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Chicago loses. So does Obama’s image
Post Date: 2009-10-02 16:15:33 by Prefrontal Vortex
Chicago loses. So does Obama’s image 11:51 am October 2, 2009, by ctucker For a couple of months, at least, a conventional wisdom has been developing in Washington’s power circles that insists that President Obama is weak and wishy-washy. On a host of issues, from his deliberative process on Afghanistan to his refusal to push hard for a public option, his critics have hammered him for failing to instill fear in his opponents. That meme comes not just from hard right critics such as Charles Krauthammer, who hits him today on Iran, but also from so-called neutral arbiters, such as Dana Milbank, who also hammers the president today. Now that Chicago has lost its bid to host the ...

Married To The State
Post Date: 2009-10-01 15:08:42 by X-15
In 1947, with the baby boom in its infancy and few disposed to hearing of family crisis, Harvard sociologist Carle Zimmerman saw the long-term reality: the family had been deteriorating since the Renaissance and was nearing the point of no return. Whenever the family shows signs of dysfunction, Zimmerman observed, “the state helps to break it up.” During the 19th century, “law piled on law, and government agency upon government agency” until by 1900 “the state had become master of the family.” The result, he wrote in Family and Civilization, was that “the family is now truly the agent, the slave, the handmaiden of the state.” Today we might regard ...

Why I Am A Right Wing Extremist.
Post Date: 2009-09-28 03:50:06 by TommyTheMadArtist
Why I Am A Right Wing Extremist. I do not speak for everyone who believes as I do. In fact, I’m not sure many people actually believe what I do, but if we have anything in common, know that you are considered terrorists, or extremists in the eyes of your government. I like many others, are considered Right Wing Extremists. We disagree with the mainstream. We disagree with our government. We do not trust our government, and we have plenty of reasons why. We are not the people you see on TV. We are not neo-Nazis. We are not rednecks. We are not gun toting crazies, and we certainly aren’t terrorists. We are your neighbors, your friends, your famly. We have the same values, and we ...

The Truthseekers Imprisoned in Rothschild Castle
Post Date: 2009-09-27 13:19:15 by christine
Dog Poet Transmitting....... I’ve been patient. Each day I go to The Truthseeker web site and find that it’s gone- or still gone- as the case may be. It seemed that What Really Happened went down at the same time. This proved to be the result of a clerical error and then… very soon after, What Really Happened has come under persistent attack. Jeff Rense is also under attack. The forces behind the attacks are not a secret. It’s also not a secret who owns J.P. Morgan and a great deal of the rest of the world including the major mining and banking interests. The information is out there if you want to look. It all comes down to Rothschild which explains why you ...

More Lies, More Deception- Paul Craig
Post Date: 2009-09-26 21:05:16 by tom007
More Lies, More Deception submit to twitter submit to reddit Buzz up!on Yahoo! submit to digg Tell A Friend SAVE AS FAVORITE VIEW FAVORITES By Paul Craig Roberts (about the author) Page 1 of 1 page(s) opednews.com Permalink For OpEdNews: Paul Craig Roberts - Writer “What does imperialism mean? It means the assertion of absolute force over others.” ~~Robert Lowe 1878 The G-20 ministers declared their meeting in Pittsburgh a success, but as Rob Kall reports in OpEdNews.com, the meeting's main success was to turn Pittsburgh into “a ghost-town, emptied of workers and the usual pedestrians, but filled to overflowing with over 12,000 swat cops from all over the US.” ...

Beware of Rising “Libertarians”
Post Date: 2009-09-25 17:33:18 by X-15
First Glenn Beck goes “libertarian.” Now we get word that Sarah “Daisy Crockett” Palin gave a speech in Hong Kong that was so anti-government one observer noted: “She didn’t sound at all like a far-right-wing conservative. She seemed to be positioning herself as a libertarian or a small-c conservative.” Dylan Hales recently remarked that the newly “libertarian” Beck may at least prove a useful idiot. One might say the same of Palin. Unfortunately, after a certain level of idiocy, you cease being useful. Drawing converts with icons that make the base drool is one thing. But when the icons themselves do most of the drooling, it is quite another. ...

