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Googling Sibel Edmonds
Post Date: 2009-08-26 15:29:51 by tom007
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 Googling Sibel Edmonds Over 24 hours have passed since the video and full transcript of Sibel Edmond's deposition have been made public, giving even the most stupid and lazy journalist the time to either watch the video or read the transcript. This morning, I decided to check what Google News would find for me. I simply typed "Sibel Edmonds" and hit enter. Here are the results: Now, I cannot say that I was expecting a tsunami of reports, but still, nothing. Almost nothing at all! Take a look for yourself (click on the pic for a higher resolution). What do you see? The Brad Blog. Well, yes, since Brad Friedman has been following this story from the ...

Tyranny Personified
Post Date: 2009-08-26 11:45:30 by X-15
During the U.S. Senate confirmation hearings for attorney general nominee John Ashcroft, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-O’Shea’s Saloon) threw a fit over a perfectly correct statement once made by Ashcroft regarding how the founding fathers advocated the Second Amendment right to bear arms because of their belief that a well-armed citizenry constituted yet another check on governmental tyranny. "What, us, tyrannical?" Kennedy bellowed. He then demanded that Ashcroft "apologize to the American people" for having made such an outrageous statement. Senator Kennedy is perhaps the most important member of Congress because in incidents like this he reminds Americans of how ...

Fatal Flaw of Democracies
Post Date: 2009-08-25 23:57:56 by Prefrontal Vortex
Fatal Flaw of Democracies By Patrick J. Buchanan "We just can't afford it!" Not long ago, every America child heard that, at one time or another, in the home in which he or she was raised. "We just can't afford it!" It may have been a new car, or two weeks at the beach, or the new flat-panel TV screen. Every family knew there were times you had to do without. Every father and mother has had to disappoint their kids with those words. Why is it that what parents do many times a year politicians seem incapable of doing: saying no. How many times in the last decade have the political leaders of either party stood up and declared, "No, we cannot afford ...

Once-proud civil rights group sinks low
Post Date: 2009-08-25 21:44:29 by Dakmar
Whether one agrees or disagrees with the actions of the National Organization for Women (NOW), at least when it was formed in 1966 its mission was lofty: securing “political, professional, and educational equality for women.” Forty-three years later, NOW has diminished to a caricature of its former self — issuing ridiculous news releases criticizing television for extolling “skinny” women rather than those who are “plus-size.” Another organization founded in the same era that spawned NOW has fallen victim to a similar fate — the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Formed in 1971, the SPLC initially focused its energies and resources on a very ...

Amazing Bicycling German Sisters
Post Date: 2009-08-25 20:05:09 by tom007

Mary Dejevsky: A mean streak in the US mainstream
Post Date: 2009-08-25 19:34:45 by tom007
Mary Dejevsky: A mean streak in the US mainstream The US tolerates more inequality, deprivation and suffering than is acceptable here Tuesday, 25 August 2009 In the US, one in six of the population has to pay for their health treatment item by item, or resort to hospital casualty wards Getty Images In the US, one in six of the population has to pay for their health treatment item by item, or resort to hospital casualty wards * Photos enlarge When we Europeans – the British included – contemplate the battles President Obama must fight to reform the US health system, our first response tends to be disbelief. How can it be that so obvious a social good as universal health ...

yeah, I was just wondering how come when a plane crashes in lockerbie it looks way different than when a plane crashes at the pentagon or shanksville.
Post Date: 2009-08-25 18:47:07 by gengis gandhi
Poster Comment:I mean, hell, I'm not that bright, and anyone can tell you that. But even so, the images, well, they just don't seem the same. why is that anyhow?

Morality and Abstract Thinking
Post Date: 2009-08-25 16:36:06 by Prefrontal Vortex
Morality and Abstract Thinking How Africans may differ from Westerners by Gedaliah Braun I am an American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa. When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology. It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I ...

