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Coffee vs. Tea: A political movement is brewing
Post Date: 2010-03-14 01:16:25 by Dakmar
The new Coffee Party movement deemed its official kickoff Saturday a "huge success," with dozens of talks held at coast-to-coast coffee shops as members came together to discuss the issues most important to them. Billed by many as an answer to the conservative Tea Party movement, the Coffee Party was born on Facebook just six weeks ago. While the group has become an instant hit online -- it boasts more than 141,000 Facebook fans as of Saturday -- gauging the success of this weekend's coffee meetups was predicted to be an indicator of the group's strength. A statement released by the party said "today's coffee houses have been a huge success -- both for Coffee ...

Withdraw Consent
Post Date: 2010-03-12 14:30:52 by X-15
It’s well known throughout the land that the South is the most Christian region of America. People call us “The Bible Belt,” either with affection or disdain. It’s equally well known that the South is the most openly patriotic region as well. But what happens when our patriotism trumps our Christianity? What happens when worship of God becomes perverted into worship of the state? What happens when we allow humanistic law to supplant God’s law as the foundation of civil government? I'll tell you what happens—corruption, injustice, and tyranny—exactly what we have today in America. When that happens, moral and just people must withdraw their consent. ...

America The Apostate
Post Date: 2010-03-12 00:59:54 by X-15
I can remember talking to a Christian lady several years ago now, back in the 1980s, when she told me she felt that revival was just around the corner. I couldn’t see it then. I still can’t. A short time after the 9/11 situation, I read comments from a former television evangelist, stating that he thought America was in the midst of the greatest spiritual revival in our lifetime. I literally cringed as I read his comments. My first gut reaction was “You’ve got to be kidding, right?” I wondered briefly if he and I were living in the same America. If this man could interpret scads of people running up Yankee flags and singing “God Bless America” as revival, ...

burning words
Post Date: 2010-03-10 13:28:48 by christine
Ken Hardy, a white adjunct professor at Jefferson Community College in Louisville, Kentucky, taught a class on "interpersonal communications." As a part of that class, he devoted a session to taboo words, and their historical evolution. He asked his class to volunteer taboo words and they suggested the usual suspects: 'faggot', 'bitch', etc. One of the students proposed the word 'nigger'. Hardy repeated the word, asking the class to analyze its social and linguistic impact. One of the students, Julia Pierre, one of nine blacks in the twenty-two student class, took umbrage at Hardy's vocalization of the word. She complained to college administration. ...

Gregory Rodriguez: The buffoons [of racism] aren’t the real problem [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-03-10 11:52:31 by Ferret
News flash from the University of California San Diego: Party-animal frat boys sometimes engage in stupid, offensive and even racist stunts! For weeks now, outrage over a fraternity party that encouraged guests to mimic and mock ghetto culture has embroiled the La Jolla campus in old-school political theater. Then, in a separate incident, a noose was left in a university library (a student anonymously took responsibility and apologized). And finally, a pillowcase made to look like a KKK hood appeared atop a statue of Dr. Seuss. In a diverse society, such incidents — which draw cleavages between groups — should be taken seriously. But such antics really don’t signify our ...

Census Spends $52 Million On Letter Alerting Americans That They’ll Be Getting Another Letter
Post Date: 2010-03-10 09:19:16 by Itistoolate
Census Spends $52 Million On Letter Alerting Americans That They’ll Be Getting Another Letter Makes perfect sense, right? That $52 million number is a calculation I did based on the reported 120 million letters www.9wsyr.com/news/local/...1j6Tkusky7F3OrhiffZg.cspx that were reportedly sent out at a cost of $0.44/letter. Now, granted, the Census folks no doubt used bulk mailing and paid a lower price for postage. But there’s also the expense of the paper and the envelope and the time it took to compose the letter through the bureaucratic process and actually, you know, mail it. But even if my calculation is way off, the idea that millions were spent on this is appalling. And ...

Don’t buy Obama’s greenwashing of nuclear power
Post Date: 2010-03-09 09:39:13 by Ferret
On Feb. 16, while President Obama was in Maryland announcing an $8.3 billion taxpayer-backed loan guarantee for Southern Company to build two new nuclear reactors in Georgia, inspectors at the Vermont Yankee reactor were finding dangerously high levels of tritium, a radioactive cancer-causing chemical, in the groundwater near the plant. The next week, the Vermont state Senate voted overwhelmingly to shut down Vermont Yankee when its current license expires in 2012. Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas (R) called the timing of the nuclear loan guarantee announcement and the Vermont Senate's decision "ironic." More than just some coincidence, though, the Vermont Yankee situation ...

Collapse of the American Empire: swift, silent, certain
Post Date: 2010-03-09 09:29:03 by Ferret
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- "One of the disturbing facts of history is that so many civilizations collapse," warns anthropologist Jared Diamond in "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed." Many "civilizations share a sharp curve of decline. Indeed, a society's demise may begin only a decade or two after it reaches its peak population, wealth and power." Now, Harvard's Niall Ferguson, one of the world's leading financial historians, echoes Diamond's warning: "Imperial collapse may come much more suddenly than many historians imagine. A combination of fiscal deficits and military overstretch suggests that the United ...

