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Forgive Not
Post Date: 2009-01-13 06:07:36 by Ada
INSTEAD of looking closely at what high-level officeholders in the Bush administration have done over the past eight years, and recognizing what we have tacitly permitted, we would rather turn our faces forward toward a better future, promising that 2009 and the inauguration of Barack Obama will mean ringing out Guantánamo Bay and ringing in due process; it will bring the end of waterboarding and the reinstatement of the Geneva Conventions. Indeed, the almost universal response to the recent bipartisan report issued by the Senate Armed Services Committee — finding former Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and other high-ranking officials directly responsible for detainee ...

Climate-change alarmism runs into a reality check
Post Date: 2009-01-12 18:37:55 by farmfriend
Climate-change alarmism runs into a reality check By ROBERT L. BRADLEY Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle Jan. 8, 2009, 9:31PM The new century has cooled the case for climate alarmism. Global warming has stalled — not accelerated as expected. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere have increased, but temperatures have been flat for the last eight years and have slightly fallen since 1998's El Nino-driven temperature spike. If the cool-off continues until 2015, as could be the case according to a study published in Nature magazine, we will have had a see-saw of global warming (1900-45), global cooling (1945-75), global warming (1975-98), and flatness (1998-2015). Where ...

Why Do People Hate The Jews? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-01-12 16:40:24 by Old Friend
It has been said that the history of almost all of the Jewish holidays can be summed up succinctly: "They wanted to kill us; we won. Let's eat." Why has anti-Semitism been so pervasive in so many countries, in so many time periods and for so many reasons? (One begins to wonder. Perhaps there is something wrong with the Jews and Judaism? After all, there is an old Yiddish saying -- "If one person calls you a donkey, ignore him; if two people call you a donkey, buy a saddle.") Between the years 250 CE and 1948 CE - a period of 1,700 years - Jews have experienced more than eighty expulsions from various countries in Europe - an average of nearly one expulsion every ...

Obama: Life Without Church Community 'Difficult'
Post Date: 2009-01-12 16:03:00 by James Deffenbach
Obama: Life Without Church Community 'Difficult' WASHINGTON – President-elect Barack Obama, who last year quit his church over inflammatory remarks by its former pastor, said he finds life without a spiritual community "difficult," and said he and wife Michelle plan to step up their search for a place of worship. Asked in an interview aired by ABC's "This Week" whether he missed being without a worship community over the past year, Obama was unequivocal. "I do, and it's been a difficult time," he said. "I've got a wonderful community of people who are praying for me every day, and they call me up," he said, ...

Palestinians - Following in the Footsteps of the American Revolution
Post Date: 2009-01-12 15:41:14 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Palestinians - Following in the Footsteps of the American Revolution There is something soooooo familiar about all of this. Now, let’s see, we have on one side one of the most wealthy and militarily-powerful nations in the world throwing everything they have against a ragtag group of people fighting to rid their lands of foreign occupation. A military blockade has been imposed upon the native peoples, preventing them from engaging in business they need to sustain themselves. The occupying power, demonstrating its complete disregard for human life and the fact it does not distinguish between civilian and combatants is engaged in deliberately burning down entire towns in achieving ...

Whites(Still) Rule...They Just Don't Like to Say So
Post Date: 2009-01-12 06:04:55 by Turtle
My wife mentioned today: “Normally, I only read one article in The Atlantic at a time because each one gives me so much to think about. But I read three pieces in a row in the new issue—I think because they were so boring.” The reason the January/February issue of The Atlantic Monthly is so boring: editor James Bennet [email him] decided it should focus on race. But you can’t write intelligently about race unless you’re willing to tell the truth. And how many journalists want to do that today? Not surprisingly, this Atlantic issue reads like my VDARE.com articles with the punchlines amputated and replaced by conventional wisdom. For example, political reporter ...

Do You Feel Safe Now? Proud?
Post Date: 2009-01-11 20:19:08 by tom007
Do You Feel Safe Now? Proud? by Paul Craig Roberts Now that military officers selected by the Bush Pentagon have reached a split verdict convicting Salim Hamdan, a onetime driver for Osama bin Laden, of supporting terrorism, but innocent of terrorist conspiracy, do you feel safe? Or are we superpower Americans still at risk until we capture bin Laden's dentist, barber, and the person who installed the carpet in his living room? The Bush regime with its comic huffings and puffings is unaware that it has made itself the laughingstock of the world, a comedy version of the Third Reich. Hamdan was not defended by the slick lawyers that got O.J. Simpson off, and he most certainly did not ...

The Authoritarians Imagine No Religion. You think that's difficult? Try this: Imagine No Government.
Post Date: 2009-01-11 15:54:04 by tzf90
Sunday, January 11, 2009 The Authoritarians Imagine No Religion. You think that's difficult? Try this: Imagine No Government. Such is the extent to which most people have been conditioned, that I am confident that less than 1% of even those most likely to read these words will dare to believe that I'm making a serious proposition. Asking people to imagine how the world could possibly work without "the authorities" making decisions on our behalf and generally "taking care of business" is like asking the planets to stay in orbit around the sun without gravity to hold them in position. Or so we have been trained to believe. Undoing that deeply embedded ...

