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Spike TV ad dudes think women are disembodied tits...
Post Date: 2010-01-12 22:37:56 by Prefrontal Vortex
Spike TV ad dudes think women are disembodied tits... ..and that that’s what men want. Bitching about this Entourage ad campaign is part of my just-posted Week in Women column, but I thought it was worth repeating here, because of the coincidence that ads from the campaign have begun showing up at FlickFilosopher.com. I’ve been seeing ads like this one all over New York City over the last few weeks: on subway platforms, on the sides of buses, on the few telephone kiosks left in Manhattan. And they have been driving me bonkers. I carried my camera with me when I was out for the evening in Manhattan on Friday night, hoping to snap an image of one of them, because I knew I wanted ...

A Nation of Hunkered-Down Homebodies
Post Date: 2010-01-12 12:25:34 by Prefrontal Vortex
A Nation of Hunkered-Down Homebodies The nation’s mobility rate fell last year to its lowest level since World War II, according to the latest census data. Growth is slowing in Sun Belt states and Northeastern states are holding on to more people. The current recession and lack of jobs are big factors, but the trend has been gaining force since the 1950s, when nearly one-fifth of all Americans moved every year. Why are Americans becoming less nomadic? Greater labor mobility helps the economy, but are there other kinds of effects — negative or positive — related to a more rooted population? Is there an upside to more Americans staying closer to their hometowns? Katherine S. ...

Why the crime rate is going down, really
Post Date: 2010-01-12 11:18:26 by Prefrontal Vortex
Stu Bykofsky: Why the crime rate is going down, really IN DOWN ECONOMIC times, any positive news is welcome, and that's what we got with the announcement that crime in Philadelphia is down, way down, across the board. The announcement was made jointly by Mayor Nutter, Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey and new District Attorney Seth Williams, who had to feel a bit like President Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize. (Williams was running for, not in, office during the two years covered by the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports.) What the heck! Champagne all around! What follows is not intended to pour cold water on the efforts of the mayor, police chief and just-retired D.A., Lynne ...

It's a Madhouse Out There
Post Date: 2010-01-11 21:47:43 by christine
I think we need to face it: 2010 is more than a new year; it is also part of a new era in which all vestiges of normalcy and common sense have been left behind. In other words, it is a madhouse out there. Let me give you some examples of what I'm talking about. Example Number One: In the world of anti-gun elitists, only common people are not allowed to defend themselves. According to the Richmond (North Carolina) Times-Dispatch, "A sheriff says a North Carolina state senator shot one of two intruders at his home and hospital officials say the man is in fair condition. "Multiple media outlets reported that Columbus County Sheriff Chris Batten said that 74-year-old Sen. R.C. ...

good luck fighting terrorism without changing our FP.
Post Date: 2010-01-11 19:55:44 by tom007
good luck fighting terrorism without changing our FP. see: http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/01/07/terrorism/index.html More cause and effect in our ever-expanding "war" By Glenn Greenwald (updated below - Update II - Update III) If it is taboo to discuss how America's actions in the Middle East cause Terrorism -- and it generally is -- that taboo is far stronger still when it comes to specifically discussing how our blind, endless enabling of Israeli actions fuels Terrorism directed at the U.S. An article in yesterday's New York Times examined the life of Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi, the Jordanian who blew himself up, along with 7 CIA ...

Lieberman And McCain Back Netanyahu Against Obama - In Israel
Post Date: 2010-01-11 19:33:02 by tom007
Lieberman And McCain Back Netanyahu Against Obama - In Israel One critical aspect of president Obama's Middle East policy is finding a way to stop Israel continuing to expand settlements on the West Bank. Without a permanent cessation of such activity, there's no way to get the two sides together. But Israel simply refuses to cooperate, as it has refused for two decades in its land-grab, and is eagerly anticipating the end of its temporary semi-freeze of some settlements, while it maintains its policy of populating East Jeruslame with as many Jewish-Israelis as possible. In such a situation, having some leverage over Israel is essential to advancing US interests in forging a ...

