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Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins
Post Date: 2009-09-11 09:46:10 by Itistoolate
Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins The following excerpt was taken from "Nature's Eternal Religion" by Ben Klassen Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins To hear the Kosher Konservatives tell it, a fierce, intensive battle is raging today between the evil forces of communism and the sacred forces of Christianity. We are led to believe that it is an all out battle between good and evil. We are told that these two forces are the very essence of two poles of opposition — in complete and diametrical conflict. It is a sham battle. The fact is they are both degenerate products of the collective Jewish mind, designed to do one and the same thing — to destroy the ...

Rich Americans With Guns! Oh MY!
Post Date: 2009-09-10 20:50:48 by X-15
Botswana banned sport hunting for lions last year. Western greens had a lot to do with this idiocy. Take a headline last year in Britain’s Guardian newspaper. "African Lions under threat from rich Americans with guns." That’s one thing I like about the foreign press, unlike the frauds in the mainstream U.S. media, they make no bones about being "impartial" or "even-handed." You pick up the Guardian, you know you’re getting the mouthpiece for the ghost of Leon Trotsky. Fine. They lay their cards on the table. I like that.....While we’re on the subject, Trotsky, like Che, had it coming. Here’s the original architect of the Red Terror in ...

If You Could Vote For George W Bush For A Third Term, Would You Do It?
Post Date: 2009-09-10 08:57:35 by garlic pie
I would! I think he’s one of the best presidents America has ever had. In terms of Bush’s place in history, he’ll be remembered alongside the greatest presidents including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ronald Reagan, & a fellow Republican by the name of Abraham Lincoln. Now, it’s impossible for me to list ALL Bush accomplishments with such a short amount of space, but I’ll list a couple of things this great man has done. 1) Bush has reestablished good Christian Values in the White House, and America at large (Lord knows we needed it after the Clinton administration). 2) Bush has made us safe from terrorists through his audacious military efforts in ...

Cheney’s Disdain For The Law Is Appalling
Post Date: 2009-09-09 20:04:56 by Dakmar
When Attorney General Eric Holder last month announced he was naming a special prosecutor to determine if CIA personnel had violated federal laws against torturing prisoners during the prior administration of George W. Bush, former Vice President Cheney went ballistic.  Even though Holder made clear the reach of the special prosecutor’s jurisdiction would extend only to those who had exceeded even the broad legal “justification” for torture provided by lawyers in the Bush Justice Department, Cheney found Holder’s move outrageous. Obviously, Cheney believes that so long as violations of federal law were committed by persons in a previous ...

White Excuses
Post Date: 2009-09-09 15:54:20 by X-15
During the first week of September 2009 the following four news stories were posted nearly back to back at EAU’s news site, WVWN: CNN’s Roland Martin: “Largely White” Opposition To Obama’s Speech To School Kids Feds Investigating Claims of (white) Vigilantism in Post-Katrina New Orleans Newsweeks’ War On White People Obama Is Fast Losing White Voters’ Support Why these four stories all appeared on the news wires, not just our news site, in the space of several days is somewhat striking to me. What you’re looking at is four negatively charged accounts concerning white people in America; all of which can be directly tied in to Barack Obama while ...

No questions Sir
Post Date: 2009-09-09 00:09:44 by DeaconBenjamin
A SHAKY TRESTLE Our problem is procrastination. Most of our lives are routine. We do not get too far away from a comfortable routine. Most of the time this routine works. Some people call this being in a rut. Others call it staying on track. Sometimes the trestle is wobbling. I have no objection to routines. My routine keeps me on track in my rut. But part of my routine is to look down the tracks to see if there is anything out of the ordinary. Today, the economy is out of the ordinary. The trestle almost collapsed a year ago. The question is: Will it collapse next time? Also, when might this next time be? There are signs that the trestle is missing pillars. Every Friday afternoon, ...

A Tribute To Ted Kennedy
Post Date: 2009-09-08 20:37:09 by tom007

America is Doomed
Post Date: 2009-09-07 17:08:52 by Itistoolate
tinyurl.com/mg6rpr Click for Full Text!

Obama's Afghanistan Contradiction
Post Date: 2009-09-07 16:19:38 by F.A. Hayek Fan
With the war in Afghanistan, President Barack Obama faces a contradiction. He says he wants to win the war but he will not commit to fighting for as long as that might take. This tension between policy and rhetoric was on full display in the White House briefing room earlier this week. On Monday, press secretary Robert Gibbs was asked repeatedly about Afghanistan and the strategic assessment that had just been completed by Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top US commander there. Gibbs noted that Obama had yet to see McChrystal's review, but he said over and over that the Afghanistan war had been "under-resourced" for years by the Bush-Cheney administration and that "it takes ...

