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James Dobson's Republican values
Post Date: 2008-07-22 23:05:23 by X-15
See the video here: www.slmnews.com/2008.07.20_arch.html#1216748699305 When Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Neal Boortz and the rest of the usual suspects were calling John McCain an unacceptable nominee for the Republican presidential nomination, most observers knew it wouldn’t be long before the allegedly conservative hosts were singing the Arizona senator’s praises. Predictably, they now tell us that nothing is worse than a Democrat, and every day talk radio makes the case that Barack Obama would be the worst president in history, while ignoring the fact that the current Republican president just might already fit the bill. Early on, conservative Christian leader James Dobson said ...

The Painfully Silent Genocide Of The German People
Post Date: 2008-07-22 14:08:12 by X-15
There is a strange feeling of despair that is sweeping Germany, but as with all things that are uniquely German, or at least address fears that cannot be articulated lest they betray a cultural peculiarity incompatible with politically correct European or American sensibilities, nothing is said that makes sense to ordinary citizens. It is only sometimes whispered. The banks in Germany now stand on the verge of collapse, and despite the best assurances of the financial elite, we all know that hard times are soon upon us. But it’s still a whisper. The International Jewish money power has all but eaten the substance of a fiat money system that, despite its modicum of probity based upon ...

The Democrats are the Real Problem
Post Date: 2008-07-21 18:37:33 by christine
Obama's candidacy is over; kaput. He's already stated that he has no intention of stopping the war, so he has disqualified himself. That's his prerogative; no one put a gun to his head. His op-ed in Monday's New York Times just removes any lingering doubt about the matter. What Obama proposes is moving the central theater of operation from Iraq to Afghanistan. Big deal. Why is it more acceptable to kill a man who is fighting for his country in Afghanistan than in Iraq? It's not; which is why Obama must be defeated and the equivocating Democratic Party must be jettisoned altogether. The Democrats are a party of blood just like the Republicans, they're just more ...

A Tattoo for Every Politician's Forehead
Post Date: 2008-07-21 12:14:36 by christine
America First Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to leave the continental U.S. It's too bad he wasn't also the last. Politicians and celebrities with an urge to see black poverty only need to visit the Mississippi Delta or some of the neighborhoods in American cities. If they yearn for more exotic poverty, all they have to do is visit the Indian reservations that do not have casinos. Any disease they are hot to trot to cure can be found right here in the good old U.S.A. Depressed economic conditions? We have them. Crumbling infrastructure? We have that, too. Hunger? Yes, that too. Inflation and weak currency? Present right here. Corruption? Our politicians can hold their own ...

Scott Ritter: Yellow Ribbon My Ass
Post Date: 2008-07-20 18:02:47 by wakeup
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America First
Post Date: 2008-07-20 06:56:02 by Zoroaster
July 19, 2008 America First by Charley Reese Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to leave the continental U.S. It's too bad he wasn't also the last. Politicians and celebrities with an urge to see poverty only need to visit the Mississippi Delta or some of the neighborhoods in American cities. If they yearn for more exotic poverty, all they have to do is visit the Indian reservations that do not have casinos. Any disease they are hot to trot to cure can be found right here in the good old U.S.A. Depressed economic conditions? We have them. Crumbling infrastructure? We have that, too. Hunger? Yes, that too. Inflation and weak currency? Present right here. Corruption? Our ...

The End of White Flight
Post Date: 2008-07-19 12:56:59 by Jethro Tull
The End of White FlightFor the First Time in Decades, Cities' Black Populations Lose Ground, Stirring Clashes Over Class, Culture and Even Ice CreamBy CONOR DOUGHERTYJuly 19, 2008; Page A1 Decades of white flight transformed America's cities. That era is drawing to a close.In Washington, a historically black church is trying to attract white members to survive. Atlanta's next mayoral race is expected to feature the first competitive white candidate since the 1980s. San Francisco has lost so many African-Americans that Mayor Gavin Newsom created an "African-American Out-Migration Task Force and Advisory Committee" to help retain black residents."The ...

Mamma Mia! - my review
Post Date: 2008-07-19 08:41:52 by a vast rightwing conspirator
I believe it's one of the greatest movies ever made. You got these 3 aging yentas - aging like in semi-decomposed - literally murdering ABBA's music. I LOVE ABBA and watching and listening to a 90-year old on steroids and in high heels belching 'Dancing Queen (she's only 17)'... holy geriatric mermaids!!! Meryl Streep should be so proud of herself, displaying the musical talent of an elephant and the dancing grace of a cow. And, to everyone's delight, especially of those great parents taking their little daughter to this great show, there ARE lots of family values being promoted here. Let's enumerate some: - Merryl Streep graphically showing how a power drill ...

