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McCain’s First Stop: An Embrace from Mr. 32%
Post Date: 2008-03-05 19:32:35 by Brian S
John McCain’s first stop after clinching the Republican nomination in last night’s primaries was the White House, for lunch and an endorsement from President Bush. Mr. Bush’s embrace is one Mr. McCain should be wary of. It’s clear why Mr. McCain paid the visit. He still has a lot of fence-mending to do with the conservative wing of his party, which strongly opposes his views on immigration, campaign finance, and other issues. Right-wing talk personalities like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter have been particularly harsh in their anti-McCain fulminations. Mr. Bush still carries considerable weight with these folks. Mr. Bush also remains a powerbroker in the party. He and ...

7 Insane Conspiracies That Actually Happened
Post Date: 2008-03-05 18:25:23 by robin
People love a good conspiracy theory. The JFK assassination plot, aliens crash landing at Roswell, the 9/11 truth movement and charges of government surveillance are all an indelible part of our pop culture landscape and are by and large, total bullshit. So where does your average conspiracy buff go to learn about shadowy plots that aren't pure tinfoil hattery? Look no further. #7.The Business Plot The Plan: In 1933, group of wealthy businessmen that allegedly included the heads of Chase Bank, GM, Goodyear, Standard Oil, the DuPont family and Senator Prescott Bush tried to recruit Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler to lead a military coup against President ...

Telling sign of a failed Iraq strategy
Post Date: 2008-03-05 15:41:16 by tom007
Telling sign of a failed Iraq strategy Robert Scheer, Creators Syndicate Wednesday, March 5, 2008 Printable Version Email This Article delicious del.icio.us digg Digg technorati Technorati reddit Reddit facebook Facebook slashdot Slashdot fark Fark newsvine Newsvine google Google Bookmarks (5) Georgia (default) Verdana Times New Roman Arial Opinion .Main Opinion Page .Chronicle Sunday Insight .Chronicle Campaigns SF Chronicle Submissions .Letters to the Editor .Open Forum .Sunday Insight Are the media dumb or just out to lunch? Sorry to be intemperate, but how else can one explain the meager attention paid to the truly historic visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Iraq? ...

Cowboy Time
Post Date: 2008-03-03 20:31:54 by tom007
An old ranch hand drove into town for some supplies and as he passed a Starbucks, he found himself wondering what all the hubbub was about. So he figured he'd take a few minutes and check it out. As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the cowboy and asked, 'Are you a real cowboy?' He replied, 'Well, I've spent my whole life breaking colts, working cows, going to rodeos, fixing fences, pulling calves, bailing hay, doctoring calves, cleaning my barn, fixing flats, working on tractors, and feeding my dogs, so yeah, I guess I am a cowboy.' She said, 'I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As soon as I ...

Change Not Possible With Same Players
Post Date: 2008-03-03 09:13:39 by christine
If you keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome, it's called a form of insanity. Back in 1994, the American people yelled, "We want change!" Out went forty years of big spending Democrats and in came the Republicans with their slick marketing mantra: The Contact with America. After eleven years of bigger spending Republicans and these unconstitutional, immoral invasions of non threatening foreign countries, the American people once again said they wanted change. In 2006, with the exception of a few faces, the voters put the same old crowd and agenda right back in power because they bought a different version of the same lies. Now the American people are being ...

Rapper 'shocked' by daughter's killing
Post Date: 2008-03-03 07:42:41 by tom007
Rapper 'shocked' by daughter's killing By JONATHAN LANDRUM, Associated Press Writer Sat Mar 1, 5:10 PM ET ATLANTA - The rap star Juvenile is "shocked and devastated" by the shooting death of his young daughter, the girl's mother and another child, his manager said Saturday. ADVERTISEMENT The 32-year-old rapper is still trying to cope with the death of 4-year-old Jelani; her mother, 39-year-old Joy Deleston; and the woman's daughter Micaiah, 11, whose bodies were found Thursday night in their home, said manager Aubrey Francis. "It really shocked him and devastated him to the point where I've never seen him before," Francis said. "Right now ...