The US as a great warrior tribe
Post Date: 2010-01-11 16:23:37 by tom007
The US as a great warrior tribe By Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera's senior political analyst Has the US become a 'ruling warrior tribe'? [GALLO/GETTY] According to tribal Yemeni tradition, if a dispute has been resolved peacefully, any dagger that has been drawn cannot go back into its scabbard unless it tastes blood. Traditionally, an animal is slaughtered to satisfy its thirst and restore its holder's honour. Since the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact without a single shot, let alone nuclear warheads, being fired, the 'Greater Middle East' region has been turned into a real theatre of war. From the Gulf war in 1991 through to ...

Murdoch son-in-law ‘ashamed and sickened’ by Fox News CEO
Post Date: 2010-01-11 13:26:21 by tom007
Murdoch son-in-law ‘ashamed and sickened’ by Fox News CEO By John Byrne Monday, January 11th, 2010 -- 9:42 am Share on Facebook Stumble This! murdoch and ailes Murdoch son in law ashamed and sickened by Fox News CEOThe son-in-law of News Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch told the New York Times in little-noticed comments Sunday that he's "ashamed and sickened" by Fox News Channel's Chief Executive Roger Ailes. “I am by no means alone within the family or the company in being ashamed and sickened by Roger Ailes’s horrendous and sustained disregard of the journalistic standards that News Corporation, its founder and every other global media ...

On our terrorism problem Posted By Stephen M. Walt
Post Date: 2010-01-11 13:15:13 by tom007
On our terrorism problem Posted By Stephen M. Walt Friday, January 8, 2010 - 11:00 AM Share Declaring that "the buck stops with me," President Obama announced a set of new directives in response to the foiled bombing of Northwest Flight 253 by the now-infamous "underpants bomber." The list of presidential orders is mostly unexceptionable, and may even make a repeat performance less likely. Of course, if al Qaeda is even remotely strategic, trying an exact repeat of this attempt would be silly. Instead, they'll study the new procedures, look for holes in them, and try some new variation. The good news is that air travel will still be incredibly safe, and no sensible ...

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. [EXCELLENT/Humorous Read]
Post Date: 2010-01-11 04:44:31 by Eric Stratton
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Mike Adams Monday, January 11, 2010 I used to wonder what it would be like to work for Nancy Pelosi. Imagine having to answer to a left-wing feminist who alternately encourages uncivil discourse (to war protestors) and civil discourse (to town hall protestors) depending on political expediency. But I do know something about working for Nancy Pelosi. I work for her ideological twin sister, Rosemary DePaolo. In January of 2008, there was a movement by some members of the faculty senate to fire DePaolo for, among other things, her authoritarian style of leadership. DePaolo undoubtedly got wind of the potential coup. She could not possibly have been unaware of the fact that she ...

Do US security steps discriminate?
Post Date: 2010-01-10 20:19:41 by tom007

Q&A: US Admiral Michael Mullen
Post Date: 2010-01-10 19:49:06 by tom007
Q&A: US Admiral Michael Mullen Admiral Michael Mullen says US troops in Afghanistan are not an occupying force [GALLO/GETTY] Admiral Michael Mullen is the most senior military officer in the US. As chairman of the joint chiefs of staff under both George Bush, the former US president, and Barack Obama, the current US president, he sits at the strategic helm of two of the world's most ambitious and controversial wars. Josh Rushing, the presenter of Al Jazeera's Fault Lines programme, asked him what US military strategy looks like in the Obama era. Al Jazeera: Afghanistan is where empires go to die. Why do you think it is going to be any different for the US? Michael Mullen: ...

I know some of you have family, friends, co workers and acquaintances who buy global warming, here is what I want you to do
Post Date: 2010-01-09 14:52:40 by gengis gandhi
I know some of you have family, friends, co workers and acquaintances who buy global warming, here is what i want you to do i notice none of these globalist stooges have a goddamn thing to say now, but before they regaled us all with shrill tales of melting doom and parroted feckless tales of dire horseshit.... explain to them, while mercilessly beating them into unconsciousness with a a sock filled with global warming ice, that they are unqualified to hold an opinion on any goddamn thing at all, that they are mindless, shiteating tools who will believe any fucking thing that is served up on state run media, and since they've proven that conclusively, why in the name of anything at ...