Cultural enrichment?
Post Date: 2009-09-24 13:27:42 by X-15
If there’s one argument in favor of multiculturalism that I hear far too often, its that a racially mixed nation fosters the “cultural enrichment” of its inhabitants. In other words, the individual American somehow becomes more knowledgeable about the world and its peoples, more skilled in interpersonal interactions, and just overall more refined if he is surrounded by Africans, Hispanics, Arabs, Indians, Asians, Gypsies, etc. This is an outright myth that requires some deconstruction; in addition, we must take a look at the bleeding hearts who propagate this foolery. I will begin with the latter, actually. The main proponents of multiculturalism as a means of enrichment are ...

George W. Bush Chuckles To Self Upon Thinking About How He Was President Of The United States For Almost A Decade
Post Date: 2009-09-24 12:40:41 by wudidiz
George W. Bush Chuckles To Self Upon Thinking About How He Was President Of The United States For Almost A Decade September 21, 2009 DALLAS—While sitting alone on the porch of his home late Monday afternoon, George W. Bush, 63, chuckled upon suddenly remembering that he was once the president of the United States of America for nearly a decade.At times, the man who authorized two separate wars in as many years wonders if the whole thing wasn't just a dream. "Huh," uttered the amused former world leader, reflecting upon how for eight years he controlled the executive branch of the most powerful nation on earth, executed its federal laws, and acted as commander in ...

MacEachern: Tucson schools create race-based system of discipline
Post Date: 2009-09-23 21:11:45 by X-15
It has been a busy summer for our friends running the Tucson Unified School District. The board is calling for a two-tiered form of student discipline. One for Black and Hispanic students; one for everyone else. With the goal of creating a "restorative school culture and climate" that conveys a "sense of belonging to all students," the board is insisting that its schools reduce its suspensions and/or expulsions of minority students to the point that the data reflect "no ethnic/racial disparities." From the section of the 52-page plan titled "Restorative School Culture and Climate," subhead, "Discipline": "School data that show ...

Seeking middle ground
Post Date: 2009-09-19 22:37:14 by freepatriot32
Our nation’s political battles are becoming more contentious. Last week’s outburst by U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., during President Obama’s speech on socialized health care last week is only the most recent and most visible volley in an increasingly bitter battle between two widely divergent political parties. Democrats try to show a united front in hopes that they’ll remain in power. However, a power struggle is going on behind the scenes between staunch liberals and "blue dog," or more fiscally conservative, members. Across the fence, former Vice President Dick Cheney and radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh earlier this year launched attacks on former ...

Human Life International's Statement on the Passing of Senator Edward Kennedy
Post Date: 2009-09-17 14:44:00 by X-15
We must, as a matter of precept, pray for the salvation of heretical Catholics like Senator Edward Kennedy, but we do not have to praise him let alone extol him with the full honors of a public Catholic funeral and all the adulation that attends such an event. There was very little about Ted Kennedy's life that deserves admiration from a spiritual or moral point of view. He was probably the worst example of a Catholic statesman that one can think of. When all is said and done, he has distorted the concept of what it means to be a Catholic in public life more than anyone else in leadership today. Obviously we don't know the state of Senator Edward Kennedy's soul upon death. We ...

Thanks for Voting for Obama, You Helped Bring Down The Regime
Post Date: 2009-09-17 11:35:38 by christine
Ladies and gentlemen, the unthinkable is happening in the United States, and I would like to thank everyone who voted for Barack Obama and his Leftist congressional colleagues in the 2008 election cycle. The popular outrage against Bill Clinton in 1994 paled in comparison to the round of spirited debate that has been generated by the "progressive" proposals currently circulating in Washington D.C. From cap-and-trade, to "stimulus" packages, to healthcare "reform," the Left has tipped its hand, believing it has a mandate from the American people to quickly ram the last vestiges of socialism down its throat. Obama may have been disingenuous on the campaign trail ...

