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What Do You Think Of This
Post Date: 2008-02-10 23:13:15 by tom007
www.zeitgeistmovie.com ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Official Release - Full Film Just watched the first part. What do you think?

Democrats: 'Particide' In Six Easy Steps
Post Date: 2008-02-10 12:17:52 by Indrid Cold
Suppose you had a political party you were trying to get rid of. How would you do it? Would you give it some cement shoes and toss it into the bay? Would you roll it up in a carpet and drag it into the trunk of your car in the middle of the night? Would you put out a contract on it? If the latter sounds appealing, no need to get your hands dirty messing with any nasty mob guys from Jersey. I know some very upstanding establishment folks who've perfected a killer formula (pun intended) for particide. They're called Democrats, and they know how to get the job done right. In fact, they've demonstrated it again for the umpteenth time just as I'm writing these words. ...

Australia Pictures by Tom007
Post Date: 2008-02-10 00:04:12 by tom007
I finally got around to loading up a few pics form the antipodes. Here's my hostel Guess Who? Pretty nice for $30/ night. Plenty of rainbow Lorikeets flighting around with lots of other strange animals and reptiles.

Stood On the Eastern Most Point of Australia Yesterday
Post Date: 2008-02-08 21:16:46 by tom007
It rained for or five inches a day when I first got to Brisbane ten days ago, so just holed up at my fathers cabin in New Brighton, in a jungle. These birds would fly into the house and beg for food. Had a bush turkey come around every day and saw Cockatoos. Saw road signs for Koala crossings, but never saw any. The rain stopped so went to Byron Bay, Australia's most popular tourist destination, they say. It is the eastren most point of the continent. I did not take any of these pixs. Walked out to the surk on the point and must tell you this was some MAJOR surf slamming into the continent. Quite dynamic. The beaches finially cleaned themselves out from all the flooding that had ...

How He Can
Post Date: 2008-02-08 14:12:51 by Tauzero
How He Can By Diego von Vacano Wednesday, February 6, 2008; 1:00 PM The Democratic race may be far from over, but last night's results show one thing for certain: Hispanics overwhelmingly support Hillary Clinton. In California, Clinton won on the strength of the Latino vote, and it also helped her in Arizona and New Mexico. Her success is due in part to her positions on the issues and her broad appeal to the lower and working class, where the bulk of Latinos remain. She may have also benefited from Barack Obama's failure to engage Hispanic Americans on the issue of race. It is unfortunate but true: There is some suspicion, competition and uneasiness between Latinos and African ...

Stores' Weak Sales Signal Consumers, Economy In Trouble
Post Date: 2008-02-07 23:49:00 by tom007
Stores' Weak Sales Signal Consumers, Economy In Trouble By MARILYN MUCH Cash-strapped consumers tightened their purse strings last month as Wal-Mart (WMT) and other retailers released anemic sales figures Thursday. January sales at stores open at least a year rose just 0.2% from January 2007, slightly shy of 0.7% views, said Ken Perkins, president of Retail Metrics. Though 57% beat forecasts, expectations were very low, said Perkins. Only 1% met views, while 42% missed. Shares of almost all retailers rallied Thursday on relief that results weren't worse. The S&P Retail index jumped 3.7%. January's anemic sales still show consumers continuing to struggle with high food ...

Handhelds Become Instant Hit For Maker Of Ultrasound Devices
Post Date: 2008-02-07 20:12:21 by tom007
Handhelds Become Instant Hit For Maker Of Ultrasound Devices By MARILYN MUCH Shortly after SonoSite (SONO) launched its newest product lineup in December, management knew it hit a home run. SonoSite, maker of hand-carried ultrasound systems, had just begun worldwide shipments of its new fourth-generation M-Turbo and S-Series devices The five new offerings only had 40 days in the field for the fourth quarter. Yet they accounted for more than 30% of the quarter's revenue. This was the most revenue — and the biggest percentage of total revenue — generated by new products in their first quarter of shipping, Chief Executive Kevin Goodwin says. The quarter's revenue rose ...

Hillary Clinton Whitewater & the Chinese (Year of the Rat)
Post Date: 2008-02-07 17:17:02 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Hillary Clinton Whitewater & the Chinese (Year of the Rat)

Lies, Damn Lies and the Murdock Empire
Post Date: 2008-02-07 06:17:12 by Stephen Lendman
Lies, Damn Lies and the Murdock Empire - by Stephen Lendman For Big Media, truth is a scare commodity and in times of war it's the first casualty, or as esteemed journalist John Pilger noted: "Journalism (not truth) is the first casualty (of war). Not only that: it('s)....a weapon of war (by its) virulent censorship....by omission (and its) power....can mean....life and death for people in faraway countries, such as Iraq." Famed journalist George Seldes put it another way by condemning the "prostitution of the press" in an earlier era when he covered WW I, the rise of fascism, and most major world and national events until his death in 1995 at age 104. He also ...

