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Rufus T Firefly's excellent rejoinder to McLame's fundraising letter
Post Date: 2008-02-21 19:54:09 by James Deffenbach
4. To: Blutarsky (#0) This cries out for an editor's pencil. Here goes (I was only able to stomach the first paragraph. Some one else, if they wish, can continue) My Friends, I am writing to you because we must begin to unite as party and prepare for the upcoming election in November. If I am so fortunate as to be the Republican nominee for president, I will stand on STAB THE BACKS OF my conservative convictions FOLLOWERS and offer Americans WHAT THE NY TIMES WILL MIS-CHARACTERIZE AS a clearly conservative approach to governing. But my friends, I cannot succeed in this endeavor without the support of dedicated conservatives FOOLS AND DUPES like you. And today, I write HAVE THE ...

Alternative to photobucket??
Post Date: 2008-02-21 17:28:33 by X-15
I got owned!! Photobucket raided my account and deleted nearly all of my Confederate images!! Got some of my political satire, too. Who hosts photo's and is First Amendment friendly??

Post Date: 2008-02-20 09:19:46 by ghostdogtxn

Mukasey's skillful evasions on torture
Post Date: 2008-02-20 06:01:19 by Ada
On television, and in the transcript of Attorney General Michael Mukasey's Jan. 30 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he certainly showed that he is semantically much more skilful in evading questions than his predecessor, Alberto Gonzales. But Mr. Mukasey also demonstrated that he will not restore the credibility of the Justice Department's commitment to the rule of law — under this administration. Mr. Mukasey's continued refusal to say whether waterboarding is torture or to conduct a criminal investigation of its use by the CIA is ludicrous in the face of the newly published, heavily documented 849-page "Torture and Democracy" by Professor Darius ...

That Newfangled Light Bulb
Post Date: 2008-02-19 20:49:00 by farmfriend
That Newfangled Light Bulb Across the world, consumers are being urged to stop buying outdated incandescent light bulbs and switch to new spiral fluorescent bulbs, which use about 25 percent of the energy and last 10 times longer. In Britain, there is a Ban the Bulb movement. China is encouraging the change. And the United States Congress has set new energy efficiency standards that will make Edison’s magical invention obsolete by the year 2014. Now, the question is how to dispose of these compact fluorescent bulbs once they break or quit working. Unlike traditional light bulbs, each of these spiral bulbs has a tiny bit of a dangerous toxin — around five milligrams of mercury. ...

French riots update
Post Date: 2008-02-19 17:26:27 by X-15
Do you remember the French Riots that occur on a regular basis but that are described by the media as simply the products of 'youths' (and not organised pogroms by Islamist youth and criminal gangs to drive the police out of Muslim areas and create Sharia Zones under the control of the Jihadists in our cities). According to the media these riot were spontaneous and unorganised outbreaks of rage by poor, unemployed and racially oppressed youths. Today the French police undertook raids against the 'ringleaders' of the riots. The fact that the French police are targeting 'ringleaders' suggests that the British media were talking a load of old bollocks about the riots ...

Albert Schweitzer - saint, racist - or both
Post Date: 2008-02-19 14:49:42 by X-15
Few names from the 20th century conjure up such mythic images of superhuman achievement and even saintliness. Much like your Savant, he was a polymath, scientist, philosopher and gifted musician. But without my sporting gifts – you can't have everything, I suppose. A qualified doctor, in 1913, at the age of 38, he departed for French Equatorial Africa to create and lead a hospital there. He spent most of the next four decades of his life there (his family were back in Europe) and he died there 1965. During this time he cared for individual patients, constructed an ever-expanding array of hospital buildings, continued his philosophical and theological writings by kerosene lantern ...

Is The Handwriting On The Wall For America?
Post Date: 2008-02-19 12:28:53 by James Deffenbach
"In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote." Daniel 5:5 (KJV) "And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided." Daniel 5:26-28 (KJV) Secularists will not admit it, but nations rise and fall at the pleasure of Almighty God. America's founders certainly understood this fact. Even Benjamin Franklin, ...

Large Potential Albanian Oil and Gas Discovery Underscores Kosovo's Importance
Post Date: 2008-02-19 10:13:48 by Stephen Lendman
Large Potential Albanian Oil and Gas Discovery Underscores Kosovo's Importance - by Stephen Lendman On January 10, Swiss-based Manas Petroleum Corporation broke the news. Gustavson Associates LLC's Resource Evaluation identified large prospects of oil and gas reserves in Albania, close to Kosovo. They're in areas called blocks A, B, C, D and E, encompassing about 780,000 acres along the northwest to southeast "trending (geological) fold belt of northwestern Albania." Assigned estimates of the find (so far unproved) are up to 2.987 billion barrels of oil and 3.014 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. However, because of their depth, oil deposits may be capped with a ...

