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Afghanistan illegal occupation
Post Date: 2010-08-03 10:02:51 by tom007
Afghanistan illegal occupation Submitted by shakker on Sun, 08/01/2010 - 10:08am. The USA, self proclaimed bastion of freedom, justice, honesty, fairness and truth has been revealed by others and our own secret documents to be (once again) liars, torturers, war criminals, thieves, murderers and really insulting to citizens' intelligence. We are expected to believe just one more enormous mountain of cash and thousands more military people will be different this time. If the strategy worked the last ten times, we would need less now, not more. Also the information released by Wikileaks is both dangerous to our great success and insignificant because everybody knows it all already. This ...

Israel Has Crept Into the EU Without Anyone Noticing By Robert Fisk (A Must Read)
Post Date: 2010-08-02 15:08:50 by tom007
Israel Has Crept Into the EU Without Anyone Noticing By Robert Fisk August 01, 2010 "The Independent" - -The death of five Israeli servicemen in a helicopter crash in Romania this week raised scarcely a headline. There was a Nato-Israeli exercise in progress. Well, that's OK then. Now imagine the death of five Hamas fighters in a helicopter crash in Romania this week. We'd still be investigating this extraordinary phenomenon. Now mark you, I'm not comparing Israel and Hamas. Israel is the country that justifiably slaughtered more than 1,300 Palestinians in Gaza 19 months ago – more than 300 of them children – while the vicious, blood-sucking and terrorist ...

WikiLeaks in Baghdad
Post Date: 2010-07-30 09:34:39 by tom007
WikiLeaks in Baghdad icon gravatar.comwww.uruknet.info/?p=m68402&hd=&size=1&l=e sent by Fiore since 11 hours 45 minutes, published about 18 minutes One by one, soldiers just arriving in Baghdad were taken into a room and questioned by their commanding officers. "All questions led up to the big question," explains former Army Spc. Josh Stieber. "If someone were to pull out a weapon in a marketplace full of unarmed civilians, would you open fire on that person, even if you knew you would hurt a lot of innocent people in the process?" It was a trick question. "Not only did you have to say yes, but you had to say yes without hesitating," explains ...

White Racism: The Cold Truth
Post Date: 2010-07-29 20:11:37 by Dakmar
In the stifled, constipated political discourse of the modern West, there are quite wide categories of facts that are rather obviously true, but which it has for decades been considered gross bad manners to mention aloud. Now, suddenly, we are seeing those facts printed in respectable organs of news and opinion. Early signs of a paradigm shift? Or just a momentary aberration? Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Interesting article, I'm glad I has stomach enough to read through the crap about the pig Frum. I've always thought of Derbyshire as the token sane person at NR, sort of like Greenwald at Salon.

How Jewish is Hollywood?
Post Date: 2010-07-29 10:56:28 by tom007
Opinion How Jewish is Hollywood? * Joel Stein * Joel Stein * Recent columns 70Share 87diggsdigg * Related * Discuss Joel Stein's column Click here to find out more! A poll finds more Americans disagree with the statement that 'Jews control Hollywood.' But here's one Jew who doesn't. By Joel Stein December 19, 2008 * EmailE-mail * printPrint * Share * increase text size decrease text size Text Size la-oe-stein19-2008dec19 I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll ...

Haim Saban to CBS: Cancel Oliver Stone’s Showtime Series
Post Date: 2010-07-29 10:14:18 by tom007
Haim Saban to CBS: Cancel Oliver Stone’s Showtime Series Banishment from Hollywood by Jews for saying that Jews control Hollywood By Sharon Waxman & Brent Lang | The Wrap | July 27, 2010 A furious Haim Saban has mounted a campaign to get Showtime to cancel its planned airing of Oliver Stone’s 10-part series, “A Secret History of America,” in the wake of anti-Jewish remarks by the outspoken director. Stone’s apology “is transparently fake,” Saban said in an interview with TheWrap. “He has been consistent in his anti-American and anti-Semitic remarks. I respect his First Amendment rights. I hope he respects mine.” The billionaire and ...