How would you answer this management course question?
Post Date: 2008-02-07 02:39:25 by X-15
From my Principles of Management textbook end-of-chapter assignment: What challenges might confront a Mexicon manager transferred to the United States to manage a manufacturing plant in Tucson, Arizona? Will these be the same for a U.S. manager transferred to Guadalajara? Explain. Yep, X-15 smarted off and told the truth!! I'll know next week how much red ink I received for not being culturally sensitive ;-)

Makow: Our 'Leaders' Are Sex Addicts
Post Date: 2008-02-06 15:58:25 by robin
Our 'Leaders' Are Sex Addicts By Henry Makow PhD 2-6-8 The world is set to drop into the central bankers' outstretched hand like a ripe peach from a tree. Illuminati bankers are harvesting the fruit of their centuries-old plot to destroy Christian Civilization and trap humanity on a treadmill of greed, sex, violence, trivia and political correctness.They have succeeded because we have no leaders. They select obedient blackmailed perverts to execute their design. I always marveled that Bill Clinton betrayed the dignity of his office and the trust of 300 million people /for a blow job./ But, in retrospect, a sex addict is the rule rather than the exception when it comes to our ...

The Race Trap
Post Date: 2008-02-06 00:36:20 by Tauzero
The Nation Tue Feb 5, 9:40 AM ET The Nation -- Observing Barack Obama run for president has been like watching a home movie blown up into a glorious, IMAX blockbuster spectacle. It's been more than a little unnerving to see the thread of something so familiar writ so large. But there he has been on TV, in the newspapers and in front of stadium-size crowds, winning the lavish praise of white liberals (you don't get more lavish or more white liberal than Caroline Kennedy's endorsement). At the same time, he's patiently borne the skepticism of his fellow minorities, slowly garnering their support. Every day he risks igniting the wrath of either clan. Run too far away from the ...

A little honesty - not a lot - works for the Swiss right
Post Date: 2008-02-05 23:32:47 by X-15
Keen cuckoo clock observers will no doubt be aware of Sunday’s election in the gun-toting, bank-ridden concantenated canton-nation called Switzerland. The result was a resounding success for billionaire industrialist Christoph Blocher’s Swiss People’s Party, and for white sheep everywhere. The SVP already holds two of the seven seats on the ruling Federal Council, and is the largest party in the bicameral parliament. As forecast it increased its share of the poll from 27.7% to 29%, continuing its steady progress from the 22% base won in 1999. Ueli Maurer (who is, in fact, party leader - not Blocher) said, “We have reached the highest score ever since this electoral ...

An Ex-Fighter Pilot Confirms Bryanna’s Theory: McCain Is “Insane”
Post Date: 2008-02-04 22:28:30 by X-15
I have a theory about John McCain based on my twelve years in line fighter squadrons. Bryanna’s right; McCain is insane. The unimaginable sufferings he endured in Communist prisons unhinged him permanently. Flying fighters in the 1980s and 90s, I got to know several Vietnam POWs including some who had been captive even longer than McCain’s five and a half years. All were unbalanced. The ones I knew who were long-time POWs—with one exception and that exception I knew only very slightly—were high-functioning lunatics. Common denominators were trouble with alcohol, cars, divorces, tempers and aggressive flying verging on recklessness—a very unwelcome trait in a ...

Too many rights make a wrong (multi-culturalism in Canada)
Post Date: 2008-02-04 22:21:19 by X-15
CANADA: It was one of those rare, particularly sunny days in Vancouver in September when, addressing an audience at the University of British Columbia, I suggested that multiculturalism and its partner in crime, moral relativism, were leading to the demise of Western values. "But you must understand," implored a well-intentioned woman in the audience, "multiculturalism is Canada's gift to the world." If Australia is set to follow Canada, then thanks, but no thanks. Call me ungrateful, but we should have returned the gift to Canada long ago. I say that as someone who has long adored Canada. Its politics may be as dripping wet as Vancouver, but the people are warm ...

Post Date: 2008-02-04 10:44:22 by robin
PSYCHOLOGICAL HANGOVER; IS AMERICA FINISH?By Betty FreaufFebruary 3, 2008 NewsWithViews.comOur heads have been spinning with these early state presidential elections. “The inability to become aroused over any of the choices for president put forth by either party in the 2008 election year,” says another NWV contributor, Randy Murray, is called Electile Dysfunction. They talk about change. What change? We changed from a Constitutional Republic with individual responsibilities to a collective Keynesian socialist society (democracy) with power being given to Washington, D.C. under Republican President Lincoln and most notably other presidents thereafter, i.e. Wilson, FDR, Nixon, ...

Why 'liberal' doesn't quite fit
Post Date: 2008-02-03 13:03:31 by farmfriend
Why 'liberal' doesn't quite fit Just listen to Democrats, and you’ll hear the p-words (progressive, populist) rather than the l-word. Yet this shift is an embrace of, rather than a retreat from, leftist thinking. By Jonah Goldberg At the recent CNN/YouTube debate, Hillary Clinton was asked to define what a liberal is and declare whether she was one. "You know," the New York senator said, "it is a word that originally meant that you were for freedom ... that you were willing to stand against big power and on behalf of the individual. Unfortunately, in the last 30, 40 years, it has been turned up on its head, and it's been made to seem as though it is a ...

