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Post Date: 2008-12-05 17:44:13 by christine
[First, earth shaking media news. Starting next Monday, December eighth, my radio talk show via RepublicBroadcasting – THE STING OF STANG – will move from 7 a.m. Central to 11 a.m. Central and will expand to two hours. That means I shall be going head to head with both Rush Humbug and Alex Jones. So why should you listen to me? Humbug of course runs the biggest show in talk radio and deserves to be where he is. He is utterly brilliant and immensely funny. Compare him to Shallow Sean Hannitwerp who is utterly stupid and immensely unfunny. Humbug is also a lying, little, treasonous fuzz ball who is a lucrative front man for the conspiracy for world government. Alex Jones has a ...

Vote First. Ask Questions Later.
Post Date: 2008-12-04 10:47:55 by bluegrass
Okay, let's get the obvious out of the way. It was historic. I choked up a number of times, tears came to my eyes, even though I didn't vote for him. I voted for Ralph Nader for the fourth time in a row. During the past eight years when I've listened to news programs on the radio each day I've made sure to be within a few feet of the radio so I could quickly change the station when that preposterous man or one of his disciples came on; I'm not a masochist, I suffer fools very poorly, and I get bored easily. Sad to say, I'm already turning the radio off sometimes when Obama comes on. He doesn't say anything, or not enough, or not often enough. Platitudes, ...

Columnists call for taxpayer revolt - want more socialism
Post Date: 2008-12-04 10:31:00 by christine
Back in September, I happened upon a column titled 'Time for a Taxpayer Revolt.' As I began to read the column, I thought, "This is good." The two authors were outlining the disaster of the so-called "bail outs" underway. As I worked my way through the column, I realized it was just more blame Republicans. At the bottom of this drivel, out popped the ignorance of the authors as they spewed their socialism: the government should help people build houses, create jobs for the greenie movement and universal health care. I don't know where Medea Benjamin & Arun Gupta went to school, but it's obvious they know nothing about our legal form of government or ...

Weighed and Found Wanting
Post Date: 2008-12-04 10:07:11 by christine
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men --Ella Wheeler Wilcox AT THE GATES OF PERDITION On January 20th upwards of four million Americans are expected to gather in the nation’s capitol to celebrate the swearing in to Presidential Office of the one that they have anointed as their savior, and to drink of the golden vessels containing the fruits of the victory of their exalted elect and praise the secular gods of this nation. In solemnization reminiscent of the great celebratory spectacles of the Third Reich four million voices will be raised in adulation to the greatest con man to grace the political scene in the history of the ...

Domestic military response
Post Date: 2008-12-04 06:22:08 by Ada
Click for Full Text! When the liberal American Civil Liberties Union and the libertarian Cato Institute are singing the same song, it's time to pay attention to the tune. The two organizations are rightfully concerned by the expansion of executive authority that is inherent in plans to have 20,000 troops inside the United States whose role is to respond to any domestic catastrophe. This homeland security role cries out for oversight and strict guidelines. Since 1878, in the wake of the Civil War, the military has been constrained by the Posse Comitatus Act from having a domestic law enforcement role under most circumstances. With the proliferation of terrorism and weapons of mass ...

George P. Bush: BOHICA
Post Date: 2008-12-02 12:51:19 by X-15
This little bastard has been getting his name out in the MSM and is being "prepped" to make a run for the White House in a couple of election cycles. He's another Bush-family retard and will be thrust upon the nation as "the saviour of the GOP". Discuss. Click for Full Text!

George W. Bush Belongs In Prison
Post Date: 2008-12-01 14:11:26 by statusquobuster
George W. Bush Belongs in Prison Joel S. Hirschhorn Electing Barack Obama president was the first step in redeeming American democracy. The second step must be indicting ex-president George W. Bush, giving him a fair trial, finding him guilty of many criminal acts and putting him in prison. Forget revenge. Think rule of law and justice. I want President Obama soon after taking office to go on television and announce the formation of a special group of outstanding jurists and attorneys to make a recommendation whether or not the US Justice Department should bring criminal charges against George W. Bush. Based on earlier analyses, including work by the American Bar Association, I have no ...

