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10 Questions for Al Gore
Post Date: 2009-04-25 20:45:02 by James Deffenbach
Mr. Global Warming himself, Al Gore, is the star witness today in the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing Democrats’ cap-and-tax global warming bill. The bill -- recently introduced by Reps. Henry Waxman (D-Hollywood) and Edward Markey (D-Kennedywood) -- is labeled the “American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009,” which is as Orwellian a name as the “Employee Free Choice Act,” which is of course the way to deny secret ballots to employees in union elections. This bill should be named the “Al Gore Enrichment Act. ” House Republicans will have a chance to do better than their Senate colleagues did in January, when no tough questions were ...

Mexican Swine Flu - An Advanced Biowar Event That Will Be Bigger Than 9/11
Post Date: 2009-04-25 00:37:24 by TwentyTwelve
Mexican Swine Flu - An Advanced Biowar Event That Will Be Bigger Than 9/11 By The Earl of Stirling 4-25-9 On 23rd April 2009 the world began to become aware of a very strange new version of swine flu H1N1 in Mexico with limited cases in Texas and California. By the morning of the 24th of April, we began hear that there were hundreds of sick and 20 or so dead. By late in the day, we have learned that over 1,000 are now reported ill and over 60 are reported dead. There are solid reasons to suspect that this new Mexican Swine Flu is NOT a naturally occurring event but instead is an Advanced Biological Warfare recombination DNA genetically engineered virus. Here is what we know of the virus ...

White Identity in Postmodernity
Post Date: 2009-04-24 11:29:29 by X-15
We start to wonder about our identity at the moment when we are about to lose it. Our grandparents never asked questions about the meaning of identity; they never worried about who they were. They took for granted their affiliation to their religion, to their tribe, and to their race. It is with the rising tide of multiculturalism, followed by the waning of the traditional nation-state that identity becomes a problem. The term “identity” has become fashionable because it can mean everything and nothing at the same time. It is no accident that it is much in vogue today because, as noted in a recent publication of the Institut für Staatspolitik, "it has a resonance more ...

Monsters from KAOS
Post Date: 2009-04-24 07:49:30 by Turtle
Words fascinate me. They always have. One of my earliest memories, at four years old, is scribbling on a piece of paper and asking if I had made any words. I was told one of them looked like the word "deer" or "dear." Judging by the way I am now (and have always been) it wouldn't have surprised me if I was told, "That looks just like the word 'monster.'" That would have pleased me to no end. Monsters fascinate me, too, as do horror stories, myths, fairy tales, comic books and cartoons. Let me explain. A single word can have a great deal of wisdom in it. That half-repulsive, half-fascinating word "monster" is one of them. It comes from ...

US Narional Debt Ceiling (Question)
Post Date: 2009-04-23 12:26:30 by Horse
The current US debt ceiling is 11.3 trillion dollars. The total US debr (not counting unfunded liabilties) is 1.15 trilliion dollars. March's deficit was 184 billion. The Congress is currently passing an 83.4 billion dollar supplemental appropriation for Iraq and Afghanistan. This will raise our monthly deficit ro 200 billion dollars a month. This means that we will have to increase the debt ceiling within weeks. But it is proceeding under the radar. I have been using Google Advanced search and cannot find any mention of a major legislative act that must be passed ny both Houses within 3 weeks. So my question is this: Has anyone seen any movement towards raising the debt ceiling? I ...

Bilderbergers Are Criminals, Traitors According to U.S. Law
Post Date: 2009-04-23 11:31:34 by X-15
ALL AMERICANS WHO PARTICIPATE in secret Bilderberg meetings are criminals and traitors. The Logan Act expressly forbids U.S. citizens to negotiate public policy with representatives of foreign governments. Thus, American officials and private citizens who participate are lawbreaking criminals. U.S. and foreign government officials who attend are virtually all traitors because they put their world government goal ahead of the interests of their own nations. They scorn “nationalism” and work for “transnationalism.” All Bilderberg “regulars” must support these goals or be ostracized. More than 100 of the 120 or so attendees are “regulars,” invited every ...

