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Commentary: GOP should ask why U.S. is on the wrong track (Ron Paul)
Post Date: 2008-11-12 16:50:02 by F.A. Hayek Fan
The questions now being asked are: Where to go from here and who's to blame for the downfall of the Republican Party? Too bad the concern for the future of the Republican Party had not been seriously addressed in the year 2000 when the Republicans gained control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency. Now, in light of the election, many are asking: What is the future of the Republican Party? But that is the wrong question. The proper question should be: Where is our country heading? There's no doubt that a large majority of Americans believe we're on the wrong track. That's why the candidate demanding "change" won the election. It mattered not that the change ...

The UK and the US: Same Revolution, Different Consequences?
Post Date: 2008-11-12 15:59:25 by X-15
With the election of Barack Obama, the “issue of race” has come to the fore once again in America’s media. In “multicultural” Britain it has long been a staple of the news. Yet, it was fascinating to see Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, say that it would not be possible for a Barack Obama to be elected in Britain, not because of the electorate – who, he said is open to the possibility of a Black prime minister – but because of institutional racism in the governing Labour Party. More specifically, Phillips suggested that it was in fact the government’s ties to “the trade unions, the socialist societies, ...

Dear Mr. Obama
Post Date: 2008-11-12 12:26:18 by christine
Dear President-Elect Obama: Congratulations. Let me get this out of the way: I didn't vote for you. But, then, neither did I vote for John McCain, whom I viewed as being a far worse choice than yourself on many counts, primarily America's Middle-East war mongering and her collapsing economy. In fact, I actively pushed the idea that you were preferable to McCain, whom I believe would have made us come to view Bush with a degree of melancholic fondness, similar to the way in which Bush caused us to recall Clinton. McCain would not be the second coming of Bush, I said - rather, in the fullness of time, Bush would come to be seen as the weak-sister first coming of McCain. My ...

A Great Letter To Obama
Post Date: 2008-11-11 21:52:37 by James Deffenbach
Mr. Obama, Given the uproar about the simple question asked you by Joe the plumber, and the persecution that has been heaped on him because he dared to question you, I find myself motivated to say a few things to you myself. While Joe aspires to start a business someday, I already have started not one, but 4 businesses. But first, let me introduce myself. You can call me 'Cory the well driller'. I am a 54 year old high school graduate. I didn't go to college like you, I was too ready to go 'conquer the world' when I finished high school. 25 years ago at age 29, I started my own water well drilling business at a time when the economy here in East Texas was in a tailspin ...

Memo to the Republican Party: You are a party of European-Americans. Accept it or die.
Post Date: 2008-11-10 22:55:39 by X-15
In the wake of the Republican defeat, there is the inevitable soul searching and jockeying for control. The project of defining the Republicans is quite a bit harder than for the Democrats. The Democrats don’t have an identity problem, at least since they got rid of the Southern contingent and unions (apart from government unions) began to be fairly irrelevant. They’re the party of the minorities, government workers, sexual non-conformists, and diverse beneficiaries of the leftist entitlement culture. These people all get along with each other and have no problem supporting each others’ pet projects, notwithstanding the little falling-out between the cultural leftists and the ...

Here Comes the Conservative Civil War
Post Date: 2008-11-10 21:18:46 by Jhoffa_
Here Comes the Conservative Civil War And so, with a resounding, bone-rattling crash, the conservative era ends. Now the scattered and demoralized armies of the right will turn on each other with such ferocity it will make the brutal opening scene of Gladiator look like a slap fight at a slumber party. It's about to get mercenary in the woodshed. Who lost conservatism? The first instinct among shell-shocked and infuriated partisans will be to blame anybody but their own faction for this historical repudiation. Look to the talk-radio mob to set upon conservative elites who failed to stay loyally on side, especially in the matter of Sarah Palin's candidacy. This will do nobody any ...

Kevin Craft (youtube)
Post Date: 2008-11-09 22:31:26 by Old Friend

David Dees' political satire illustrations set to the tune of Don Henley's "Inside Job".
Post Date: 2008-11-09 19:49:58 by Itisa1mosttoolate
David Dees' political satire illustrations set to the tune of Don Henley's "Inside Job".

