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Sarah Palin Isn’t Our Savior [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-07-22 00:58:39 by X-15
Like most conservatives, I wanted to like Sarah Palin when she came on to the national scene. Here was an attractive, conservative white woman with five kids. And the deranged hatred that liberals have of her has its roots in the same things that draw conservatives to her. She certainly wasn’t one of the degenerate elite. So I say the following with a heavy heart: Sarah Palin belongs nowhere near national politics. I can understand a woman with five kids not having read up on foreign policy. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that when Palin was asked what newspapers she read, she replied “all of them.” Even if she had never picked one up in her life, a person with an ...

Walter Veith--- A New World Order Part 1
Post Date: 2009-07-21 21:49:18 by Itistoolate
Walter J. Veith cracks down on what the new world order will be in the near future and discusses how the laws of today will support this.

Author, radio host Alan Stang dies at 80 (WND--Drew Zahn)
Post Date: 2009-07-20 17:36:58 by christine
Author and radio host Alan Stang, a longstanding champion for conservativism and outspoken opponent of communism in the U.S., died yesterday. He was 80 years old. Stang began his career in communications as an editor for Prentice-Hall before moving on to radio at NBC in New York City. The award-winning journalist also worked as one of Mike Wallace's first writers before Wallace became a fixture of "60 Minutes" and went toe-to-toe in the ratings against Larry King, when the two hosted competing radio shows in Los Angeles. Stang boasted that despite broadcasting on a station of significantly less power, his program drew twice as many listeners as King's. Over his long ...

In An Impotent World Even The Bankrupt Can Prevail
Post Date: 2009-07-20 13:42:07 by christine
When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Japan did not spend years preparing her public case and demonstrating her deployment of forces for the attack. Japan did not make a world issue out of her view that the US was denying Japan her role Similarly, when Hitler attacked Russia, he did not preface his invasion with endless threats and a public case that blamed the war on England.Israel has made great public disclosure of its warships passing through the Suez Canal on their way to Iran. These events happened before the PSYOPS era. Today, America and Israel’s wars of aggression are preceded by years of propaganda and international meetings, so that by the time the attack comes it is an ...

GOP Senators Ignore Sotomayor's Criminal Activities
Post Date: 2009-07-20 11:37:08 by christine
As the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, proceeded last week, one man could not understand why not one of the seven Republican senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee would question Sotomayor about her criminal activities. It's understandable no Democrat would ask Sotomayor to explain herself since each and every Democrat in the U.S. Senate is so ethically bankrupt, they would seat Satan on the high court if it would further their agenda. Their only concern for a justice on the highest court in the land is gender and ethnicity; these pusillanimous hucksters go for future votes. The law and truth be damned. But, the silence by Sessions, Graham, ...

My Daughter and her Friends Just Did THE BLACK HOLE OF THE WHITE CANYON!!!
Post Date: 2009-07-20 00:12:44 by tom007
Yes it's true. My daughter, eighteen YO and her friends, a fewdays ago completed the notorious BLACK HOLE in Utahs demanding White Canyon. This is a route that is - to belittle- demanding and most would run like heck from even seeing the beginning of the route. Even today the Park Service has a sign saying Don't even think of it. Sue and I went down the route and I can report it was not just rough ( we are used to rough) but it was "this will kill you and not notice the difference" kinda trail".. It has been impassible for maybe five years, evidentally last year a huge flood mashed the plug out of the way, So Allie, my daughter and her friends did this a few ...

Mainstream Media thread
Post Date: 2009-07-19 21:40:23 by Itistoolate
Mainstream Media Admits to 9/11!!! - Funny videos are here America's Worst Enemy: The Mainstream Media Why You Can't Trust The Mainstream Media @ Yahoo! Video Mainstream Media is a Psyop - The best bloopers are a click away Poster Comment:packrat1145 had a thd called "Even the East Indian news is confronting the Obama eligibility issue! - Where is America's MSM?" so I thought I'd take a look.

ATTN: Employees of Goldman Sachs
Post Date: 2009-07-18 10:08:22 by tom007
ATTN: Employees of Goldman Sachs We did it. Bottom of the ninth, down by three, bases loaded, and we cranked another grand slam to the moon. They may have shot Lennon, but nothing can kill the Beatles. I admit things looked bleak for a minute there. We had to convert to a bank holding company and were forced to accept a taxpayer bailout. It felt un-American. Terribly unbanksmanly. But we accepted the money, knowing that we could magically weave it into a much larger mountain of money. We had a few hard months there, didn’t we? They regulated our corporate jet so that we could no longer use it to fly from hole to hole on the green. Dave had to drain his money pool to half capacity. I ...