Eric Whoru (WTPRN) on Minimum Wage Laws, Drug Laws, and Lack of Govt Authority
Post Date: 2008-07-19 06:08:51 by Artisan
Eric Whoru on WTPRN.COM: "freedom and liberty does not come from the founding fathers, nor from the constitution. Our freedom and liberty comes from nature. and we dont have any freedom and liberty in this country, because we have a police state. and when you understand this, then listen to rabid red ronnie reagan's crap. too bad he wasn't as good as his sound bytes". Poster Comment:Nightly show on WTPRN. free archives here http://www.wtprn.com/archives.html

Don't come the latex burka with me about sick fetishes
Post Date: 2008-07-18 21:36:35 by X-15
FUNDAMENTALIST Muslims are notorious for insisting that women dress in what is supposed to be pervert-proof clothing. Apparently the female form is so provocative -- so much like an open can of Whiskas -- that exposed males risk instant transformation into one of those noxious tom cats that squirts urine on to antique couch legs, always has a post-fight pus drain hanging out its skull and inseminates everything that moves. Ensuring that women are always attired in a modesty-preserving tarpaulin or one-man tent is therefore the only way to keep them safe. Hardline anti-pedophile activists have a similar view about the provocative nature of babies' and children's bodies. Apparently ...

Too Old and Brain-dead
Post Date: 2008-07-18 14:16:26 by statusquobuster
Too Old and Brain-dead Joel S. Hirschhorn In the over half a century that I have been politically engaged I have never seen such an unqualified presidential candidate as John McCain. There are tens of millions of Americans in their seventies and beyond that have been smart enough to become technology literate, but not McCain, who is unable to even use the Internet. The man has a medical history that makes Dick Cheney look like the picture of great health. How anyone can still see McCain as a legitimate maverick is insane. The man has switched positions on so many key issues as to make him unbelievable on anything. He routinely says things in public that are totally false. McCain has sold ...

Post Date: 2008-07-18 10:00:32 by MING THE MERCILESS
For those that do not get it… Tax System explained in Beer Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes,it would go something like this The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing. The fifth would pay $1. The sixth would pay $3. The seventh would pay $7. The eighth would pay $12. The ninth would pay $18. The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59. So, that's what they decided to do.The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. 'Since you are all such good customers,' he said, ...

When is Obama Not Lying?
Post Date: 2008-07-17 20:38:40 by Esso
When is Obama Not Lying? By James Lewis Barack the messiah has fallen from grace. Here he was, a "racial healer," a hip Hypester straight from Change & Hope, hypnotizing millions of worshippers, a modern William Jennings Bryant dazzling the mobs with the image of an America crucified on a Cross of Gold. Well, recently Obama is just another shifty-eyed, moondancin' pol from the Chicago Machine, playing the race card like Jesse Jackson, even according to The New Yorker. He makes outright deals with corruptocrat Tony Rezko to get his home cheap, and with the Teamsters to buy their election troops in exchange for Federal oversight leniency. He's been lolling in bed with ...

Rich and poor to live side by side in North Dallas housing project (who wants to play psychic?)
Post Date: 2008-07-17 18:55:24 by SmokinOPs
My, oh my, just look how far we've come. A Dallas Housing Authority project once stuck in the mud for 12 years by construction delays and a court battle with neighbors is finally getting spruced up for a grand opening in about two weeks. Some of the affected parties gathered yesterday under a big tent – symbolic, perhaps, of the new spirit of cooperation – to dedicate the Villas at Hillcrest, a $4.5 million project in the last stages of development. Can you believe what's now worrying some of the folks once staunchly opposed to a public housing development being plopped down in the midst of their expensive homes? Landscaping – or, specifically, whether the DHA ...

Gas Lines Coming This Fall
Post Date: 2008-07-16 15:46:11 by Esso
Gas lines are not hard to find. This fall, you will likely see them at your local gas station: There were spot shortages during the 2007 harvest in North and South Dakota. A home heating oil crisis will occur when cold weather forces empty tanks to be filled. Increasing mortgage foreclosures illustrate that people are choosing between their cost of commuting to work and house payment. Fuel and food riots occur where people that cannot borrow or buy oil (examples): June 13, 2008, 2 people killed in fuel riots in Spain and Portugal. July 12, 2008, 13 people killed in fuel riots in Yemen. The purpose of this essay is to highlight petroleum inventory issues likely to cause shortages ...

They Didn’t Attack Switzerland
Post Date: 2008-07-15 20:22:53 by X-15
Switzerland has not been in a foreign war of any kind since 1815. This would be astounding, even miraculous, for any nation. But Switzerland borders Germany. And France. And Italy. And Austria. And Liechtenstein. Now Liechtenstein has rarely lashed out in Blitzkrieg in a desperate bid to reign über alles, but ALL of Switzerland's other neighbors have spent their entire histories invading other countries. In addition to the encircling foreign marauders, Switzerland itself is composed of four different ethnic groups (German, French, Italian, Romansh) that get along as well as, e.g., Germans and French. They don’t even speak the same language. Yet the Swiss peace prevails ...

