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Justice for Osama (humor)
Post Date: 2011-05-18 21:42:15 by farmfriend
I thought this was pretty funny.

Tea Party Rebels Quickly Tamed
Post Date: 2011-05-16 11:58:06 by tom007
Tea Party Rebels Quickly Tamed Monday 16 May 2011 by: Jim Hightower, Other Words Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) discusses cuts to the budget. (republicanconference) Faster than you can say "business as usual," freshman Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee have begun to execute Wall Street's agenda. They came, they saw, they were conquered. That sums up the fate of many tea-partying freshmen in the House of Representatives. As soon as they arrived, the corporate lobbying corps came to visit, saw what these supposed rebels were made of, and quickly conquered them without a fight. The forces of big business only needed to lay out some campaign cash. Faster than you ...

'Radiation is good for you,' says Ann Coulter as she weighs in on Japan's nuclear crisis
Post Date: 2011-05-15 13:24:03 by tom007
'Radiation is good for you,' says Ann Coulter as she weighs in on Japan's nuclear crisis By David Gardner Last updated at 9:35 PM on 18th March 2011 Comments (52) Add to My Stories Share Conservative maverick Ann Coulter has poured scorn on growing fears over the fallout from Japan’s nuclear crisis by claiming that ‘radiation is good for you.’ With her bizarre outburst, Coulter became the latest celebrity to cause a stir over controversial remarks on the disaster in Japan. The right wing commentator was attempting to quell concern that a radiation plume was due to hit America’s West Coast today after travelling 5,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean from ...

Newt's Growing Nose RightWatch: The former speaker of the House is running for president. Already the lies are coming fast and furious.
Post Date: 2011-05-14 18:22:56 by tom007
Newt's Growing Nose RightWatch: The former speaker of the House is running for president. Already the lies are coming fast and furious. By: Jack White | Posted: May 14, 2011 at 12:49 AM Print Email +/- Text Size Permalink SHARE Getty Images One of the world's great enduring mysteries is why some otherwise clearheaded analysts continue to portray Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich as some sort of intellectual policy wonk and not simply a blowhard and a liar. The truth is, the former speaker of the House from Georgia is right up there with the Pauls, father and son, as a font of crackpot ideas. But while Ron Paul (who announced his own quixotic candidacy on Friday) and Rand ...

Fear of an Erudite White
Post Date: 2011-05-11 20:58:59 by Dakmar
Jared Taylor. White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century. New Century Books, 2011. 342 pp. It’s hard to find things to hate about Jared Taylor, and that’s what his enemies seem to hate about him the most. In a culture where “the racist”—who is always white—has been the most crudely stereotyped stock villain over the past generation, Taylor stubbornly (yet politely) breaks the mold. You can tell he’s a different breed merely by the way he pronounces the word “white”—rather than an illiterate cracker drawl that sounds like “waht,” he ever-so-properly aspirates the “wh” so that it sounds instead like ...

Post Date: 2011-05-09 18:08:33 by Luke The Spook
GETTING OFF THE GLOBALIST CHESSBOARD: AN INTRODUCTION By Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers and Brandon Smith of the Alternative Market Project To put it simply, America is nearing a checkmate scenario. Like the final torrid maneuvers of a rigged chess match, we have been pressed, manipulated, and attacked into the last remaining corner of the “grand global chessboard” left to us; centralized control of all social and economic power into the hands of an unworthy elite. If we continue playing the game by their rules, we will lose. There is no doubt. There have been many solutions presented to us in the past to combat this development, but nearly all of them function within the ...

J.P. Morgan is getting rich off of poverty...
Post Date: 2011-05-05 07:16:43 by tom007
J.P. Morgan is getting rich off of poverty... Guest post from the Economic Collapse Blog JP Morgan is the largest processor of food stamp benefits in the United States. JP Morgan has contracted to provide food stamp debit cards in 26 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. JP Morgan is paid for each case that it handles, so that means that the more Americans that go on food stamps, the more profits JP Morgan makes. Yes, you read that correctly. When the number of Americans on food stamps goes up, JP Morgan makes more money. In the video posted above, JP Morgan executive Christopher Paton admits that this is "a very important business to JP Morgan" and that it is doing very ...

Killing a Man Does Not Testify to National Greatness
Post Date: 2011-05-04 10:00:29 by tom007
Killing a Man Does Not Testify to National Greatness By Robert Higgs Monday May 2, 2011 at 11:30:16 AM PDT share575 405share97 53 Among the many objectionable aspects of President Obama’s announcement that Osama bin Laden had been killed, one in particular sticks in my craw. He said that “today’s achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people.” First, I dislike the whole idea of “the greatness of our country.” Countries cannot be great. They are abstractions and, as such, they are incapable of acting for good or for evil. Individual residents of a country may be great, and many Americans are great, ...