Progressives Need to Dump Obama and the Corporatist Democrat Party (Kurt Nimmo)
Post Date: 2008-11-09 18:21:28 by christine
It really is pathetic the way libs are fooled. They invariably buy into all the manufactured hype around elections. They are hard pressed to realize the obvious fact — elections are dog and pony shows designed to trick the public into thinking they are participating in the so-called democratic process when in fact they are simply signing off on corporate and banker vetted candidates, who are little more than PR front men and script readers. Behind the paper-thin curtain of hype and distraction is the ugly reality of predatory globalism and the New World Order. Obama is no different than Bush, except he is more intelligent and more palatable to the masses. Democrats have the same agenda ...

9 Things Cocaine Osama Has to do to be My President
Post Date: 2008-11-09 09:13:22 by James Deffenbach
In the spirit of bipartisanship and in the tradition of the Democratic Party's respect for the office of the President elect Freedomslave presests his: 9 Things Cocaine Osama Has to do to be My President 1) Do a recount and a full investigation to see if this moron really won. Everyone knows there was massive voter fraud with multiple convictions in battleground states but absolutely no verification of how many votes ACORN actually stole for cocaine Osama. So this is the first step, we all would like to know who really won the election. 2) Take a citizenship test and pass it to prove as the commander in chief exactly how many states we actually have. This is not the Islamic ...

The Man of Tomorrow - His election has turned America's global image on its head.
Post Date: 2008-11-09 08:07:21 by Ferret Mike
CAPE TOWN I am rubbing my eyes in disbelief and wonder. It can't be true that Barack Obama, the son of a Kenyan, is the next president of the United States. But it is true, exhilaratingly true. An unbelievable turnaround. I want to jump and dance and shout, as I did after voting for the first time in my native South Africa on April 27, 1994. We owe our glorious victory over the awfulness of apartheid in South Africa in large part to the support we received from the international community, including the United States, and we will always be deeply grateful. But for those of us who have looked to America for inspiration as we struggled for democracy and human rights, these past seven ...

Todd Palin 2012
Post Date: 2008-11-08 19:53:12 by Old Friend
Why not? He can get a resume in place by then. If not 12 then surely 16.

Robert Fisk: Obama has to pay for eight years of Bush's delusions (Correction : All Americans Will ............)
Post Date: 2008-11-08 18:07:25 by tom007
Robert Fisk: Obama has to pay for eight years of Bush's delusions He will have to get out of Iraq, and he will have to tell Israel a few home truths Saturday, 8 November 2008 Barack Obama REUTERS How is Barack Obama going to repair the titanic damage which his vicious, lying predecessor has perpetrated around the globe and within the US itself? * Photos enlarge Related Articles * My vision for America: Speeches by Barack Obama * Economic crisis is top priority, says Obama * Howard Jacobson: Obama's cool can translate into political substance * The battle for Obama's ear: why world leaders think it's good to talk * Richard Schiff: 'I watched Obama like I watch ...

Barack Obama and America's 1997:
Post Date: 2008-11-08 13:36:23 by christine
Free Life Commentary, A Personal View from The Director of the Libertarian Alliance Issue Number 176 8th November 2008 Comments| Trackback Barack Obama and America's 1997: Welcome to the Club! by Sean Gabb I have been asked by several of my American readers to comment on their presidential election. I did think to ignore these requests. Having spent very little time there, I cannot be regarded as an expert on America. Nor am I particularly fond of the place. I think its war of independence was brought on less by the Stamp Act than by Lord Mansfield's judgement on the illegality of slavery at common law. I also think its war between the states was won by the wrong side. It would ...

Forget the Honeymoon - Getting down to bizness with Obama
Post Date: 2008-11-07 11:09:16 by Jhoffa_
Forget the Honeymoon - Getting down to bizness with Obama When I hear talk of a "honeymoon" for the President-elect – to last as long as six months, by some accounts – I think: "Fine. You lay off, and I'll do the same." But oh no, it doesn't work that way. Obama has already started in on us, and he hasn't even taken the oath of office yet. I'm talking about his appointments, starting with Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff. Hey, I thought we were gong to be treated to a bipartisan approach by the Obama administration, that he was going to "reach across the aisle" – what happened to that? Señor Emanuel is known as a ...