Calling all Rebels [A call to fight the fascism we are sinking into]
Post Date: 2010-03-09 09:08:20 by Ferret
There are no constraints left to halt America's slide into a totalitarian capitalism. Electoral politics are a sham. The media have been debased and defanged by corporate owners. The working class has been impoverished and is now being plunged into profound despair. The legal system has been corrupted to serve corporate interests. Popular institutions, from labor unions to political parties, have been destroyed or emasculated by corporate power. And any form of protest, no matter how tepid, is blocked by an internal security apparatus that is starting to rival that of the East German secret police. The mounting anger and hatred, coursing through the bloodstream of the body politic, make ...

Sinead O'Connor: I'd help Jesus to burn down the Vatican
Post Date: 2010-03-08 03:59:38 by Ferret
PLEASE allow me to express my astonishment upon reading the statement made on the evening of March 1 by the Bishop of Ferns, Denis Brennan. His statement attempts to dictate to us -- in the same way the Inquisition did -- how Christians should behave. It says directly that it would be anti-Christian of us to feel that the church should pay its own bills for its own abuse with its own billions that it throttled from our grandparents, whom it also abused, physically, emotionally, psychologically and sexually. Evidence of sexual abuse by clergy, according to the Murphy report, can be traced as far back as 320 AD and the first treatment centres for paedophile priests were created in 1940, ...

Liberals Have Lost Their Thunder
Post Date: 2010-03-07 21:02:24 by Horse
“Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me and I welcome their hatred.” -President Roosevelt, Madison Square Garden, October 31, 1936 There is an astonishing lack of anger among liberals, progressives and radicals who have abandoned emotion to the right. Our role model continues to be not FDR, still less Malcolm X, but our “bipartisan” and apparently tone-deaf President Obama. In this second or third year of a devastating depression, not just recession, that has inflicted an epidemic of suffering on the lower half of the American nation, Obama is very busy being ...

The Wal-Mart Hippies
Post Date: 2010-03-07 15:10:33 by Ferret Mike
About 40 years ago, a social movement arose to destroy the establishment. The people we loosely call the New Left wanted to take on The Man, return power to the people, upend the elites and lead a revolution. Today, another social movement has arisen. The people we loosely call the Tea Partiers also want to destroy the establishment. They also want to take on The Man, return power to the people, upend the elites and lead a revolution. There are many differences between the New Left and the Tea Partiers. One was on the left, the other is on the right. One was bohemian, the other is bourgeois. One was motivated by war, and the other is motivated by runaway federal spending. One went to ...

The Tea Party Is All About Race
Post Date: 2010-03-06 17:30:33 by Ferret Mike
I was going to open this piece with an analogy about the tea party groups and why they're treated seriously by the press and the Republicans. The analogy would go something like: "Imagine [insert left-wing activist group here] getting a serious profile in a mainstream newspaper, and imagine serious Democratic politicians appearing at their convention." The problem is, when I really evaluated what the various far-left activist groups are all about and compared them with the tea party movement, there really wasn't any equivalency. At all. Because when you strip away all of the rage, all of the nonsensical loud noises and all of the contradictions, all that's left is ...

Glen Beck is a SHILL
Post Date: 2010-03-06 02:16:29 by Itistoolate
but, like Alex, he still says some good stuff Glenn Beck explores the history of communism and fascism: Part 1 Part 2

Spontaneous Order
Post Date: 2010-03-05 20:35:46 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Order has been a central preoccupation of political thinkers and philosophers throughout the ages. It is widely understood today as a state of harmony between people, or social peace. In the premodern era, however, the concept was understood as the maintenance of a stable, hierarchical order that was pre-ordained by God or nature or both. Order can also be seen as the existence of regularity and predictability in human affairs, the absence of chaos. Although no longer associated with a rigid society ranked by privilege and power, the idea of order is still highly valued. This is because it allows people with different interests and values to live together in society without resorting to ...

The Black Supremacist Mayor of Harrisburg — And Her Obedient House Press
Post Date: 2010-03-05 01:52:43 by X-15
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania recently elected a bizarre black woman named Linda Thompson as its mayor. The subtext of her campaign — and now, it appears, her governance — is as follows: “Harrisburg had a white mayor for years. I’m black. The population of Harrisburg is majority black. So, put me in there. I’ll kick out the whites and replace them with blacks.” It was never clear to me that she was about much else. Thompson typifies erratic black behavior: she skated by for years as head of a non-profit group called “Loveship, Inc.” that gave her interest-free loans, collected unemployment benefits but drove a Mercedes-Benz, filed a lawsuit against a gas ...

