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More Max Keiser
Post Date: 2009-07-05 01:16:39 by DeaconBenjamin

ex and the modern girl: Are we witnessing a new age of female sexual assertiveness?
Post Date: 2009-07-04 18:45:22 by tom007
Sex and the modern girl: Are we witnessing a new age of female sexual assertiveness? By Charlotte Philby Saturday, 4 July 2009 * Share The Independent Close Judging by the booming numbers attending parties such as tonight's - Killing Kittens alone boasts 6,500 members, 70 per cent of whom are women - we are witnessing something of a sexual revolution. ALAMY Judging by the booming numbers attending parties such as tonight's - Killing Kittens alone boasts 6,500 members, 70 per cent of whom are women - we are witnessing something of a sexual revolution. * Photos enlarge Paloma lives in the basement of a tall, regal-looking building on a smart street in west London. Hers is a ...

Robert Fisk’s World: Tanks roll and guns fall silent, but the clichés go on for ever
Post Date: 2009-07-04 17:33:37 by tom007
Robert Fisk’s World: Tanks roll and guns fall silent, but the clichés go on for ever Catholics are always ‘devout’, Protestants in Northern Ireland inevitably ‘staunch’ Saturday, 4 July 2009 Clichés are poison. They seep into our language like defoliants, pesticides that reside in our imagination, slowly destroying our power to express ourselves by dehumanising language, by industrialising speech. Newspaper and television reporting are to blame. We are all guilty. So why do we insult you, reader? And why do you put up with this? Some of this claptrap has been around for years. Catholics are always "devout", Protestants (the Northern ...

The Big Whorehouse On The Potomac
Post Date: 2009-07-04 13:11:09 by christine
As Americans celebrate July 4th, they can contemplate that the union of “free and independent states,” like the former British colonial power, has evolved into its final manifestation–a complete whore house. While Members of Parliament in London charge their expense accounts with every personal expenditure, including the rental of adult xxx-rated films, an American newspaper put the reporting of public policy out to bids until politico.com blew the whistle. In Washington, everything is for sale, including journalistic integrity. The Washington Post, which abandoned investigative reporting eons ago, decided to boost its sagging revenues by spreading her legs. The Post’s ...

Happy Co-dependence Day
Post Date: 2009-07-04 12:09:26 by christine
One of the reasons, in my opinion, that so many people are ready, willing, able and yes, eager to succumb to “hope,” is because most of us believe that true change is not possible. In our heart of hearts, do we really think that Obama is an agent of change for the people? Have we not been fooled, yet again? So, we lay all of our hopes and dreams for a better life on one person and allow the inevitable heartache of betrayal to wash over us and once again drown us in disappointment when that person turns out to be just another politician. Politicians just act like politicians because we always let them. I just returned home from a 28 day, 18-city (multiple event) trip from ...

George Carlin - Who Really Controls America?
Post Date: 2009-07-03 10:33:33 by tom007

The Ugly Face Behind the Mask of Liberalism
Post Date: 2009-07-03 10:07:10 by christine
It has been interesting watching the response to the Honduran military’s recent ousting of its nation’s president, Manuel Zelaya. Barack Obama called the action “not legal” and Hillary Clinton said that the arrest of Zelaya should be condemned. Most interesting, perhaps, is that taking this position places them shoulder to shoulder with Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega and Venezuelan’s roaring mouse, Hugo Chavez, who is threatening military action against Honduras. Now, some would say this is an eclectic group — others would say, not so much — regardless, what has gotten them so upset? Let’s start with what they say. They are calling the ouster a ...

Does the fiery spirit of 1776 still burn?
Post Date: 2009-07-03 10:05:41 by X-15
Today we celebrate our right to overthrow the government. There is no pussyfooting around this fact. It is the central meaning of Independence Day. Today's firecrackers are reminders of the bloody war we were willing to fight against the British to win freedom. Bang. We can try to rename today's holiday the more innocuous "Fourth of July." We can outlaw firecrackers on the grounds of nuisance and fire hazard and you'll-put-somebody's-eye-out. But so far nobody has been able to rewrite the Declaration of Independence itself, and the words of that document are crystal clear. Today is a spiritual, passionate, angry, violent holiday for a modern society that is ...

And then the fight started
Post Date: 2009-07-02 19:35:29 by tom007
And then the fight started 1. When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her someplace expensive.... So, I took her to a gas station..... And then the fight started.... 2. My wife and I are watching "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" while we were in bed. I turned to her and said, "Do you want to have sex?" "No," she answered. I then said, "Is that your final answer?" She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, "Yes." So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend." And then the fight started.... 3. After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the ...

