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Rep Kaptur rocks the house again!: 'Lets play Wall Street Bailout'
Post Date: 2008-09-23 07:03:32 by Ferret Mike
-- Marcy Kaptur, D. Ohio 9th District; 'Lets play Wall Street Bailout'

The world should unite against the USA
Post Date: 2008-09-21 22:21:20 by Split
The anti-Russian rhetoric rolling off the tongues of the senior members of the Bush regime, and the continued anti-Russian hysteria coming out of the McCain-Palin camp, points towards the existence of a demon waiting to lunge behind the eyes of a country which appears to relish conflict and highlights the existence of a power-hungry clique which perpetuates itself through the manipulation of fear. The aggressive stance taken against Russia by Condoleeza Rice, Richard (Dick) Cheney, John McCain and Sarah Palin (and of course George W. Bush himself, although one has to give him a discount) after their American forces aided the Georgian armed forces in a criminal act of murderous aggression ...

Why mongrels beat pedigree dogs
Post Date: 2008-09-21 07:28:47 by Ada
As the RSPCA cuts its links with Crufts over concerns about the breeding of deformed pedigree dogs, our writer makes an impassioned plea on the joy to be gained from owning a humble mongrel Former Labour Party Deputy Leader Lord Hattersley, with his dog Buster in St James's Park, London Do not believe that the class war is over. Whether or not it is still fought out in human society, it still rages on in the battle of the breeds. Canis or Homo sapien, I am on the side of the proletariat. I am a mongrel man. A mongrel I was born and it is a mongrel which I want to walk beside me across the hills of home. I am biased. Mongrels are the only dogs that I have ever owned. Bessy was a ...

Save yourself... a letter from son to father
Post Date: 2008-09-19 15:48:27 by angle
Editor's Note: A good example of an important message to a family member in these critical times: By: Vincent Bressler Here's the bottom line: The skeleton of the world's dollar denominated financial system is one quadrillion dollars worth of unregulated over the counter derivative contracts. These derivative contracts can not be closed out. Forget about the solutions that you have heard about so far. There are only two possible resolutions: 1) Default through hyperinflation of the dollar - injection of hundreds of trillions of dollars in to the world's money markets, while issuing of new derivatives is stopped dead in its tracks. 2) Bankruptcy What we have now is a ...

George W. Truman
Post Date: 2008-09-19 15:24:31 by wudidiz
George W. Truman A plainspoken president who led an unpopular but necessary war, and wound up vindicated. By Charles Krauthammer For the last 150 years, most American war presidents — most notably Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt — have entered (or re-entered) office knowing war was looming. Not so George Bush. Not so the war on terror. The 9/11 attacks literally came out of the blue. Indeed, the three presidential campaigns between the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9/11 were the most devoid of foreign-policy debate of any in the 20th century. The commander-in-chief question that dominates our campaigns today was almost nowhere in evidence during our ‘90s holiday from ...

Teachers should not carry guns
Post Date: 2008-09-19 00:42:33 by X-15
The school board of Harrold, Texas, has authorized an undisclosed number of its faculty to carry concealed handguns while on school property this fall. The board established its decision through an education code loophole that states “security personnel” must be “commissioned peace officers.” Board members claim that teachers are not security personnel. They are educators protecting their students, which exempts them from being peace officers. This decision has shocked people worldwide and sets a frightening precedent. Teachers have no business carrying concealed weapons while on school property. They are trained to educate, not make life-and-death decisions in the ...

Rein In Fannie, Freddie? Not Dodd
Post Date: 2008-09-16 22:32:28 by rack42
Taxpayers face a tab of as much as $200 billion for a government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the formerly semi-autonomous mortgage finance clearinghouses. And Sen. Christopher Dodd, the Democratic chairman of the Senate banking committee, has the gall to say in a Bloomberg Television interview: "I have a lot of questions about where was the administration over the last eight years." We will save the senator some trouble. Here is what we saw firsthand at the White House from late 2002 through 2007: Starting in 2002, White House and Treasury Department economic policy staffers, with support from then-Chief of Staff Andy Card, began to press for meaningful reforms of ...

Post Date: 2008-09-16 22:07:31 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Date: 8/3/2008 10:57:11 AM Subject: Martial Law Is Now Only Weeks Away!!] I do not make it a practice to pass this type of article along but in reading it and doing some quick research Some of his markers points are really valid. Enjoy remember don't shoot the messenger. Jim PRIORITY REPORT: MARTIAL LAW IS NOW ONLY WEEKS AWAY! I don't know whether you have heard of George Green, but he is a former investment banker (Registered Financial Principal with the N.A.S.D.) and a Broker/Dealer, Securities Underwriter, Real Estate Developer, Insurance Broker and Publisher, who was invited to become a member of the 'Power Elite'. However, faced with a moral and ethical dilemma, he ...