Weighing words for straight talk (Wes Pruden)
Post Date: 2008-03-02 10:57:03 by christine
If John McCain has a hard time figuring out how to run against a black man, he can take consolation from Barack Obama's dilemma. It won't be easy for him to campaign against a white man while remaining "black" enough to satisfy the 'hood. Talking about race in America is perilous. Offenses are taken when none are intended. Much goes unspoken, but keenly felt. Slights quickly become snubs; nuance is taken for evasion. Casual conversation becomes deadly when every word must be weighed. Every sentence must be carefully parsed in an age where the precise use of language is held in low regard. The successful candidate this year may turn out to be the most eloquent ...

Sean Hannity, (real name Mordechai Wiesenstein)
Post Date: 2008-03-01 20:22:29 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Sean Hannity, (real name Mordechai Wiesenstein) the vocal, patriotic, pretend-Catholic, Irish political pundit represents all that is good about the media. Last Thursday, he had a hole drilled into the middle of his back that connects to his mouth, allowing Dick Cheney to maintain full control of what he says. His turn-ons include performing circumcisions, Boy Scout camping trips, humping the legs of authority figures, and accusing Democrats of emboldening the enemy. His turn-offs are Islam and people who don't agree 100% with everything he says. He is still awaiting legal immigration status to become a US citizen. In early 2004, Hannity graduated with his master's degree in ...

Post Date: 2008-03-01 14:41:27 by ChareltonHest
Saturday, March 01, 2008ANNIVERSARY By Mike Vanderboegh28 February 2008The holiest of all holidaysare those kept by ourselvesin silence and apart;the secret anniversaries of the heart.- - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "AND THIS IS AMERICA?"ANNIVERSARY. Noun. Returning with the year, at a stated time; annual; yearly; as, an anniversary feast. . . From the Latin Anniversarius; annus year + vertere, versum . . .1. The annual return of the day on which any notable event took place, or is wont to be celebrated; as, the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. 2. The day on which Mass is said yearly for the soul of a deceased person; the commemoration of some sacred event, as the ...

Grief Stricken Father Sentenced to Six Years in Prison (My Title) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-03-01 09:07:05 by iconoclast
Article published Saturday, March 1, 2008 Fackelman given nearly 6 years in home invasion Sentence includes ban from Bedford Twp. By MARK REITER BLADE STAFF WRITER MONROE - A Toledo man who claimed he couldn't recall pulling a loaded handgun on the man he held responsible for causing the road-rage death of his teenage son will serve at least 5 3/4 years in prison. At the sentencing for Charles Fackelman in Monroe County Circuit Court, Judge Joseph Costello, Jr., said the defendant's actions in the March 24 gun toting attack on Randy Krell and his neighbor were methodical and controlled. "Everything you did that day demonstrates to me that you knew what you were ...

Muni hedge funds liquidating to meet margin calls, Pimco says (2008 Is Really Going To Suck)
Post Date: 2008-02-29 15:52:20 by tom007
Muni hedge funds liquidating to meet margin calls, Pimco says By Alistair Barr Last Updated: 2/29/2008 3:37:00 PM SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Hedge funds that trade municipal bonds have been hit by margin calls in recent days and some are having to sell positions to meet those obligations, according to a leading investor in the market. Problems with bond insurers and other disruptions from the global credit crunch have pushed yields on muni bonds close to, or above, those of comparable Treasury bonds. That's hurt hedge funds that try to make money from the difference, or spread, between those yields. Muni bonds usually yield less than Treasurys, partly because they are ...

Healing Postponed
Post Date: 2008-02-28 18:51:20 by Tauzero
Healing Postponed For all his lofty talk of national unity, Obama may actually put back the arrival of a post-racial America Trevor Phillips Let me confess to a pinprick of irritation at the emergence of Barack Obama as the first truly credible non-white candidate for president of the US. To begin with, there's the problem of wearily having to answer my white friends' plaintive question each time a significant black figure shoots across the American firmament: "Why can't we have a British Obama (or Martin Luther King or Malcolm X or Oprah Winfrey)?" The implied challenge to black Britons in public life is: why can't you be more like him/her? The answer is ...