Robert Fisk’s World: From the crusaders on, contempt for the Arabs is written in stone
Post Date: 2009-08-24 19:36:50 by tom007
Robert Fisk’s World: From the crusaders on, contempt for the Arabs is written in stone What was it that bestowed upon our ancestors such ill-will towards the Arabs? Saturday, 22 August 2009 * Share Not long ago, the owner of a Majorcan palace found 13th-century graffiti on his basement wall. It was scrawled there by a knight en route to the Crusades. Translated, it read: "Sod the Arabs." I owe this sublime quotation to last Saturday's Financial Times property section – the only FT worth reading during the week, only to be perused, of course, after purchasing Saturday's Independent – but it coincided with a whole series of bons mots on the Arab world ...

Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe
Post Date: 2009-08-23 21:59:06 by tom007

Mary Roach: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm by Mary Roach
Post Date: 2009-08-23 21:16:50 by tom007

We'e Going Back To Mexico
Post Date: 2009-08-23 20:27:43 by tom007
We had a superb time in Mexico last March, and I thought I would post a few pictures of that trip. Planning on going back in November.

Gun Propaganda and the Health Care Reform Illusion
Post Date: 2009-08-23 19:04:39 by christine
I'm getting very upset by what I've been seeing since this health care issue has come to the fore. I'm becoming really angry by how much my intelligence has been insulted. I'm beginning to feel like the man who has to explain to his friends that Criss Angel is not really defying the laws of physics. He's in the business of creating illusions. He does not really float above buildings, pull ladies in half, climb through closed, solid windows without breaking the glass, walk on water, or do any of the things one might see him do. These are illusions. They are parlor tricks. They are elaborate, complicated, well designed, well executed, likely expensive illusions, but they ...

TSA--The Outfit that has made commercial air travel hell
Post Date: 2009-08-23 15:59:11 by James Deffenbach
Following is a letter I am sending to the TSA. Not that it will do any good but I hate it when people piss on my leg and tell me it is raining, or tell me how they are "required by law" to violate my privacy, etc. I made a trip to XXXXX XXXXXXX earlier this month and when I got back to Atlanta to collect my checked luggage to go through customs I found that every lock I had on two checked bags had been broken. Not only that, one of the zippers on my leather bag was torn up and there was nothing wrong with it when I packed it. When I got home I found one of your notices in it telling me how your outfit was required by law to "inspect all checked baggage." I thought that ...

He Had a Gun and Nothing Happened
Post Date: 2009-08-22 10:54:44 by christine
From New Hampshire to Arizona, Americans openly carrying firearms have been seen outside presidential appearances. The most remarkable thing about this is that some find this behavior to be remarkable. American citizens are the sovereigns in our system of government. Indeed, We the People created the government which, at least in theory, only does what we tell it to do in the Constitution. Sovereigns are expected to be armed. The Second Amendment was added to our Constitution to ensure that the individual right to keep and bear arms not be infringed. Infringement would impair the proper functioning of the militia which had been America’s homeland security system all through colonial ...

Larry Flynt: Common Sense 2009
Post Date: 2009-08-22 08:12:37 by gengis gandhi
Larry Flynt Publisher of Hustler magazine and free speech advocate Posted: August 20, 2009 08:15 PM BIO Become a Fan Get Email Alerts Bloggers' Index Common Sense 2009 digg Share this on Facebook Huffpost - stumble reddit del.ico.us ShareThis RSS Read More: Financial Bailout, Glass-Steagall Act, Goldman Sachs, Matt Taibbi, National Strike, Obama Financial Bailout, Shays’ Rebellion, Politics News Show your support. Digg this article. Get Breaking News Alerts never spam * Share * Print * Comments The American government -- which we once called our government -- has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It ...

Bush Admin. Worse Than Our Nightmares
Post Date: 2009-08-21 12:22:23 by Brian S
It was worse.Back in the bad old days of Bush's corrupt gang, we on the left were pilloried for suggesting that the administration was manipulating terrorism-related news in order to win the 2004 elections. But when Tom Ridge says it . . .In fact, I argued in summer, 2004, that when Ridge did raise the terrorism alert, it had the unfortunate effect of outing an al-Qaeda double agent who had been turned by the Pakistani government and was helping set a trap for al-Qaeda in the UK. In turn, that caused the British government to have to move against the people it had under surveillance prematurely, harming the case. Ridge is alleging he was pressured on the eve of the election. But I ...

