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Men, Women and Ability
Post Date: 2009-08-17 12:23:44 by Horse
Camille Paglia observed: “As I drove across the Verrazano Bridge, I thought, ‘Men built this.’ As I looked towards the New York skyline, I thought, ‘Men built that.’ If women were in charge of culture, we would still be living in caves. Well-decorated caves, but caves.” That story may be apocryphal, but correct. Men continue to create civilization. All cultures, without exception, were built by Patriarchy. But Feminist politics remain founded in indignation that women’s deserved opportunities remain suppressed. Over forty years, majority-male governments entrenched feminist jurisprudence. They decree that if women in any occupation rank below half, ...

Maybe Europe's "Sclerotic Socialism" Isn't Such a Bad Economic Model After All
Post Date: 2009-08-17 10:03:02 by tom007
Maybe Europe's "Sclerotic Socialism" Isn't Such a Bad Economic Model After All Posted Aug 14, 2009 11:32am EDT by Henry Blodget in Investing, Recession, Banking Related: dia, spy From The Business Insider, August 14, 2009: If there's one thing most American capitalists agree on it's that Europe's economy is a disaster. It never grows, it takes years to fire lazy employees, there's no entrepreneurialism and innovation, they tax they living hell out of you, etc. And yet look who's recovering first? And look who didn't even bother with a stimulus (Germany). And look whose citizens enjoy basic services that many Americans can only dream of (Europe). ...

Bearing the Burdens of the Imperial City
Post Date: 2009-08-15 19:39:37 by F.A. Hayek Fan
On an almost daily basis, in any city or town newspaper in the country, one can read articles about how this or that state or local government service is having its budget slashed severely if not being eliminated entirely altogether. Now, I am not talking about non vital services like oh… Multibillion dollar programs that seek to give money to politically connected and now semi-government-owned car companies. I’m talking about the basics of government services like education and road maintenance. I’m talking about state run welfare programs. I’m talking about local unemployment insurance programs. With the country in what our mainstream press finally admitted was a ...

Why do children need guns?
Post Date: 2009-08-15 15:08:11 by freepatriot32
(Dean Favron and Roderick Porter may agree with the Brady Campaign that children shouldn’t have access to guns. Picture source: West Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office) With the recent report of a 10-year-old saving himself and his 8-year-old sister from two home invaders, “conventional” wisdom about keeping children away from guns needs reexamination. Last Tuesday, the boy and his sister were home alone while their mother was out working. When two men kicked in the apartment door, the children ran to their mother’s bedroom closet, where the boy retrieved his mother’s gun. When the invaders threatened the kids, the boy shot one of them in the face. At this ...

Op-Ed: Fighting new flu strain will take collective vigilance
Post Date: 2009-08-14 13:39:49 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Washington, DC — Every fall, we deal with new strains of seasonal flu. But this year, we'll also confront a potentially serious flu virus that first appeared last spring. While scientists won’t know exactly how strong the 2009 H1N1 flu will be until the middle of the flu season, they’re warning it could cause more illness as our kids return to school. We don’t need to wait to act. In the fight against flu, preparation is more than half the battle — and we need everyone to chip in. We in the federal government have been aggressively responding to the new H1N1 since April. We’re building on what we learned from the early spring season and from health ...

Britons defend their health care from US criticism
Post Date: 2009-08-14 13:14:54 by tom007
Britons defend their health care from US criticism AP LONDON – Britons reacted with outrage Friday at American criticism of the country's health care system and defended their cradle-to-grave medical coverage on Twitter, television and in the tabloids. Right-wing attacks on President Barack Obama's health reform plans have struck a nerve in Britain, where residents broadly take for granted their universal coverage under the state-funded National Health Service — and look askance at the millions of Americans without insurance. "Land of the Fee," declared the Daily Mirror in reference to the United States' high-charging health model. The London newspaper ...

Turtle Island Topless Babe PHOTO!!
Post Date: 2009-08-14 10:43:45 by tom007

Is Ron Paul the last relevant Republican in Washington? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-08-14 09:24:22 by F.A. Hayek Fan
The question sounds facetious, since Texas Congressman Ron Paul failed to make any traction among GOP primary voters last year. Throughout the 2008 presidential primaries, Rep. Paul railed against the Federal Reserve Bank and the coming economic crash. And all the other GOP candidates seemed to look at him like he had just crawled out of the grassy knoll. So did most voters, except for a coterie of highly-motivated and mostly young primary voters he organized. Then economic reality happened, and the establishment GOP's economic model crashed along with the party's election hopes. Everything changed. Ron Paul's “rEVOLution” (revolution with “love” spelled ...