John McCain: "We Already Won That One"
Post Date: 2010-07-29 10:11:22 by tom007
John McCain: "We Already Won That One" Monday 26 July 2010 by: Marjorie Cohn, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis photo (Image: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: Staff Sgt. Stacy L. Pearsall / U.S. Army, Tom LeGro / NewsHour ) On July 15, I attended a reception in Washington, DC, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the normalization of relations between the United States and Vietnam. Geoff Millard and I spoke to Sen. John McCain. When Geoff introduced himself as chairman of the board of Iraq Veterans Against the War, McCain retorted, "You're too late. We already won that one." McCain is now the second US official to declare "mission accomplished" in a war that ...

Jim Rickards Compares The Collapse Of The Roman Empire To The US, Concludes That We Are Far Worse Off
Post Date: 2010-07-29 06:53:45 by DeaconBenjamin
In the latest two-part interview with Jim Rickards by Eric King, the former LTCM General Counsel goes on a lengthy compare and contrast between the Roman Empire (and especially the critical part where it collapses) and the U.S. in it current form. And while we say contrast, there are few actual contrasts to observe: alas, the similarities are just far too many, starting with the debasement of the currencies, whereby Rome's silver dinarius started out pure and eventually barely had a 5% content, and the ever increasing taxation of the population, and especially the most productive segment - the farmers, by the emperors, to the point where the downfall of empire was actually greeted by ...

Plunder! How Public Employee Unions Are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation
Post Date: 2010-07-28 10:47:55 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Karl Marx was right—sort of. He was right in saying that society is riven by class warfare, but he got the classes wrong. It’s not the case that capitalists exploit workers, but rather that tax consumers exploit taxpayers. That truth has long been kept hidden from the average American by deceptive propaganda about the workings of democracy and the supposed nobility of “public service.” But people are starting to comprehend. Articles in major newspapers have recently disclosed the crucial fact that government employees are generally paid substantially more than comparable private-sector workers and enjoy more generous and secure benefits. And now Steven Greenhut’s ...

Commentary: Sherrod, Breitbart and the conservative outrage machine
Post Date: 2010-07-28 09:27:53 by tom007
Commentary: Sherrod, Breitbart and the conservative outrage machine Recommend (5) By Leonard Pitts Jr. | The Miami Herald Last week, the conservative outrage machine tried to chew up Shirley Sherrod. You are familiar with that machine if you have access to the Internet or Fox News. As the name implies, it exists to stoke and maintain a state of perpetual apoplexy on the political right by feeding it a never-ending stream of perceived sins against conservative orthodoxy. While the machine will use any available fuel (health care, immigration, Muslims) to manufacture fury, it has a special fondness for race. Specifically, for stories that depict the God-fearing white conservative as a ...

Congress's Response to WikiLeaks: Shoot the Messenger
Post Date: 2010-07-27 10:35:23 by tom007
Congress's Response to WikiLeaks: Shoot the Messenger Tuesday 27 July 2010 by: Gail Russell Chaddock | The Christian Science Monitor | Report Washington - Despite the release of some 92,000 classified documents that cast doubt on the success of the US war effort in Afghanistan, all but the staunchest antiwar members of Congress focused their most scathing words Monday on WikiLeaks, the website that published the material. The controversy is far from over – it remains unclear how Americans might react to revelations about apparent indiscriminate killing of Afghan civilians and potential double-dealing by Pakistan. But Monday's comments from Congress suggest that, for now, ...

Oath Breakers and the Age of Treason
Post Date: 2010-07-26 12:20:10 by christine
"Patriotism," said George Orwell, "has nothing to do with conservatism." Love for one's country is not right or left; it is not the sole province of the poor, or the rich; and it can be expressed in different ways. Benjamin Franklin gave voice to the spirit of patriotism when he said; "We must all hang together or we shall most assuredly all hang separately." Today, patriotism is in need of greater allegiance than ever before. Almost all countries in the world, but especially America because it is the largest military power, are under the threat of a global dictatorial "new world order" that is being deceptively established as the coming together ...