What will turn Americans against militarism? The similarities between World War I and today's wars abound, but where is our sense of "never again"?
Post Date: 2011-05-03 18:37:15 by tom007
What will turn Americans against militarism? The similarities between World War I and today's wars abound, but where is our sense of "never again"? By Adam Hochschild What will turn Americans against militarism? iStockphoto/Fredt American WW1 cemetery near Verdun, France. This piece originally appeared on TomDispatch. What if, from the beginning, everyone killed in the Iraq and Afghan wars had been buried in a single large cemetery easily accessible to the American public? Would it bring the fighting to a halt more quickly if we could see hundreds of thousands of tombstones, military and civilian, spreading hill after hill, field after field, across our landscape? I found ...

Bin Laden Death a Non-Event
Post Date: 2011-05-03 10:17:29 by christine
My intentions had been to simply ignore media reports that the U.S. had killed its #1 Boogeyman. After all, there is practically nothing “newsworthy” about the event. However, the cacophony of the media parrots simply drowned-out all other thoughts (and real news) this morning. There is a very simple test which we can use on any/every item of fact, in order to determine if it has any “news value”: is the world a different place after such news than it was before the news? In this respect, the death of Osama Bin Laden is a complete non-event: it changes absolutely nothing in the world. Even if we were to treat the farcical U.S. “War on Terror” as a legitimate ...

A Clean Break From The Existing Order Is Imperative
Post Date: 2011-05-02 14:55:14 by X-15
A major news story has just crossed my desk: “Afghan Officer Fires on U.S. Troops, Kills 9.” Apparently, an Afghan military pilot killed 8 American soldiers and a U.S. contractor during a meeting at the Kabul airport. And, of course, this news item didn’t even get the top billing of the day. Those honors went to the marriage ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton, a meaningless human interest story. Now what happened at the Kabul airport shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that has been following the situation in Afghanistan. Taliban insurgents have been stepping up their attacks on government and military installations. Less than two weeks ago an Afghan soldier ...

OBL KILLED WHERE? Answer follows.
Post Date: 2011-05-02 00:48:02 by tom007
OBL killed a half mile from the Pakistan Military Academy.

Pakistan Intel Appears to confim Death
Post Date: 2011-05-02 00:33:36 by tom007
Just heard.

SF Chronicle video prompts White House threat ( The Myth of a Free Press)
Post Date: 2011-04-30 09:28:43 by tom007
SF Chronicle video prompts White House threat Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau Friday, April 29, 2011 (04-29) 04:00 PDT Washington -- The White House threatened Thursday to exclude The San Francisco Chronicle from pooled coverage of its events in the Bay Area after the paper posted a video of a protest at a San Francisco fundraiser for President Obama last week, Chronicle Editor Ward Bushee said.White House guidelines governing press coverage of such events are too restrictive, Bushee said, and the newspaper was within its rights to film the protest and post the video. The White House press office would not speak on the record about the issue. Chronicle senior political ...

Prince William: Beta Chump
Post Date: 2011-04-29 15:05:20 by X-15
Kate Middleton, a rather mannish-looking princess-to-be (get a load of that wedge-shaped chin), has excised the ‘obey’ part from her wedding vows. Her feminist sensibilities have got the best of her, so she will not be vowing any obedience to her Prince. Perhaps William could take a page from her book and alter his wedding vows to suit a more contemporary interpretation: “I, beta supremo, take thee, annoying ballbuster, to be my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love as a legally recognized equal in every way except for those times I’m required to prop her on a ...

US can’t afford to master the globe
Post Date: 2011-04-24 21:38:25 by christine
The US dollar sank further last week and gold hit $1,500 an ounce, frightening investors and destabilising financial markets. A leading credit rating agency warned the US AAA rating might be downgraded. While Rome burned, President Obama and the Republican-controlled US Congress traded childish taunts and hot air. Both parties refused to tell Americans the painful truth: government’s yawning $1.4 trillion US budget deficit had to be slashed to prevent a financial meltdown. That would mean pain for everyone. But the two political parties are deadlocked: Obama’s Democrats want to raise taxes. Republicans demand tax cuts. They want to cut health, education and welfare, all three ...

