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Lawyer: Alcohol testing device is racist
Post Date: 2008-11-21 13:55:00 by James Deffenbach
A lawyer representing a man arrested in Fairfield for drunken driving says the state's breathalyzers discriminate against black people. "They are KKK in a box," said lawyer James O. Ruane of Shelton. "We really have some racist machines here." Ruane represents Tyrone Brown, 40, of Burritt Avenue, Norwalk, who was arrested April 9 by the state police on Interstate 95 in Fairfield and charged with drunken driving. A breath analysis administered at state police Troop G in Bridgeport found Brown had a blood-alcohol content of 0.188. The legal limit is 0.08. In a motion filed Tuesday in Superior Court, Ruane asked a judge to suppress his client's breathalyzer ...

The Imperialism You Can Believe In
Post Date: 2008-11-20 17:44:49 by christine
While Leftists Celebrate “Change,” Obama Appointees Suggest Massive Expansion Of Bush War Doctrine While naive, giddy and myopic establishment leftists have been celebrating the great “change” heralded by the election of Barack Obama, the President elect has been busy appointing people to key positions who advocate the same Neo-Con imperialist foreign policy crafted during eight years of the Bush administration. The New York Times, widely recognized as the voice of the establishment Democratic left, set the tone of what we can expect from an Obama foreign policy in a lead editorial last Sunday entitled, “A military for a dangerous new world.” The editorial ...

Founder of the Weather Channel says that it "has lost its way"
Post Date: 2008-11-20 09:15:15 by James Deffenbach
John Coleman, founder of the channel, says the channel has lost its way. "The Weather Channel had great promise, and that's all gone now," says Coleman. The Weather Channel has been an outlet for global warming alarmism. Coleman advocated suing those who sell carbon credits, which would force global warming alarmists to give a more honest account of the policies they propose.

America is where it is by design. (On The Road to Moronity)
Post Date: 2008-11-20 08:34:22 by angle
The elite power configuration that controls America—what do they desire most for the average American citizen? Moronity. Christian fundamentalist kinds of irrationality. Dearth of freethinking. Citizens moved enough by words to ignore evidence, frightened enough to simply “Trust us.” A nation of consumers as easily and predictably manipulated as sheep into working hard and paying hard for their own demise while refusing to even imagine the ultimate sacrifice of America to gods of the New World Order. That’s about it, the rest is lies. Sometimes pretty lies, blinding we’re-number-one lies, trust-us lies. “Terrorists!” lies, and reassuring lies…but ...

The Alternative
Post Date: 2008-11-19 22:52:51 by X-15
The Alternative If there are any, who hope or dream that the fanatical crusade against the South has, or will have, any defined limits, these persons must ready by other lights than those of history. From the remotest periods until the times in which we live, the histories of all fanaticisms run in the same channel. either the fanaticism is quenched in the blood of its votaries or else it pursues its destined victim to the bitter end. The motive power of this war is the abolition fanaticism. It has grown for years until it has obtained power, broken up the best form of government men ever had, created a civil war and drenched the land in blood. To the negrophilism they have added hatred ...

Holder, Chiquita and Colombia
Post Date: 2008-11-19 20:54:29 by christine
First the good news: We're two months away from President George W. Bush's last full day in the White House. The countdown for the end of the nightmare has begun in earnest. Now the bad news: As Barack Obama puts together his cabinet and eyes a slew of former Clinton officials for key staff positions, it is becoming ever more apparent that all those calls for change coming from progressive circles in the U.S. – and abroad - have fallen on deaf ears. Most striking, at least for the time being, is the soon to be named position of the top law enforcement official of the country. It looks like the first African-American President will appoint the first African-American attorney ...

To all the JBT's and their damned APC's....
Post Date: 2008-11-19 20:37:55 by X-15

Hillary Clinton, Neocon Savior?
Post Date: 2008-11-19 20:25:30 by christine
The neocons, deprived of a John McCain presidency, have latched onto a new potential female savior. No, it isn't Sarah Palin. It's Hillary Clinton. Two new pieces in the Weekly Standard make it clear that the neocons see Hillary as their best hope over the next four years. In "Hail Clinton," Michael Goldfarb, until recently a McCain campaign aide, blogs that "Clinton's a hawk. Not only did she vote to authorize the war in Iraq, she delivered her vote in style -- her floor speech on October 10, 2002, went so far as to connect Saddam to al Qaeda..." There's more. Noemie Emery, in an online piece titled "The Great Right Hope?," muses that ...