The Grand Old White Party Confronts Obama
Post Date: 2008-02-18 13:17:43 by Brian S
THE curse continues. Regardless of party, it’s hara-kiri for a politician to step into the shadow of even a mediocre speech by Barack Obama. Senator Obama’s televised victory oration celebrating his Chesapeake primary trifecta on Tuesday night was a mechanical rehash. No matter. When the networks cut from the 17,000-plus Obama fans cheering at a Wisconsin arena to John McCain’s victory tableau before a few hundred spectators in the Old Town district of Alexandria, Va., it was a rerun of what happened to Hillary Clinton the night she lost Iowa. Senator McCain, backed by a collection of sallow-faced old Beltway pols, played the past to Mr. Obama’s here and now. Mr. McCain ...

Bush and ExxonMobil v. Chavez
Post Date: 2008-02-18 06:17:25 by Stephen Lendman
Bush and ExxonMobil v. Chavez - by Stephen Lendman Since the Bush administration took office in January 2001, it's targeted Hugo Chavez relentlessly. From the aborted two-day April 2002 coup attempt to the 2002-03 oil management lockout to the failed 2004 recall referendum to stoking opposition rallies against the constitutional reform referendum to constant pillorying in the media to funding opposition candidates in elections to the present when headlines like the Reuters February 7 one announced: "Courts freeze $12 billion Venezuela assets in Exxon row." Call it the latest salvo in Bush v. Chavez with ExxonMobil (EM) its lead aggressor and the long arm of the CIA and ...

Experts Scoff at Sat Shoot-Down Rationale (Updated)
Post Date: 2008-02-18 01:20:54 by tom007
Experts Scoff at Sat Shoot-Down Rationale (Updated) By Noah Shachtman EmailFebruary 15, 2008 | 4:34:00 PMCategories: Missiles, Space Ddg73sm3launch_2The Pentagon says it has to shoot down a malfunctioning spy satellite because of the threat of a toxic gas cloud. Space security experts are calling the rationale highly unlikely. "Having the US government spend millions of dollars to destroy a billion-dollar failure to save zero lives is comedic gold," one tells DANGER ROOM. Yesterday, Deputy National Security Advisor James Jeffrey said the satellite's tank full of hydrazine rocket propellant was the main reason the military was planning to blast the orbiter. There's a ...

State of the Revolution [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-02-18 00:22:29 by christine
It seems only fair to me. A couple of weeks ago, our so-called President got his say, then the so-called Democrats gave their response. Now, all that is missing is the truth. I intend to give at least part of that to you today. What's more, I see this "State of the Revolution" report being necessary at least once each year, until it no longer is necessary because America has ceased to exist or until it no longer is possible, likely because I am dead or in jail. Others will pick up the standard, in that event. I have deferred release of this for a time, just in case the "Super Tuesday" primary elections might have been allowed to be somewhat real (they weren't) ...

"Career Tips For Future Whores of America"
Post Date: 2008-02-17 21:52:46 by robin
DESPITE THEIR CURRENT NOTORIETY, HAPPY ENDINGS ARE PART OF THEIR JOBS, NOT THEIR FATES Coupla Fox whoresThat was the gist of how author Josh Kilmer-Purcell ended his column, "Career Tips For Future Whores of America," in the March issue of Out Magazine. The three "theirs" refers to Jeff Gannon, Matt Sanchez, and Mike Jones, male prostitutes who have achieved a great deal of celebrity-- or at least notoriety-- after their well-publicized careers involving sex with anti-gay Republican closet cases.Kilmer-Purcell begins with a complaint: "In my day [he's still in his 30s], male escorts were seen and not heard-- unless you paid for role-play. ...

They're Coming After You
Post Date: 2008-02-17 14:35:11 by farmfriend
They're Coming After You By Walter E. Williams Wednesday, February 13, 2008 My February 2002 column, "They're Coming After You," warned that Americans who enthusiastically supported the anti-tobacco zealots' attack on smokers were, like decent Germans did during the 1920s and '30s, building the Trojan Horse that would one day enable a tyrant to take over. The whole issue of tobacco smoke nuisance is really a private property issue where the owner should decide how his private property shall be used, whether it's an office building, restaurant, bar or home. That's unless one group of people wishes to use the coercive powers of government, in the name of ...

Who Is "Fascist"?
Post Date: 2008-02-17 14:01:23 by farmfriend
Who Is "Fascist"? By Thomas Sowell Thursday, February 14, 2008 Those who put a high value on words may recoil at the title of Jonah Goldberg's new book, "Liberal Fascism." As a result, they may refuse to read it, which will be their loss -- and a major loss. Those who value substance over words, however, will find in this book a wealth of challenging insights, backed up by thorough research and brilliant analysis. This is the sort of book that challenges the fundamental assumptions of its time -- and which, for that reason, is likely to be shunned rather than criticized. Because the word "fascist" is often thrown around loosely these days, as a general ...

Canada's 'Hate Police'
Post Date: 2008-02-17 03:05:56 by mirage
February 16, 2008 -- LAST month, when an officer of the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission in terrogated him about his decision to reprint the notorious Muhammad cartoons that originally appeared in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, Ezra Levant did not try to ingratiate himself. Levant, former publisher of the news magazine the Western Standard, called the commission "a sick joke," compared it unfavorably with Judge Judy and dared the "thug" across the table to recommend that he face a hearing for publishing material that offended Muslims. That way, Levant explained, he could be convicted, which would give him a chance to challenge the censorship that ...