US Hypocrisy Astonishes the World
Post Date: 2009-09-07 15:58:50 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Americans have lost their ability for introspection, thereby revealing their astounding hypocrisy to the world. U.S. War Secretary Robert Gates has condemned the Associated Press and a reporter, Julie Jacobson, embedded with U.S. troops in Afghanistan, for taking and releasing a photo of a U.S. Marine who was wounded in action and died from his injury. The photographer was on patrol with the Marines when they came under fire. She found the courage and presence of mind to do her job. Her reward is to be condemned by the warmonger Gates as "insensitive." Gates says her employer, the Associated Press, lacks "judgment and common decency." The American Legion jumped in and ...

Things Only a Democrat Could Believe
Post Date: 2009-09-06 18:44:13 by garlic pie
• To destroy private and public property (forcing the city of Seattle to overspend half of its budget on this instead of public projects) to show your disgust at capitalism is right and noble. To show up at town hall meetings and yell at Democrats because you think they will bankrupt the country is a disgraceful radical act. • When Bush brings the deficit to 700 billion he is spending our money like a drunken sailor. When Obama brings it to 1 trillion he is just a mindful leader saving our economy while addressing inequalities of our society. • When Bush brings Evangelicals to the White House he is a religious zealot. When Obama brings an Evangelical to his inauguration he ...

Return of the Creepy Obama Kids
Post Date: 2009-09-06 17:50:01 by buckeroo

The Corruption of Alan Keyes
Post Date: 2009-09-05 23:37:00 by farmfriend
The Corruption of Alan Keyes With a torrential rain a river rises to overrun an island in its midst. As a Duck approaches the river bank to swim from the island The Scorpion approaches. " Mr. Duck, please save me. The island is about to be covered by the rising water and I will drown. Please give me a ride on your back and carry me to safety." " That would be suicide," says the Duck. " You are a Scorpion and will kill me by your sting." " Oh no, Mr. Duck;" replies The Scorpion. " You are my only hope. It would be foolish for me to sting you because then I would die too." " But Scorpion," says the Duck, " how can I trust ...

A Modest Proposal
Post Date: 2009-09-04 22:48:48 by X-15
From an address to the 2008 American Renaissance Conference, in Herndon, Virginia, on February 24, 2008. In the many decades I have toiled in the vineyards of American racial nationalism, I have heard very few solutions offered to our people. We have been long on problems and negativity, and very short on solutions. This is a failure of leadership. Instead of real leadership, some in the movement have adopted what I call the “Ain’t it awful?” strategy, which is simply to report one racial outrage and horror after another, or spin out ever-worsening doomsday scenarios, always trying to outdo the one before. One day it is a horrible massacre in Wichita. The next it is a ...

Major Depression in Preschool Children?
Post Date: 2009-09-03 22:35:20 by rack42
Recognizing our unintended effects on our kids First, I want to announce that I have an article in the new (October, 2009) issue of Psychology Today magazine. It’s called “Secondhand Blues,” and presents some of the key points from my new book, Depression is Contagious, which will be released next month from The Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster. (You can click on the book announcement elsewhere on this blog page and it will take you to Amazon where there's a brief video clip you can watch of me describing the book.) Both the article and book counter the prevailing myth that depression is all about biology run amok. Instead, I draw attention to the social ...

Rothschild's Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America
Post Date: 2009-09-03 08:29:07 by Itistoolate

Managed dance of BEE [affirmative action] puppets
Post Date: 2009-09-02 13:42:08 by Prefrontal Vortex
Managed dance of BEE puppets 2009/09/02 BLACK Economic Empowerment (BEE) has not proved to be the fatal blow to South Africa’s oligarchs that Nelson Mandela and black nationalists of his era once envisioned. In fact, it strikes a fatal blow against the emergence of black entrepreneurship by creating a small class of unproductive but wealthy black crony capitalists made up of ANC politicians, some retired and others not, who have become strong allies of the economic oligarchy that is, ironically, the caretaker of South Africa’s “deindustrialisation”. BEE in South Africa is, in reality, another attempt to siphon savings from private-sector operators in an environment ...