Implicit whiteness, with pyrotechnics: Or, the night white people took over Washington, DC
Post Date: 2008-11-18 23:53:50 by X-15
The other night I saw AC/DC at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. For those out of the know, AC/DC is an aging Australian hard rock band (founded 1973) famous for thundering, simple-themed songs that revolve around alcohol, women, and rock. Its guitarist, a pale, slight Scotsman named Angus Young, is known for performing while wearing a British schoolboy uniform (jacket, tie and shorts) which he sheds (except for the shorts) mid-concert and duck-walks the length of the stage with sweat and hair flying. Of the thousands of human beings packed into the arena, I did not see a single non-white face. They may have been there, but in numbers that can only be described as statistically ...

Duly Noted: Welcoming the New Hegemon
Post Date: 2008-11-18 18:35:38 by X-15
George Handlery about the week that was. The replacement of America as the superpower. Being nice with bad guys is dangerous. Ignored conflicts do not just “fade away”. The vicissitudes of making American foreign policy. Iran and Obama. Uncle to the rescue. Is Lithuania protesting too much? 1. Hold it! The hoped for end of the “American Empire” is a promise embedded in Obama’s election and, accordingly, it is greeted with joy. So far, so good. America’s demise implies that her emptied shoes – sorry, “boots” is better – have to be filled. The cheers for the supposedly fading Americans amount to an enthusiastic welcome for the new ...

Barack Obama: Radical or Windbag?
Post Date: 2008-11-18 17:42:59 by X-15
Barack Obama has filled racial right writers, as well as many commenters on this website, with dire foreboding. Steve Sailer has called Obama a “man of the radical left, driven by racial animosity against the American majority,” and has written a whole book to prove his point. Pat Buchanan predicts the passage of amnesty within Obama’s first 100 days, as well as universal health insurance that would cover illegal aliens. Michael Hart thinks Obama “hates whites” and is favorable to communism. I agree that Obama’s election is a disturbing and possibly disastrous event, and I will no doubt find many occasions to rail against him in the future. However, what we ...

""MONICA LEWINSKY, reportedly an espionage double-agent.
Post Date: 2008-11-16 20:02:47 by Old Friend
""MONICA LEWINSKY, reportedly an espionage double-agent. Acting for the apparent deputy station chief for North America, of Israeli intelligence, the Mossad, RAHM EMANUEL. She at the same time was assigned later by Clinton to a key position in the Pentagon, to the staff of the Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon. Her job: to find out by performing sexual numbers on Pentagon officials, who among the top U.S. Military were vowing to arrest Commander-in-Chief Clinton on charges, under the Military Code, of treason. Her parents reportedly had been "sleeper agents" planted by the Mossad. Clinton gave Monica topmost security clearance at the Pentagon without requiring her to go ...

Unprecedented rape of the American people in DC
Post Date: 2008-11-15 22:32:03 by christine
Rape is an ugly word usually attributed to an attack on a woman. It also means an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside. There is no other word to describe what has been happening in Washington, DC., for the past two and a half months. The so-called bail out of lending institutions and banks has turned into a free for all that is mind boggling, already running in the TRILLIONS with no end in sight. As the layers have been unfolding over the past few weeks, only someone in complete denial can say with a straight face that this unconstitutional looting of the people's labor has been anything but mass rape. The Fed is thumbing ...

Post Date: 2008-11-15 11:26:26 by christine
Regular readers and listeners know I have long contended that the Democruds are more fun than the Republicruds. Sure, Republicruds essentially do the same thing, but so blandly that it looks different. I figure that if you are going to h-e-c-k anyway, you may as well enjoy the trip. Illegal alien-elect Hussein certainly does not disappoint; the only thing I did not expect was that the fun would start so soon. For instance, Change Number One came within twenty-four hours of the (s)election, when Hussein announced his choice as chief-of-staff. He is Israeli hemorrhoid Rahm Emanuel, a little bastard who is one of the few creatures on the planet more obnoxious than the late Republicrud ...