Gunning for Barack Obama: "Hate Group Map" May Explain Gun Sale Surge (We're all bigots )
Post Date: 2008-12-01 04:44:56 by James Deffenbach
Gunning for Barack Obama I believe there is one more valid explanation for the phenomenal surge that no one is bothering to discuss: the planned assassination of President Barack Obama. The Southern Poverty Law Center "Hate Group Map" shows the number of hate groups firmly situated in a given state. These groups may have played a significant role in the recent surge of gun sales throughout the country. You may be shocked to learn just how many are in your state. The New York Times, the New York Daily News, Newsday, U.S.A Today, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News and a host of other news organizations recently reported that gun sales across the country increased 10 percent after ...

He's Not Black
Post Date: 2008-11-30 15:36:35 by Ferret Mike
He is also half white. Unless the one-drop rule still applies, our president-elect is not black. We call him that -- he calls himself that -- because we use dated language and logic. After more than 300 years and much difficult history, we hew to the old racist rule: Part-black is all black. Fifty percent equals a hundred. There's no in-between. That was my reaction when I read these words on the front page of this newspaper the day after the election: "Obama Makes History: U.S. Decisively Elects First Black President." The phrase was repeated in much the same form by one media organization after another. It's as if we have one foot in the future and another still ...

White Ethnocentrism: Can Americans Really Be Brainwashed?
Post Date: 2008-11-29 13:01:34 by Turtle
One of the great intellectual divides is the venerable nature/nurture dichotomy. Conservatives tend to be on the side of nature: Race exists as a biological reality; there are race differences in socially important traits like IQ; people’s brains are wired to prefer people like themselves; they are more likely to contribute to public goods like health care and education if the beneficiaries are of the same ethnic group; people trust others more if they live in homogeneous societies. The left takes the opposite tack: Race doesn’t exist; the idea that it does exist is a fantasy of moral reprobates. To the extent that differences in traits like IQ are interesting at all, they are ...

Financial Disaster Will Lead to Civil Disorder in 2009 or 2010, Says Secret Citibank Memo
Post Date: 2008-11-29 10:51:15 by christine
An internal memo from a top Citibank analyst reveals what the banks really think about the global financial situation, and the outlook is grim. “The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done. When the dust settles this will either work, and the money they have pushed into the system will feed through into an inflation shock,” wrote Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief technical strategist. He goes on to explain that the massive money creation efforts by the Federal Reserve and other central banks will end with one of two things: A resurgence of inflation, or a fall into “depression, civil disorder and possibly wars.” Either outcome, ...

Padlock Is A Moron Day (Today and Every Day)
Post Date: 2008-11-28 19:34:10 by James Deffenbach
Just scanning LP and found this idiotic screed by the guy who goes by Padlock (one of thousands of screen names this individual has used imo). Title: George W. Bush Is A Hero Day Source: romneyveepwatch.blogspot.com URL Source:http://romneyveepwatch.blogspot.com/2008/11/george-w-bush-is-my-hero.html Published: Nov 27, 2008 Author: romneyveepwatch.blogspot.com Post Date: 2008-11-27 14:24:08 by padlock 55 Comments Taking off from an idea for a Victory In Iraq Day (nov. 22), I officially dub today, the 26th of November, to be "George Bush Is A Hero" Day. (1 image) I officially dub today, November 28 and every day hereafter, "Padlock Is A Moron Day." Click for Full Text!