MUDBOY SLIM, A Biography
Post Date: 2010-07-25 22:25:35 by James Deffenbach
MUDBOY SLIM A Biography MUDBOY SLIM WAS BORN in Lintpick, Louisiana, in the 1950s.* His father, Wayne, made what living he could selling military secrets to the Soviets. Since the elder Stomp held only the rank of Army cook, there wasn't much market for his information. (He would often bitterly claim, "the stupid Russians don't realize that an army travels on its stomach!") Somehow, the family eked by. Because of Dad's line of work, the Stomps had to move frequently. In addition to living in 17 parishes in Louisiana and 9 different counties in Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas, young Mud grew up in Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and Detroit, always feeling out of place in the ...

How to Write about Haiti
Post Date: 2010-07-25 09:04:02 by tom007
Actor Sean Penn, who is helping manage a camp of displaced earthquake victims in Haiti, is making pointed criticisms of journalists for dropping the ball on coverage of Haiti. He's wrong. I've been on the ground in Port-au-Prince working as an independent journalist for the past ten months. I'm an earthquake survivor who's seen the big-time reporters come and go. They're doing such a stellar job and I want to help out, so I've written this handy guide for when they come back on the one-year anniversary of the January quake! (Published on my blog, Huffington Post, and inspired by this piece in Granta.) For starters, always use the phrase 'the poorest country in ...

Que Paso?
Post Date: 2010-07-23 14:41:38 by SonOfLiberty
Forum went down for quite a while, seemed to disappear, suddenly we saw the raw pre-forum setup page and then, back like magic. Was this scheduled, or a blip? Just curious.

Diversity or Deception Part 1
Post Date: 2010-07-22 20:32:25 by X-15

Picking on the Racially Handicapped
Post Date: 2010-07-22 12:27:37 by Prefrontal Vortex
Picking on the Racially Handicapped Randy Garver, a thoughtful commenter with an opposing perspective, pondered… Have any European advocacy groups attempted or achieved success in utilizing the existing politically correct multicultural infrastructure to gain popular support? One would think that putative “pro-freedom” organizations like the ACLU would have no valid reason not to support the inclusion of pro-European groups at any table where the NAACP, NCLR, AIM, etc are seated This is not a new line of thinking. Quite a few smart people have pursued this strategy. The NAAWP was founded by David Duke with the slogan, “Equal rights for all, special privileges for ...

Freedom? Hogwash.
Post Date: 2010-07-21 22:04:55 by X-15
We recently celebrated “Independence Day” in this country. Unfortunately, in post-America, the whole thing has turned into a farce, a parody of what once were our God-given liberties. We are, supposedly, a “free” country, so the politicians tell us. After 911 George Bush informed us that the Muslims hated us because of our freedoms. So to make sure they wouldn’t hate us anymore because of our freedoms he gave us the Patriot Act. Now they may hate us for other reasons, but it is surely not because of our “freedoms.” “Oh, but America is a free country” you say. To which I say “hogwash.” Our Founding Fathers would never have put up with ...

American conservatives embrace Leftist goals
Post Date: 2010-07-21 22:02:54 by X-15
The Right-wing or conservative movement in America is fatally corrupted. If one listens to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck or especially the more overt Neo-conservatives such as Frum, Wolfowitz, Levin, etc. this corruption is apparent for all to see. Notice how these conservatives (just to use the label they claim) take certain elements of traditionalism or traditional conservatism (such as anti-communism, Christianity, strong national defense, etc.) and use these to promote fundamentally Left-wing or "Progressive" agendas. Limbaugh will often talk about the virtues of the free-market, a traditionally Right-wing idea, and claim that this is good because it's anti-racist and is the ...

