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Basic Premises
Post Date: 2008-08-18 06:49:39 by Ada
What follows are a few of the basic premises on which I base my thinking. You might or might not agree with them, but may I suggest that you make a list of your own basic premises. It will help you clarify your thinking. Government is inherently incompetent, and no matter what task it is assigned, it will do that task in the most expensive and inefficient way possible. The American government is corrupt from top to bottom. If you rely on the mass media to inform you about your community, state and nation, you will, with rare exceptions, be woefully ignorant of what is really going on. The universal franchise is a bad idea. The notion that the destiny of the nation should be put in the ...

Is Osama bin Ladin running for president of the United States?
Post Date: 2008-08-16 23:56:57 by James Deffenbach
58. To: jessejane, blackhorse (#55) If evil exists, should we ignore it, negotiate with it, contain it, or defeat it? Johnnie: "Defeat it." What the hell did anyone expect him to say? Then he immediately goes straight to Osama bin Ladin. WHAT THE HELL! Is Osama bin Ladin running for president of the United States? Happy2BMe-OnLP posted on 2008-08-16 21:39:27 ET Reply Trace This reply on that thread about the clown convention out at the Saddleback "Church" tickled me BUT GOOD (as the Toddler would say).

Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper on Ending the Drug War
Post Date: 2008-08-16 18:01:23 by James Deffenbach

As Scientology Expands, So Do Its Naysayers
Post Date: 2008-08-15 19:30:04 by James Deffenbach
Masked protesters are taking to Seattle streets as the church eyes new facilities downtown and in lower Queen Anne. Motorists stuck on Mercer Street this summer have been treated to an odd overhead sight as they crawl under Aurora Avenue toward I-5. Wielding banners and signs, a small band of protesters has appeared on certain evenings, waving at drivers below and encouraging them to honk if they hate Xenu. On other nights, farther west in the Uptown neighborhood, the same merry pranksters have shown up outside an empty old office building declaring their opposition to thetans and federal tax exemptions. Other times they march to Westlake or Seattle Center to hand out flyers. Always they ...

Corporate Media Bashes New Chavez Enabling Law Decrees
Post Date: 2008-08-15 06:04:59 by Stephen Lendman
Corporate Media Bashes New Chavez Enabling Law Decrees - by Stephen Lendman In January 2007, Hugo Chavez announced his "Bolivarian Socialism" project for the 21st century and explained its dependence on five revolutionary "motors:" -- constitutional reform; -- "Bolivarian popular education;" -- redefining and changing the organs of state power; -- an explosion of communal power at the grass roots; and -- the "mother (Enabling) Law to make all other "motors" possible. Under Venezuelan constitutional law, Enabling Law power is legal but limited. So despite media and opposition claims, it doesn't grant Chavez sweeping "rule by ...

Rule by fear or rule by law?
Post Date: 2008-08-14 12:15:28 by Horse
"The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist." - Winston Churchill, Nov. 21, 1943 Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law, arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and detain people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of "an emergency influx of immigrants in the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new ...

Breaking Bush's Blockade
Post Date: 2008-08-14 11:36:59 by Horse
I am not the only one in America who understands that the real reason why the United States and Israel have decided to back Georgia into provoking Russia during the 2008 Olympics is that the devious duo are planning to slide the entire planet into World War III while the major powers are preoccupied with more immediate concerns in Georgia and at the Summer Olympics in Beijing. I have reprinted below a rather impressive listing of the additional naval assets President Bush just recently ordered to the Persian Gulf. The size of the naval operation that will soon be off the coast of Iran can only lead us to conclude that President Bush and the Israelis are planning either a war or a blockade ...

I am drinking...
Post Date: 2008-08-14 00:42:51 by X-15
...some genuine West Virginia moonshine. George Bush would KILL me to get some of this stuff.

Georgia War is Bush's Chickens Coming Home to Roost
Post Date: 2008-08-13 02:02:25 by Indrid Cold
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl2qzbCzzw8 Cenk knocks it out of the park on this one. For some reason, Youtube quit providing the HTML for embedding...

The Definition of “Diversity”
Post Date: 2008-08-12 20:21:13 by X-15
For years we Kinists have been saying and writing that the definition of diversity is “the fewest White people possible.” And now, one news outlet comes clean and admits it. The headline of the story is “Los Angeles and Texas Counties Most Diverse in the U.S.” The story begins by cheerfully proclaiming that in 1 out of every 10 United States counties minorities are the majority, and that 302 counties are considered “majority-minority,” based on 2007 estimates. Here are 2 paragraphs directly from the article, and maybe you’ll notice something that I noticed. Here they are: “In terms of sheer numbers, California’s Los Angeles County leads the ...