Ben Stein, Predatory Bait-and-Switch Merchant
Post Date: 2009-07-18 10:02:41 by tom007
Ben Stein, Predatory Bait-and-Switch Merchant 6 comments by: Felix Salmon July 16, 2009 Felix Salmon picture Felix Salmon Follow 1060 Followers 0 Following You are currently following Felix Salmon Stop Following You are no longer following Felix Salmon About this author: * Felix Salmon's articles on Seeking Alpha * Felix's blog at Reuters * Subscribe to RSS feed back to yahoo finance add to my yahoo back to cake * Font Size: * Print * Email * TweetThis How far has Ben Stein sunk? Far enough that I feel compelled to resuscitate the Ben Stein Watch, just to share this unfunny and positively harmful TV ad which is now being aired: TV AD NOT SHOWN “I went to freescore.com ...

The end of retirement
Post Date: 2009-07-18 08:33:12 by grace_is_by_our_lord
WHEN Otto von Bismarck introduced the first pension for workers over 70 in 1889, the life expectancy of a Prussian was 45. In 1908, when Lloyd George bullied through a payment of five shillings a week for poor men who had reached 70, Britons, especially poor ones, were lucky to survive much past 50. By 1935, when America set up its Social Security system, the official pension age was 65—three years beyond the lifespan of the typical American. State-sponsored retirement was designed to be a brief sunset to life, for a few hardy souls. Now retirement is for everyone, and often as long as whole lives once were. In some European countries the average retirement lasts more than a quarter ...

I JUST WON THE LOTTERY!!!! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-07-17 15:55:55 by X-15
Today I received a juror qualification questionnaire for the United States District Court, Northern District of Texas (Fort Worth)!!! One of the advisories: "If you do not submit the fully completed questionnaire within ten days, you may be summoned to report, at your expense, to complete the questionnaire at this office. If you fail to appear you may be fined $1,000, imprisoned not more than three days, ordered to perform community service, or any combination thereof." FedGov really phuked up when they sent that to me, 'cause I'm going to show up and hopefully let off some poor sap who got squeezed by FedGov!!!

Turtle Gets His Pilot's License
Post Date: 2009-07-17 02:12:11 by tom007
This was in Detroit.

The Democrats’ Selective Amnesia on Assassination
Post Date: 2009-07-16 12:29:31 by christine
Members of Congress have expressed outrage over the "secret" CIA assassination program that former vice president Dick Cheney allegedly ordered concealed from Congress. But this program — and the media descriptions of it — sounds a lot like the assassination policy implemented by President Bill Clinton, particularly during his second term in office. Partisan politics often require selective amnesia. Over the past decade, we have seen this amnesia take hold when it comes to many of President Bush’s most vile policies. And we are now seeing a pretty severe case overtake several leading Democrats. It makes for good speechifying to act as though all criminality began ...

Post Date: 2009-07-15 09:53:42 by tom007
THE BIG PICTURE =============== If I were extremely rich and powerful, and had absolutely no conscience, this is what I might do: * I'd have a very popular and trusted Fed chair all of a sudden prime a massive bubble in the world economy. Then, just as it was about to crash, I'd make him take the fall and install a new chair. * The qualities I would seek in the new Fed chair would be threefold. First, he'd have to be a complete tool. Second, he'd have to be a very competent economist. And third, he'd have to be an expert on how to turn a huge financial crash into a worldwide economic depression. * Now the fun stuff. When everyone started flipping out, I'd use ...

CIA's History of Lying to Congress
Post Date: 2009-07-14 08:29:26 by tom007
CIA's History of Lying to Congress By Lisa Pease July 13, 2009 On TV this week, with a measure of disbelief in their voices, the pundits ask, did the CIA lie to or deliberately mislead Congress? How is that not a rhetorical question? The Agency has a long history of manipulating Congress and others to support its programs. That this was posed as an actual question reveals the media’s historical illiteracy in this matter. In fact, when a House select committee investigated the CIA in the 1970s, the CIA convinced the House to suppress its own report, begging the question of who was overseeing whom. Nevertheless, a copy of the House report was leaked, via Daniel Schorr, to the ...

