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What happens when the gasoline station is on empty?
Post Date: 2008-04-27 12:52:42 by robin
What happens when the gasoline station is on empty?By Jerry MazzaOnline Journal Associate Editor Apr 25, 2008, 00:15 For those of you lucky enough to have outlived the OPEC oil embargo on the US in late October of 1973; you who remember driving up to the pump and the attendant (remember them) shrugging his shoulders, sorry, pal, we’re out. And then there were the lines, long enough to be for free food, to suck up the black gold so you could get your butt where you needed to be. But those lines seemed to take forever, like the embargo. In fact, the embargo was issued when the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries OAPEC (OPEC) was engaged in the ongoing Yom Kippur War ...

Your Shoes Are Killing Your Feet
Post Date: 2008-04-27 11:58:54 by tom007
Your Shoes Are Killing Your Feet By Dylan Tweney EmailApril 23, 2008 | 6:53:28 PMCategories: Body, Health, Sports Foot Your shoes are destroying your feet. More specifically, they're messing up the perfectly-balanced, coordinated bipedal gait that our species evolved over millions of years. That's the argument touted by a lengthy article in New York magazine this week, You Walk Wrong. Its starting point is a number of podiatric studies showing that going barefoot is better for your feet than wearing shoes: unshod Zulus have healthier feet than shoe-wearing Europeans, and prehistoric humans appear to have had the healthiest feet of all. And if you must wear shoes, it turns out ...

Far Left Ready to Blow the Lid Off the Democratic Convention [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-04-25 14:37:03 by ghostdogtxn

The United States of Stupidity: We, the people, didn't used to be this dumb
Post Date: 2008-04-25 11:46:54 by ghostdogtxn

Tough Guise
Post Date: 2008-04-24 20:25:05 by ...
The following is adapted from Glenn Greenwald's new book, Great American Hypocrites, released this week. Central to the right-wing mythmaking machine is the depiction of their male leaders as swaggering tough guys in the iconic mold of an American cowboy and brave, steadfast warrior. Above all else, Republican leaders are invariably held up as exuding the virtues of traditional American masculinity – courage, physical strength, "regular guy"ness, and most of all, a willingness and ability to stare down America's various and numerous enemies – in war, if necessary – and defeat them through superior strength. The reality, in virtually every case, is the ...

The World Starves as Antichrist Jewish Bankers Grow Fat
Post Date: 2008-04-24 16:39:10 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
The World Starves as Antichrist Jewish Bankers Grow Fat By Mike James in Germany – 23 April 2008 We’ve all read the headlines and we all know, or think we know, why the world is now poised on the brink of starvation. It’s “climate change”. It’s the growing demand for protein in formerly poor countries. It’s the business cycle. It’s poor planning and the “just-in-time” food delivery chain that has collapsed on account of rising fuel costs. It’s all these things, you think, and more. They’ll give you a thousand different reasons why entire societies, especially in Haiti and Africa, are now living on clay-patties mixed with oil and ...

Does This Mean I'm Racist??
Post Date: 2008-04-24 16:31:58 by X-15
I hate kaffirs! There – I said it. I’ll say it again because no amount of social taboo, political correctness, nanny banging and black arse kissing is going to stop me saying what I feel and think – I hate kaffirs!! What’s more, I’ll bet I’m expressing the sentiments of a whole lot of other people who think and feel exactly the way I do but won’t say so for the aforementioned reasons. What's more, I'll bet that every last white person who has emigrated from South Africa would say that these are mainly the reasons they left. I hate them because they murder gratuitously. I hate them because no life form holds any value for them. I hate them ...

TV Isn't Fun Anymore
Post Date: 2008-04-24 10:11:38 by ghostdogtxn

Muslims Bully English Officials Into Canceling St. George Day Parade
Post Date: 2008-04-23 14:44:03 by X-15
I’ll paraphrase one commenter on this Daily Mail story by saying the English authorities are all but ceding control of the streets to the angry mobs of unemployed hooligans their massive welfare state produces: A St George’s Day parade through an inner-city area hit by race riots has been canceled following police advice. Community groups had planned to stage the multi-cultural event in Bradford and 1,500 schoolchildren were due to take part. Many of the youngsters had already made flags of St George to carry on the parade on April 23, which was designed to boost community cohesion. But last week police and council chiefs told the organisers that the event could not go ahead ...

