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Bachmann: Founding fathers ‘worked tirelessly’ to end slavery (Gotta Love This ....)
Post Date: 2011-01-26 08:24:32 by tom007
Bachmann: Founding fathers ‘worked tirelessly’ to end slavery By Sahil Kapur Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 -- 11:19 am submit to reddit Stumble This! 3164Share 25diggsdigg bachmannafp Bachmann: Founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slaveryWASHINGTON – Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said the United States was founded on racial and ethnic diversity and that the founding fathers were responsible for abolishing slavery. Speaking at an event sponsored by Iowans For Tax Relief, Bachmann hailed the "different cultures, different backgrounds, different traditions" of the early European settlers in America, adding that the "color of their skin" or ...

Question re: AZ shooter: Did Jared Laughner have hair, or was he bald?
Post Date: 2011-01-25 19:28:24 by Artisan
sorry if this is a dumb question, but someone told me that the news report of Laughner's first court appearance had video of him with a full head of hair. They also said that the initial news reports of the crime the day it happened supposedly had witnesses describe a man with hair. yet the mug shot has a psychotic looking bald guy. Has anyone see a court photo of laughner from either of his 2 court appearances? can you post the photo, or a video link? is the mugshot of laughner he same person in the yourube videos? thanks for any help.

Who Are The Rothschilds?
Post Date: 2011-01-25 13:07:38 by Itistoolate
Who Are The Rothschilds? - Watch more funny videos here

Big Easy to Big Empty
Post Date: 2011-01-24 21:47:34 by Itistoolate
Big Easy to Big EmptyThe Untold Story of the Drowning of New Orleans The shocking details of what actually caused the city of New Orleans to flood so severely and lose over 80% of its buildings. Excerpts from the film by Greg Palast. 1. While the new media was talking about levees being "topped," it knew that some of the levees had in fact totally collapsed. 2. This information was withheld from the people on the ground and local government and public safety people for HOURS. 3. Government employees who witnessed the collapsed levees were ORDERED to keep quiet about they saw for MONTHS - and they did. Remember this the next time you are tempted to rely on the news media and the ...

Ira Chernus, Obama Trapped by Myth
Post Date: 2011-01-23 16:45:18 by tom007
Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Obama Trapped by Myth Posted by Ira Chernus at 10:06AM, January 20, 2011. In New York City, my hometown, as in so many cities across the country, a hard-pressed local government and a desperate transit authority are cutting back on services while hiking prices for a deteriorating subway and bus system. For night workers and those out in the lonely, dark early morning hours, some bus lines are simply being eliminated. Meanwhile, in one small settlement of 14,000 people in embattled Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan, a single marine platoon is spending on average $400,000 a month on “reconstruction projects.” The Marines have, according to a BBC ...

Chicago Ridge Mom, Gets 10 Years For Sex With Daughter's Friends [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-01-23 15:47:47 by tom007
Cathleen Miller, Chicago Ridge Mom, Gets 10 Years For Sex With Daughter's Friends 30 15 5 626 Miller Cathleen Miller. Get Chicago Alerts Sign Up Submit this story digg reddit stumble A mom in the Chicago suburbs was sentenced to ten years in prison for having sex with several teenage boys who were friends with her oldest daughter. Cathleen Miller, 40, of Chicago Ridge, pled guilty in court Friday. She was arrested in July of 2010, and accused of providing alcohol and marijuana to three high school freshmen. According to news reports, she got the boys intoxicated and then molested them -- abuse that included intercourse, oral sex, and fondling. FOX Chicago reported at the time that ...

Bureaucrats Keep Us Safe? Not in this world.
Post Date: 2011-01-23 10:38:40 by F.A. Hayek Fan
One of the Holy Writs of Progressivism is that government rules and regulations keep us safe. Thanks to government orders, claim Progressives, we have safer cars, safer food, and safer homes. Were it not for the bureaucracies, they argue, our lives would be fraught with danger. The favorite tool of the bureaucracies is what economists call “command and control,” the point of which is that certain procedures or devices ordered by the government ensure safety; anyone who argues against the command must be against safety. For example, when some people called for relatively small changes in the Clean Water Act, New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis wrote that they wanted feces to ...

Wrong Questions, Fifty years later.
Post Date: 2011-01-23 10:08:27 by F.A. Hayek Fan
“Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Fifty years ago yesterday, John F. Kennedy said those words during his inauguration as president. It is undoubtedly the best-known line from any American inaugural address, except perhaps for FDR’s “[T]he only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” (Besides the government, I’d say.) That JFK’s words are so well remembered and so often quoted can be chalked up to one of three things, depending on who’s doing the quoting: 1) pudding-headed political naiveté, 2) condescension, or 3) cynical special-pleading by those who aspire to reap the benefits of all the ...

