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"Credit" is when the bank loans money - Usery is when the bank loans money for credit
Post Date: 2009-02-26 11:55:25 by Itistoolate
There is no difference. The Fed has put the breaks on the economy so the G20 can draw up new laws for the World Government, ie the UN, GHWB's NWO

GOP Keeps Avoiding Its Fiscal 'Principles'
Post Date: 2009-02-26 09:27:46 by war
How big should government be? The answer is: As big as it has to be -- and for small-government types, no bigger than it has to be. The whole debate about the proper size of government is a blind alley leading into a dead end. Government must grow at times of war or collapsing economy. It grows when there are lots of schoolchildren, elderly people or natural disasters. Government provides necessities that the private sector can't. We can argue over what constitutes a necessity. There was no joy in President Obama's discussion Tuesday night of the expensive economic-recovery plan. He told Congress that he asked for it, "not because I believe in bigger government -- I ...

Tolerant Xenophobes
Post Date: 2009-02-25 12:41:25 by X-15
1. We tolerate the abusive misuse of adjectives. Terms such as "Nazi," "Fascists", "racist", are thrown around with the abandon of a kindergarten's snow-ball fight. The following shall illustrate the misuse of abusive terms. Newly I can vote in Switzerland. Therefore, I joined the SVP (founded in 1919). At best, it is labeled in the foreign press as xenophobic. Recently, I attended in my first local assembly of members. My friend, Rico, a local physician, introduced me. By opening my mouth, I betrayed the fact that I am not be native to Swiss German - which Germans do not understand to the extent that Swiss films are subtitled for them. Furthermore, while ...

Race Cowards? In Academia, certainly
Post Date: 2009-02-25 06:40:45 by Ada
Attorney General Eric Holder said the U.S. is "a nation of cowards" when it comes to race relations. In one sense, he is absolutely right. Many whites, from university administrators and professors, to schoolteachers, to employers and public officials, accept behavior from black people that they wouldn't begin to accept from whites. For example, some of the nation's most elite universities, such as Vanderbilt, Stanford and the University of California, have yielded to black student demands for separate graduation ceremonies and separate "celebratory events." Universities such as Stanford, Cornell, MIT and Cal Berkeley have, or have had, segregated dorms. If ...

In Defense of the White Man
Post Date: 2009-02-24 18:15:35 by PoliticallyIncorrect
While many believe that prejudice has diminished over time, it’s not really true. Prejudice is much like the wind: Its direction changes, and the sheltered and well-situated may not sense it, but it’s always blowing on some people somewhere. Put literally, every age has its fashionable biases – and unfashionable people. This was obvious during the presidential inauguration benediction, given by the Reverend Joseph Lowery. While making a supplication to the Lord, he made the following anachronistic plea: “. . . help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, ...

Clintons' "My Life" vs. Titanic
Post Date: 2009-02-24 07:58:09 by Rube Goldberg
One student turned in the following book report – with the proposition that they were nearly identical stories! His cool professor gave him an A+ for this report. Titanic -– Cost -– $29.99 Clinton -– Cost -– $29.99 Titanic: -– Over 3 hours to read Clinton : -– Over 3 hours to read Titanic: -– The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe. Clinton : -– The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe. Titanic: -– Jack is a starving artist. Clinton : -– Bill is a bullshit artist. Titanic: -– In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar. Clinton : -– Ditto for Bill. ...

AP IMPACT: Army charity hoards millions
Post Date: 2009-02-23 03:53:50 by richard9151
By JEFF DONN, AP National Writer - Sun Feb 22, 10:21 pm ET FORT BLISS, Texas – As soldiers stream home from Iraq and Afghanistan, the biggest charity inside the U.S. military has been stockpiling tens of millions of dollars meant to help put returning fighters back on their feet, an Associated Press investigation shows. Between 2003 and 2007 — as many military families dealt with long war deployments and increased numbers of home foreclosures — Army Emergency Relief grew into a $345 million behemoth. During those years, the charity packed away $117 million into its own reserves while spending just $64 million on direct aid, according to an AP analysis of its tax records. ...