9/11: Hidden in Hollywood
Post Date: 2010-01-09 06:00:24 by Itistoolate
This is a film series documenting the many similarities that Hollywood movies have in common with the attacks on 9/11. Two things that you need to keep in mind when viewing this series: 1) All media was released prior to September 11th, 2001. 2) Films are created in a 100% CONTROLLED environment. If something is on the screen, you can bet it was meant to be there.

Cynicom, This Ones For YOU
Post Date: 2010-01-08 22:37:27 by tom007

Why I Miss George W. Bush
Post Date: 2010-01-08 15:05:37 by rotgut
Now, those were not the greatest eight years this country has ever seen, Ill admit that right off the bat. Yet, I can57;t help but miss having George in the White House. Heres why. I miss the silence. Seems like every other day Obama is giving a speech or a lecture or tap-dancing in front of the cameras to promote one issue or another. George W. Bush had no need for such antics. It was never open mike at the White House. He kept his appearances among the riff-raff to a minimum. The only times the general public was addressed by the President was during the annual State of the Union speech and whenever we attacked another country. I miss the honesty. George did not make any promises about ...

Racist McDonald's Commercials
Post Date: 2010-01-08 13:32:46 by rotgut

Quotes From the Great George W Bush
Post Date: 2010-01-08 11:39:34 by rotgut
Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. George W. Bush A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there’s no question about it. George W. Bush Everywhere that freedom stirs, let tyrants fear. George W. Bush The United States and our allies are determined: we refuse to live in the shadow of this ultimate danger. George W. Bush America is a friend to the people of Iraq. Our demands are directed only at the regime that enslaves them and threatens us. When these demands are met, the first and greatest benefit will come to Iraqi men, women and children. George W. Bush Faith crosses every border and touches ...

Lindsey Williams on The Alex Jones Show 1/4:Economic Warfare Declared on Americans by The Elite!!
Post Date: 2010-01-07 18:49:01 by Itistoolate
Alex continues his discussion with pastor Lindsey Williams about the plans of the elite to crash the economy.

Confederates Are Not Nazis (Contrary to the thought police)
Post Date: 2010-01-07 04:14:50 by X-15
For years it has been politically correct to speak out against Hitler and the Nazis, but somehow, politically incorrect to speak out against "Uncle Joe" Stalin and the Communists. The reason for that might have been that we had too many Communist-lovers and outright Red agents in the US State Department. Anyone remember Alger Hiss? Now, I have no problem with speaking out against the Nazis. Their national socialism is abhorrent to me, as any form of socialism is. But, if anything, the Communists were even worse. I have often entertained the thought that the world would have been better off in World War 2 if we had just let Hitler and Stalin have at one another. However, since ...

Afghanstan, a Year In Photos
Post Date: 2010-01-06 20:45:21 by tom007
Copy the link.

The Butt Bomber
Post Date: 2010-01-06 17:37:45 by tom007

Do You Like to Eat A-Holes?
Post Date: 2010-01-06 14:52:58 by rotgut
You voted, and this Hardee's ad was crowned the Funniest Commercial of 2009. Congratulations to our winner! http://www.veryfunnyads.com/?oid=26693

I Love Dick Cheney
Post Date: 2010-01-06 13:36:21 by rotgut
When he attacks, beware. That man is a total gangster. I've said it a hundred times and I will say it at least a hundred more times -- when you shoot someone in the face and THEY go on TV to apologize to YOU for having their face get in the way of your bullet -- you are a gangster. You are that bad. That is Dick Cheney. And he has my respect and attention. If I were in office, I wouldn't mess with Dick Cheney.

Robert Fisk: America's desire to be loved and feared has long misled CIA
Post Date: 2010-01-06 10:29:17 by tom007
Robert Fisk: America's desire to be loved and feared has long misled CIA The mystery is how a Jordanian 'mole' could be of use in Afghanistan Wednesday, 6 January 2010 o NewsvineNewsvine In the vast American embassy in the hills outside the Jordanian capital Amman a senior US Special Forces officer runs an equally special office. He buys information from Jordanian army and intelligence officers – for cash, of course – but he also helps to train Afghan and Iraqi policemen and soldiers. The information he seeks is not just about al-Qa'ida but about Jordanians themselves, about the army's loyalty to King Abdullah II as well as about the anti-American ...

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