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The American Way
Post Date: 2009-05-24 20:03:43 by christine
I was fortunate to be invited to a meeting of thirteen deep-thinking well-educated men recently, and for two-and-a-half hours over lunch we examined some of the critical issues of our time, from our perspective. The question came up, “What Is America?” and I ask you today, “What is America?” It seems to me this is a question without an answer, because America is as many things as there are people to define it. It is a complex and huge topic that could fill encyclopedias and not scratch the surface. But it dawned on me that a few fundamental principles of America stand out. These are the principles that have made America great. These are the reasons America is a ...

Eurovision 2009 First Place Winner - Fairytale
Post Date: 2009-05-23 09:29:16 by tom007

Post Date: 2009-05-22 12:54:00 by boonie rat
MEMORIAL DAY ------------ Memorial Day is their day, isn't it? It is supposed to be the day a grateful nation pauses to quietly thank the more than one million men and women who have died in military service to their country since the Revolutionary War. Or is it the day the beach resorts kick into high gear for the summer season, the day the strand is covered by fish-belly white people basting themselves in coconut oil, the day the off-season rates end and the weekend you can't get in a seaside seafood restaurant with anything less than a one hour wait. Or is is one of the biggest shopping center sales days of the year, a day when hunting for a parking space is the prime sport ...

Ron Reagan Junior: 'Limbaugh Hasn't Had a Natural Erection Since the Nixon Administration'
Post Date: 2009-05-20 12:16:27 by IDon'tThinkSo
Ron Reagan Junior: 'Limbaugh Hasn't Had a Natural Erection Since the Nixon Administration' They used to mock the manhood of Ron Reagan ("Junior") for being a ballet dancer. But Junior is striking back on his leftist Air America radio show. He would not stand for Rush Limbaugh joking about Nancy Pelosi shaking from "Botox withdrawal," and even recycled a January routine in which Limbaugh joked to keep the birth rate down, "simply put pictures of Nancy Pelosi ... in every cheap motel room." Reagan Junior unloaded on Limbaugh being on thin ice for making erection jokes : Limbaugh hasn't had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration; think ...

White race traitor freaks out over being called “racist”
Post Date: 2009-05-19 11:33:14 by Prefrontal Vortex
White race traitor freaks out over being called “racist” May 16th, 2009 Max Du Preez is well-known for being the traitorous “Uncle Tom” of the Afrikaner nation. An unprincipled bottom-feeding piece of self-hating excrement who made name for himself as a vociferous pro-Communist buffoon, Du Preez’s undisguised slanderous anti-White hate speech is regularly trotted out by third rate fish wrap papers such as The Star, Sowetan etc. Whenever the Marxist-infested simian regime needs to viciously lash out at the Whites they so envy, but fear being called “racist” lest the stock markets shed more points, Max is the hatchet man who will eagerly do their dirty ...

Kenya women stage 'sex strike' (Turtle Panicing!!)
Post Date: 2009-05-19 09:45:21 by tom007
News Africa Kenya women stage 'sex strike' Ida Odinga, the prime minister's wife, said she would join the boycott [GALLO/GETTY] Women's groups in Kenya have started a week-long "sex strike", in an attempt to press the country's leaders to resolve rifts and work together. Ten non-governmental organisations urged women across the nation to boycott sex with their husbands and partners along with a statement calling for reforms in government and action on promoting women's rights. Rukia Subow, chairwoman of the Women's Development Organisation, said the group believed the boycott would persuade men to press the government to make peace. "This is a ...

George Koval: Atomic Spy Unmasked
Post Date: 2009-05-14 23:47:00 by christine
Iowa-born and army-trained, how did George Koval manage to steal a critical U.S. atom bomb secret for the Soviets, that is only now coming to light? The old man had always been fiercely independent, and he entered his tenth decade with his mind clear, his memory keen and his fluent Russian still tinged with an American accent. His wife had died in 1999, and when his legs began to go he had trouble accepting help from his relatives in Moscow. He gradually withdrew from most human contact and died quietly on January 31, 2006, at age 92, taking his secrets to the grave. A singular confluence of developments forced Zhorzh Abramovich Koval out of obscurity. First, over the past decade Western ...