Bush Says He Refused to Bail Out Republicans With Iraq Withdrawal
Post Date: 2009-01-11 14:55:15 by James Deffenbach
Bush Says He Refused to Bail Out Republicans With Iraq Withdrawal President Bush exudes serenity as he prepares to leave office, content that the war in Iraq is nearly won and he had the fortitude to buck his party despite incredible pressure to withdraw. By Bill Sammon PresidentBush says he refused to "bail out my political party" by withdrawing troops "during the darkest days of Iraq," a decision now lauded by his father in an unprecedented joint interview of both presidents by Brit Hume on "FOX News Sunday." "During the darkest days of Iraq, people came to me and said, 'You're creating incredible political difficulties for us,'" the ...

Further Proof (if any is needed) That padlock is Quite Insane
Post Date: 2009-01-11 14:00:22 by James Deffenbach
Title: Honoring Another Great Man - George H. W. Bush Source: thepinkflamingoblog URL Source: http://www.thepinkflamingoblog.com/honoring-another-great-man-george-h-w-bush/ Published: Jan 11, 2009 Author: thepinkflamingoblog Post Date: 2009-01-11 11:32:48 by padlock 10 Comments I’ve been emailing back and forth with another blogger for the past 30 minutes or so. The bottom line is the fact that I am an unapologetic Bush fan - be it father or son (and even brother, Jeb). Over the years we’ve had so darn many mutual friends and associates I feel like I know them, personally. They are good, decent, honorable people. America should be proud to have a family such as this dedicated ...

Understanding Hitler's Secret Relationship to the House of Rothschild
Post Date: 2009-01-10 12:35:35 by Old Friend
In 1999, a book was published entitled "The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker 1849-1999 ". It was written by Niall Ferguson, who, according to the inside jacket cover, is "the first historian with unrestricted access to all the surviving Rothschild archives." According to the inside jacket blurb, the book concluded Ferguson's "myth-breaking portrait of one of the most fascinating and powerful families of modern times". It further stated: "From the Crimea to World War II, wars repeatedly threatened the stability of the Rothschilds' worldwide empire. Despite these global upheavals, theirs remained the biggest bank in the world up until ...

Tips for Getting Rich: Knock on Mansion Doors, Invade Privacy
Post Date: 2009-01-10 10:49:51 by tom007
Tips for Getting Rich: Knock on Mansion Doors, Invade Privacy Email | Print | A A A Review by James Pressley Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Forget, for a moment, the blizzard of grim economic indicators and the suicides of billionaire Adolf Merckle and money manager Thierry Magon de La Villehuchet. Go out instead and knock on some doors, as Ryan D’Agostino does in his new book, “Rich Like Them.” It might restore your hope. This is an infectious account of one journalist’s quirky quest to unlock the secrets of American wealth by showing up, unannounced, at some 500 homes in affluent neighborhoods across the U.S. and asking, in essence, “How did you do it?” He got ...

Patriotic dissent
Post Date: 2009-01-10 09:51:39 by PSUSA
To the Editor: For the last 8 years, the liberals have been screaming that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” I cannot tell you just how excited I am to show how “patriotic” I’ll be in the coming Obama years. These folks are going to hold me up as some kind of patriotic idol when they see how much dissent can be dished up. When they try to take away the second amendment by banning ammunition, they’ll witness epic dissent. Liberal politicians cover up the fact that in the 20th century alone, more than 56 million citizens have been exterminated by their own governments when “gun control” was imposed on them. Without armed citizenry, there ...

Please pray for my Father..
Post Date: 2009-01-10 02:54:34 by Refinersfire
May I ask for prayers for my Father, we have learned that he has renal cell carcinoma in the mid to late stages. Along with a few other medical issues. he has always been a man who took on life, but this him very down. Thank you for any that will answer my request. Also, please for my sons, they lost their other Grandfather just two years ago. And are taking this news very hard.

Post Date: 2009-01-10 00:44:08 by tom007

Post Date: 2009-01-10 00:40:26 by tom007
That is all

Predictions For 2009 (Karl Schwartz rant)
Post Date: 2009-01-09 10:25:11 by christine
Now that the axiom 'Greed is Good' is being systematically disproven, this essay is pretty much my sign-off for one of the most pathetic years in US history. I am a true American patriot and watching what is going on in my homeland is about as much fun as sitting in a hospital and watching a loved one die. It was all so avoidable, but America has cancer and it seems to be terminal. I would like to believe that things are going to turn around for the US economy but all indicators are that things are going to be getting much worse in 2009 and maybe into 2010 as well. The ripple effect, or domino effect if you prefer, is now cascading against America and has built up to a crescendo of ...