Man-made global warming causing floods, heavy snowfalls
Post Date: 2011-01-23 07:28:16 by Tatarewicz
I’ve written previous articles on the “climate change” and “global warming” controversy (“Climategate”; “Global Cooling?”; and “Unusually Heavy Snow Storms vs. Global Warming”) and I don’t like to be repetitious. However, because the same objections continue to be raised by “climate change deniers” every time there’s a heavy snowfall somewhere or other; or when there’s very cold weather somewhere during the winter time (like Great Britain), I decided I would go ahead and speak about my perspective on these matters once again. Now I am most definitely not a climate scientist – I’m not a scientist of ...

Hu Jintao and Lloyd Blankfein are planning your fate
Post Date: 2011-01-22 12:59:10 by X-15
Hu Jintao meets with real bosses of America: Goldman Sachs' Lloyd Blankfein Steve Ballmer (operations boss of Microsoft), General Electric's Jeff Immelt. Bowing and scraping Obama, as is obvious from every video clip, is just the kow-towing grinning door man. Hu Jintao is meeting with his real allies in America, the architects of the fall of the United States economy and people. The agenda of this meeting is the final slaughter of Jefferson, populism, social credit, the bill of rights, the right of people who think like we do to even exist. Do you freeze in fear and let it happen or do you rise up and break Jewish tyranny? Do you recoil at my incendiary rhetoric? Yet there are ...

Do You Need a Chinese Bank Account?
Post Date: 2011-01-22 09:25:39 by tom007
Do You Need a Chinese Bank Account? * We're perfectly happy eating in a Chinese restaurant. But will we start banking in a Chinese bank? It's not as crazy as it sounds. As The Wall Street Journal's Lingling Wei reported Wednesday, the Bank of China here in the U.S. has started allowing American customers to open an account and to invest up to $4,000 per day—and a total of $20,000 a year—in Chinese yuan, or renminbi. Until now, you had few options to hold money in yuan, which is a "closed" currency managed, and protected, by Beijing. Brett Arends explains why he thinks opening a Chinese Bank Account isn't as crazy as it sounds for American investors. ...

The KHAZARS Are Preparing a Grave For America
Post Date: 2011-01-22 07:30:22 by Itistoolate
The Jews Are Preparing a Grave For America (m3u: mp3) Texe Marrs interviews Michael Collins Piper Poster Comment:I changed the title because the word "Jews" appears to frighten most people.

Vietnam Demons & John Wheeler
Post Date: 2011-01-21 22:56:34 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Vietnam Demons & John Wheeler The former Pentagon official was seen hours before his death disoriented and disheveled. The mysterious death of former Pentagon official John Wheeler, whose body was found falling out of a garbage truck at a Wilmington landfill on New Year’s Eve, has generated furious speculation that he was the victim of an urban assault, a professional hit or even a government plot. Citizen reports and surveillance videos of a visibly disoriented and disheveled Wheeler, wandering around downtown Wilmington for two days, without a coat and carrying one shoe, have only added to the intrigue. No details have been offered by authorities to explain how Wheeler, a West ...

me [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-01-20 22:18:20 by tom007
I just bot a e-tablet, 2 Gigs,7" screen, bunch of apps, $115. These seem to be ground breaking toys. Comments??

Still hoping for good things from the Tea Party movement??
Post Date: 2011-01-20 16:01:55 by X-15
I keep reading about the “historic” election of 2010, when white people began deserting the Democrats, and the GOP actually got 60% of the white vote, as if this is a good thing. It isn’t. The Republican party is just as committed to destroying white America as the Democrats are. They just believe it can be done without raising taxes. Anyone who’s excited about the “potential” of the Tea Party movement simply isn’t paying attention. The TP types love our big foreign wars on behalf of Israel, they love the entitlements that are going to bankrupt America like Medicare and the prescription drug plan, and they love big government intruding into our private ...

EU BRAINWASHING DENIES THE ROOTS OF OUR CIVILISATION (European Union to White Christains: 'Screw You' )
Post Date: 2011-01-20 15:54:21 by X-15
FILLED with barbaric hatred and envy, Islamic extremists constantly plot the downfall of our civilisation. Tragically for us they have an ally in their lethal cause: the elite of the European Union. Just like Muslim zealots, the ideological fanatics of Brussels have nothing but contempt for our Christian culture and our national identities. They aim to obliterate our past, our traditions and our patriotism so there will be little resistance to their imposition of a political entity called the United States of Europe. Mrs Thatcher once described Arthur Scargill, president of the miners’ union, as “the enemy within” because of his eagerness to use mass industrial unrest as a ...

Facebook's ludicrous demand for my cell phone number
Post Date: 2011-01-19 16:34:04 by Artisan
A friend recently suggested I join 'Facebook'. I'd never been to Facebook, and wasn't really interested, but was pretty much convinced to try it. I used to be on 'Myspace', and I think I still am, if they haven't deleted my account for non-usage. Actually I don't even know if Myspace is still in business; apparently it is the graveyard of internet 'social'' sites. There is an interesting video on youtube called 'The truth about Facebook!' which has nealy 1.5 million views, which warns of the freakish privacy violations and risks of facebook. To me, Facebook does not seem like a very user friendly site at all. For example, I am stil not ...