Turtle Strikes It Rich - Buys Himself A Limo!
Post Date: 2009-05-14 18:41:21 by tom007
Or he may buy this one for the wife Turtle decided to splurge with his new $$$$ and buy a Palm Pilot: And he has always wanted a fancy pool

Using Al-Qaeda Myth From Bush to Obama: An Excuse for Permanent War
Post Date: 2009-05-14 12:03:25 by Brian S
President Barack Obama said in several speeches that the US war in Afghanistan and Pakistan aims at defeating Al-Qaeda. The same rhetoric was used by the Bush administration to justify the 2003 US invasion and occupation of Iraq, its global war on Muslim activists dubbed "war on terror," and tightening its grip on power in the United States in favor of the beneficiaries of the military-industrial-Zionist complex. The military and security industries looted $5 trillion, the housing-related banking system looted $1 trillion more, oil companies almost cornered the oil market reaping hundreds of billions of dollars in profits, and the Zionist state of Israel managed to have the US ...

Alice in Wonderland Mash Up -
Post Date: 2009-05-12 20:48:08 by tom007

Post Date: 2009-05-12 19:53:58 by X-15
Federal hate crimes bill S. 909 has now passed the House of Representatives and is in the Senate Judiciary Committee. As we anticipate Tuesday morning’s probable Senate Judiciary hearing on this bill, we should ask, “Who is behind this unthinkable, pedophile-protecting bill?” Leaders of the Christian conservative right quickly respond, “Liberals and the homosexual lobby!” Yes, these two groups lead a list as long as your arm of hate bill supporters. They inhabit the perverted legislative whore-house called “hate crimes law.” Yet they did not design and build the house. To know who did, visit www.adl.org, the website of the Anti-Defamation League of ...

American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper
Post Date: 2009-05-12 19:45:19 by X-15
It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people. True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists. Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and ...

John Harris-It's an Illusion
Post Date: 2009-05-11 17:10:31 by Itistoolate

The Empty Symbolism of Hate Crimes Legislation
Post Date: 2009-05-11 12:44:14 by christine
Federal law enforcement officials are not plagued by idleness these days, thanks to the demands on their time from terrorists, drug traffickers, human traffickers, Ponzi schemers, and crooked politicians. But Congress never stops trying to ensure full employment for FBI agents and U.S. attorneys. The latest stimulus is the Matthew Shepard Act, billed as an overdue effort to prevent violence against gays and lesbians. The logic behind the proposed measure is hard to follow. Says sponsoring Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), "No members of society—none—deserve to be victims of a violent crime because of their race, their religion, their ethnic background, their disability, their ...

Record Shows “Hate Crimes Prevention Bill” Will Suppress Speech
Post Date: 2009-05-09 03:39:20 by bluegrass
A statute’s words do not tell how the law will be interpreted and applied.   All laws are expansively interpreted. For example:   The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was directed at drug lords.  Nothing in the law says anything about divorce; yet it soon was applied in divorce cases.  The 1964 Civil Rights Act explicitly bans racial quotas and defines racial discrimination as an intentional act.  Yet, quotas were imposed by the civil rights bureaucracy on the basis of the 1964 Act, and intent was replaced by statistical disparity.  The Clean Water Act makes no reference to wetlands and conveys no ...

Oregon's Racist Legislature Rears its Ugly Head
Post Date: 2009-05-07 14:04:25 by Brian S
(SALEM, Ore.) - I don't know Brian Boquist; but it's common knowledge that he has a huge stake in war profits and that is an absolute, hard and cold fact. A Senate Bill brought forward by Senator Brian Boquist and another Republican Senator named Jason Atkinson, ensures that Oregonians show hate toward Iran while flailing false and totally unfounded allegations about the country. It comes as no surprise. Boquist makes big bucks off the war effort. Just look him up on Google. He's a Salem, Oregon-based war contractor when he isn't coming up with ridiculous laws that we will live to regret. And now we see that he actually uses his political office and influence to ...

Klansmen, Irishmen, and Nativists: The Origins of Racial Nationalism in America
Post Date: 2009-05-06 16:07:25 by X-15
The heterogeneity of America’s European population has always posed a challenge to its national identity. Only late in the nineteenth century was this identity extended to European immigrants assimilated in its Anglo-Protestant values and, in the twentieth century, to Catholics, whose Church (the “Whore of Babylon”) had learned to accommodate the Protestant contours of American life (or what John Murray Cuddihy called its “civil religion”). From this ethnogenesis, the original Anglo-Protestant identity of the American people gradually evolved into a more inclusive European Christian identity, though one closely tied to its Anglo-Protestant antecedents. Based on ...