Special For Lodwick
Post Date: 2008-11-14 21:48:55 by tom007

Post Date: 2008-11-14 21:23:16 by tom007

Clinton could be mixed blessing as No. 1 diplomat
Post Date: 2008-11-14 17:54:33 by christine
WASHINGTON (AP) - During the Democrats' quarrelsome nominating contest, Hillary Rodham Clinton argued that she, and not upstart rival Barack Obama, had more impressive credentials as a statesman: familiarity with world leaders and problems, toughness under fire. Now that she's under consideration to be Obama's pick as the nation's top diplomat, that resume might come in handy. Or not. The prospect of the New York Democrat becoming the face of American diplomacy suggests that Obama is serious about assembling a "team of rivals" in the fashion of Abraham Lincoln's wartime Cabinet, and that he is not worried about Clinton's wattage outshining his own. In ...

The final irony....
Post Date: 2008-11-14 14:18:14 by X-15
....come January 20, 2009, the most powerful negro on the planet will STILL be living in government housing. True story.

A post without a title
Post Date: 2008-11-14 12:16:52 by Itisa1mosttoolate

Post Date: 2008-11-14 11:24:52 by PoliticallyIncorrect
Look at my fellow conservatives! There they go, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. Not me. I'm virtually euphoric. Don 't get me wrong. I'm not thrilled with America 's flirtation with neo socialism. But there 's a massive silver lining in those magical clouds that lofted Barak Obama to the Presidency. For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America : The Era of White Guilt is over. This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn't give a fluff about skin color, and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man. Not just any black man. ...

Torture – Yes We Can? (Obama now pro-torture)
Post Date: 2008-11-14 09:11:28 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Obama and the national security question: the sellout accelerates Most politicians wait at least until they've been sworn in before they start breaking their campaign promises. In this sense, as in so many others, Barack Obama represents an entirely new phenomenon: the politician who preemptively reneges. A recent Wall Street Journal piece describing the transition process as it relates to intelligence-gathering reveals we aren't going to see much change in this vitally important realm, the one in which the Bush administration truly made its blackest mark. This will "create tension within the Democratic party," we are told, apparently because even the worst party hacks ...

Crimes by air marshals raise questions about hiring
Post Date: 2008-11-13 23:07:59 by Jhoffa_
Crimes by air marshals raise questions about hiring Shawn Nguyen bragged that he could sneak anything past airport security using his top-secret clearance as a federal air marshal. And for months, he smuggled cocaine and drug money onto flights across the country, boasting to an FBI informant that he was "the man with the golden badge." Michael McGowan used his position as an air marshal to lure a young boy to his hotel room, where he showed him child porn, took pictures of him naked and sexually abused him. AIR MARSHAL SURVEY: Download the complete results (PDF) And when Brian "Cooter" Phelps wanted his ex-wife to disappear, he called a fellow air marshal and tried ...

Weekly Standard: We Blew It
Post Date: 2008-11-13 22:46:28 by Jhoffa_
We Blew It A look back in remorse on the conservative opportunity that was squandered. Let us bend over and kiss our ass goodbye. Our 28-year conservative opportunity to fix the moral and practical boundaries of government is gone--gone with the bear market and the Bear Stearns and the bear that's headed off to do you-know-what in the woods on our philosophy. An entire generation has been born, grown up, and had families of its own since Ronald Reagan was elected. And where is the world we promised these children of the Conservative Age? Where is this land of freedom and responsibility, knowledge, opportunity, accomplishment, honor, truth, trust, and one boring hour each week spent ...

The Little Pigs in the Village of the Wrecked Economy.
Post Date: 2008-11-13 21:08:56 by Elliott Jackalope
After multiple discussions with those who seem to intentionally choose to be abusive, ignorant and incapable of understanding what I'm trying to say, I've written a little bit of prose in the timeless style of Theodore Geisel, aka "Dr. Suess". It uses anapestic tetrameter, and I really did my best to avoid using big words that frighten and confuse so many of the "special" people on this forum. I did, however, use one big word, "Theocracy", which is defined in the Mirriam-Webster dictionary as being "1 : government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided 2 : a state governed by a theocracy". ...

Reflections on Ron Paul and the 2008 Election
Post Date: 2008-11-13 17:10:48 by X-15
Ron Paul's recent statement expressing guarded hope in the Obama administration ( freedom4um.com/cgi-bin/re...cgi?ArtNum=90581&Disp=All )and that we are stronger for "embracing diversity" has been met with some disappointment among Euro-American activists. Diversity as virtue is essentially the idea that we'll all get along better the less we have in common. Virtues like these often spring up when the elephant in the room, as bad as he is for the china hutch, just isn't going away anytime soon. May as well elevate its presence to a household Staatsräson before one's wife complains. The reality is that a surprising majority of conservatives, both ...

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