Why the US image declined in the Muslim World?
Post Date: 2008-09-15 17:27:46 by Split
Seven years after 9/11, hostility towards the US remains at shocking levels in the Muslim world where the US has followed a double standard policy. Its relationship with the Muslim nations has been based on a kind of hegemony which had taken shape in the Cold War era and continued in the post-Cold War period. During the Cold War era the US followed the Truman doctrine of containment to limit and prevent Soviet expansionism. The US endeavored to develop its presence in different parts of the world including Muslim countries, particularly the Middle East, to contain the Soviet expansion. The strategically located Arab nations of the Middle East were important to the United States for their ...

Ten Tips for Obama (actually there are 11)
Post Date: 2008-09-15 09:56:10 by James Deffenbach
Ten Tips for Obama By Randall Hoven Senator Obama, the latest news is that this presidential election is close, that there is, ahem, some possibility that you might, er, lose. I offer you some tips to keep your campaign on track. Back in July I recommended to Senator McCain that he should choose Sarah Palin for VP . He took my advice and you see what that did for him. You might want to listen to me. 1. Keep doing what you have been doing. In the primaries you beat the supposedly "inevitable" winner, Hillary Clinton, and a gaggle of Democrats more experienced than you, by doing your thing. And your thing is making speeches, speeches well-salted with "hope", ...

Loyalty to My Country
Post Date: 2008-09-15 05:47:22 by wudidiz
Loyalty to My CountryBy Bill RichardsonTuesday, April 1, 2008; 10:29 AMMy recent endorsement of Barack Obama for president has been the subject of much discussion and consternation -- particularly among supporters of Hillary Clinton. Led by political commentator James Carville, who makes a living by being confrontational and provocative, Clinton supporters have speculated about events surrounding this endorsement and engaged in personal attacks and insults. While I certainly will not stoop to the low level of Mr. Carville, I feel compelled to defend myself against character assassination and baseless allegations. Carville has made it very clear that this is a personal attack -- driven by ...

Sarah Palin, The Bush Doctrine, and Why It's Smart To Be Dumb
Post Date: 2008-09-14 19:21:10 by angle
It's one of the most cringe-worthy moments in recent American political history: "Do you believe in the Bush Doctrine?" The awkward pause, then the smug, patronizing comeback. "In what respect, Charlie?" Charlie Gibson, taken aback, perhaps realizing that this is The Moment for which he'll be known for the rest of his career. "The Bush -- w-w-well, what do you interpret it to be?" And then the painful, filibustering non-answer that I can hardly bear to watch without feeling embarrassed for Sarah Palin, John McCain, and this great nation of ours. I'm not saying that every American besides Governor Palin knows what the Bush Doctrine is. Hell, I ...

Democracy for Dummies
Post Date: 2008-09-14 14:27:48 by statusquobuster
I confess. I believe there is a ruling class that sustains the two-party plutocracy running the nation for the benefit of the rich and corporate class. Their broad strategy is deception and delusion. Tactically, they use government, the mainstream media, the financial services sector, funding of politicians and the two major parties, and many other parts of the culture and economy to maintain their power and control. Elections do not threaten elites. To the contrary, political debate and elections are important to maintain the illusion and delusion of a real democracy. They are key to prevent outright revolution, marginalize dissidents and political reform efforts, and suppress third ...

The Video That Barack Obama DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!
Post Date: 2008-09-13 19:48:55 by James Deffenbach
"Obama's problems continue. He still has Meeks do deal with. He also has the Black Panthers, Ayers, and Rezko in his closet. Obama has so many skeletons in the closet, if he gets in the White House it will become the Haunted House." Comment by: barackobamaLIED

WE RUN THIS: The Latest Video from Anonymous (Scientologist)
Post Date: 2008-09-13 14:54:50 by gengis gandhi

Dan Rather Explains the Bought and Paid for Media-Link TV
Post Date: 2008-09-13 14:19:37 by gengis gandhi

Nuking Iran With the UN's Blessing
Post Date: 2008-09-13 08:19:12 by angle
In the "global war on terror," Iran is the next target, having been designated by the U.S. State Department as "the most active state sponsor of terrorism" in the world. The United Nations has given its blessing, and the U.S. will fill in the blanks. Before we analyze this, however, let us ask ourselves: why not Florida instead? In fact, Florida should be way ahead on the list. Family considerations should not play a role in U.S. policy decisions. Let's compare the cases. For Florida: At least 15 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers had Florida connections. Thirteen of the 19 were in Florida before Sept.11. Eight of the hijackers took flying lessons in Venice, Fla. ...