Custodians of Empire (Obama Foreign Policy = Bush Foreign Policy)
Post Date: 2008-11-26 18:58:37 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Published on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 by The Nation Custodians of Empire by Tom Engelhardt The Obama national security "team" -- part of that much-hailed "team of rivals" -- does not yet exist, but it does seem to be heaving into view. And so far, its views seem anything but rivalrous. Mainstream reporters and pundits lovingly refer to them as "centrist," but, in a Democratic context, they are distinctly right of center. The next secretary of state looks to be Hillary Clinton, a hawk on the Middle East. During the campaign, she spoke of our ability to "totally obliterate" Iran, should that country carry out a nuclear strike against Israel. ...

Give Thanks for Western Civilization!
Post Date: 2008-11-26 17:39:10 by X-15
Every year around this time we are assaulted with all sorts of politically correct nonsense describing how “evil Europeans” came and displaced the holy, harmonious and nature-loving existing cultures of North America. It’s at times like this when I deeply regret how sanitized the history of this continent has become. You’d think the Indians were all just standing in a circle holding hands singing Koom-ba-ya and communing with Gitchee Manitou in perfect harmony when — all of a sudden — a bunch of blood-thirsty Europeans thrust the idea of violence upon them for the first time. The reality of Indian violence is beyond the comprehension of the average modern ...

My ammo shopping trip this afternoon...
Post Date: 2008-11-26 17:01:26 by X-15
First, I went to Bass Pro Shops where ammunition was FLYING off the shelves, it was like sticking my hand in a buzz-saw to grab what I needed (2 boxes of Federal Vital-Shok 30.06/Sierra GameKing's, 1 box of .17 Remington/Hornady HP's). Approximately 25 people standing at the counter purchasing handguns, normally 3-4 people at the most buying handguns. Not one minority in sight in that store. Next stop, the local ammo shop by the cop shop for a box of pistol ammo (Bass Pro was OUT). Same scenario, 12 people in a little shop buying handguns when normally there might be one other person in there at the same time as me. Both places said it had been like that since Obummer had allegedly ...

Gun Company Hires Murderer as Spokesperson
Post Date: 2008-11-26 05:55:12 by James Deffenbach
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Comment on the AR15 board by BlackDog714: It seems that HS Precision has determined that Mr. Murders Women holding Assault Babies is a worthwhile spokesperson for their company. There are several blurbs throughout the catalog as well as a full page commentary of how accurate HS Precision rifles are, on the back page of the 2008 catalog. I cannot in good conscience purchase anything from a company that would take the word of a murderer as a proper sales pitch... What's next? Some company gonna hire O.J. Simpson to tell everyone how to slice and dice with Ginsu knives? Or maybe get Osama bin Hidin' to be a spokesman for Delta?

The Ukrainian Holocaust and Jewish Pride
Post Date: 2008-11-25 13:57:49 by X-15
November 22, 2007 was the 75th anniversary of the mass murder of up to 10 million Ukrainians by Stalin’s political police, the dreaded NKVD. This bureaucracy was the apogee of political correctness, murdering tens of thousands of farmers and small-town people because the region resisted collectivisation. The practice of mass political murder was initiated by Lenin immediately after Trotsky brought him to power. Stalin inherited and extended the practice and its apparatus. Until after the Second World War the senior ranks of the NKVD were disproportionately Jewish. These were secular Jews who as good communists rejected divisions of ethnicity and race as products of bourgeois society. ...

Team Obama Rides In Can Geithner & Co. Catch Up With the Crisis?
Post Date: 2008-11-24 09:39:51 by iconoclast
Not a moment too soon, Barack Obama's economic team is taking shape. After a horrendous week on Wall Street, the leaked news of Tim Geithner's nomination as Treasury secretary sparked a wild rally on Friday; the weekend brought word that Larry Summers would take the top economic job at the White House, while Obama devoted his Saturday radio address to the promise of a large stimulus. But the new team needs to keep forging ahead. The financial hurricane has done the impossible and grown worse. Geithner and Summers cannot wait until January to come up with further remedies: Obama is in danger of seeing his presidency wrecked before he even takes office. The financial crisis has ...