The economic sacking of America
Post Date: 2008-04-23 12:15:49 by robin
The economic sacking of America By Ben Tanosborn Online Journal Contributing Writer Apr 22, 2008, 00:17 In our historical readings of eastern and western civilizations, we have been exposed to the many sacks by invading armies against both lives and possessions of those living in great cities and enclaves that may have offered resistance, but most often did not, to the invading hordes. Rome was sacked several times; Jerusalem was besieged, then sacked by the Crusaders; and, yes, so was Baghdad by the Mongols seven and a half centuries before Americans would do the same, this time marching under the banner of democracy and the laughable pretense of trying to liberate a ...

This Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Post Date: 2008-04-22 18:22:35 by X-15
On the night of April 12, vandals tagged three homes, a mailbox, a dumpster, and 15 vehicles in a Denver suburb with the words “BROWN PRIDE,” a Hispanic racialist slogan. Slapstick Politics, a Denver blog, notes that the Denver Post, which printed the photograph to the right, merely stated that the neighborhood had been tagged with graffiti, without mentioning what the graffiti said or speculating about its meaning or source. Even more egregiously, a local TV news report photographed the graffiti in such a way that you couldn’t read it. (The news video is here on the right hand side of the page.) The report speculates that the vandalism may have been gang-related, but does ...

George Carlin educates future Bush apointee, on Bill Maher show, 2005
Post Date: 2008-04-22 11:11:01 by Artisan
George Carlin Hit the Fascist nail on the Head Back in 2005 I knew something was up with that puke shill, some neocon named 'James Glassman'. Look at him adulate george bush and giuliani on the bill maher show. and watch him as Carlin schools him. I did a search and found this: 'On December 11, 2007 Glassman was nominated by President George W. Bush to replace Karen Hughes as the Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy' (two years afte this show) Glassman responds to carlin by saying, "Aren't the 'owners' of this country the VOTERS of this country, who elected George Bush?" He later says, "what you should fear most is a breakdown of ...

Hunger Plagues Haiti and the World
Post Date: 2008-04-21 06:10:38 by Stephen Lendman
Hunger Plagues Haiti and the World - by Stephen Lendman Consumers in rich countries feel it in supermarkets but in the world's poorest ones people are starving. The reason - soaring food prices, and it's triggered riots around the world in places like Mexico, Indonesia, Yemen, the Philippines, Cambodia, Morocco, Senegal, Uzbekistan, Guinea, Mauritania, Egypt, Cameroon, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Peru, Bolivia and Haiti that was once nearly food self-sufficient but now relies on imports for most of its supply and (like other food-importing countries) is at the mercy of agribusiness. Wheat shortages in Peru are acute enough to have the military make bread with potato ...

American guns - what are they good for?
Post Date: 2008-04-20 14:49:20 by robin
Saturday, April 19, 2008 American guns - what are they good for? Here in Australia very few people have guns. People in the country who have problems with feral pigs, rabbits and foxes etc can register and possess long arms. Otherwise hand-guns, semi-automatic and automatic weapons are mythical things we see only in movies. And on the hips of cops, sure. I understand the appeal of guns. I learned guns under my father, a thirty year military man. I've fired all sorts of long arms from pop-gun 22's through to a genuine Rhodesian elephant rifle. It weighed a ton and kicked like a motherfucker. That insane elephant rifle aside, guns are cool. In spite of this, I have to be honest and ...

Hillary Wishes You a Happy Passover
Post Date: 2008-04-18 18:00:49 by ghostdogtxn

Confessions of a Bitter Old Reactionary
Post Date: 2008-04-17 14:57:56 by aristeides
Confessions of a Bitter Old Reactionary Posted by Justin Raimondo on April 14, 2008 Okay, okay, I admit it: I, too, am bitter. What else would one expect an Obama-con to be? I know we’re not supposed to be negative, at least according to Hillary, who “seems to have switched her narrative around,” as one wag put it. In the Brave New World Hillary/McCain are building for us—a world of mandatory health insurance for 20-year-olds and permanent war—we’re to go to our graves smiling, or the Powers That Be want to know the reason why. Yes, I’m bitter, dammit. And who can blame me? Look, I’m not hard to please: all I ask is a simple cabin in the woods, a ...

Are We Covertly Being Colonized By Aliens?
Post Date: 2008-04-16 21:01:52 by tom007
Are We Covertly Being Colonized By Aliens? by Ed Komarek Page 1 of 1 page(s) http://www.opednews.com Tell A Friend Those of us involved in the emerging field of exopolitics attempt to make sense out of the huge body of evidence available to us involving extraterrestrial reality. I believe the stakes are very high for all of humanity that we collectively understand our situation relative to UFO/ET reality. Developing this situational awareness involves understanding the real reasons for 60 year old UFO/ET cover up even while we struggle to end it. The pattern I see emerging which I think is reasonably accurate is that we can define two categories of extraterrestrials, colonizers and ...