Working Poor Unready to Revolt
Post Date: 2008-08-07 17:41:26 by statusquobuster
Once upon a time when governments no longer served most of their citizens it was the most economically disadvantaged that could be counted on to rebel against tyranny and injustice. Times have changed, for the worse, despite the spread of democracy. Here we are with a two-party plutocracy that preferentially serves corporate and wealthy interests and lets the middle class suffer and sink. Plausibly, the middle class is unready to revolt because it still maintains a relatively good standard of living despite rising economic insecurity. But what about the lowest 40 percent of Americans that are the working poor? A recent survey of this group by the Washington Post, the Henry J. Kaiser ...

Ted Koppel Documentary Whitewashes China
Post Date: 2008-08-07 16:31:34 by X-15
My frequent complaint is that the (overwhelming) majority of the U.S. electorate knows practically nothing about the “People’s Republic” of China. There are films about China produced by Chinese dissidents, but such films are not shown in the United States for fear they might spoil those amicable Sino-U.S. relations, established by Bill Clinton, George Bush, and their helpmates and supporters. However, I had heard that on Aug. 26, starting at 7 p.m., Ted Koppel would be showing his four-part series documentary on China on the Investigation Discovery Channel. Koppel is not a youngster from a parochial village. He is 68 years old. But it is not clear what he and his ...

This is Horseshit !--CINDY SHEEHAN
Post Date: 2008-08-07 09:21:30 by gengis gandhi
This is Horseshit ! CINDY SHEEHAN http://www.cindyforcongress.org/ from .. Counterpunch Wednesday, Aug 6, 2008 It is not if we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists will we be? – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr You know, I don’t care if it’s not proper for a Congressional candidate to say: “horseshit.” I don’t care if it is not a good “tactic” to get kicked out of a Congressional non-impeachment hearing that was just a bunch of horseshit anyway. I don’t care if I get accused of being too “extreme” for bucking the (cyst)em by doing everything form camping in a ditch in Crawford, Tx to non-violent civil disobedience to, lately, ...

Thou Shalt Not Disappoint Her [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-08-06 17:19:06 by X-15
Nothing symbolizes spineless deference more than a man on bended knee proposing marriage to his girlfriend. When he utters to her that timeless four-word question — “Will you marry me?” — he is taking the biggest risk of his life: disappointing her. Through this emasculating act, he’s really asking her to bury him. And, if he should, G-d forbid, disappoint his delicate flower, one only wonders how she might retaliate. Americans, who hate to see their women disappointed, will give her lots of latitude — whether she throws his clothes out the window, slaps him in the face (as Teri Hatcher, out of petty anger, did to Pierce Brosnan in Tomorrow Never Dies), or ...

Preventing Fatal Errors During Raids
Post Date: 2008-08-06 11:36:16 by CAPPSMADNESS
Too often, civilians who don't have to face the dangers police officers deal with are quick to criticize the men and women who are our first defense against crime. That said, it is clear that something went terribly wrong Jan. 4 in Lima, Ohio, during a police raid on a home occupied by a drug trafficker. During the raid, police Sgt. Joseph Chavalia accidentally shot an unarmed 26-year-old woman, killing her and badly injuring the baby she was holding. On Monday, a jury in Lima acquitted Chavalia of misdemeanor charges of negligent homicide and negligent assault. Black leaders in the area were extremely upset by the verdicts. One said they indicated "that there's a very low ...

Does the "Anthrax Killer" 'discovery' follow the typical "patsy" recipe? (stephen hatfill, oswald, sirhan, mc veigh)
Post Date: 2008-08-05 10:40:02 by gengis gandhi
simply put, the spooks use the same methodology of manipulation and creation of beliefs. you can detect their hand simply by how events unfold, and how they follow the same path, like a recipe or any other system. is this system evident here, this is my only question?

Be Right Wing and Multiply
Post Date: 2008-07-31 15:24:19 by Tauzero
Be right wing and multiply Many self-absorbed liberals would rather pamper themselves than have children. As a result, conservatives are doing a better job at propagating their (ideological) species Peter Schweizer, National Post Published: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 Today's liberalism is completely wrapped up with the notion of self. The legacy of the 1960s "if it feels good do it" ethos is alive and well. Modern liberals often embrace these teachings and incorporate them in the way they live their lives and maintain their relationships. For dramatic proof, go to the streets of a liberal enclave like San Francisco, Seattle or Vermont. There will be plenty of expensive ...