Woman brutally rapes male dog and fractures his penis
Post Date: 2009-07-02 19:31:22 by tom007
Woman brutally rapes male dog and fractures his penis A man prepares to file a lawsuit against his female friend, whom he asked to look after his dog for the time of his absence from the city. The woman brutally raped the dog and fractured his penis. The incident took place in Moscow. Even experienced vets were shocked with the story of a 34-year-old Muscovite named only as Sergei G. The owner of the poor dog has already obtained all necessary certificates from the veterinary clinic and currently prepares to file a police report to call his zoophilistic friend to account, Life.ru tabloid reports. Never in his wildest dreams could the man imagine that he would become a part of such a ...

Man attempts to have sex with raccoon and has his penis severed
Post Date: 2009-07-02 19:29:23 by tom007
Man attempts to have sex with raccoon and has his penis severed A shocking incident took place not so long ago in Russia’s Tver region. A 44-year-old man, named only as Alexander K. attempted to have sex with a raccoon. The predator bit a big piece of the man’s most cherished organ off. “We could not believe it when we had a call from a hospital inquiring about a specialist to conduct the autopsy of a raccoon who had choked on a man’s penis!” a vet doctor said. “The man has had a hard time, of course, but this story cracks me up every single time I think about it,” he added. Vicious raccoon bites man's penis off Alexander K, a native of Volgograd, ...

July 2, 1982: Up, Up and Away With 42 Balloons
Post Date: 2009-07-02 18:10:50 by tom007
July 2, 1982: Up, Up and Away With 42 Balloons * By Tony Long Email Author * July 2, 2009 | * 12:00 am | * Categories: 20th century, People, Transportation balloons 1982: Frustrated in his dream of becoming an Air Force pilot, a southern California truck driver gets himself airborne anyway with the help of a lawn chair and 42 helium-filled weather balloons. Airborne, as in 16,000 feet worth of airborne. Poor eyesight put the kibosh on Larry Walters‘ top-gun dreams, but the man was determined to fly. You’d think he’d just go out and get himself a commercial pilot’s license, but, no…. Walters said later that he had nurtured the idea of flying using balloons for 20 ...

Sears Tower unveils glass balconies on Skydeck
Post Date: 2009-07-01 19:40:38 by tom007

You're Not the Boss of Me!
Post Date: 2009-07-01 13:32:44 by christine
As you probably are aware, this Saturday is July 4th, Independence Day. As you may also know, on the afternoon of this July 4th, I'll be one of four speakers at Independence Mall, in downtown Philadelphia, at the "Tea Party" event there. My topic will be "You're Not the Boss of Me!" and this article is a sort of introduction to that rant. The Declaration of Independence basically amounted to a bunch of guys telling their king, "You're not the boss of us anymore." The Declaration was an act of treason, written by a bunch of tax cheats and lawbreakers. It wasn't merely some people whining or petitioning the government to do something different. ...

Action, not talk, is needed on Holocaust restitution
Post Date: 2009-06-30 17:19:14 by X-15
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- It is well past time for the international community to finally and fully do right by Holocaust victims, survivors and their families, and restore property stolen from the Jewish community by the Nazis during World War II or make proper compensation. More than six decades after the end of the Holocaust, Jewish communities have made tremendous strides toward making themselves whole again. But the restoration cannot be completed until Nazi-occupied and Nazi-allied nations embrace full restitution efforts. Homes, synagogues, stores, hospitals, schools and factories were stolen by the Nazis and then acquired by Nazi-allied and occupied nations after Germany's defeat. ...

Mt. Rushmore Myth
Post Date: 2009-06-30 02:06:16 by X-15
Two million people travel annually to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore. The imposing sculptures of Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln have become a symbol of the American spirit. The artist in charge of the project, Gutzon Borglum, intended his work to be a summary of the first 150 years of American history, but the choice of figures has helped create a lasting problem in American history: who owns the founding tradition? Borglum has led many Americans to believe that Lincoln and Roosevelt constitute the bridge between the founding generation and the modern era. While there were certainly times Lincoln and Roosevelt could rhetorically sound like the Founders, ...

Smoker decides to grow his own tobacco
Post Date: 2009-06-29 21:46:16 by tom007
Smoker decides to grow his own tobacco After harvesting, he'll cure crop in corn crib Byhttp://media.ohio.com/images/270*181/tobacco+18.JPG Published on Sunday, Jun 28, 2009 FREEDOM TWP.: Standing on brown earth on a flat field hundreds of yards from the nearest road, Don Carey is surrounded by tiny plants. He walks along a three-quarter-acre plot in a desolate spot in this rural township in northeastern Portage County and looks at the thousands of tobacco plants he is growing. Carey, 49, decided in April, when federal taxes on tobacco skyrocketed, to grow his own. ''I thought it was an April Fools' joke,'' he said of the tax increase that sent taxes on ...