Need Help.. H1N1 Info needed
Post Date: 2009-09-01 00:11:38 by Refinersfire
Ok.. here's the skinny.. as most of you know, my wife works at a cancer hospital, here on the east coast. Tonight when she got home, she informed me, that they (aka.. the hospital) was stating she had to (along with all other staff) get the H1N1 Flu Shot. To which my reply was HELL NO! So she called the big cheeses there and was told, if she could provide PROOF to back our concern, that the meds were more of a threat, they may consider, allowing her to avoid the shot, but she would need to wear a face mask for the next six months, in replacement of the shot. Can anyone post the info from a good soruce (aka.. one a hospital would accept), that show the dangers of this crap? I just ...

Glenn Beck: Speak Without Fear & Question Boldly [FOX News]
Post Date: 2009-08-31 23:05:09 by A K A Stone

Ted Kennedy: Pedophile-Protector of the Senate
Post Date: 2009-08-31 14:28:01 by christine
Few Americans realize that Sen. Edward Kennedy, “lion of the Senate,” was also advocate for the hidden yet powerful pedophile lobby in Washington. During a previous intense fight to kill the federal hate crimes bill, a unique window opened to me and I saw Kennedy’s pro-pedophile agenda in action. It was fall 2005. The hate bill had passed overwhelmingly in the House in 45 minutes, with no Republican opposition. It had been attached to the Children’s Safety Act (CSA). CSA was must-pass legislation that would heighten penalties and restrictions on pedophiles. The Senate Judiciary Committee, headed by pro-hate bill Republican Arlen Specter, was overwhelmingly Democrat and ...

Economic Breakdowns Cause Social Breakdowns
Post Date: 2009-08-31 14:20:45 by christine
More to the public option than you know, presidents dont make policy, anger over bailouts at town hall, America's debt will never be repaid, Make no mistake, higher inflation is on the way and probably hyperinflation. It will also be affected by a break down in the tax system as well. The trio leads to economic, financial, social and political dysfunction. The public option for Obama insurance coverage has been described as just a sliver of the overall proposal. Universal coverage directly by government was not an essential element says Health & Human Services. Of course it was. The program is in retreat and the only way the Democrats can get passage of any kind is to re-craft a ...

Teddy Kennedy’s Deadly Legacy For America
Post Date: 2009-08-27 21:55:11 by christine
Teddy Kennedy died yesterday, but his legacy grows more deadly for future Americans. Instead of a rich legacy bequeathed upon the United States by forever U.S. Senator Teddy Kennedy, the oft-intoxicated, blubbery fourth brother of the Kennedy clan—four decades ago–drunkenly drove over a bridge that caused the death of Mary Jo Kopechne and lied about what happened. But his worst and most destructive legacy for the United States stems from his authorship of the 1965 “Immigration Reform Act” that added the bulk of our additional 100 million people into America within 40 years. It jumped legal immigration from 170,000 annually to 1.1 million annually. Added to that ...

Mary Jo Kopechne and Chappaquiddick: America's Selective Memory
Post Date: 2009-08-27 14:18:06 by christine

Taking Ted to the (wood) shed
Post Date: 2009-08-27 13:11:10 by beyond the sea
Ted is dead. My self-imposed 24 hour grace period, which the left would never give to George W. Bush or any other conservative, has ended. I was willing to leave Ted Kennedy be and let his family mourn on the day of his death. I will not sit back and let the media lionize his life. It is time to take the Ted to the (wood) shed. Not only was he a bad person, but he managed to make everybody around him worse. I will not let Chappaquiddick go. Liberals who chant that “Bush lied, people died,” apparently do not care that Ted Kennedy left a woman to die, and then lied about it. Simply put, he put his political career over the life of a human being. If members of the Klan ...

I penned a Tribute Song To Honor Teddy Kennedy.
Post Date: 2009-08-27 10:19:42 by TommyTheMadArtist
Seeing that prick Orin Hatch writing a song about Teddy really pissed me off. Mostly because it was terrible, and completely gayed up like a 12 year old girl's notebook. Completely ignores the truth about Kennedy, and what a tool box he was. So, after having my morning coffee, I cranked up the Falco, and decided to write some lyrics. Sung to the tune of "Rock Me Amadeus" by Falco. Drive me to Chappaquiddick. He was the biggest douche-bag politician walking the Earth. He was a dunce-cap from the day of his birth. He could lie through his teeth just like a ring and a bell And ev'rybody screamed: Remember Chappaquiddick. He was a Senator, he was dynamite and no matter ...

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