"It is Not Because Things are Difficult that We Do Not Dare; It Is Because We Do Not Dare that They are Difficult.”
Post Date: 2010-03-04 11:56:23 by Horse
So many people seem to have given up any hope of taking back our power. So I am re-posting two essays I wrote a couple of years ago to help re-light the fire ... Hope In a Time of Hopelessness Several long-time activists have told me recently they are overwhelmed, worried, and think that we may be losing the struggle .... One very smart friend asked me if there is any basis for hope. But hope is an act of will, not a passive mood. Admittedly, things are easier when circumstances bring hope to us, and we can just receive the hopeful and inspiring news. But if we care about winning, we have to be able to decide to have hope even when outer circumstances aren't so positive. I have ...

Illuminati New World Order Martial Law World War 3...
Post Date: 2010-03-03 19:47:50 by Itistoolate
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Threats, contempt come with job for IRS workers [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-03-03 10:52:30 by christine
Some Americans heckle or mail tea bags; others, such as Stack, act in more dangerous ways. Michelle Lowry knows first-hand how much people hate the Internal Revenue Service. The 37-year-old Leander woman, who processes forms for the IRS in Austin, confronts that venom regularly. People slip razor blades and pushpins into the same envelopes as their W-2 forms. They send nasty notes with their crumpled documents. Last year during the height of the Tea Party movement, hundreds of taxpayers included — what else? — tea bags with their returns. And then there's the weird stuff. "Sometimes you'll see stuff that looks like blood on them," said Lowry, who has worked ...

Cut Pay For Government Workers
Post Date: 2010-03-02 20:32:31 by DeaconBenjamin
That's the only way to get serious about the deficit. Imagine a company that dominates its field. It's been No. 1 in its industry as long as anyone can remember. But lately it's fallen on hard times. Revenue has dropped dramatically. The only thing keeping it afloat is record borrowing based on its stellar credit rating, earned many years ago. Meanwhile, independent analysts have shown that workers at this company earn higher than average wages. Moreover, the workers have skills that are not easily transferable. If this were an airline or an automaker, the solution would be a no-brainer: It would be time for a big pay cut. If the company didn't cut pay, or increased it, ...

The Road to Dictatorship - Next stop: martial law?
Post Date: 2010-03-02 18:33:06 by F.A. Hayek Fan
That 56 percent of all Americans "think the federal government’s become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens" isn’t really all that surprising. After all, ever since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the government’s "right" to read our e-mails, seize our property, hold us as "enemy combatants," and otherwise trample on the Constitution has been expanding at an exponential pace. What’s really shocking, however, is that, according to this CNN-Opinion Research Corporation poll, released on Feb. 28, most of the people who believe this are overwhelmingly … Republicans. That is, ...

McCain_Rocks Sucks and Blows at the same time
Post Date: 2010-03-01 11:42:08 by James Deffenbach
#6. To: Happy2BMe-OnLP (#0) Your hatred of America knows no bounds does it? Well guess what comrade - no one is listening. Sarah Palin and the Republican Party are the only two entities that can save this country from Obamaism. You are either with us or against us and you've made it perfectly clear that you are on the side of the enemy. You are an avowed Obamaist. McCain_Rocks posted on 2010-03-01 8:05:16 ET Reply Trace Poster Comment:I think McCain_Rocks is evidence of an Artificial Stupidity program that was successful beyond the wildest dreams of its inventor. The article was about Sarah Palin and how her policies in regard to illegal aliens are the same as McCain's, ...

A personal expierence related to property
Post Date: 2010-02-27 16:40:46 by Itistoolate
A couple years ago I payed my tax accessor a visit to check on a property tax program in my state. The assessment and reduction is directly related to one's income and age. After clearing up the concern I started complaining about local school and property taxes. After some 'agreement' by the accessor I stated that I thought we didn't have to pay yearly on the aforementioned school and property taxes. I went through about 6 or 8 commonly owned item someone might have and asked the local accessor if he payed yearly 'tax' on them. His answer was no to all of them. I might add that while he was talking to me he was typing away on his computer and not even looking in ...

Politicians can't sugarcoat Illinois' dire straits
Post Date: 2010-02-24 18:00:48 by Horse
When Laurence Msall walked into the state Capitol in Springfield on Tuesday morning, I figured it would be like the skunk showing up at the garden party. Accurate? "Yep," Msall said by cell phone. "I was greeted with 'Are you here to raise my taxes?' " Msall, 48, is the head of a Chicago's Civic Federation, a venerable, nonpartisan, pro-business, pretty conservative outfit that keeps tabs on government and how it handles our money. Before this job, he worked for Republican Governors Jim Edgar and George Ryan doing economic development. So, in plain English, Msall cannot be written off as a left-leaning, tax-and-spend liberal. That's what made his ...

Who Are Their Prey? All of Us: From the Left and Right
Post Date: 2010-02-24 12:09:15 by christine
Our knee-jerk, tunnel-visioned, democratic and republican voters must develop some peripheral vision, or they will be taught some lessons of life that could more more easily be learned by viewing outside of the central areas of corporate media focus. And perhaps, the best place to begin seeing on the edges of one’s usual visual field is the corporate media itself. Let us begin by asking ourselves, “Who owns the corporate-mainstream media?” And of course, the answer is large, very large, corporations own the corporate media. But, who owns the controlling stock of these large corporations, and controls their “news” and aired content? The answer is the foreign, ...

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