Judge Napolitano: Health-Care Reform and the Constitution
Post Date: 2009-09-17 10:19:25 by christine
Last week, I asked South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, where in the Constitution it authorizes the federal government to regulate the delivery of health care. He replied: “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says that the federal government has anything to do with most of the stuff we do.” Then he shot back: “How about [you] show me where in the Constitution it prohibits the federal government from doing this?” Rep. Clyburn, like many of his colleagues, seems to have conveniently forgotten that the federal government has only specific enumerated powers. He also seems to have overlooked the Ninth ...

Nice Job Ron Paul Schmucks [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-09-16 20:07:32 by Brian S
The carnival of perversion that was the Becker march on Washington over the weekend only makes it more painfully apparent that the Ron Paul movement which I used to admire as the most energetic and vibrant phenomenom in American politics of late is officially dead. Stick a fork in their asses, they're done. They have been hijacked (very easily I might add) and used as an exo-skeleton for the drooling, jackbooted, race baiting, anti-intellectual fascism that is eating the country from within as termites and exemplified by the hero of millions FOX's Glenn Beck. :::::::: The recent Astroturf town hall thuggery, reminiscent of the early day's of Hitler's S.A. has set the ...

Grand Conspiracy Theories are Dumb
Post Date: 2009-09-16 18:05:29 by Turtle
Taking advantage of my journal privileges, apropos of nothing, I run and update an old essay of mine.} Acting alone, and for egotistical and political reasons, Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally, and a Dallas police officer in November 1963. On September 11, 2001, disciples of Osama bin-Laden, a maverick Islamist theocrat, crashed themselves and hundreds of others into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon because they believed America to be their enemy, and Americans to be evil. Rumsfeld, the CIA, the Mossad, Unocal, and so forth, whatever their many sins, did not do it. Grand conspiracies are grand fantasies. A cabal of bankers do not run the world. ...

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
Post Date: 2009-09-16 14:16:24 by X-15
C'mon, everyone knows the hullabaloo surrounding President Barack Obama is bigotry in action. The administration's policy initiatives couldn't possibly provoke any authentic anger or protest. Proving this dastardly motive, on the other hand, has been problematic. But there are ways around this dilemma. Unearth some crazy outliers. Create caricatures. Recognize "code" words. Reduce to absurdity. And presto! "Surrounded by middle-aged white guys -- a sepia snapshot of the days when such pols ran Washington like their own men's club -- Joe Wilson yelled 'You lie!' at a president who didn't," declared Maureen Dowd in her Saturday New York Times ...

Well, Looks like I just signed up to help in the event of a ....
Post Date: 2009-09-16 00:14:55 by Clitora
State Medical Emergency. Just doing what I should be doing, as a citizen. Wonder what kind of " state emergency"? Hurricane? Water spout? Crist gets skin cancer? Lack of beer shipments from georgia? Flood? Blight? Sun spots? Misquitos taking people into the air with them? Flu shots?

Why Propaganda Trumps Truth
Post Date: 2009-09-15 22:25:24 by Dakmar
September 15, 2009 "Information Clearing House" -- -An article in the journal, Sociological Inquiry, casts light on the effectiveness of propaganda. Researchers examined why big lies succeed where little lies fail. Governments can get away with mass deceptions, but politicians cannot get away with sexual affairs. The researchers explain why so many Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11, years after it has become obvious that Iraq had nothing to do with the event. Americans developed elaborate rationalizations based on Bush administration propaganda that alleged Iraqi involvement and became deeply attached to their beliefs. Their emotional involvement became ...