I recently picked a new primary care doctor.
Post Date: 2008-02-28 12:56:05 by tom007
I recently picked a new primary care doctor. After two visits and exhaustive Lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly well' for my age. A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, 'Do you Think I'll live to be 80?' He asked, 'Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer or wine?' 'Oh no,' I replied. 'I'm not doing drugs, either!' Then he asked, 'Do you eat steaks and barbecued ribs? 'I said, 'No, my former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!' Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?' 'No, I don't,' I said. He asked, ...

Are Jews Being Set Up for Another Holocaust?
Post Date: 2008-02-27 20:58:29 by robin
Are Jews Being Set Up for Another Holocaust? By Henry Makow Ph.D. February 27, 2008 by Henry Makow Ph.D.In 1938-39, just before Europe erupted in an inferno for Jews, all the exits were sealed shut. The Nazis had no problem allowing Jews to leave. The problem was that no country allowed them to enter.In May 1939, the passenger liner “St. Louis” carrying 900 German Jewish refugees was turned away from Havana. The passengers' costly tourist visas had been revoked by Cuban authorities. The liner lingered near the coast of Florida but FDR refused to let it dock. Reluctantly, the ship returned to Europe where the refugees were divided among four Allied countries, of which three ...

Bush Needs Torture and Terrorism, Scholar Explains
Post Date: 2008-02-26 20:31:48 by tom007
Bush Needs Torture and Terrorism, Scholar Explains Emediawire (press release Madison, WI (PRWEB) February 25, 2008 -- The Bush administration has cynically used the 9/11 attacks to constrain civil liberties, increase defense spending, and launch preventative wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. Research by Scholars for 9/11 Truth, among others, has proven that the story told to the American people cannot be sustained. Bush himself has admitted that Saddam had "nothing" to do with the attacks, the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that he was not in collusion with al Qaeda, and the FBI has acknowledged that it has "no hard evidence" connecting Osama bin Laden to the ...

Conquering the Spirit of Debt [Pastor Parsley Kicks the Intern'l Bankers Butt]
Post Date: 2008-02-26 17:36:18 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Conquering the Spirit of Debt 48 min 56 sec - Sep 27, 2007 myspace.com This amazing sermon given in Sept 2003 by Pastor Rod Parsley at Breakthrough Church in Columbus Ohio ... all » details the story of how Paul Warburg, John D. Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan met with Senator Aldridge at a conference in Jekyll Island to create the Federal Reserve Banking System in America circa 1913. Most people hear about the "national debt" but few ask what it means or who we owe. This was the best quality video I could get, but I hope this gets the message through. Search words: IRS gold silver rothschild interest usury bank notes fiat currency economy budget deficit surplus cashflow ...

Top psychiatrist concludes liberals clinically nuts
Post Date: 2008-02-26 14:25:54 by gengis gandhi
WND Exclusive Top psychiatrist concludes liberals clinically nuts Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder Posted: February 15, 2008 3:40 pm Eastern © 2008 WorldNetDaily WASHINGTON – Just when liberals thought it was safe to start identifying themselves as such, an acclaimed, veteran psychiatrist is making the case that the ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder. "Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political ...

Christine and the Bugs In Fuji
Post Date: 2008-02-26 03:13:58 by tom007
Chris, you mentioned that the bugs might be bad in Fiji, so I loaded up with repellent. Either they all drowned in the massive floods or they are getting ready to hatch. But from what I can see, in Nadi they have all been poisoned by the diesel fumagation from the buses, killed them all, not a bug to be seen. Now they are working on the humans, cough cough. Anybody want to buy some sun screen?? For sale cheap, will trade for tattered umberalla.

Post Date: 2008-02-25 09:41:56 by angle
Before I get into vote fraud, my mail box has been drowning in e-mail from Americans who are very alarmed about Barack Obama. Not all, of course. One man said in his e-mail that he didn't believe what I wrote in my last column. He said, Obama is a "good person." Obama gave him "hope" and "inspiration." It didn't seem to bother this man that Obama's past history includes a cozy relationship with a known communist or that he knows nothing about constitutional solutions. Will it bother Obama faithful that he supports a "world order"? Watch this short video clip of Obama and listen to what he says: That "we" must invest (that's ...