Reading the Tea Leaves of Today's Biggest Broadcast Idiot
Post Date: 2008-02-17 02:52:27 by tom007
Reading the Tea Leaves of Today's Biggest Broadcast Idiot One of the great unknowns in politics is whether Big, Fat, Conservative Broadcast Idiots hold any remarkable sway over their audiences, or, like the great apes at the zoo, they're merely there for people to gawk at and listen to for amusement, and as a way to kill an hour or so. With any luck that question will be answered this election year, as the biggest, fattest, most conservative broadcast idiot of them all ventures into the even more mysterious jungle of openly and stridently opposing his party's candidate for the Big House. I write, of course, of Rush Limbaugh, he of 13.5-million weekly listeners who, it would ...

The scourge of global neoliberalism and the need to reclaim democracy
Post Date: 2008-02-16 21:57:12 by robin
The scourge of global neoliberalism and the need to reclaim democracyBy Henry Giroux and Chronis PolychroniouOnline Journal Contributing Writers Feb 15, 2008, 00:19 After 30 some years of neoliberal policies, the class war on behalf of the rich is getting more ruthless and more vicious, prompting Naomi Klein to use torture as a metaphor in order to capture and describe the ruthlessness of the re-emergence of neoliberal shock therapy in the latest and most powerful book she has written, titled The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. The insidious class warfare launched by the rich against the working poor and the middle classes is creating Orwellian dystopias, lauded in ...

Editorial: "America The Pimped"
Post Date: 2008-02-16 18:59:44 by chuckadkins
This was originally published on my Blog. ------------ First up, A Special Comment by Keith Olbermann. My comments to follow. In case that don't work, here's the URL to the video: Click Here for Video FULL Transcript: Democrats in the House of Representatives are closing the shop down tonight, until a week from Monday… leaving President Bush twisting slowly in a wind of his own creation. Our third story on the Countdown: the FISA bill — and the retroactive immunity for the telecom giants that helped Mr. Bush illegally eavesdrop on Americans — will thus just sit there, unacted upon, not even a temporary extension which the Republicans and Mr. Bush refused, ...

War is the health of the State
Post Date: 2008-02-16 12:56:08 by PnbC
War is the health of the StatePosted by Ryan W. McMaken at February 15, 2008 09:41 PM In 1956, Murray Rothbard came out in favor of Adlai Stevenson against Eisenhower. Why? Because Stevenson was the relatively anti-war candidate. Eisenhower was the establishment Cold War candidate in favor of war forever, and welfare forever. Stevenson was also in favor of welfare forever, but since he was against endless war, Stevenson was actually the candidate for less government. Rothbard knew that war is the biggest of big government programs, and the candidate that opposes it is almost inevitably the de facto small-government candidate. Raimondo's most recent piece shows quite clearly who ...

Feminist at the End of Her Rope
Post Date: 2008-02-14 19:34:16 by A3rdrightwing
Feminist at the End of Her Rope By Henry Makow Ph.D. February 13, 2008 What better example of stupid, self-defeating behavior than the latest advice of a veteran feminist? In an article entitled "Marry Him" (Atlantic Monthly, March 2008) Lori Gottlieb advises her sisters to "settle"--marry anything in sight...and fast. This kind of abject surrender, while satisfying in an "I told you so" way, is also sad. Millions of women who outsourced their common sense and trusted the media, their teachers, their leaders and their society are now high-and-dry. They were told they could have it all but most can't. There are three times as many single women in their 30 ...

The First Muslim-Born Leader of the West (Obama) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-02-14 15:16:07 by X-15
If I had been asked two months ago “Which Western country runs the greatest risk of electing a Muslim-born leader and how soon do you think this is going to happen?” I would have bet on the Netherlands somewhere in the next decade. Today, it looks as if the first Western country with a Muslim-born leader might very well be the United States next year, when President Barack Hussein Obama enters the Oval Office. The Europeans do not mind being surpassed. Obamania has struck Western Europe. Two weeks ago, in an attempt to explain Europe’s enthusiasm for Mr. Obama, the left wing German weekly Der Spiegel pointed out that the Illinois senator is the most “European” of ...

Valentine Present to the Good Ladies Here
Post Date: 2008-02-14 01:16:26 by tom007

The Rise of the Imperial Class; McCain is their avatar, and war is their mother's milk...
Post Date: 2008-02-11 19:44:59 by Brian S
Matt Welch, the new editor of Reason, gave a talk at the Cato Institute about his new book, John McCain: The Myth of a Maverick, in which he sums up the grave danger to the republic represented by the McCain campaign. Welch remarked that McCain is part of the "imperial class," pointing to the politico-military legacy of his father, an admiral, to underscore the point that the putative GOP nominee is revving up his motor to become the most militaristic American president since at least Teddy Roosevelt – perhaps the most belligerent ever. I agree with him about McCain, but what I want to focus on is the rise of this "imperial class," which seems like a good moniker: ...

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