empire, Sen. Lindsey Graham, who told his party’s critics of President Obama’s Libyan intervention to “shut up.” Is the GOP going isolationist? Presidential aspirant Jon Huntsman calls for an “aggressive drawdown” from Afghanistan. Mitt Romney wants the troops out “as soon as possible.” ...

The Phony Argument Against ‘Isolationism’ - War Party twists history to suit its evil ends
Post Date: 2011-07-04 13:59:25 by F.A. Hayek Fan
The war continues – the war against “isolationism,” that is. This time the latest blows are being struck on the op ed page of the New York Times, where Rutgers historian David Greenberg takes up the cudgels against these hated troglodytes. Bemoaning the sudden Republican turnabout on foreign policy, Professor Greenberg notes his surprise that the all-too-“predictable” response of GOP presidential candidates to President Obama’s Afghanistan speech wasn’t all that predictable after all: several declared his withdrawal announcement “too little, too late.” In the Republican-controlled House, too, some have the nerve to question the President’s ...

Political Parties Are Nothing More Than Social Clubs angling for Control...over Y-O-U!
Post Date: 2011-07-01 12:29:28 by christine
TEA PARTY NEWS Here is an article all tax payers, especially Democrats, should read. Please pass it on. Charlie (Ed. Note: "Charlie" is a die-hard "Republican") Democrats Today: A Criminal Conspiracy, Not A Political Party Congressman and GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul has just announced that "we are on the verge of having way too much dictatorship in Washington D.C. The time is way past for verging. Our federal government has already become a dictatorship run by a criminal conspiracy calling itself a political party -- just as the totalitarian Islamist conspiracy calls itself a religion. We owe no respect whatever to a fascist ideology posing as a ...

Gasoline Taxes by State
Post Date: 2011-06-29 19:58:04 by James Deffenbach
Poster Comment:And they are always whining about how they can't keep up our roads and bridges because they're broke. BS! Look at those taxes and that is on EVERY FREAKIN' GALLON OF GAS sold every day.

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