Politicians Without Roots - The Candidates from Nowhere
Post Date: 2008-04-16 19:55:54 by Dakmar
The last three major-party presidential candidates standing have this in common: the state abbreviations after their names--John McCain (AZ), Hillary Clinton (NY), and Barack Obama (IL)--are no more meaningful than the random pairings of letters in a spoonful of alphabet soup. These are the candidates from nowhere. Or in Obama's case, from everywhere. And this rootlessness has policy consequences. Senator John McCain is a poster boy for the pathologies of the military brat. Born in the Panama Canal Zone, he attended twenty schools in his nomadic childhood. "The place I lived longest in my life was Hanoi," is how he shuts up critics of his carpetbagging, but he is making ...

Morbidly Obese Economy
Post Date: 2008-04-16 19:36:22 by James Deffenbach

What We Learn Won't Help Obama
Post Date: 2008-04-16 15:26:55 by RickyJ
As the Obama rocket flames out and plummets back to earth, it is useful to recall how extraordinary it has been. Before the Iowa caucuses, almost everyone thought Hillary Clinton would win the nomination easily. She had the support of blue collar workers and most party insiders, and an enormous war chest. If ever there were a prohibitive favorite, it was she. And Sen. Clinton did dispose quickly of three candidates with more impressive resumes than hers (Sens. Joseph Biden of Delaware and Chris Dodd of Connecticut, and Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico). But until "Bittergate" erupted last weekend, she was losing the nomination to a tyro senator whose most important resume tic ...

Quote of the Day
Post Date: 2008-04-15 14:38:47 by Peppa
Quote of the Day In Canada, writing about the gun registry, Pierre Dupont gets it right: "Gun control is the only kind of policy that we have where the proponents of it will point to its utter failure as evidence that we need even more of it."

Post Date: 2008-04-15 13:04:17 by IndieTX
Election 2008: Is Barack Obama's small-town America really a land of bitter gun-toting, Bible-thumping racists? Or are they just God-fearing American patriots? Maybe we should ask his "typical white" grandmother. Read More: Election 2008 Many pundits call it a gaffe, but we see Barack Obama's remarks to a bunch of San Francisco Democrats about small town people in Pennsylvania as a revelation. The remarks of our first "post-racial" presidential candidate go a long way towards explaining how he could listen to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright talk about the "United States of White America" for two decades. Meeting privately with a group of donors in ...

Taxation Under the Pharaohs and Today
Post Date: 2008-04-15 08:02:22 by DeaconBenjamin
On this, the 15th day of April, 2008, it does not hurt to do a brief comparison between the Bible's account of the tyranny of Egypt and our own democratically elected taskmasters. The story of Joseph in Egypt is the story of how the people of Egypt came under the tyranny of a king who claimed divinity for himself. The biblical text does not say that this Pharaoh made such a claim, but we know from historical texts that the pharaoh was regarded as a divine-human link. When he died, he was believed to journey to the realm of the gods. He was the official source of meaning in the cosmos. He was also responsible for allocating scarce economic resources for the benefit of the State. The ...

Icelandic bank failures could sink us
Post Date: 2008-04-15 01:44:35 by ...
I've been watching a slow motion implosion since last August that began with the collapse of two Bear Stearns hedge funds. We're definitely on track for something like the Great Depression, only long and financially painful. I think we get knocked back to a 1940 standard of living very shortly and we're going to have to fight to hang on to that in the face of peak oil. We here in the U.S. associate the year 1929 with the beginning of the Great Depression but the roots of it really took hold in 1931 with the collapse of the Austrian banking system. Today we face some definitely scary parallels with what is happening in Iceland. Little Iceland, population 315,000, could knock the ...

Bitter bumpkins take note!
Post Date: 2008-04-14 23:10:09 by RickyJ
So let's get this straight: If you are a gun-supporting, God-worshiping, secure-the-border type who feels unfair trade regulations are killing American manufacturing, Barack Obama doesn't just respectfully disagree with you. After all, you can't respectfully disagree with someone you have utter contempt for. No, he thinks you're nothing but a sour-grapes, behind-the-times, racist, gun-and-Bible-toting nutcase. In short, you're just a bunch of bitter, bigoted bumpkins. You have to wonder: Is the Rev. Jeremiah Wright writing Obama's sermons now? One supposes that you could offend more people in one fell swoop than Obama did with his recent recitation of ...

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