Winds of War: Thinking About the Unthinkable – Part 1: Civil War In Europe
Post Date: 2008-07-29 23:35:23 by X-15
I still stand on the statement that ‘real war’ will start when the free world finally awakes from its Islamist induced slumber. When the war arrives, it will be succinct, clear to everyone and with a focused objective - as it did for Europe on September 1st, 1939 and America on December 7th, 1941. In my opinion and many others, this is the shape of the war to come in three parts. Militaristic: Like all other wars, there will be a theater of battle across the globe. Demographic: Civil war in Europe between the Islamists and native Europeans. Economic: To defeat America they will attempt to seriously damage our economic and social infrastructure and have us sue for peace. In this ...

We Need More Direct Democracy
Post Date: 2008-07-29 13:55:12 by statusquobuster
Representative government fails when corrupt politicians mostly serve corporate and other special interests. Then it is crucial for citizens to have direct democracy opportunities. This means having the right to place initiatives or referenda on ballots that can make new laws, amend constitutions, recall elected officials, or control taxes and government spending. Though many local and 24 state governments provide rules for some ballot measures and initiatives, they have been limited by diverse establishment, status quo political interests on the left and right that feel threatened by such populist citizen power. I was impressed by the recent Wall Street Journal article by John Fund: The ...

A Bad Choice (McCain)
Post Date: 2008-07-29 12:02:24 by X-15
Sen. John McCain, already confused about Sunnis and Shiites, now is confused about geography and recent history. Take it from a gray-hair, the guy is too old to be trusted with the presidency. The press has been kind to McCain, not even reporting some of his gaffes, apparently on the grounds that "Well, he's an old guy, so he'll occasionally misspeak." On his last trip to the Middle East, he got his Sunnis and Shiites confused three times in one day. More recently, he referred to the Iraq-Pakistan border, which, of course, does not exist. Now trying to claim credit for the misnamed surge (actually, it was an escalation of troop levels), he's got his history confused. ...

Who Threatens You Most: The President, Congress, Fed--Or Iran?
Post Date: 2008-07-26 19:35:11 by Horse
Some day in the not-too-distant future, someone will pen a book called Who Wrecked America ? If the book is honest, fingers will be pointed at the crooks and liars in Washington DC and Wall Street, at lobbyists (pimps) and Congressmen (whores), at bankers and war toy makers, at AIPAC and PNAC, at presidents, executives and generals. Doubtful that anyone will conclude that Iran had much to do with the destruction of America . Although today Iran remains in the gunsights of the master criminals in DC, that distant land does less damage to America than a handful of high American officials. Truthfully, I feel more threatened by Bush and Bolton , by Barack and Barak, by McCain and Cheney and ...

Post Date: 2008-07-25 01:22:30 by X-15
Lincoln’s WAR was to save the union? A union --- just like it was when, originally, created, I presume? Let’s remember a bit. We do live in a nation begun with “secession.” On this North American continent were free men who had SECEDED from England and defended themselves and their land from an all powerful, central government’s red coated, bayonet-wielding military. Oh, and a vast number of these men were Southerners and, even by modern historians, were recognized as being absolutely dedicated to obtaining liberty and freedom from an all powerful, oppressive government imposing great taxes on Americans. Southerners, farmers, mostly, were more intent on freedom ...

Obama, One Worlder Nutcase [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-07-24 20:30:29 by James Deffenbach
Talking to a crowd in Germany, he said: "Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen -- a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world." http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=138183

The Damned Race
Post Date: 2008-07-24 13:24:19 by Tauzero
The Damned Race While researching some issues tonight, I came across an article written by an old favourite, the oddly named Professor Revilo Oliver. (Revilo is a palindrome of Oliver, his surname – a sick joke played on him through his father’s twisted sense of humour) The late Prof Oliver was one of the sharpest and most politically incorrect minds of recent times. In fact, so politically incorrect was he that even I hesitate and think twice when quoting him on SA Sucks! Oliver, who passed away in 1994 had a keen interest in South African affairs. He published a newsletter entitled “The Liberty Bell”, in which he fearlessly held forth on racial issues. Apart from ...

Obama's Anger: Vietnamese vs Blacks/Obama
Post Date: 2008-07-23 13:02:06 by X-15
Obama's Anger By Ed Kaitz "The anger is real. It is powerful, and to simply wish it away, to condemn it without understanding its roots, only serves to widen the chasm of misunderstanding that exists between the races." Barack Obama Back in the late 1980s I was on a plane flying out of New Orleans and sitting next to me was a rather interesting and, according to Barack Obama, unusual black man. Friendly, gregarious, and wise beyond his years, we immediately hit it off. I had been working on Vietnamese commercial fishing boats for a few years based in southern Louisiana. The boats were owned by the recent wave of Vietnamese refugees who flooded into the familiar tropical ...

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