To the fools who think that Obama represents “real change”
Post Date: 2009-01-07 17:32:12 by X-15
We here at DavidDuke.com told the naked truth about Obama long ago. We said that he was nothing but a servile puppet in the hands of his Zionist masters. We said this clearly at a time when many leaders of the anti-War movement and those who oppose Jewish-extremist control of American policy saw Obama as clean breath of fresh air from the Zionist-controlled Bush administration. Before his election we pointed out that Obama’s educational and political career was completely a Jewish creation. The Chicago Tribune ran a story quoting radical Zionists saying that just as Bill Clinton’s loyalties made him the first “black President” that the loyalties of Obama to Zionists ...

Racial and ethnic self-segregation
Post Date: 2009-01-07 15:39:28 by X-15
Two recent articles (see here and here) in the Chicago Tribune show that self-segregation is still the norm in 21st-century America. When whites move to Chicago, they naturally gravitate to the North Side, while blacks head to the South Side. Many of these whites doubtless voted for Obama, but "they aren't nearly as interested in living in neighborhoods rich in color." Indeed, one of the articles cites a study indicating that whites prefer neighborhoods in which no more than 17% of the population is black and another in which whites rate neighborhoods higher if it is a white neighborhood independent of the physical condition of the neighborhood. As usual, whites are acting ...

Post Date: 2009-01-07 09:13:24 by Itisa1mosttoolate
CONFESSIONS OF AN EX-MOSSAD AGENT Excerpt from Victor Ostrovsky's, "By way of deception" NOTE: Needless to say, the Israeli Lobby has demanded (and gotten) a total ban on this book in all major bookstore chains, while pro-Israeli experts have trashed it at every opportunity. Ostrovsky's book is available only online at places like Amazon Revealing the facts as I know them from my vantage point of four years spent inside the Mossad was by no means an easy task. Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct. That we were the David in the unending struggle against the ever-growing Goliath. That there was ...

Lame Duck Days: Hope Over Experience
Post Date: 2009-01-07 08:46:01 by DeaconBenjamin
Hope is strong early in every new President's first term. It is a time of great expectations. This is the triumph of hope over experience. Before the hoped-for day of deliverance on January 20 at high noon, there is a two-month transition period. The dark night of the incumbent Administration is expected to recede in the brightness of a new dawn. This calls forth exuberant editorials by members of the victors' party. Consider this forecast by Thomas Kostigan, who writes the "Ethics Monitor" on Market Watch. We know that we must protect our planet to protect ourselves and our future. We know that politicians will blatantly lie and need more accountability. We know that ...

Here's why George Bush wants to destroy America
Post Date: 2009-01-05 17:58:46 by Itisa1mosttoolate
George Bush may have saved the world but.... Here's why George Bush wants to destroy America 06/11/07- President Bush is now considered, to many Americans, the worst President of all-time. From shredding the US constitution, to pre-emptive wars and failing to protect the American people from the attacks of 9/11, there are many, many reasons why George Bush has one of the lowest approval ratings ever for a U.S. President. However, many people do not realize why George Bush seems to act as an enemy of America. Is it because he is dumb? Is he just a really mean dude? Is he a power tripping freak? Well he might be all of the previously mentioned things but the real reason that he seems to ...

Bush would like to see Jeb as president
Post Date: 2009-01-05 06:08:03 by James Deffenbach
WASHINGTON -- Former President George H.W. Bush said on Sunday he'd like to see his second son, Jeb, become President of the United States some day. Interviewed on Fox News Sunday, Bush said his second son, a former Governor of Florida, had all the qualifications to serve in the White House. Jeb Bush, 55, has said he was considering running for a U.S. Senate seat representing Florida in 2010. The current incumbent, Republican Mel Martinez, has announced he is stepping down. "I'd like to see him run. I'd like to see him be president one day, or senator, whatever, yes I would," said Bush, who served as president from 1989-1993. "Right now is probably a bad ...

US health care system depends on keeping people sick
Post Date: 2009-01-05 05:19:55 by angle
Health care is undoubtedly the top economic issue for most Americans. Until we all have the peace of mind in knowing that we can get sick, break an arm, or fight an unexpected battle with an unwelcome disease, we can't focus our full attention on the many other serious issues facing our country. A lack of health care for all Americans will keep us from finding the solutions we need to rebuild and recover our position as a world leader. As a disabled person, I have struggled with our current medical systems. Medicare has closed many doors necessary for me to see doctors who might have been able to offer me insight about my illness. Medicaid has refused to use common sense in their ...

War by Way of Deception Trailer
Post Date: 2009-01-04 19:15:59 by Itisa1mosttoolate
And to all the idiots translating "Israel" as Jews in General, that is like saying "North Korea" is Asians in general. Stop trying to cover for the Zionist. Poster Comment:Since the ADL is working with youtube and youtube was acquired by Google and Google was started by cia seed money and the cia was headed by GHWB and GHWB was raised bt the NAZIS you better start downloading stuff like this before it dissappears.

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