The Conservative Cries Of Fascism...
Post Date: 2009-04-22 19:39:50 by Brian S
I'M NOT ONE who thinks the right is dead in this country. If conservatism can learn from its losses, adapt, and modernize, the movement should continue to play an important role in American politics. And yet, analytic introspection is hardly what we've seen since November. Instead, any number of conservative commentators have come down with the vapors. That hysteria is regularly in evidence on "fair and balanced" Fox News. Witness, for example, Cody Willard, who reported for Fox from the anti-tax "tea party" on Boston Common last week. Inveighing against "the $800 billion Republican-Democrat fascist stimulus package," Willard posed this question: ...

Turley: 'God help us' if torture only gets a '9/11 commission'
Post Date: 2009-04-22 14:00:41 by Disgusted
The recent release of Bush administration torture memos has given rise to calls for prosecution of the Justice Department lawyers who wrote those memos. However, law professor Jonathan Turley believes that this may represent a deliberate attempt to draw attention away from George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the other high Bush administration officials who ordered the torture. "That's the really strange thing," Turley told MSNBC's David Shuster on Tuesday. "In the last week or so, we've seen an effort to define a potential investigation in terms of the lawyers who wrote these memos. ... A war crime investigation does not look at the people who drove the trains -- they ...

Post Christian America
Post Date: 2009-04-21 21:02:07 by X-15
Evangelicals are the biggest promoters/enforcers of Diversity, second only to far left wing liberals, because, according to most preachers, Jesus wants us all to be brown. But now that they’ve spent decades promoting massive immigration, interracial adoption and interracial marriage, and condemning “hate”, they’re finding that Diversity doesn’t give a rip about their political agenda. People under 18 are in favor of gay marriage by about 4-1, and it’s only a matter of time until it’s the law of the land. Back in 2000, an anti-gay marriage proposal on the California ballot passed by about 25 points. Last year Proposition 8 won by only 4 points. In a few ...

Harman and AIPAC: More Evidence of Massive Government Corruption (Kurt Nimmo)
Post Date: 2009-04-21 13:08:46 by christine
It really comes as no surprise Rep. Jane Harman was caught on a federal wiretap offering to lobby the Justice Department to reduce espionage-related charges against AIPAC officials. Much of Congress is beholden to the Israeli pressure group. Instead of taking note of this common practice — politicians coming to the rescue of their favored constituents at the expensive of those they were elected to represent — we should take note of the willingness of the NSA and FBI to make this information public. Somebody wanted Jane Harman out of the picture. The case is yet another example of how politics works in the District of Criminals. In exchange for help in getting espionage-related ...

Why We Should Get Rid of West Point
Post Date: 2009-04-20 18:24:38 by Ada
Want to trim the federal budget and improve the military at the same time? Shut down West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy, and use some of the savings to expand ROTC scholarships. After covering the U.S. military for nearly two decades, I've concluded that graduates of the service academies don't stand out compared to other officers. Yet producing them is more than twice as expensive as taking in graduates of civilian schools ($300,000 per West Point product vs. $130,000 for ROTC student). On top of the economic advantage, I've been told by some commanders that they prefer officers who come out of ROTC programs, because they tend to be better educated and less ...

How Far America Has Fallen
Post Date: 2009-04-20 17:37:54 by James Deffenbach
I sat, as did millions of other Americans, and watched as their government under went a peaceful transition of power. At first, I felt a pride and patriotism as I watched Barack Obama take his Oath of office. However, all that pride quickly vanished as I later watched 21 Marines, in full dress uniform with rifles, fire a 21-gun salute to the President. It was then that I realized how far America's Military had deteriorated. Every last one of them missed ! Poster Comment:I told my buddy that sent me this email, "De boys need mo' time at de range!"