Post Date: 2011-01-19 10:53:46 by Itistoolate
How Rothschild bought the British economy and how he will by up the remaining US economy. Watch this video at SolvoSermo.Com

Journalist Group Kills Award Named for Helen Thomas SPJ's lifetime achievement award is going away (But Remember, Jews DO NOT Control the Media)
Post Date: 2011-01-19 09:04:42 by tom007
Journalist Group Kills Award Named for Helen Thomas SPJ's lifetime achievement award is going away By John Johnson, Newser Staff Posted Jan 18, 2011 6:25 PM CST * STORY * COMMENTS (54) Do you like this story? Share Email Share Bookmark & Share Digg Fark LinkedIn StumbleUpon Delicious Google Buzz Reddit Yahoo Buzz (Newser) – This one has to sting: The Society of Professional Journalists is killing its Helen Thomas Lifetime Achievement Award because of the controversy over her infamous advice that Jews in Palestine should "go home," followed up by her accusation that "Zionists" own Congress and the White House. It follows a similar action by her alma mater ...

New Alabama Governor: Only Christians Are My Brothers And Sisters
Post Date: 2011-01-19 08:49:45 by tom007
New Alabama Governor: Only Christians Are My Brothers And Sisters Eric Lach | January 18, 2011, 11:46AM 7372Share 155tweetsTOP1Kretweet 37diggsdigg Gov. Robert Bentley (R-AL) Read More Alabama, Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Bentley Share Twitter Fark Reddit Send to a Friend Send to a friend! To email: Your Name: Your email: Speaking on Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the very church where Dr. King once pastored, new Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley gave a speech in which he said that those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior are not his "brothers." Bentley spoke at the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church in Montgomery just minutes after taking the oath of ...

Reconciling China-US issues
Post Date: 2011-01-19 07:56:15 by Tatarewicz
The REAL issues that could reconcile China and US The Western mass media machine has done a very lousy job to falsify the real issues that impede the blooming business ties between the two biggest economies in the 21st Century: China and US. The main reason for the Western media failure to be credible in the globalized world is their die-hard habit of assuming that the global public is as thoroughly brain-washed and clueless as the Western dumb-down populations. As the so-called “professor” at Harvard Joseph Nye narrated in his opinion piece just published, concerning China’s response to the US provocative arms sale to Taiwan and Japanese pirate attack on Chinese fishing ...

Is Mexico a Country on Fire?
Post Date: 2011-01-18 18:46:26 by tom007
Is Mexico a Country on Fire? by: Frank Holmes January 18, 2011 | about: EWW Just a three-hour drive from our offices in San Antonio lies an entrance to Mexico, one of the most promising but precarious investment opportunities in global markets. Like stepping on an ant hill, President Felipe Calderon’s war against the drug cartels has created chaos but the country’s economy has proven much tougher than many thought. San Antonio’s economy has been a direct benefactor of the turmoil as wealthy Mexican citizens have migrated to the area, invigorating the local economy with new entrepreneurial capital and stimulating the high-end real estate market, according to the San ...

Life In America's Most Dangerous City About To Become "Living Hell" As Layoffs Of One Quarter Of Government Labor Force Begin
Post Date: 2011-01-18 18:32:10 by tom007
Life In America's Most Dangerous City About To Become "Living Hell" As Layoffs Of One Quarter Of Government Labor Force Begin Tyler Durden's picture Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/18/2011 13:22 -0500 * Budget Deficit * Crack Cocaine * Newspaper * Unemployment * Unemployment Benefits Life in Camden, NJ has never been fun. Frequently ranked as America's most dangerous city, whose only claim to fame are the corporate offices of Campbell's Soup, Camden is about to get even more dangerous as it is among the first to experience wholesale cuts to its government labor pool. Bloomberg reports that "as many as 383 workers, representing one-fourth of the local ...

McCain Calls Obama a 'Patriot,' Rejects Critics Who Say He's 'Unworthy' to Lead
Post Date: 2011-01-17 10:47:05 by gengis gandhi
McCain Calls Obama a 'Patriot,' Rejects Critics Who Say He's 'Unworthy' to Lead 1 day ago Text Size Print this page|EmailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on DiggShare on Lifestream BRUCE DRAKE Contributing Editor Author Bio » Contact Author » Subscribe : Sen. John McCain lost a bitter campaign against Barack Obama in 2008 and has been at loggerheads with him for much of Obama's first two years in office. But the Arizona Republican this weekend called Obama a "patriot" intent on using his presidency to "advance our country's cause" and rejected accusations -- many coming from members of his own party and the tea party ...

Gold, The Dollar, & The Debt
Post Date: 2011-01-15 21:54:34 by Itistoolate

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