So The Question Is - Who Is Stareing At The Ass?
Post Date: 2009-07-11 20:18:31 by tom007

We are in the midst of the great baby-boomers economic stagnation of 2007-2017
Post Date: 2009-07-11 20:13:59 by Itistoolate
We are in the midst of the great baby-boomers economic stagnation of 2007-2017 By Rodrigue Tremblay Online Journal Guest Writer “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.” –Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), 3rd US President “ . . . a serious depression seems improbable; [we expect] recovery of business next spring, with further improvement in the fall.” –Harvard Economic Society (HES), November 10, 1929 “While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed through the worst — and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There has been no significant bank or industrial failure. That ...

Oh my word! I just discovered that the president is a black man!
Post Date: 2009-07-11 19:51:41 by Itistoolate
Oh my word! I just discovered that the president is a black man! vanity | July 11, 2009 | Jim Robinson Posted on Saturday, July 11, 2009 5:16:45 PM by Jim Robinson On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog, but someone in the liberal media just informed me that the president of the U.S. is a black man. And as such cannot be criticized or joked about by conservatives. Obama is off limits! They can make all kinds of rude and crude jokes about George Bush, even comparing him in thousands of crude cartoons over the past eight years as a chimp, but man. If you were to follow suit comparing today's president to a smirking chimp you would be crucified! And Sarah Palin's family ...

Obamageddon is Coming! Food riots, tax protests, strikes and high unemployment all will characterize our economic future according to Gerald Celente.
Post Date: 2009-07-11 11:14:02 by Itistoolate

In the Time of the Lifting of the Veils.
Post Date: 2009-07-11 09:18:20 by Clitora
In the Time of the Lifting of the Veils. A lot of people are losing their minds. I don’t need to provide links at Visible Origami. You read about it. You hear about it. People in powerful positions, people with wealth and name recognition are exhibiting odd behavior or… are we just seeing it more now? Politicians are getting themselves caught in financially and sexually compromising situations. Religious figures and even entire priest classes are being exposed for similar behaviors. Big business operatives are being caught out at fraud, theft and all the variations of the same. Nations that have been the beneficiary of a fabricated good will, as well as a consistent ...

Is Michael Jackson really dead?
Post Date: 2009-07-08 23:18:13 by Clitora
I have to ask. Was he "Mcveighed"?

Was Michael Jackson another Illuminati Slave?
Post Date: 2009-07-07 21:15:11 by Itistoolate
by "Charles" (A Reader) Approximately forty years ago, the Jackson family appeared on the Ed Sullivan show and released the first of many albums for Motown records. What made the Jackson 5 special was their lead singer, pint-sized Michael Jackson. Even at the tender age of ten Michael Jackson had an ebullient joy and charisma that was palpable and contagious on both TV and radio. Later, at the age of 21, he broke from his family and began a successful solo career. F. Scott Fitzgerald said American lives have no second acts. And for child entertainers trying to extend their success into adulthood, that is doubly so. Michael Jackson proved Fitzgerald wrong. But at what price? A ...

Turtle's Home Fire Alarm
Post Date: 2009-07-06 19:58:50 by tom007

Notes From Central Pennsylvania: The Very Long Arm of Egalitarian Propaganda
Post Date: 2009-07-06 13:36:02 by X-15
Life events have brought me into increasing contact with Central Pennsylvania, a vast tract of mountainous, rolling farmland stretching between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. I think it was James Carville who derided Pennsylvania as those two cities "and Alabama without Blacks in between." There is something to that description. It is not a wealthy area, and it is mostly white. In many ways, it is indeed "Appalachian America," both by the mountains and the markers. I see more Confederate flags here than in many places south of the Mason-Dixon line. Are these the Scots-Irish of David Hackett Fisher's wonderful book Albion's Seed, the later German farmers, or a ...

Editorial: It's not only fish vs. people
Post Date: 2009-07-05 21:10:41 by farmfriend
Editorial: It's not only fish vs. people Published: Monday, Jun. 29, 2009 - 12:00 am | Page 15A The National Marine Fisheries Service has issued a wake-up call on the dangers facing the Central Valley's salmon and, ultimately, the water system they depend on. It should be mulled and acted upon. The wake-up call came in the form of a "biological opinion" that the fisheries service filed earlier this month. Prompted by a federal court ruling on a lawsuit by environmentalists and fishermen, it found that the ways the state and federal water projects operate threaten the survival of endangered chinook salmon and steelhead, and it required that they change their policies. ...

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