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Sarah Palin gets the spiteful Margaret Thatcher treatment
Post Date: 2008-09-05 03:21:17 by X-15
There are few sights more bloodcurdling than the liberal pack in full cry. The viciousness of the attacks on Sarah Palin is a testimony to the degree of panic her appointment has generated in Leftist circles. It would seem that it is only sexist to trash a woman candidate if she is a Woman Candidate, which is to say a liberal. It took about 20 minutes after John McCain announced her as his running mate for the attack machine to mobilise: woman candidate (bleep, bleep), no previous warning (nee-naw, nee-naw), exterminate, exterminate. At first, it was pretty tenuous stuff: her husband had once been caught on a drink-drive charge - when he was 22 years old. You don't say. In ...

Where have the Clintons been since Gov. Palin arrived???
Post Date: 2008-09-04 22:19:41 by X-15
I still think that Hitlery has been going through some epic temper-tantrums. Bill is drowning his sorrows between the legs of multiple women since last Friday, he's off the hook and free now.

Unintelligence in Federal Intelligence Agencies
Post Date: 2008-09-04 16:22:39 by statusquobuster
Unintelligence in Federal Intelligence Agencies Joel S. Hirschhorn The Bush administration has found yet another way to waste taxpayer money while providing huge sums to private contractors. According to a survey of activities in 2007 by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, about a third of the federal professional intelligence workforce now consists of contractors, mostly in the Washington, DC area. Out of a total workforce of about 100,000 people some 37,000 are private employees that cost the government (we taxpayers) about $207,000 annually, compared with about $125,000 for civilian federal employee’s salaries and benefits. Contractors have lured people with ...

What Palin Didn’t Say and What McCain Won’t!
Post Date: 2008-09-04 14:10:17 by James Deffenbach
Sometimes what is not said is more important than what is said. Yesterday’s speech at the Republican National Convention by Sarah Palin will be haled as a home-run. After all, in Washington what matters, now seemingly for the GOP too, is style over substance. What conservatives have railed about not being important, skin color and/or gender in this case, has been hoisted as a banner and used now that it benefits them. Meanwhile, eight, and again four years ago, conservatives were promised a good many things by the current sitting lame duck president who’s out in the barnyard attempting to scratch out a legacy for himself that does not have the word “treason” written all ...

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain
Post Date: 2008-09-04 00:14:11 by James Deffenbach

John McCain's Casting Couch
Post Date: 2008-09-03 09:23:36 by angle
I've always disliked casting meetings. Prepping a movie is an engaging process, but picking the right actor for the right role is downright frustrating. For one thing, there's always somebody in the meeting who thinks he has the magic answers. He knows who is destined for stardom. Then there's the director, who looks smart but can't make up his mind. I was thinking about this process the other day when I learned that John McCain had held his casting session and selected his star -- a woman named Sarah Palin. McCain and Palin have had only one substantive conversation, it seems, but he concluded she was right for the role. Or maybe that's what his casting director ...

Teacher pay at $100k?
Post Date: 2008-09-03 09:18:31 by angle
This fall, public schools across America are experimenting with teacher pay incentives to improve student achievement. The extra dollars, though, mostly amount to lunch money compared to a radical proposal in Washington, D.C. – upwards of $100,000 in salary and bonuses. With Washington's middle schools the worst performing of the nation's urban districts, the city's warrior-like school chancellor, Michelle Rhee, is calling for a revolution. Other cities should watch closely. Drastic nonlearning calls for drastic measures. Studies show that a good teacher is the most effective way for a school to boost student academic progress – more than first-class textbooks, ...

Johnny's got a new girl...Sarah Palin to be his co-pilot was the biggest gamble in presidential history. As of now, it is paying off, big-time.
Post Date: 2008-09-02 20:33:23 by Old Friend
Johnny's got a new girl Posted: September 02, 2008 5:55 pm Eastern © 2008 The risk John McCain took last Friday is comparable to the 72-year-old ex-fighter pilot knocking back two shots and flying his F-16 under the Golden Gate Bridge. McCain's choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his co-pilot was the biggest gamble in presidential history. As of now, it is paying off, big-time. The sensational selection in Dayton, Ohio, stepped all over the big story from Denver – Barack Obama's powerful address to 85,000 cheering folks in Mile High Stadium, and 35 million nationally, a speech that vaulted him from a 2-point deficit early in the week to an 8-point margin. ...