Hating Whitey
Post Date: 2009-02-22 17:24:36 by James Deffenbach
While many believe that prejudice has diminished over time, it's not really true. Prejudice is much like the wind: Its direction changes, and the sheltered and well-situated may not sense it, but it's always blowing on some people somewhere. Put literally, every age has its fashionable biases -- and unfashionable people. This was obvious during the presidential inauguration benediction, given by the Reverend Joseph Lowery. While making a supplication to the Lord, he made the following anachronistic plea: ". . . help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and ...

Post Date: 2009-02-22 00:45:08 by tom007
Yes it is true - we have stupidly thought that we can be away from our swirling kolidoscope of business ventures that we can be away for three weeks. I have for the first time, bot travel insurance. because I am pretty sure I'll need it. My real desire is to be happily be riding the non tourist buses outside of Puerto Varllata and seeing the Colonias (villages) of the Mexican highlands. And Sue and I hope to be able to rent a econobox to explore Mex 200 (thats the Pacific coast road South of PV ) and dive into a lot of small Mex beach towns that I have always thought would be interesting. So in short, We'll be landing in PV, next Tuesday - we'll find a cheap but great place ...

Want to Be Rich? It’s About Being Rude to People: Matthew Lynn
Post Date: 2009-02-21 20:30:09 by tom007
Want to Be Rich? It’s About Being Rude to People: Matthew Lynn Email | Print | A A A Commentary by Matthew Lynn Feb. 18 (Bloomberg) -- There are fewer ways to make quick money without much effort these days than there are investors in Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc. Investment banking? It will be broken for a generation. Hedge funds? You have more chance of getting the pope to organize your stag night than you have of rustling up fresh funds. Private equity? To put it politely, an industry based entirely on swapping solid-looking equity for funny-sounding debt is looking just a shade past its sell-by date. Here’s a tip that should come easily to the legions of former bankers ...

Your Chief Adversary
Post Date: 2009-02-21 16:38:44 by Rotara
After watching the quick approval of the so-called stimulus package it ought to be obvious to any thinking person that our so-called legislators, do not legislate. They do not even read proposed legislation before casting their votes. Someone other than the legislators writes the legislation. Someone other than the senators and representatives decides what must be approved and what must be rejected. The so-called legislators merely put their unthinking sanction on packages they are told to approve. There is no need for them to read the legislation because they are not expected to think about what they are doing. They are not even expected to represent the thinking of voters in their ...

Satan Over Washington Part 1
Post Date: 2009-02-20 16:04:57 by Itistoolate

The Trouble With Whites
Post Date: 2009-02-20 11:33:37 by PoliticallyIncorrect
America will soon have a white minority. This is a much desired state of affairs for the hostile elites who hold political power and shape public opinion. But it certainly creates some management issues - at least in the long run. After all, it's difficult to come up with an historical example of a nation with a solid ethnic majority (90% white in 1950) that has voluntarily decided to cede political and cultural power. Such transformations are typically accomplished by military invasions, great battles, and untold suffering. And it's not as if everyone is doing it. Only Western nations view their own demographic and cultural eclipse as a moral imperative. Indeed, as I have noted ...

What the 2nd Amendment is for
Post Date: 2009-02-20 06:36:24 by DWornock
Suzanna Gratia-Hupp explains the real purpose of the 2nd Amendment. Link.

Obama: the more things "change"...
Post Date: 2009-02-19 11:59:39 by Rupert_Pupkin
FEIN: The more things change Bruce Fein President Barack Obama's campaign theme should have been, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." The personality-driven media has juxtaposed Mr. Obama's pledge to clean the nation's Augean Stables of rich lobbyists and insiders who profited on special access to the corridors of power; and, his appointments or nominations of delinquent taxpayers to his Cabinet (with jurisdiction over the Internal Revenue Service), and appointment of a mega-lobbyist for a defense contractor as deputy secretary of defense. But Mr. Obama's more alarming betrayal concerns the imperial powers of his office, which he inherited ...

Stimulus a Landmark Victory for Obama [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-02-19 08:28:23 by war
With President Obama's signature affixed to the economic stimulus bill, his landmark victory can be put in proper political context. Regardless of that bill's manifest imperfections and the messy legislative process, the new administration achieved a difficult objective on the tightest possible schedule. His Republican opponents congratulate themselves for remaining unified in defeat and whine about the president's refusal to capitulate to them -- but in fact it is they who have failed in the initial episode of a confrontation that will certainly continue for the coming four years. It is impossible to understand what happened in Washington and the nation over the past few weeks ...