Why Afghanistan? No Answer!
Post Date: 2009-09-14 21:18:26 by Max
Why Afghanistan? No Answer! DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL IT is apparent the US-led NATO had hatched a long term plan even as the Soviets were occupying Afghanistan to prevent fall of pro-Soviet regime there. Once they kicked the Soviets from there by influencing M. Gorbachev they wanted to execute their plan but waited for years before they could go about it under “terrorism” cover. End of communist regime in Moscow and disintegration of USSR offered them hopes and enabled them invade Afghanistan as a terror zone. Reports of those days suggest that western world was unhappy that Taliban removed a stone-god made by man and hence the war. However, indications suggest the western media ...

Free but shackled
Post Date: 2009-09-14 18:46:44 by Prefrontal Vortex
Free but shackled Eugene Reynald Saturday, September 12th 2009 Every year for more than a decade I have observed from a distance the Emancipation Support Committee (ECS) and others celebrate and commemorate the freeing of the slaves. I expected with time that these celebrations would transform into practical and constructive ideologies and activities that wound inform and chart a way forward for descendants of the freed slaves who faced increasingly difficult times with each passing year of rule by black post-colonial governments (BPCGs). These expectations are yet to be realised. Since independence and even before, except for insignificant interludes, the country has been run by these ...

Serena Williams Goes Psycho at U.S. Open (Tennis)
Post Date: 2009-09-13 04:48:40 by beyond the sea
Was it a nightmare from last night. I wonder.************At the U.S. Open ..........Serena Williams, losing her match went psycho on the line judge over a foot-fault call: "I swear to God, I will take this effin racquet and shove it up your effin *ss." (possibly) I’m going to shove the tennis ball up your effin *ss and maybe down your effin throat. ESPN quoted Serena as saying: If I could, I would take this effin ball and shove it down your effin throat and kill you.****Obama, the Beloved Leader, may respond: The judge acted stupidly. The judge must be a racist.Other race warlords will chime in later today to help Serena through the contemptuous assault from the evil ...

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror?
Post Date: 2009-09-12 22:01:44 by Itistoolate
Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror? By Sue Reid September 12, 2009 The last time we heard a squeak from him was on June 3 this year. The world's most notorious terrorist outsmarted America by releasing a menacing message as Air Force One touched down on Saudi Arabian soil at the start of Barack Obama's first and much vaunted Middle East tour. Even before the new President alighted at Riyadh airport to shake hands with Prince Abdullah, Bin Laden's words were being aired on TV, radio and the internet across every continent. Genuine picture: Osama Bin Laden in October 2001 It was yet ...

Washington's Lies
Post Date: 2009-09-12 20:46:55 by F.A. Hayek Fan
President Obama and congressional supporters estimate that his health care plan will cost between $50 and $65 billion a year. Such cost estimates are lies whether they come from a Democratic president and Congress, or a Republican president and Congress. You say, "Williams, you don't show much trust in the White House and Congress." Let's check out their past dishonesty. At its start, in 1966, Medicare cost $3 billion. The House Ways and Means Committee, along with President Johnson, estimated that Medicare would cost an inflation-adjusted $12 billion by 1990. In 1990, Medicare topped $107 billion. That's nine times Congress' prediction. Today's Medicare tab ...

Independence, Empire Don’t Mesh
Post Date: 2009-09-12 12:44:07 by F.A. Hayek Fan
I have learned enough surprising things about American history that I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be more one of those comforting myths than undisputed history, but when I was a schoolboy I distinctly remember hearing that it used to be the custom on the Fourth of July in towns across America for people to gather in the town square or park for patriotic band music and family picnics, highlighted by some prominent citizen reading aloud the Declaration of Independence. I never experienced it myself, though I suspect I am of a vintage earlier than many Antiwar.com readers. But I grew up in a smallish town in Southern California rather than in the Midwest. In high school in ...

Caster Semenya admits to being a male?!?!
Post Date: 2009-09-11 14:27:43 by Prefrontal Vortex
Poster Comment:Can't fool homey! White guilters though and lefty octaroons... unbelievable.

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