Tent City Revival
Post Date: 2009-08-13 22:06:26 by rack42

Obama vs. King
Post Date: 2009-08-13 11:47:11 by christine
In his rousing speech to the NAACP, President Obama praised the civil rights leaders of the past whose sacrifices “began the journey that has led me” (to the White House). He neglected to mention, however, that the majority of those civil rights leaders, most notably Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., opposed the war in Viet Nam and, if they were alive today, likely would decry his escalation of the war in Afghanistan. “Painting himself as the beneficiary of the NAACP’s work, Obama cited historical figures from W.E.B. DuBois to Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King Jr. to Emmet Till, to explain how the path to the presidency was cleared by visionaries,” Associated Press ...

George W. Bush.....the other side.
Post Date: 2009-08-13 10:26:35 by longnose gar
First was the 2000 election. In a tightly contested battle that came down to the electoral votes in Florida, Bush won by the slimmest of margins. And although he lost the popular vote, he won enough electoral votes and won the election. While it doesn’t happen often, it’s not like it’s never happened before. In fact, it was the fourth time in history that a Presidential candidate won the popular vote and lost the election. The others: John Quincy Adams, who lost the popular vote to Andrew Jackson in 1824 and tied in the electoral college, yet was voted into office by the House of Representatives, Rutherford B. Hayes, who lost the popular vote to Samuel J. Tilden in 1876 but ...

Men rate sex higher than looks
Post Date: 2009-08-13 08:18:05 by tom007
Men rate sex higher than looks August 13, 2009 - 11:36AM Women are far more choosy about casual sex than men, who don't specially care whether a woman is moderately or exceptionally attractive as long as she hops into bed. But German men are pickier than Americans and Italians - in that order - about who they spend a night in bed with, according to psychological research from Britain's Brunel University published in the journal Human Nature. The study asked more than 400 male and 400 female students in the US, Germany and Italy to judge the role played by physical attractiveness in their willingness to go out with someone, go to their flat, or go to bed with them. Women were ...

Media Floats Talking Point That Gun Owners Are Domestic Terrorists [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-08-12 14:21:40 by christine
The establishment media and the Southern Poverty Law Center are again floating the talking point that militia groups and worried gun owners are growing in the United States and that this could portend a violent act of domestic terror, despite the fact that every major domestic terror attack in the 1990’s was carried out by the federal government itself, from Ruby Ridge, to Waco, to the Oklahoma City bombing. “Militia groups with gripes against the government are regrouping across the country and could grow rapidly, according to an organization that tracks such trends,” reports the Associated Press. “The stress of a poor economy and a liberal administration led by a ...

Black crimes are foundation of whites’ fears
Post Date: 2009-08-12 13:33:04 by X-15
BLACK intellectuals just don’t get it. They refuse to understand why there is widespread racial profiling and why they and people they know often are its victims. Black intellectuals simply refuse to acknowledge that there is a very obvious connection between themselves and the lawless black underclass. In a recent essay in The New York Times, Brent Staples, a member of the newspaper’s editorial board, wrote, “The experience of being mistaken for a criminal is almost a rite of passage for African-American men. Security guards shadow us in stores. Troopers pull us over for the crime of ‘driving while black.’ Nighttime pedestrians cower by us on the streets.” ...

Abraham Lincoln's Two-Edged Sword
Post Date: 2009-08-12 13:03:11 by X-15
Over the course of several weeks, perhaps even longer, I've been seeing quite a bit of attention being paid to Judge Andrew Napolitano’s book entitled, Dred Scott's Revenge. In case your government school fell down on the job: Dred Scott was a slave in the United States who sued unsuccessfully (in St. Louis, Missouri) for his freedom in 1857. The Supreme Court upheld that America’s black slaves were 'non-persons' who therefore did not qualify for the privilege of freedom. This decision is the centerpiece of Napolitano's book. Fox News pundit and resident clown Glen Beck said Napolitano's book "lays out 150 years of our national experience... and places ...

Post Date: 2009-08-11 10:16:03 by tom007
SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT CHART ON THE PLANET 0 comments Aug 11, 2009 09:56 am Does this look sustainable? ILLUSION versus REALITY. An unsustainable trend will not be sustained. Obama is accelerating the blue line upwards at a rapid pace, while the red line is declining. How high can our debt go before the game is up?