Post Date: 2009-08-21 09:43:22 by tom007
ANOTHER BUSH INSIDER TELLS THE TRUTH 1 comment Aug 21, 2009 08:50 am So now we have Paul O'Neil, Scott McClellan, and Tom Ridge all confirming that the Bush White House lied, misled, and used government agencies to get elected and stay in power. Shocking!!!! We will now witness the counter-attack of Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of the neo-cons whose disasterous warped view of the world have put us in the position we are in today. They will go after Ridge like ravenous hounds. It's their nature. Don't buy it. Ridge was the Governor of my state, a decorated military man, and straight shooter. Paul O'Neil is also a straight shooter. Cheney told him he had to resign. ...

The Joker Says: "One Love, Brothers"
Post Date: 2009-08-20 21:47:44 by A K A Stone

Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs
Post Date: 2009-08-20 21:13:21 by christine
Americans think that they have “freedom and democracy” and that politicians are held accountable by elections. The fact of the matter is that the US is ruled by powerful interest groups who control politicians with campaign contributions. Our real rulers are an oligarchy of financial and military/security interests and AIPAC, which influences US foreign policy for the benefit of Israel. Have a look at economic policy. It is being run for the benefit of large financial concerns, such as Goldman Sachs. It was the banks, not the millions of Americans who have lost homes, jobs, health insurance, and pensions, that received $700 billion in TARP funds. The banks used this gift of ...

Gene Taylor Democrat Mississippis 4th district will not vote for Healthcare
Post Date: 2009-08-20 00:33:06 by A K A Stone
Sitting here watching CSpan and this Gene Taylor guy is on. He is a democrat and he told his town hall people that he will not be voting for the health care bill. He says there are some things that need to be done this year though. He wants to get rid of the anti trust exemption that the insurance companies currently exploit. He also says he voted against the medicaid prescription drug benefit. He wants to repeal a provision in that law that forbids the government from getting the best deal on drugs. Need to know more about this guy but he seems like a genuine guy.

Post Date: 2009-08-19 19:54:20 by Dakmar
When Barack Obama said that the Henry Louis Gates affair was a teaching moment, he spoke truly. But the key is ensuring that the right things are taught and the right people learn. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen. There is no need to rehash the events of July 16 chapter and verse. We all know about how the Harvard professor flew into a rage of racial accusations and haughty posturing after Sergeant James Crowley appeared at his Cambridge home to investigate a report of a possible break-in. We’ve heard that Gates called Crowley a "racist" and said he was being targeted because "I’m a black man in America." We know how Barack Obama stirred the pot, ...

Nintendo of the Gods... Will This Guy Destroy the World?
Post Date: 2009-08-19 13:47:06 by Nintendo of the Gods
Thought the rest of you might should be aware of this, as this a citizens' rights board and all. There's a guy here in east Texas named Loaden Kainen, very well protected by his followers, that claims to be the "end of the world" or something, or a guy that's supposed to be the "end of the world" or something. It's not for that reason that I post this, though. I'm not writing to tell you this because of some lone nutcase that is basically harmless. THIS guy's ideas are VERY harmful, or they seem to me. He almost never apppears in public, or even makes statements about anything. He goes through this other guy that sticks close that people around ...

Turtle's One HorsePower Automobile
Post Date: 2009-08-19 10:02:59 by tom007

Are We Really Cattle?
Post Date: 2009-08-19 08:49:56 by tom007
Are We Really Cattle? 19 08 2009 Are We Really Cattle? By: Peter Chamberlin Have we really become “We the sheeple,” or are we still human beings? The planet is dying under the thrall of a small minority of men who think of the rest of the human race as “cattle,” livestock for them to buy and sell. The ruling class behaves much like a spoiled child, if they don’t get to have everything their way all of the time, they throw this massive temper tantrum and threaten to upset the whole game. They have gotten their way in everything for so long that they have fallen under the spell of their own propaganda. They believe that we are sub-human animals, who should be ...

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