Let's Pretend
Post Date: 2008-09-12 16:58:48 by christine
Let's pretend. Pretend along with me for a few moments that it actually matters whether John McCain or Barack Obama assumes the American presidency in January. Gosh - just which of these fine fellows should we elect? With McCain, we get a crashing economy and WWIII (sung to the tune of "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran"). With Obama, we get a crashing economy and WWIII. My, oh my. How on earth will we ever decide? Black or a Pit Bull with Lipstick? Well, instead, perhaps we should focus on what really matters to Americans: Shall we elect America's first Black President or her first female Vice President (the latter of which would be one very shaky heartbeat away from ...

Hurricane Report From Lake Charles Louisiana
Post Date: 2008-09-12 11:40:53 by tom007
From phone conversations with family - They have elected to stay in Lake Charles to ride out Ike. Ike is HUGE and at this writing appears to be heading for Houston which means LC will be on the "tough" side of the storm. About 90% of the houses in their sub division have evacuated. The roads are congested to a near standstill. This is why a evacuation mandate was not given - we now know cities cannot be evacuated in a couple of days, they cannot be. They are filling their bathtub up with water to flush the toilets with and have bot a lot of bottled water and food and charcol to cook with (outside) when the power goes out. Already the winds are blowing down some tree limbs and ...

Don't let yourselves be played like fools, brothers and sisters
Post Date: 2008-09-11 22:52:48 by Tauzero
Don't let yourselves be played like fools, brothers and sisters If Kwame Kilpatrick were white, don't you think he'd have been thrown out of office a long time ago? Heck, he'd be out of jail by now and shopping his memoirs. Instead, it was just last week, after a year of scandal and revelation that has paralyzed his city and made it the punch line to an international joke, that Detroit's mayor surrendered his office and copped a plea: 120 days in jail, five years probation, and a $1 million fine. Because, you see, Kilpatrick is not white, he is black in a city that is itself over 80 percent black. And that complicated things. For instance, it led to undeserved support ...

Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty
Post Date: 2008-09-10 11:49:14 by James Deffenbach
Reactions September 10th, 2008 by Matt Hawes Now that the press conference is over, post your reaction under this thread - makes it easier for people to sort through rather than checking out each post below. Share/Save/Bookmark Posted in Ron Paul | No Comments » CNN Coverage of the Press Conference September 10th, 2008 by Matt Hawes CNN is airing it right now on their website. Look in the upper right hand corner at the live video feed. Here’s the link: http://www.cnn.com/video/live/live.html?stream=stream3 Share/Save/Bookmark Posted in Media | 60 Comments » We Agree September 10th, 2008 by Don Rasmussen The Republican/Democrat duopoly has, for far too long, ignored ...

The Federal Reserve's War Against the Human Race
Post Date: 2008-09-09 02:19:40 by christine
American foreign policy is corrupted by a powerful influence so arrogantly reckless it endangers the human race. This influence isn't Big Oil or Zionism, which are merely tools of the real power. The real power that controls US foreign policy is Big Money – the central banking institution known as the Federal Reserve System. The ultimate in corporate welfare, the Fed is a government-supported banking cartel which creates trillions of dollars from mere bookkeeping entries. The $123 billion in Big Oil profits last year is trivial in comparison. In political clout, Big Money is the driver and Big Oil is only along for the ride. Likewise, Israel is also but a passenger. True, US ...

Another Dead Friday Night
Post Date: 2008-09-06 04:00:54 by wudidiz
Yeah. What's up with that? I guess people have lives. I have a life. A significant part of my life is posting on 4um. I often find myself rather alone here on Friday nights however. Market wrap up. Sorry, I just don't get it. I couldn't even tell you what a stock is. I don't wear gold. If I had money to buy silver, I'd probably spend it on food. There is, fortunately, no shortage of 9/11 articles. Fascinating stuff. I do wonder why there's so little recent stuff about chemtrails. I guess once you've seen one, you've seen 'em all. Never fails to intrigue me how they general public is mostly unaware that they even exist. I mean, the sky's full of them. ...

Deek Jackson ~ TITS N ASS 4 GOD
Post Date: 2008-09-05 08:28:13 by angle

Sarah Palin Is My Girl
Post Date: 2008-09-05 03:28:17 by X-15
With grave suspicion and reservations, I nonetheless rejoice that the fading embers of conservatism may have indeed caught fire once more. That fireball is Gov.Sarah Palin of Alaska, I pray the next Vice President of the United States. Now I know why I have seen no one with any guts in the Republican Party in so long: the governor of Alaska has them all. Her speech last night was clearly a grand slam out-of-the-park home run. America, we have liftoff! By selecting Gov. Palin to be his running mate, Sen. McCain has finally electrified the conservative base -- the very base he desperately needs to defeat Sen.Obama in November. I, for one, am greatly relieved and inspired by her message, ...

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