How Can People Keep A Straight Face When They Claim To Believe This?
Post Date: 2010-07-18 20:30:00 by James Deffenbach
Inexperienced Muslim hijackers, armed only with knives and box-cutters, took control of four airliners, then outfoxed the world’s most sophisticated air defense system, then used two of these airliners to bring three skyscrapers down (indeed, straight down, in virtual free fall), and then, almost an hour later - when the US air defense system would have been on highest alert - flew a third one, undetected, from the mid-west back to Washington DC, where – thanks to heroic piloting by a man who had never before flown an airliner and who was, according to the New York Times, known as a “terrible pilot,” incapable of safely flying even a tiny plane – this third airliner ...

So what exactly does the New Black Panther Party want?
Post Date: 2010-07-16 20:41:22 by Dakmar
On the heels of Eric Holder's dismissal of charges against the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) for harassment at a Philadelphia polling location, video resurfaced of the actions of the NBPP.  Just out of curiosity, I went to the website of the NBPP to view their platform.  In a nutshell, the NBPP wants the same thing as progressives, liberals and Democrats want, power. The group's platform for black people lies in 10 items which have been paraphrased for brevity: Freedom to determine their destiny & they have a belief in the Bible, Koran & other texts. Full employment & wealth, power & arms in the hands of the people. No taxes & ...

Ron Paul: Useful dupe, or sincere patriot who knows he can't win? Will you donate $$? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-07-16 14:33:16 by Artisan
Sorry if daring to broach this subject offends any potential Paul cultists out there. Many people respect Dr. Paul, for his principles and long-standing track record. But the way he ended his 08 campaign, along with the 'Trotsky memo' have some questioning the validity of his run. Is it worth it to jump on the Paul 2012 bandwagon knowing that Paul himself recently told CNN that he's considering running, but knows he will never be president? Would you support Dr. Paul a second time, and would you donate money?

The U.S. Economy Is A Dead Horse And The American People Are Starting To Get Really Pissed Off And Frustrated
Post Date: 2010-07-16 07:59:08 by Itistoolate
The U.S. Economy Is A Dead Horse And The American People Are Starting To Get Really Pissed Off And Frustrated The economic frustration of the American people is reaching a fever pitch. Millions of Americans can't seem to get a good job no matter what they do. Millions of others are working as hard as they can but find that they keep coming up short at the end of the month. Record numbers of Americans are still going bankrupt. Record numbers of Americans are still losing their homes. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy is a dead horse at this point. It just doesn't have any more to give. At this point the U.S. economy is like an aging rock star that requires larger and larger doses of ...

Obama Will Triumph -- So Will America
Post Date: 2010-07-16 06:03:56 by noone222
Obama Will Triumph -- So Will America By Frank Schaeffer Before he had served even one year President Obama lost the support of the easily distracted left and engendered the white hot rage of the hate-filled right. But some of us, from all walks of life and ideological backgrounds -- including this white, straight, 57-year-old, former religious right-wing agitator, now progressive writer and (given my background as the son of a famous evangelical leader) this unlikely Obama supporter -- are sticking with our President. Why? -- Because he is succeeding. We faithful Obama supporters still trust our initial impression of him as a great, good and uniquely qualified man to lead us. ...

Freedom to hate in college shrinks
Post Date: 2010-07-15 23:24:30 by X-15
I tell my college students to feel free to hate. I try to explain to them that in the context of all the other freedoms of choice they have, like their “spiritual path,” their gender identification, term papers from 253,428 sites and whether their next triple-sized mocha latte will be with or without whipped cream, low- or high-fat milk or soy milk, with chocolate, almond, or hazelnut biscotti at Starbucks or Namaste Coffee and Tofu Emporium, this is one precious freedom they have lost. This little pep talk is usually inspired by a sign in front of a school building that announces it is “NO PLACE FOR HATE.” My students look at me like people who have been in ...

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