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The U.S. Regime-Change Recipe for Iran By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
Post Date: 2009-06-24 08:20:22 by tom007
The U.S. Regime-Change Recipe for Iran By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS President Obama called on the Iranian government to allow protesters to control the streets in Tehran. Would Obama or any US president allow protesters to control the streets in Washington, D.C.? There was more objective evidence that George W. Bush stole his two elections than there is at this time of election theft in Iran. But there was no orchestrated media campaign to discredit the US government. On May 16, 2007, the London Telegraph reported that Bush regime official John Bolton told the Telegraph that a US military attack on Iran would “be a ‘last option’ after economic sanctions and attempts to foment a ...

Jihadis and whores
Post Date: 2009-06-23 13:23:47 by Prefrontal Vortex
Jihadis and whores By Spengler Wars are won by destroying the enemy's will to fight. A nation is never really beaten until it sells its women. The French sold their women to the German occupiers in 1940, and the Germans and Japanese sold their women to the Americans after World War II. The women of the former Soviet Union are still selling themselves in huge numbers. Hundreds of thousands of female Ukrainian "tourists" entered Germany after the then-foreign minister Joschka Fischer loosened visa standards in 1999. That helps explain why Ukraine has the world's fastest rate of population decline. On a smaller scale, trafficking in Iranian women explains Iran's ...

Sex, drugs and Islam
Post Date: 2009-06-23 12:23:04 by Prefrontal Vortex
Sex, drugs and Islam By Spengler Political Islam returned to the world stage with Ruhollah Khomeini's 1979 revolution in Iran, which became the most aggressive patron of Muslim radicals outside its borders, including Hamas in the Palestinian territories and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Until very recently, an oil-price windfall gave the Iranian state ample resources to pursue its agenda at home and abroad. How, then, should we explain an eruption of social pathologies in Iran such as drug addiction and prostitution, on a scale much worse than anything observed in the West?Contrary to conventional wisdom, it appears that Islamic theocracy promotes rather than represses social decay. Iran is ...

Neda Death Footage: Poster Child For A Million More Tragedies?
Post Date: 2009-06-23 10:46:59 by christine
Western establishment media organs are tripping over themselves to broadcast tragic footage showing the death of a young Iranian woman allegedly at the hands of pro-Ahmadinejad forces in an effort to rally international opinion against the government of Iran, a stark contrast to their complete and total refusal to broadcast footage of the hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children killed in Afghanistan and Iraq by U.S. and UK troops. Neda Agha-Soltan has become a poster child for the CIA-sponsored color revolution in Iran after tragic and shocking scenes of her death were uploaded to You Tube the day after she was gunned down in Tehran on Saturday. Soltan is being hailed as a ...

'Pretty Boy' Paulson and the Goldman Gang; 'Public Enemies' Run, Not Rob, Our Banks Today
Post Date: 2009-06-22 23:25:31 by Brian S
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Yes, two Great Depressions linked in a mysterious time-warp: Bank robbers and robber banks. Back in the dark days of the first Great Depression John Dillinger was admired, a dapper Robin Hood. Banks were the real villains. Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, "Pretty Boy" Floyd, and "Machine Gun" Kelly were the "American Idols" of their day -- "Public Enemies" to the FBI. But folk heroes to an angry public who cheered when Dillinger destroyed bank records during holdups. Yes, good ol' John cared for the little guy, our "stand-in," a secret way of getting back at the crooks running America's banks. ...

Alex Jones - Gov't is Stealing Your Money + Pension 124 min.wmv
Post Date: 2009-06-22 14:34:51 by Itistoolate

Mowing the Sward of Damocles - I Have No Idea Whar I Meant by That
Post Date: 2009-06-22 14:04:42 by IDon'tThinkSo
I’ve been reading the news again. It’s great fun, like watching an EEG trace as it…slowly…flat-lines. Reading a newspaper increasingly reminds me of watching a leper to see which finger falls off next. You can make bets. In the news I find more on torture. I’m so proud. Home of the brave, land of the free, though we may pull your fingernails out. What nobody talks about is where we get our torturers. I mean, is it a rating, like Radioman First Class? Do recruiters offer it? What civilian applications do they see when an eager young Torquemada leaves the military? Local police? The question of recruiting is fascinating. How much would you have to be paid to crush ...