Janet Murguia said that Antonio Villaraigosa "never forgot his roots." BS!
Post Date: 2008-07-13 22:30:56 by James Deffenbach
He not only "forgot his roots," he even forgot his name! His real name is Antonio Ramon Villar Jr. (According to http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1937183/bio) Biography for Antonio Villaraigosa Date of Birth 23 January 1953, Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California, USA Birth Name Antonio Ramon Villar Jr. Spouse Corina Raigosa (28 November 1987 - present) (filed for divorce) 2 children ? (? - ?) (divorced) 2 children Trivia Took office on July 1, 2005, becoming the the first Hispanic mayor of Los Angeles since the early 1870s.

Judge Rev. Jackson by his whispers
Post Date: 2008-07-13 13:07:58 by Ferret Mike
There aren't many things that would make me say of a fellow man, "I want to cut his n---s off." So when Rev. Jesse Jackson was caught mumbling that toward Barack Obama (into a mike that Jackson didn't know was on) I figured Obama must have dropped a doozy. He must have insulted Jackson's mother. He must have ripped Jackson's manhood. Instead, what Obama actually said was not about Jackson at all, but rather a speech imploring black Americans to take more responsibility for their children. "Too many fathers are AWOL, missing from too many lives and too many homes," Obama reportedly told congregants of a Chicago church. "They have abandoned their ...

Post Date: 2008-07-11 20:58:35 by tom007

Game Over: Thirty-Six Sure-Fire Signs That Your Empire Is Crumbling
Post Date: 2008-07-11 20:57:06 by Esso
Game Over: Thirty-Six Sure-Fire Signs That Your Empire Is Crumbling by David Michael Green So. You've built yourself an empire, eh? Well, bully for you! What's next, you ask? Well, now you've got to do what everybody does when they have an empire, of course. You've got to worry about it falling apart, mate! But how to tell for sure? Let me see if I can be helpful. Here are some rules of thumb to keep in mind, thirty-six sure-fire indicators that your empire is falling apart: You know your empire's crumbling when the folks who are gearing up their empire to replace yours start blowing up satellites in space. And then they don't bother to return your phone calls ...

Africa is giving nothing to anyone -- apart from AIDS
Post Date: 2008-07-10 14:26:03 by Tauzero
Africa is giving nothing to anyone -- apart from AIDS By Kevin Myers Thursday July 10 2008 No. It will not do. Even as we see African states refusing to take action to restore something resembling civilisation in Zimbabwe, the begging bowl for Ethiopia is being passed around to us, yet again. It is nearly 25 years since Ethiopia's (and Bob Geldof's) famous Feed The World campaign, and in that time Ethiopia's population has grown from 33.5 million to 78 million today. So why on earth should I do anything to encourage further catastrophic demographic growth in that country? Where is the logic? There is none. To be sure, there are two things saying that logic doesn't count. ...

Larisa Alexandrovna: Pelosi is basically saying Karl Rove is above the law
Post Date: 2008-07-09 22:37:05 by Horse
For journalists and others who like examining the landscape of investigative reporting. Much info coming out about the Siegelman case... Now let's recap what Rove's alleged (and likely) role is in the Siegelman case as well as other cases: 1. We know from the sworn testimony of Alabama Republican attorney and long-time opposition researcher, that Karl Rove - who was White House Deputy Chief of Staff - was directly involved in the political prosecution of Governor Siegelman. We also know this from other sources (see here and here). 2. We know that Rove was also involved - allbeit, less directly - in the prosecutions of attorney Paul Minor, sitting Mississippi Supreme Court ...

Scrap Metal is the New Gold Rush
Post Date: 2008-07-09 16:44:11 by Esso
Scrap Metal is the New Gold Rush With the side effect of cleaning up the countryside. The trucks hauling scrap metal seem to have slowed down a little since the growing season arrived but just a few months ago, during the down time for farmers, the traffic was heavy. I took a small load to the scrap dealer and had to wait in line inside to get it weighed while the trucks were sitting a dozen deep at the scales. The old farmers around here had never sold much scrap before. Pieces of worn out machinery, metal roofing, old trucks, cars and even school buses were often left in place or thrown into gullies. Often barns were full of "junk". Probably had something to do with the ...

Western society's war within
Post Date: 2008-07-09 00:46:14 by X-15
Font Size: Decrease Increase Print Page: Print Brett Mason | July 08, 2008 IT may begin with a chuckle, but it could easily end in tears. At least, if we are not careful. One may be tempted to scoff at the demand to legalise polygamy made recently by Khalil Chami of Sydney's Islamic Welfare Centre. But with the recent announcement by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams that the adoption of sharia law in Britain seems unavoidable, the joke may turn out to be on us. Britain provides an instructive lesson on the interaction between increasingly radicalised sections of the Muslim diaspora community and its Western host society. From Dundee to Dover, traditional British values, already ...

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