Hat's Off To Arlen!
Post Date: 2009-05-06 12:37:59 by X-15
Arlen Specter is a detestable swine. Next to Teddy Kennedy, he, for me, is the most loathsome creature ever to lurk in the Capitol in my lifetime. Even so, at this moment, I feel so grateful to him, I could kiss him. These two seemingly contradictory sentiments require a little explanation. First, as to his swinery. Where can one begin? Arlen first rocketed to public consciousness working for the Warren Commission, investigating the assassination of JFK. He was in fact the inventor of the “magic bullet” theory, whereby a single bullet ricocheted all through John Connolly’s insides, shot out, and killed Kennedy (leading my father to opine that it must have been a CIA plot to ...

King of the Hate Business
Post Date: 2009-05-06 12:30:55 by X-15
The sun is dipping low in the evening sky over the Republican Party as the Other Leading Brand. A mere 21 percent of the adult population identify themselves as Republicans. Sen. Arlen Specter sees the writing on the wall. He prefers to make his sixth senatorial run under the ample Democratic banner, rather than get mangled in the tiny shark tank of a Republican primary attended only by people who want to see the country run by Limbaugh and Hannity. With Franken certified, Specter crossing the aisle and Biden in reserve, the Democrats can no longer hide behind the excuse of a Republican filibuster. They’ll figure out a way, no doubt, but it could be embarrassing. It’s also ...

Souter Retires: American Justice Denied
Post Date: 2009-05-06 09:47:40 by Itistoolate
Dr. Manning believes David Souter retired due to the pressure of Barack Obama's eligibility.

Brittany - Could This Be The Stupidst Video Ever????
Post Date: 2009-05-05 21:29:43 by tom007

Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati
Post Date: 2009-05-05 20:08:29 by Itistoolate
Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati May 4, 2009 By Henry Makow Ph.D. (Expanded from June 2007.) The second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, Martin Bormann, was a "Soviet" (i.e. Illuminati) agent who ensured the destruction of both Germany and European Jewry. Thus, he advanced two of the Illuminati's main goals: integrate Germany into a world government by annihilating its national, cultural and racial pretensions, and establish Israel as the Masonic banker's world capital by threatening European Jews with extermination. The Illuminati are a loose alliance of Jewish finance and the British/America/European aristocracy joined by marriage, money and belief in the ...

Post Date: 2009-05-05 18:38:00 by Itistoolate
SWINE FLU HOGWASH Dr. Ron Paul Says ‘Flu Hype’ Designed To Scare Americans By Ralph Forbes An international businessman who performs major work for the Department of Health and Human Services told AFP that fear mongering by Washington and the World Health Organization about swine flu is an attempt to scare people into allowing global control of the healthcare system. From 300,000 to 500,000 cases of flu are reported in the United States each year and 30,000 to 40,000 die, he pointed out. At the moment of this interview, 100 cases of the flu variant called “swine” had been reported. Yet, all of the major newspapers and news broadcasts breathlessly report on the ...

The Interrogation Memorandums
Post Date: 2009-05-05 16:03:57 by X-15
This past week President Obama authorized the release of a set of classified memorandums written during the Bush administration. These documents outlined the procedures and tactics employed during the interrogations of captured senior Al Qaeda operatives and have been referred to by the press as the "torture memos". President Obama's release of these memos took place despite substantial protest. The four most recent CIA Directors-John Deutch, George Tenet, Porter Goss and Michael Hayden-all recommended against the release of these memorandums. President Obama's own newly appointed Director of CIA, Leon Panetta, also recommended against releasing the documents. Yet ...

New Hate Crimes Bill Criminalizes Words and Thoughts
Post Date: 2009-05-03 19:00:40 by christine
Wednesday night, while President Barack Obama held his televised press conference marking his first 100 days in office, the federal hate crimes bill -- HR 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 -- passed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 249 to 175. But not everyone believes this piece of legislation is a great idea. They are cautioning many supporters that such a law is a two-edged sword and may have unintended consequences that includes misuse by overzealous and politically motivated prosecutors. Critics fear that this legislation would prosecute individuals not on the basis of their crimes but on their alleged motivations for committing those ...

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