How Obama Lost the Election
Post Date: 2008-09-02 16:39:58 by swarthyguy
DENVER - Senator Barack Obama's acceptance speech last week seemed vastly different from the stands of this city's Invesco Stadium than it did to the 40 million who saw it on television. Melancholy hung like think smog over the reserved seats where I sat with Democratic Party staffers. The crowd, of course, cheered mechanically at the tag lines, flourished placards, and even rose for the obligatory wave around the stadium. But its mood was sour. The air carried the acrid smell of defeat, and the crowd took shallow breaths. Even the appearance of R&B great Stevie Wonder failed to get the blood pumping. The speech itself dragged on for three-quarters of an hour. As David S Broder ...

Sarah Palin's Career Ends in Tragedy [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-02 07:39:30 by wudidiz
Sarah Palin's Career Ends in Tragedyby Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. The frenzied reaction of the middle class all over the country toward Sarah Palin has no real precedent that I can remember. Indeed, the reaction especially among women is completely understandable. She provides a much welcome cultural break from the chip-on-the-shoulder, grudge-against-the-world model of public women that have been held up to us for years, embodied in the belligerent and insufferable person of Hillary Clinton. Sarah, on the other hand, is both beautiful and professionally accomplished, a wife and mother and a natural politician, both religious and secular, both feminine ...

Red State Update: Sarah Palin Picked As McCain's VP
Post Date: 2008-09-01 17:36:46 by James Deffenbach

Blutarsky (on LP) Knocks One Out Of The Park
Post Date: 2008-09-01 14:26:57 by James Deffenbach
I heard her little speech about "changing Washington!" What a bunch of CRAP! No one is going to "change Washington," least of all not a VP candidate sitting under a president who is part and parcel of the reason why it needs changing! What we need is a leader(s) that stand up to Washington and don't put up with its bulls**t! If Palin is serious then she can start at home with McCain! When she begins to lock horns with him on some subjects prior to the election, then perhaps we will consider voting for her. Not until because if she can't do that, then she will have ZERO success doing it at any other levels besides just "preapproved" ones. It really ...

OMG THIS IS SERIOUS - Beer Shortage In Southern Louisiana Due To Gustav Fears - MY GOD PEOPLE, THIS IS SERIOUS
Post Date: 2008-08-30 18:09:29 by tom007
O The Humanity! All is near lost.

Make Her Whine
Post Date: 2008-08-30 16:56:00 by Ferret Mike
Already the Democratic pundits are worrying about whether to attack Sarah Palin -- will it look like bullying? Will it make voters sympathize with her? Will it make voters identify with her and vote for her? Women are supposed to lay off her because -- she is a woman! The thinking goes that we can't question her choices because women's choices are sacrosanct. Nor can we investigate her life (beauty queen, Christian Dominionist, links to Ted Stevens, childbearing history) because those are private issues. But what Sarah Palin shows is that once again, the right wing is adept at turning the women's movement upside down and offering us a woman who reinforces patriarchal power ...

Jimmy Carter Calls Obama "this Black Boy"
Post Date: 2008-08-27 23:14:33 by James Deffenbach

Post Date: 2008-08-27 08:33:37 by Itisa1mosttoolate
like this title it is not very visible , not very obvious, not very much in the 'light'. It is kind of 'underneath' the 'typical' persons' consciousness sort of like a submarine is to a person looking out across the Sea and yet not being able to seen. The Bible calls Lucifer the ".. the most subtle of all creatures" Missing Links from missinglinks on Vimeo.

The "eloquent speaker," Barack Obama (Barack Obama Uh-Count)
Post Date: 2008-08-25 23:18:12 by James Deffenbach
Poster comment: Without a script and a teleprompter, he is toast.