Washington v. Cuba After Castro
Post Date: 2008-02-25 06:14:08 by Stephen Lendman
Washington v. Cuba After Castro - by Stephen Lendman On February 18, at 5:30PM in Havana an era ended when Fidel Castro's written statement announced it. It was read on early Tuesday morning radio and television and reprinted in the Cuban newspaper Granma as follows: "....I will neither aspire to nor accept, I repeat, I will neither aspire to nor accept the positions of President of the State Council and Commander in Chief....it would be a betrayal to my conscience to accept a responsibility requiring more mobility and dedication than I am physically able to offer....Fortunately, our Revolution can still count on cadres from the old guard and others....who learned together with ...

Rained Five Inches Last Night In Fiji
Post Date: 2008-02-22 23:40:12 by tom007
Been in Fiji for five days or so. Last night I was awoken by a tremendous roar and after a moment realized a mother of storms was above me. Went to the balcony and saw a world class rainstorm going on, five inches I would guess. All the buses were stopped in the morning to let the roads drain, but around noon made it to Nadi to take care of some business (OK, OK to buy some beer for the weekend). Got my camera stolen by some Europeans while I was trying to save a buck by staying in a 15 $$/ night hostel, so all of my pictures are gone including the last pics I am nearly sure to have of my father. Assume everyones a thief till proven other wise I suppose. Pics are not mine. The ...

Does the fiery spirit of 1776 still burn?
Post Date: 2008-02-22 22:08:12 by X-15
Today we celebrate our right to overthrow the government. There is no pussyfooting around this fact. It is the central meaning of Independence Day. Today's firecrackers are reminders of the bloody war we were willing to fight against the British to win freedom. Bang. We can try to rename today's holiday the more innocuous "Fourth of July." We can outlaw firecrackers on the grounds of nuisance and fire hazard and you'll-put-somebody's-eye-out. But so far nobody has been able to rewrite the Declaration of Independence itself, and the words of that document are crystal clear. Today is a spiritual, passionate, angry, violent holiday for a modern society that is ...

The next big default that no one has mentioned yet.
Post Date: 2008-02-22 08:31:52 by gengis gandhi
This is pretty typical of the disconnect from reality that has become our national pastime...insanity. You have just a whole lot of people that can't pay the bankers, basically in one form or another, right? Okay then, what does that leave for taxes to the government? Default. And lower revenue among those who do pay into the system. The politicians are so perfectly insane, with such a wish for obsolescence, that they are now talking about RAISING taxes. I really can't think of a faster way to create a huge backlash than by displaying the spectacular lack of wisdom peculiar to all politicians and administrative twerps that always amounts to putting out a fire with gasoline. ...

Delusional Hope: The Obama Rapture
Post Date: 2008-02-22 07:59:46 by statusquobuster
Delusional Hope: The Obama Rapture Joel S. Hirschhorn Never have so many hoped for so much because of rollicking rhetoric and pulsating platitudes. A tsunami of hope has plunged America into electoral euphoria. In its path is the wreckage of critical thinking about what ails the US and what bold, revolutionary actions are needed. Barry Obama has accomplished semantic alchemy, turning justified but grim distrust and outrage with government and politics into hallelujah hope. But most hope never materializes and is a terrible predictor of reality. Think about the prevalence of hope: sports teams heading into a championship game, research scientists envisioning a Nobel Prize, people in the ...

Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
Post Date: 2008-02-22 06:24:14 by Stephen Lendman
Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods - by Stephen Lendman This article discusses the potential health risks of genetically engineered foods (GMOs). It draws on some previously used material because its importance bears repeating. It also cites three notable books and highlights one in particular - Jeffrey Smith's "Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods." Detailed information from the book is featured below. Genetically engineered foods saturate our diet today. In the US alone, over 80% of all processed foods contain them. Others include grains like rice, corn and wheat; legumes like soybeans and soy products; ...

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