Post Date: 2009-06-22 05:03:32 by IndieTX

While the Economy Crashes and Burns, Bush Loyalists Are Making a Killing
Post Date: 2009-06-21 21:10:34 by tom007
While the Economy Crashes and Burns, Bush Loyalists Are Making a Killing By Nick Turse, Tomdispatch.com. Posted June 19, 2009. They shredded our economic safety nets, but for them jobs are plentiful and lucrative. You'll be surprised to know who's cashing in and where. Tools email EMAIL print PRINT 80 COMMENTS Share and save this post: Share on Facebook AlterNet Social Networks: follow us on twitter find us on Facebook Also in Politics Hey New York, Michael Bloomerg Is Not Your Daddy Phyllis Eckhaus What's the Cost of America's Secret Drone War? Gareth Porter Naomi Klein: The Financial Crisis Presents a Huge Opportunity for Change -- We Can't Let Obama Blow ...

Changing the climate that's feeding hate crime
Post Date: 2009-06-20 23:53:23 by Dakmar
Updated: 06/19/2009 07:21:45 PM MDT var requestedWidth = 0; if(requestedWidth > 0){ document.getElementById('articleViewerGroup').style.width = requestedWidth + "px"; document.getElementById('articleViewerGroup').style.margin = "0px 0px 10px 10px"; } An elderly white supremacist opens fire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., killing a security guard because "Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do." Dr. George Tiller is shot dead by an anti-abortion extremist while ushering at his Lutheran church in Wichita, Kan. In Knoxville, Tenn., two church-goers are killed and seven others are wounded by a gunman ...

The dark side of Dubai
Post Date: 2009-06-20 21:02:18 by tom007
The dark side of Dubai Dubai was meant to be a Middle-Eastern Shangri-La, a glittering monument to Arab enterprise and western capitalism. But as hard times arrive in the city state that rose from the desert sands, an uglier story is emerging. Johann Hari reports Tuesday, 7 April 2009 Construction workers in their distinctive blue overalls building the upper floors a new Dubai tower, with the distinctive Burj al-Arab hotel in the background Getty Construction workers in their distinctive blue overalls building the upper floors a new Dubai tower, with the distinctive Burj al-Arab hotel in the background * Photos Click here for more Dubai images The wide, smiling face of Sheikh ...

In Tehran, fantasy and reality make uneasy bedfellows
Post Date: 2009-06-20 20:57:28 by tom007
Robert Fisk’s World: In Tehran, fantasy and reality make uneasy bedfellows It’s said that the cruel ‘Iranian’ cops aren’t Iranian at all. They’re Hizbollah militia Saturday, 20 June 2009 * Share At around 4.35 last Monday morning, my Beirut mobile phone rang in my Tehran hotel room. "Mr Fisk, I am a computer science student in Lebanon. I have just heard that students are being massacred in their dorms at Tehran University. Do you know about this?" The Fisk notebook is lifted wearily from the bedside table. "And can you tell me why," he continued, "the BBC and other media are not reporting that the Iranian authorities have closed ...

Robert Fisk’s World: The world may be one but you need a visa to get around it
Post Date: 2009-06-20 20:47:20 by tom007
Robert Fisk’s World: The world may be one but you need a visa to get around it Rich countries give you tiny stamps while poorer ones plaster a whole page Saturday, 13 June 2009 Ernest Bevin, I think it was, once said that in an ideal world, you could buy a ticket at Cannon Street station to anywhere in the world and travel there without a passport. My father actually believed this was the case before 1914; it wasn't. Even to sail to Beirut, you needed a piece of paper from the Sublime Porte. I guess the European Union, with the Schengen Agreement, is now closest to Bevin's aspiration – but you still need an identity card or a passport to cross many EU frontiers. And ...