Depleted Uranium in military surplus stores in U.S.?
Post Date: 2011-04-24 14:17:13 by Artisan
With all the info on DU & how it is killing, maiming soldiers, & their kids have birth defects etc. is this stuff not somehow being brought back here & spread around? Surplus stores sell used army gear & clothes.Could DU be contaminating everything? Poster Comment:just asking

He Builds A Mountain of Skulls
Post Date: 2011-04-24 11:36:37 by christine
George W. Bush only ranks 34th in the recent surveys of the greatest Presidents of the United States. Since there are but 40-43 of these magnificents in total, Dubya is way down there. Why? What is greatness in a U.S. President, hereafter simply called a President? There is no scientific definition, although the more scholarly polls have criteria of greatness. These need not detain us. The polls themselves tell us what Americans think makes a great President, and it is against the implicit criterion that we observe in the data that we discover that Dubya’s low standing is an anomaly. The data on the greats that I use are from Wikipedia. The right hand column has aggregate rankings ...

Breaking, Yemen's President Ali, Steps Down - Another Dictator Bites The Dust
Post Date: 2011-04-23 20:19:46 by tom007
Breaking News

Priorities in the Land of the Free
Post Date: 2011-04-23 19:45:36 by tom007
Priorities in the Land of the Free By Glenn Greenwald * Millions of Americans are without jobs and are having their homes foreclosed. The U.S. is currently fighting three out-in-the-open wars (or, if you prefer, one war, one occupation, and one kinetic humanitarian intervention) and several other covert ones. Financial and political elites are preparing to tell Americans (quite unpersuasively) that they have to sacrifice Social Security, Medicare and other entitlements because the U.S. debt is so large and unmanageable that it threatens to subvert America's superior creditworthiness. And we're constantly told that civil liberties erosions are necessary to combat the Great Menace ...

The vindication of P.J. Crowley By Justin Elliott
Post Date: 2011-04-23 12:41:38 by tom007
The vindication of P.J. Crowley By Justin Elliott * pj crowley AP/Charles Dharapak P.J. Crowley Ever since P.J. Crowley resigned as State Department spokesman last month following his public criticism of the Pentagon's treatment of Bradley Manning, he has become, through a steady stream of tweets and media appearances, one of the more compelling foreign policy analysts out there. Gone was the Crowley whose job was to toe the official line. The new Crowley has been free to be critical of the administration -- while still offering valuable insights into the official thinking on a range of issues. A recent Politico profile reported that Crowley was already headed toward the door when ...

Liberals for Slavery
Post Date: 2011-04-22 20:20:51 by Dakmar
On the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and the battle of Fort Sumter, MSNBC television host Rachel Maddow said on her evening program: “The fact that the first shots were fired in South Carolina specifically came as no surprise… the great pride of the South Carolina secessionists was Senator John C. Calhoun, a beloved pro-slavery politician who… championed the cause of nullification.” The obviously anti-secession liberal host then defined the term: “Nullification—the idea that states could and should refuse to follow federal laws they didn’t like, that they thought went beyond the powers of the federal government.” In addition to Calhoun, some of ...

The meaning of Chernobyl Twenty-five years on, the Chernobyl disaster has more to do with secrecy than nuclear safety, politician argues.
Post Date: 2011-04-22 08:48:30 by tom007
It began as a grey and muddy spring day, like so many others in my homeland. It ended in dread and mourning. Of course, none of us knew the precise moment when catastrophe struck at Chernobyl 25 years ago. Back then, we lived under a system that denied ordinary people any right whatsoever to know about even essential facts and events. So we were kept in the dark about the radiation leaking from the shattered reactor at Chernobyl – and blowing in the winds over northern Europe. But the more bizarre fact about the Chernobyl disaster, we now know, is that Mikhail Gorbachev, general secretary of the Communist party of the Soviet Union, was also kept in the dark about the magnitude of ...

Guest Post: The Fundamental Injustice That Is Poisoning the Nation
Post Date: 2011-04-20 17:52:26 by tom007
Guest Post: The Fundamental Injustice That Is Poisoning the Nation Tyler Durden's picture Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/20/2011 11:18 -0400 * Corruption * Guest Post * Roman Empire Submitted by Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds The Fundamental Injustice That Is Poisoning the Nation The guilty are powerful and free, the innocent burdened and oppressed: that is injustice. There is a fundamental injustice that is poisoning the soul of the nation, and if it is not openly addressed then the nation will face the explosive consequences of institutionalized injustice. Simply put, it is this: those responsible for the nation's financial crisis and its catastrophic after-effects ...

The Danger of Ending the American Empire
Post Date: 2011-04-20 11:01:20 by christine
The passage from war to peace is more critical for an established order than the passage from peace to war. ~ Eric Hoffer (1951) As I imagine everyone reading this will agree, the American empire our politicians have foisted on the world must be ended, and the sooner the better. The loss of life, the squandering of wealth and the inroads to our liberty engendered by their foolish quest to bring the world to heel all argue for it. Yet, nothing should be started without first thinking it through, and it must be realized that ending our empire brings with it a unique set of dangers. Specifically, we need to be wary about bringing onto our shores a large, standing army. It’s a blunder ...

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