The Shill World Order: Pushers Of The False Left-Right Paradigm
Post Date: 2009-04-20 16:44:25 by christine
Outside the political boundaries that seek to control dissent against the unconstitutional apparatuses of government, lies a group of independent people who have been attacked under the Bush administration as communist terrorists, and under Obama's as fascist racist. The people who propagate this fraud are millionaire media shills who push partisan propaganda to the benefit of the owners of both parties, the special interests, military industrial complex and banking oligarchy to name a few. This is extremely evident on the heels of the corporate media co-opting of the highly publicized Tea Party movement. The origins of this grassroots inspired event, consisted of people from different ...

SS GOP taking on water! Better start Palin!
Post Date: 2009-04-19 17:38:20 by Brian S
In the final moments of any classic horror film, as the last ghostly images spool out on the screen, the monster at issue - Frankenstein's electric zombie, Godzilla, whatever - assumes an almost sympathetic figure. In its thrashing death throes, the scourge which had so recently stomped peasants or scorched Tokyo becomes strangely noble, tragic. So why, as it slips down the drain of political relevance, does this phenomenon not grace the fading Republican Party? Could it be the comic, slapstick nature of its frothy desperation? It just hasn't been the best of years for the GOP. The once-formidable elephant, so spiteful and threatening, now seems a leftover Easter Bunny, dead ...

The Battle of Kings Mountain: Then and Now
Post Date: 2009-04-18 13:40:42 by Deasy
Since April 19th, 1775, Americans have changed year by year until much of our national character has been lost. Two unmistakable traits have receded to the point that people who possess them today are considered odd or even dangerous. The first of these is a powerful independence of spirit. The second characteristic is a fierce drive to defend one's life, liberty, and property. Today's Americans seem content to leave the reigns of power in the hands of an ever-strengthening political oligarchy. This may have been inevitable, as modern comforts replaced the pressures of colonial era living. While this April 19th is a Patriot's day like any other, please take a moment to think ...

Only In America
Post Date: 2009-04-18 11:32:03 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Only in America ......do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front. Only in America.....do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke. Only in America.....do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters. Only in America......do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight. Only in America.....do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering. EVER WONDER ... Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin? Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'? Why is it that doctors ...

Salbuchi - Obama: Things Are Not Always What They Seem - Part 1
Post Date: 2009-04-18 07:18:19 by Itistoolate

A FOURTH ILLUSION BROKEN: DEALING WITH THE SO-CALLED "ILLUMINATI MYTH" & ITS UNDERLYING ANTI-SEMITISM PART 4: Confronting the underlying Juden-schade of the EvangelicalChristian community & such dimwits as Texe Marrs, Alex Jones, Pat Robertson, Jeff Rense, et. al.
Post Date: 2009-04-17 12:41:16 by christine
[Once again, this is an important "follow-on" article to our latest three essays - essays that aimed at shattering (1) the illusion that things will "re-right" themselves economically for us - they won't; (2) the illusion that Obama's victory is a precursor to racial harmony in the United States (and, indeed, the world) - it isn't; and (3) that Antichrist will appear as a "Man of Peace" - he won't. [Please see our articles, "It's Human to Believe that Everything Will Be Alright Rather than to Admit that Things Might Not Work Out; But It's Is Also Dangerous" and "A Second Illusion Broken: That Obama's Victory Is a ...

Rendering Unto Caesar
Post Date: 2009-04-17 10:56:51 by X-15
At the request of the White House, Georgetown University covered up all the symbols in Gaston Hall, before the Great Man spoke, including IHS, the millennia-old monogram for the name of Jesus Christ. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, had adopted the monogram in his seal and it became an emblem of the Jesuit order. When it comes to rendering unto Caesar, Georgetown is not going to be outshone by Notre Dame, which stole a march by offering the nation’s avatar of abortion a doctorate of laws degree, honoris causa. Actually, it is regrettable the IHS in Gaston Hall was not covered up in shame the first week of Lent. For that week Georgetown’s feminist and ...