Bernanke is a Total Failure Unsuited for Role as Fed Chairman
Post Date: 2009-06-29 21:23:54 by tom007
Bernanke is a Total Failure Unsuited for Role as Fed Chairman Inquiring minds are reading Bernanke Flubs Tryout, Still Up for Leading Role by Caroline Baum. Most often I agree with Caroline, but not this time. After trashing (and rightfully so) Bernanke's last appearance before Congress, Caroline somehow arrives at the following conclusion. It would be hard to find someone more suited for the job of Fed chairman than Bernanke. His performance yesterday has nothing to do with his unique qualifications for the position. ... Unless President Barack Obama wants a solo pilot, he would do well to tap Bernanke for a second term. Let's take a look at the qualifications of which Baum ...

Chemtrails Killed the Honey Bees - Secret NATO and UN operation!
Post Date: 2009-06-29 14:38:14 by Itistoolate
Chemtrails Killed the Honeybees - the reason for spraying the sky with Barium and other toxic chemicals was too destroy the honeybees who pollinate the fruit-flowers so that fruit and vegetables can grow. Without honeybees, no fruit, no vegetable, no food - and people will die. The Chemtrails or chemical trails from the sprayer planes is part of the elites plan of depopulating the world. When people are hungry, they will riot, when they riot they will be arrested, when they are arrested, they will be questioned, and put into three different groups - one they will kill immediately, one they will torture and question further, and a small group which they will chip and send back into the New ...

Why Intellectuals Like Genocide
Post Date: 2009-06-27 15:16:58 by Turtle
Seemingly arcane historical disputes can often cast a powerful light on the state of our collective soul. It is for that reason that I like to read books on obscure subjects: they are often more illuminating than books that at first sight are more immediately relevant to our current situation. For, as Emily Dickinson put it, success in indirection lies. In 2002, the Australian free-lance historian and journalist, Keith Windschuttle, published a book that created a controversy that has still not died down. Entitled ‘The Fabrication of Aboriginal History,’ it sets out to destroy the idea that there had been a genocide of Tasmanian aborigines carried out by the early European ...

Robert Fisk's World: The jury is out on the Iranian model of religion and politics
Post Date: 2009-06-27 08:46:19 by tom007
Robert Fisk's World: The jury is out on the Iranian model of religion and politics So what of the famous revolution? Was it a return to the basic values of Shia Islam? Saturday, 27 June 2009 Needless to say, the son of the Light of the Aryans did not add the many thousands of equally young and innocent women tortured to death by his father's sadistic secret police to his "list of daughters". Back in 1979, I met a man who had tortured and killed a woman by scorching her on a metal rack over gas burners. His name was Mohamed Sadafi, by profession a weightlifter. "You killed my daughter," the poor girl's father shrieked at Sadafi in front of me. "She ...

The NSA Has Released Some Pictures As A Result FOIA Court suit (Turtle Exposed)
Post Date: 2009-06-26 22:14:39 by tom007

Turtle Buys A Mobile Home
Post Date: 2009-06-26 21:49:00 by tom007

Real Nationalism
Post Date: 2009-06-26 20:06:49 by Turtle
Part I The human race is a construct. It is not real. Human population groups are too diverse to have any one destiny in common. The white race is a construct. It is not real. White peoples are too diverse to have any one destiny in common. Nations are the soil-based embodiments of ethnically homogeneous peoples. White nationalism is a globalization ideology and thus not real nationalism at all. Fascism and National Socialism were both imperialist ideologies. Real nationalism is the enemy of imperialism and globalization. Real nationalism is separatist and democratic. Real nationalism wants to break up large artificial structures (such as empires) and reestablish natural ethnic entities ...

U.S. professor cleared over comparison of Gaza war to Holocaust
Post Date: 2009-06-25 21:34:09 by tom007
U.S. professor cleared over comparison of Gaza war to Holocaust By Cnaan Liphshiz, Haarez Correspondent, and The Associated Press Tags: Gaza, Israel News, IDF A committee at a California university has cleared a professor who sent an e-mail comparing Israel's policies in Gaza to the Holocaust. Officials at the University of California, Santa Barbara, sent a letter Wednesday to sociology professor William I. Robinson saying the committee had closed the matter. In January, Robinson offended some students and others with an e-mail to his "Sociology of Globalization" class that juxtaposed grisly photos from the Nazi era with a recent Gaza offensive. Advertisement Jewish groups ...

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