One report of the results of Obama being elected...
Post Date: 2008-11-06 12:40:54 by X-15
from another source: Well, it's 4:00pm and I just got in from seeing clients and am ready to sit down and deal with the results of the first day of President elect Obama. Here's what happens now: 1. Two of my biggest clients called me into meetings this morning and cancelled three of my biggest jobs for the beginning of the year 2009. Reason? Fear and planning for the impending Obama tax plan and increase in corporate/capital gains taxes. Mind you, these clients are property investors, business owners, employers, and millionaires. They are going to hold on to their cash instead of investing... 2. The stock market fell almost 500 points. Yes, it's been up and down since ...

A Warning For America From South Africa [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-11-06 10:08:22 by christine
I read this warning on my daily radio talk show last week, before the election. It is even more relevant now, because the same thing that was imposed on South Africa – by the United States – is now happening here. So many people have asked for a copy of this message from a South African journalist that I post it here. My comments on her comments are in bold. Of course the parallels cannot be exact, but see whether you recognize any of this. By Gemma Meyer (Gemma Meyer is the pseudonym of a South African journalist. She and her husband, a former conservative member of parliament, still reside in South Africa.) People used to say that South Africa was 20 years behind the rest of ...

To hell with Obama and his empty suit, join me in reflecting upon Western Civilization!!
Post Date: 2008-11-06 00:00:57 by X-15

An Anarchist View of Elections
Post Date: 2008-11-05 20:01:38 by christine
Presidential elections, and I say this in the nicest way possible, seem to bring out prolonged periods of insanity. Presidential elections are, to a large extent, exercises in insanity. We are asked to suspend all of our critical judgments. We are asked to forget the past and accept an alternate reality where, if an assertion is made strongly enough, then it becomes reality. I’m told that this is the most important presidential election that the nation has ever seen. I’m told that the economic downturn has only made this election that much more important. Not only that, but I’m told this with a passion that is seldom seen. It is the same feeling you get when you’re ...

Thank God McCain Lost!!
Post Date: 2008-11-05 18:11:19 by X-15

World: Obama and America's Demise-My Prediction
Post Date: 2008-11-05 16:15:57 by X-15
Now that Barack Obama has officially been declared America’s 44th President, I have a different prediction to what most others that oppose Obama, have. Most believe that not long after Obama’s reign, America will be thrown into chaos…decline in infrastructure and Government services (such as water treatment quality), as well as dramatic external (i.e. large sums of ‘aid’ to black and muslim states) and internal (i.e. new anti-gun laws) policy changes. Do not get me wrong, I strongly believe these negatives WILL come to fruition, but not in the time scale most believe. In fact, I strongly hope that my prediction will be incorrect, as my prediction spells the worst ...

First thoughts on the election
Post Date: 2008-11-05 12:39:12 by X-15
It would seem to be the worst of all possible results—an Obama presidency and much larger Democratic majorities in Congress. What can't be erased is the picture of adoring white faces in the crowd at Grant Park in Chicago during Obama's victory speech. They were the faces of people who had just been granted racial deliverance. Hanging on his every word, on the verge of tears of joy. Granted, these pathetic white people do not represent the majority of white people. The CNN exit poll data indicate that 55% of whites voted for McCain, including 57% of white males and 53% of white females. In the 2004 election, 58% of whites voted for Bush. The only white age group to vote for ...

Targeting Aristide in Exile
Post Date: 2008-11-05 05:55:29 by Stephen Lendman
Targeting Aristide in Exile - by Stephen Lendman Elected Haiti's president in 1990. Its first ever democratically chosen one. By a sweeping two-thirds majority. Took office in February 1991. Deposed by an army-led coup in September with all the earmarks of being made-in-Washington. Returned to office in October 1994. Served until February 1996. According to Haitian law, he couldn't succeed himself. Reelect in November 2000 with 90% of the vote. Took office in February 2001. Served until February 29, 2004 when, in the middle of the night, US marines deposed him and forced him into exile. He's now in South Africa where he remains larger than life. Haiti's symbolic leader. A ...

On January 20, 2009...
Post Date: 2008-11-04 22:57:16 by X-15
Bush should leave an effigy of the Mulatto From Chicago hanging from a chandelier and glue all the "O" keys to PC keyboards. But he won't. He still won't even document what the Clinton-gang did to the White House. He'll just slink out the back door like the egg-sucking dog that he is.

It's done ...now what?
Post Date: 2008-11-04 21:29:19 by robnoel
Buy gold and lot's of it....if you can find it!

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