Leave Iran Alone! by Ron Paul
Post Date: 2009-06-20 20:24:25 by tom007
Leave Iran Alone! by Ron Paul Recently by Ron Paul: No More Murderous Rip-Offs Email a link to this articleEmail a link to this article Printer-friendly version of this articlePrinter-friendly version of this article $24 $20 Statement before the US House of Representatives opposing resolution on Iran, June 19, 2009 I rise in reluctant opposition to H Res 560, which condemns the Iranian government for its recent actions during the unrest in that country. While I never condone violence, much less the violence that governments are only too willing to mete out to their own citizens, I am always very cautious about “condemning” the actions of governments overseas. As an ...

From Meccania to Atlantis - Part 12: Swallowed by Leviathan
Post Date: 2009-06-20 12:38:12 by Disgusted
A bit long, but a very interesting take on the current state of the world from an ex Communist writer, Takuan Seiyo: Takuan Seiyo was born in Communist Eastern Europe and socialized there and then in Switzerland, France and elsewhere. He received his university education and was naturalized in the United States, but interest in some aspects of the Japanese culture took him eventually to Japan, where he now lives. He describes himself as bi-racial, tri-national, quadri-degreed, quinti-lingual and sexto-ethnic. As to religious conviction, he buys directly from the wholesaler while remaining a cultural Christian. Mr. Seiyo's pen name is both his Japanese nickname that means "Western ...

George W. Bush, proving again he was the worst ever
Post Date: 2009-06-20 10:55:39 by tom007
George W. Bush, proving again he was the worst ever George W. Bush is once again at the deceptive podium, trying his best to sink both the pathetic vestiges of his party and his own reputation to ever-greater historic lows. And Georgie is doing a helluva job. Wednesday night, as you know, he spoke gibberish for what must have seemed like an interminable hour in Erie, Pennsylvania to the Manufacturers and Business Association, proving that those on both sides of the lectern have far greater stamina than normal folks. He came loaded for bear and, characteristically, was chock full of virtually everything nonsensical that the American electorate just rejected, perhaps for good. For example ...

The Zionist Gang that Bankrupted General Motors
Post Date: 2009-06-19 22:23:44 by Clitora
The Zionist Gang that Bankrupted General Motors www.bollyn.com The Zionist Gang that Bankrupted General Motors General Motors did not fall due to natural forces. Like the twin towers on 9-11, GM was taken down. Like 9-11, GM was sabotaged from the inside. The corporate raiders who took down GM are part of the same network of Jewish Zionists who brought down the World Trade Center. How much is the truth about the huge financial and terror crimes changing our world worth to you? My research is supported by donations from readers. Please contribute by clicking the Donation button (via PayPal) to: bollyn@bollynbooks.com THE ZIONISTS BEHIND THE DESTRUCTION OF GENERAL MOTORS June 16, 2009 ...

Carter: Grief and despair for Gaza
Post Date: 2009-06-19 20:29:26 by tom007
Carter: Grief and despair for Gaza After touring Gaza, Carter said 'my primary feeling today is one of grief and despair' Jimmy Carter has spoken of his "grief and despair" at seeing the destruction in the Gaza Strip carried out by Israel's 22-day offensive on the territory six months ago. "This is holy land for us all and my hope is that we can have peace ... all of us are children of Abraham," the former US president said during a joint news conference with Ismail Haniya, the deposed Hamas Palestinian prime minister, in Gaza City. Following a tour of the area to see the effects of Israel's offensive, Carter said: "My primary feeling today is ...