U.S. envoy: Iran gained from U.S. invasions
Post Date: 2008-02-02 16:20:17 by tom007
U.S. envoy: Iran gained from U.S. invasions NEW YORK (AP) -- Iran is stronger today because of the U.S.-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the American ambassador to the United Nations said Friday. The 2003 invasion of Iraq removed a key rival of Shiite Iran with the ouster of Saddam Hussein’s Sunni-dominated government. Iran has friendly ties with the Shiites now in power in Iraq. “It’s helped Iran’s relative position in the region, because Iraq was a rival of Iran ... and the balance there has disintegrated or weakened,” Zalmay Khalilzad said while answering questions from students at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. ...

Buchanan: Tapped Out Nation
Post Date: 2008-02-01 19:45:00 by Brian S
It was to be the year of change, of new ideas, a new politics. Yet, as of today, it appears the Republican Party will be led into the future by a Beltway favorite of the media and Washington insider who has spent the last quarter of a century on Capitol Hill. And the Democratic Party appears about to build a bridge to the past by nominating the spouse of the last Democratic president who has herself been a Washington insider for almost 20 years. With two-thirds of the nation saying the country is on the wrong course, the two parties are offering candidates both of whom played major roles in setting that course. And neither probable nominee has advanced ideas to deal with the crises ...

Operation Desert Slaughter
Post Date: 2008-02-01 11:17:30 by robin
Operation Desert Slaughter Thoughts on Holocaust Memorial Day.By Felicity ArbuthnotGlobal Research, January 28, 2008 It is seventeen years since America and Britain embarked on their 'Final Solution' for the population of Iraq. The forty two day carpet bombing, enjoined by thirty two other countries, against a country of just twenty five million souls, with a youthful, conscript army, with broadly half the population under sixteen, and no air force, was just the beginning of a United Nations led, global siege of near mediaeval ferocity. Having, as James Baker boasted they would, reduced 'Iraq to a pre-industrial age', the country was denied all normality : trade, aid, ...

Post Date: 2008-02-01 11:03:18 by christine
Many patriots these days lament that the Republican Party has “lost its way” and “gone wrong.” It has “diverged” from the fiscally responsible, small government philosophy of Republican heroes like Robert Taft whom Eisenhower’s handlers finagled out of the nomination for President in 1952. We are told that is why today’s Republican Establishment hates Dr. Ron Paul with such a passion; that they hate him because, like Taft, he is the quintessential Republican. Patriots who say that are mistaken, of course. The reason the Republican Establishment hates Dr. Paul is precisely that he is not a traditional, mainstream Republican, that his platform of ...

Made It Am In the Most Eastern Point of Australia as I type. Every bird I see Is strange, but familer.
Post Date: 2008-02-01 06:35:34 by tom007
Me I made it . Wasn't easy, but better than the two months in the slaves boats. Saw a dozens kangaroooos The 747 flight was a journey of the dead. Fiji had a cyclone the day brfore we got there. I'll give a better report tomorrow. Travelled FOURTEEN THOUSAND MILES. Don't eat the breakfast sausage.

Can Big Business and Media bring ANC and ESKOM in check?
Post Date: 2008-01-31 23:55:26 by Tauzero
Can Big Business and Media bring ANC and ESKOM in check? By Mike Smith – Cape Town, 28 January 2008 The mining industry in South Africa came to a grinding halt this past week due to the South African Power supplier, Eskom, unable to deliver electricity to the mines. This has a major knock-on effect, because thousands of other smaller companies supply or deal with the mines and are dependent on the mines for their very survival. Now I see the newspapers report that the CEO of Anglo American Corporation, Cynthia Carroll is on her way to South Africa to meet with Government Ministers and Eskom Representatives. Anglo American is the second largest mining group in the world next to Rio ...

Chalmers Johnson on the Myth of Free Trade
Post Date: 2008-01-30 23:52:29 by robin
Chalmers Johnson on the Myth of Free Trade http://www.truthdig.com/arts_culture/item/20080124_chalmers_johnson_on_the_myth_of_free_trade/ Posted on Jan 24, 2008 By Chalmers Johnson Ha-Joon Chang is a Cambridge economist who specializes in the abject poverty of the Third World and its people, groups, nations, and empires, and their doctrines that are responsible for this condition. He won the Gunnar Myrdal Prize for his book “Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective” (2002), and he shared the 2005 Wassily Leontief Prize for his contributions to “Rethinking Development in the 21st Century.” The title of his 2002 book comes from the ...

The Care and Feeding of the Practical Psychopath.
Post Date: 2008-01-30 19:48:22 by robin
Every generation has its challenges, its wars and its peculiar identity. Every generation replaces the one in front of it and gets replaced by the one behind it. The enemy of each generation is always the same. It changes its clothes and terrain. It moves in and out of political ideologies and religious dogmas but it’s the same enemy. Defining the enemy isn’t an easy thing. You’re dealing with continuous shape-shifting. You think you are confronting it in front of you when it is actually leaning over your shoulder and advising you. You find that it agrees with you and is on your side only to discover that it has used its seeming alliance to discredit what you believe in; to ...

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