Commentary: April 15 is patriots' day
Post Date: 2009-04-16 14:16:36 by X-15
(CNN) -- Happy Patriots' Day. April 15 is the one day a year when our country asks something of us -- or at least the vast majority of us. For those who wear a military uniform, those who serve the rest of us as policemen and firefighters and teachers and other public servants, every day is patriots' day. They work hard for our country; many risk their lives -- and some lose their lives. But for the rest of us, the civilian majority, our government asks very little. Except for April 15. On this day, our government asks that we pay our fair share of taxes to keep our beloved country strong and safe. Freedom isn't free. That's what the courageous World War II veterans of ...

Pilot Loses License Flying the Too-Friendly Skies
Post Date: 2009-04-15 19:27:45 by tom007
Pilot Loses License Flying the Too-Friendly Skies By Dave Demerjian EmailApril 15, 2009 | 2:20:53 PMCategories: Autopia WTF? Dept. Puma_swede_vidcap If you're gonna lose your pilot's license, David Keith Hartz has found a great way to do it, even though there is no specific rule against having sex in the cockpit. Hartz lost his appeal to regain the flight certificate he lost after engaging in a little, um, in-flight entertainment with Swedish porn star Puma Swede (NSFW). Although the airborne hanky-panky occurred almost four years ago, the Federal Aviation Administration didn't get wind of it until earlier this year when the gossip site TMZ broke the story and then posted a ...

94 Years of Serfdom
Post Date: 2009-04-15 10:33:06 by christine
This April 15 is the 94th year that Americans have had to file an income tax. For most Americans, the day is a non-event. The federal and state governments have already collected the taxes due by withholding from each paycheck over the course of the calendar year. Most Americans never saw the money and have no real idea that they earned it. Some Americans have their incomes over-withheld as a form of forced savings. They look forward to tax time as it means they will receive a refund check from the government that they can use for a summer vacation, a big screen TV, a new appliance, or a down payment on a new car. Few Americans realize that over the last 94 years they have been enserfed ...

Is Texas A Terror State?
Post Date: 2009-04-15 09:56:03 by christine
According to the Department of Homeland Security, Texas fits the Department's profile of potential domestic terrorism described in their newly released report titled, " Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment". Islamic extremists' acts of domestic terrorism were recently given the dignity, by Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano and President Obama, of being classified as man-made disasters, and abroad, the "war on terror" has been reclassified as an "overseas contingency plan". But an entire non-Islamic class, or perhaps by extension entire states, according to the report, are ...

Anti-Obama Taxpayer Tea Parties steeped in insanity [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-04-15 08:39:28 by Refinersfire
he Web is buzzing with information about how to throw an anti-Obama Taxpayer Tea Party, something organizers hope will be held today from Santa Monica to South Carolina. But no need to burn up your bandwidth reading complicated instructions. Here's a simpler recipe: Go to a hobby store. Buy a scale model of a U.N. One-World-Government Black Helicopter and a tube of glue. Toss the model kit. Sniff the entire tube of glue. You're all set for the party. I can recall only a few outbreaks of such collective insanity as these tea parties in recent years. There was that time in the mid-1990s when a $19.95 video proving Bill Clinton was some sort of serial killer went viral. And then, a ...

The Decline of the English-Speaking World
Post Date: 2009-04-14 20:15:20 by X-15
I will defend all Western countries but I feel especially close to Britain, which makes it all the more sad to see how humiliated this once-great nation currently is. The English language once conquered the world. Now the rest of the world is conquering the English-speaking countries. If current trends continue, people in Singapore will know English while the nation that created the English language will cease to exist. At the same time as sharia law has gained official recognition as a part of the British legal system and Muslims proudly talk about conquering the Western world, a British woman was arrested because of a supposedly "racist" doll she kept in her window. In ...

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