57 Trillion Reasons To Murder 100 Million Americans With Poisonous Vaccinations
Post Date: 2009-08-10 22:41:20 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
57 Trillion Reasons To Murder 100 Million Americans With Poisonous Vaccinations By Leonard G. Horowitz 8-8-9 The U.S. debt of $57 trillion in unfunded liabilities, according to common sense, is compelling reason for federal governors conspiring with special interests to murder 100 million Americans this fall using poisonous vaccinations. According to federal deficit calculators at USDebtClock.org, more than $57 trillion is currently owed, including $39 trillion(T) in medicaid/medicare debt, $10T in social security payables, plus $8T in prescription drug liabilities, levying$189,210.00 in servitude upon every American citizen. The mafia kills people for a lot less. Do you really ...

Why Are Internment Camps Being Built (Chuck Baldwin) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-08-10 22:22:51 by christine
The Internet is abuzz with news about the construction of internment camps all across America. Of course, "mainstream" media outlets refuse to touch the subject; or if they do, they pooh-pooh the story; they do what Glenn Beck recently did: try to debunk the story as fallacious and impugn people who speak of it as "conspiracy nuts." The fact that the Becks, Hannitys, Limbaughs, and O'Reillys of the media circus refuse to deal with the construction of large numbers of internment camps does not make them disappear, however. For starters, all anyone need do to begin a serious investigation of the subject of internment camps is Google the phrase "FEMA Camps." ...

Corporate power of the international Zionists
Post Date: 2009-08-10 05:09:44 by Itistoolate

Why Do Liberals Hate President Bush & American Freedom?
Post Date: 2009-08-08 14:56:03 by longnose gar
Personally, I think Bush is one of the best presidents America has ever had. In terms of his place in history, he’ll be remembered alongside the greatest leaders including Washington, Jefferson, Reagan, & a fellow Republican by the name of Abraham Lincoln. Now, it’s impossible for me to list ALL Bush achievements with such a short amount of space, but I’ll list a couple of things this great man has done. 1) Bush has reestablished good Christian Values in the White House, and America at large (Lord knows we needed it after the Clinton administration). 2) Bush has made us safe from terrorists through his courageous military efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq. 3) Bush has ...

The Start Of The Second American Revolution?
Post Date: 2009-08-07 18:20:28 by christine
For a long time people have been asking why Americans are not up in arms, screaming and shouting about their fast disappearing liberties along with the continuous passage of legislation that they vehemently oppose, from the banker bailout, to the cap and trade bill, to Obamacare. Well now they are screaming and shouting – and if the momentum continues to build, this rebellion could the spark to ignite the second American revolution. For those waiting for a “summer of rage” it has now arrived – outraged Americans across the country are exercising their first amendment rights to do the most American thing imaginable – speaking truth to power through non-violent civil ...

Here's the Puppetmaster Behind the Ignorant Dupes
Post Date: 2009-08-07 08:56:06 by tom007

Ron Paul Singles: Female 9/11 Truther Seeks Gun-loving Militia Man
Post Date: 2009-08-06 12:02:23 by longnose gar
Must hate the Federal Reserve, neocons and the Trilateral Commission. Having your own tin foil hat a plus. Seeking strong man to envelop me in his protective arms once the coming race war erupts. No limp-wrists. Spend my vacations crashing Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove and need a freedom-loving companion by my side to expose the TRUTH about the Nafta Super-Highway and the Amero.

Post Date: 2009-08-06 11:12:26 by longnose gar
THANK YOU PRESIDENT BUSH FOR KEEPING US SAFE. You will always be my PRESIDENT. Job well done ! God bless you and your family always

The lack of a black agenda
Post Date: 2009-08-05 16:40:30 by Prefrontal Vortex
The lack of a black agenda Most African Americans believe racial inequality is still a problem. But class divisions have prevented a consensus on what to do about it. By Erin Aubry Kaplan August 1, 2009 Barack Obama finally showed up. On the centennial anniversary of the NAACP last month, the president took the microphone at the organization's convention in New York and, for the first time since his inauguration, spoke directly to black Americans. Noting that it was "good to be among friends," he went on to deliver a clear, sometimes informal and impassioned speech on the state of the race -- his race. He unselfconsciously used the terms "us" and "we." ...

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