Iran's Ayatollah under threat?
Post Date: 2009-06-19 20:27:50 by tom007
Iran's Ayatollah under threat? ByIran's Ayatollah under threat? Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's hold on power appears to be under threat [AFP] Since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared runaway winner of the presidential election last week, Iran has seen a daily wave of opposition demonstrations, police crackdowns and violence. Not since the 1979 Islamic Revolution when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini overthrew the shah has Iranian society been so rattled and divided. According to the Iranian constitution, the Guardians of the Constitution are supposed to monitor and sign off on election results. After the votes have been counted and the winner announced by the interior ministry, the ...

The Empire Strikes Back: Preparing for the Worst (Good Read)
Post Date: 2009-06-19 20:07:20 by christine
“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.” ~ Thomas Jefferson The American government will be soundly defeated if a civil war ever erupts in the continental US. Not only will a single incident have a ripple effect that will spark the awakening of thousands of insurgencies but the violent over-reaction and clumsy attempts at propaganda by the American media complex in the thrall of Mordor on the Potomac will wholly exacerbate the conflicts to levels of mayhem and insurrection that will startle the normal American. There is a huge simmering and angry underbelly to the American polity that the Tea Parties are ...

Another Rare Real Photo Of Turtle (Working Undercover For Ther CIA)
Post Date: 2009-06-19 00:30:35 by tom007

Your Future As A Terrorist
Post Date: 2009-06-18 14:08:19 by X-15
The Homeland Security apparatus has garnered quite a bit of attention lately for a paper that identified anti-abortionists, anti-immigrationists, and war veterans as terrorist suspects. (I thought “profiling” was forbidden, but in that matter, as so often these days, it would seem that some people are more equal than others.) Some Republican politicians are playing at outrage and demanding an investigation. Let’s not get too carried away by the uproar, for two reasons. First, Republican opposition to any left-wing action is always a feeble and temporary prelude to surrender. That is a law of the universe—like gravity. Secondly, there is nothing at all new about this ...

Divided We Stand
Post Date: 2009-06-18 08:34:02 by DeaconBenjamin
What would California look like broken in three? Or a Republic of New England? With the federal government reaching for ever more power, redrawing the map is enticing. Remember that classic Beatles riff of the 1960s: “You say you want a revolution?” Imagine this instead: a devolution. Picture an America that is run not, as now, by a top-heavy Washington autocracy but, in freewheeling style, by an assemblage of largely autonomous regional republics reflecting the eclectic economic and cultural character of the society. There might be an austere Republic of New England, with a natural strength in higher education and technology; a Caribbean-flavored city-state Republic of ...

Death To Iran!
Post Date: 2009-06-17 09:49:10 by Old Friend
Faces of fallen IDF soldiers in the 2006 Lebanon war against Hezbollah, the brainchild of Mousavi. Now wait a second. Let’s just imagine that for years Americans had been gathering on the streets chanting Death to Iran! And then one day there was an election that didn’t go so well and suddenly the people took to the streets and started chanting Where is my vote? If you were an outside observer of this you would have to ask yourself how people can all of a sudden switch from Death to Israel and Death to America to Where is my vote? What in the hell do you call that, may I be so bold as to ask? How do people suddenly switch from saying the most hateful thing possible about Jews, ...

Alleged Holocaust Museum Shooter: Perfect story for Zionist Media: Guilty before Trial:
Post Date: 2009-06-15 22:23:22 by christine
Sad but true! The President of the United States had more to say about the museum shooting than he said about the destruction of the entire city of Gaza by Israel. He does not speak on police brutality against African-Amercans either. June 10, 2009: A man named James Von Brunn tried to enter the so-called Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. He exchanged shots with museum guards, injured one of them and was himself shot. Both were taken to hospital where the guard died of his injuries. This incident was a god-send for the corporate-zionist media. They went on the rampage and within hours had "proven" the shooter not only to be a murderer but an anti-semitic monster and perhaps a ...

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