He should be shot at dawn
Post Date: 2008-11-23 18:49:07 by Old Friend
An American leader can not simply dispell his or her qualifications by legal fiat. If they are leaders, they must show their quaifications no matter how minor. OHB fucked himself. Not me or the American people. He should be shot at dawn for not producing note-worth substance of and about his own qualifications. He has lied to the American people. Moreover, his staff has lied to the American people. Shoot them ALL. Hang 'em and shoot them! And then dump hot tar and feathers upon them until they reach for one last gast of breath. An then smother them with with castrol oil so they can not breathe one last breath. OHB lied to us. 10 Posted 2008-11-23 15:59:17 by buckeroo

Why Does Obama Tell So Many Lies?
Post Date: 2008-11-23 12:21:58 by James Deffenbach
I would like to hear from the Obamaphiles why their hero lies all the time. Lies about things that can be checked easily enough and shows him to be just another lying politician. And he has also padded his résumé--to be sure he has held some pretty nifty titles but what did he actually DO with any of the opportunities he had other than to enrich himself and use the titles as stepping stones to the next highest position on the political totem pole? For those who want examples of his lies, here are just a few: 1. The "I will not run" lie: During a meeting with reporters at his Illinois campaign headquarters after his election to the U.S. Senate, he ridiculed as ...

Kondracke: Fire Limbaugh, Hannity, et al
Post Date: 2008-11-22 14:26:08 by Jhoffa_
First Steps to GOP Recovery By Mort Kondracke How can the Republican Party rebound? The first step would be to quit letting Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham set its agenda. A second step would be for Congressional Republicans to actually try to help President-elect Barack Obama succeed in addressing the country's dire problems -- offering better ideas where appropriate and opposing just when necessary, not reflexively. And the third -- maybe the biggest one -- would be for GOP governors to use their posts to show the country how conservatives can solve problems, especially the dismal state of American education and its menacing cousin, lagging American competitiveness. ...

Left, right, center: Trator Joes East his cake too
Post Date: 2008-11-22 11:16:36 by Zoroaster
Left, right, center: 'Traitor Joe' eats his cake too By: Justyn Dillingham Issue date: 11/21/08 Section: Opinions PrintEmail Article Tools Page 1 of 1 Consider a man who thought it a "good question" to ask whether President-elect Barack Obama is a Marxist. Consider a man who falsely accused Obama of voting "to cut off funding for our troops," said Obama had "not always put country first," and said that the difference between Obama and Sen. John McCain was that "Hamas endorsed Obama." Consider all this, and then consider the fact that Democratic leaders in Congress overwhelmingly decided to let this man keep his job. They did that because, as ...

Turtle's New Car
Post Date: 2008-11-21 21:00:48 by tom007

Robert Gates: As Bad as Rumsfeld?
Post Date: 2008-11-21 20:14:27 by christine
“As Bad As Rumsfeld?” The title jars, doesn’t it? The more so, since Defense Secretary Robert Gates found his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld, such an easy act to follow. Gates’s role in the unnecessary killing of still more Americans and Iraqis is quite enough to disqualify him. But the jarring part reflects how malnourished most of us are on the thin gruel served up by the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM). Over the past few months, Defense Secretary Gates has generated accolades from FCM pundits — like the Washington Post’s David Ignatius — that read like letters of recommendation to graduate school. This comes as no surprise to those of us – ...

American troops in Afghanistan through the eyes of a French OMLT infantryman (good read)
Post Date: 2008-11-21 20:04:45 by gengis gandhi
21 Sep 2008 at 13:56 by Jean-Marc Liotier American troops in Afghanistan through the eyes of a French OMLT infantryman The US often hears echoes of worldwide hostility against the application of its foreign policy, but seldom are they reached by the voices of those who experience first hand how close we are to the USA. In spite of contextual political differences and conflicting interests that generate friction, we do share the same fundamental values - and when push comes to shove that is what really counts. Through the eyes of that French OMLT (Operational Mentoring Liaison Teams) infantryman you can see how strong the bond is on the ground. In contrast with the Americans, the ...

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