I'm NOT On Putin's Bandwagon (New World Order = Zionism + Anti-Zionism)
Post Date: 2008-08-25 21:37:15 by christine
I had as much satisfaction as anyone from the humiliation Vlad Putin dealt the Zionists in Georgia recently. However, I'm not joining in the general celebration evinced by articles like "The Zionist West Has Met Its Match" by Karl Schwartz (August 23, 2008.) (Schwartz-http://www.rense.com/general83/match.htm) To equate the New World Order with Zionism is incorrect. Zionism is just one pincer in the NWO. The other is Opposition-to-Zionism, represented by Russia's Putin and Iran's Ahmadinejad. The Rothschilds control them both through MI-6. This dialectic succeeds the Nazi-Communist one of WW2. You can't have a Third World War unless you have two sides. This time round, Putin and ...

Is Michelle Obama Pregnant? See The Pictures And Decide
Post Date: 2008-08-25 18:36:57 by James Deffenbach
Rumors have been circulating that Barrack Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, is pregnant and will be announcing it at the Democratic National Convention when she speaks. But is this true and where is the source from? According to reports the rumor started with conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh speculated and said that Michelle Obama is pregnant. Rush believes that Michelle will make the announcement tonight in Denver at the Democratic Convention. Posters comment:

What would you do for money?
Post Date: 2008-08-23 17:47:04 by James Deffenbach
What would you do for money? Would you flip burgers? Would you work overtime? Would you cold-call to sell people products they don't need? Would you evict a poor tenant? Would you pollute a community? Would you sell medicine to the sick and needy? Would you build cluster bombs? Would you sell out your nation? Would you bring down the World Trade Center to kick off WWIII? Many of these you wouldn't do, though others would (and did). But, what about marrying someone you're not physically attracted to? Women regard healthy finances as more important than good looks in a man, according to a survey[.] Almost half (45 percent) said a healthy bank balance is more ...

Michael Moore Dares to Ask: What's So Heroic About Being Shot Down While Bombing Innocent Civilians?
Post Date: 2008-08-22 12:30:00 by gengis gandhi
Michael Moore Dares to Ask: What's So Heroic About Being Shot Down While Bombing Innocent Civilians? Posted by Liliana Segura, AlterNet at 11:35 AM on August 21, 2008. Like Iraq, Vietnam was not a noble cause. It's time we stopped letting politicians and the press perpetuate the McCain War Hero myth. Post Tools email EMAIL print PRINT 154 COMMENTS bombers Also in War on Iraq Pro-Choice Women Flee From McCain When They Discover His Positions Jill Hussein C. Brilliant at Breakfast Poll-Watch: On Eve of Convention, Obama's Numbers Rise In Key Swing States Daniel Nichanian Huffington Post A President Elected by Popular Vote? Christian Smith-Socaris Progressive States This ...

Let me show you how I ride
Post Date: 2008-08-21 23:11:38 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:Let's all give a big hand, to...crack head!

A White South Africa - What Went Wrong?
Post Date: 2008-08-21 12:27:32 by X-15
In 1980, White South Africa was acknowledged -- even by her enemies -- as the most powerful country on the African continent. Now, 25 years later, this White giant has collapsed and is in the hands of the ANC. The Afrikaners, once masters of the country, are today a subject nation, ruled by people, who only 120 years ago, did not have the wheel.How did this happen? What happened to Apartheid? Why did that policy not guarantee White survival in that country? What went wrong? Arthur Kemp provides the answer. "It is one of the many bitter ironies about South Africa that the policy of Apartheid – to which Afrikaners clung for decades as their only hope and salvation from Third World ...

'Guns in the hands of good people'
Post Date: 2008-08-18 15:02:07 by freepatriot32
June 28, 2008, was a defining moment in my life. It was the day I shot and killed a man in the defense of my life and the lives of others. We all have defining moments. They might not be as tragic as taking another man's life, but they are events that change the way we look at things -- or even, perhaps, how we live our lives. Before that muggy Saturday evening in June, I would have said my defining moments were many: graduating from high school; enlisting in the Army; getting married; having children; getting run over by a tow truck; and especially, meeting my fiancée, Maria. All of these events, and more, have happened in my life and changed me. * * * On June 28, only two ...

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