Good Morning Picture To Get Your Day Off To A Good Start
Post Date: 2009-02-19 08:06:10 by tom007

Malice Toward All, Charity Toward None: The Foundations of the American State
Post Date: 2009-02-18 22:09:57 by X-15
In his book Battle Cry for Freedom: The Civil War Era (p. 619), Lincoln cultist James McPherson wrote that some 50,000 Southern civilians perished during the War to Prevent Southern Independence. Others have made estimates that are much higher. The only way this could be possible is that if thousands were murdered in cold blood by the U.S. Army. This is a shocking claim, and it will be shocking to most because such statistics say little about the actual horror of mass murder at the hands of the state. Moreover, the state always has its court historians and paid propagandists who put such statistics "in proper perspective," so that they will not alarm us. (Thomas Sowell comes to ...

Whites just can't stop blaming themselves for Black failure & Govt corruption
Post Date: 2009-02-18 11:48:28 by X-15
I was sitting in a coffee shop working on my laptop, quickly putting together some articles for AfricanCrisis when I overheard a white, middle-aged man sitting behind me talking to a family member of his. The gist of what he said went something like this: "The big mistake we (whites) made in 1994 (when the ANC came to power), was that we did not give the new black leaders who had been in exile large amounts of money! Its only human for them to feel, after having been in exile so long that they deserve something. So when they came to power they started helping themselves to money out of Govt coffers. And now they've been doing it for so long that now corruption is endemic and you ...

So, how do we get out of this mess?
Post Date: 2009-02-18 09:16:49 by PSUSA
This is an interesting question, one I have thought about often. I see no easy way out. I see no hard way out. I see no solution at all, when it comes to a national level, only at the personal level. Our “leaders” depend on our participation in the current system. They go to great pains to make us believe we have a stake in this system. But no matter the changes proposed (in order to secure a (s)election victory) the problems either remain or they get worse. Have you ever asked yourselves why? Why do our “leaders” do this? Have you figured it out yet? How is it that they sound so brilliant on the campaign trail, and seemingly morph themselves into total idiots once ...

Why I Hate To Hear the Star Spangled Banner and Refuse To Say the Pledge
Post Date: 2009-02-17 12:39:36 by war
I remember a time when I would threaten a person for not respecting our flag and loving our country. "Love it or leave it," I used to say; "these colors don’t run" was another one. I loved my country and thought it loved me back. I was gung-ho all the way. I thought there was no greater occupation than to fight and defend one’s country. Hell, my dad did it, and his before him. I would often boast how there had been a Gaddy in every war since the American Revolution. I hoped to have the opportunity to defend my country in a war, like my dad, my uncle, and both my grandfathers I attended and graduated from Virginia Military Institute, still believed in defending ...

Obama Riding the Wave [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-02-17 09:11:54 by war
Listening to President Obama, I was struck by how well he understands that most voters are not driven by ideology and are not searching for politically orthodox leadership. Most want leaders who speak to their needs — especially in this time of economic crisis — and a government that works. Republicans in Congress — all but completely united in their effort to build a wall of obstruction in the path of President Obama’s economic revitalization effort — seem to be missing this essential point. In a conversation with a small group of columnists aboard Air Force One on Friday, the president discussed the fight over his stimulus package, which was in the process of ...

'Reader' reinforces Holocaust deniers
Post Date: 2009-02-16 21:50:24 by Prefrontal Vortex
'Reader' reinforces Holocaust deniers Film is well made, but its sympathetic portrayal of an SS guard is inappropriate, inaccurate February 16, 2009BY ROD LURIE It never crossed my mind that I would ever speak negatively about the work of a fellow filmmaker. But when it comes to the topic of the Holocaust, I feel like I have to speak my mind -- as both a Jew and a Sabra. The other day, I was watching Stephen Daldry's film "The Reader" with my producing partner, Marc Frydman. His grandmother was a survivor of the camps. When it was over, Marc seemed both saddened and shocked. The movie, he felt, served to diminish the suffering of the Jews and went toward not a ...

This is over 2 hrs long
Post Date: 2009-02-16 21:01:47 by Itistoolate
just watch the first 6 mins. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8545585184878490822&q=michael+tsarion

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