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No Child’s Behind Left
Post Date: 2008-01-30 19:45:31 by richard9151
June 12, 2006 Excerpt from Armed Madhouse They take away your overtime, your 40-hour week, your regulatory protection against corporate marauders, your right to courtroom justice, your protection against unfair trade, even the right to get your ballot counted. But there’s always hope. Hope is the last thing to go. And your hope is your kids, that they’ll have an opportunity you didn’t have. On January 21, 2004, the President told you they’d have to take that away too. On that night, deep into his State of the Union sermon to Congress, when sensible adults had turned off the tube or kicked in the screen, our President opened a new front in the class war. And like the ...

NPR's Not-So-Fresh Air
Post Date: 2008-01-30 16:17:40 by X-15
"Fresh Air," the midday talk show out of Philadelphia and broadcast on National Public Radio, is hosted by Terry Gross, a bookish liberal who tends toward typical NPR fare: Jazz, the Holocaust, poetry and poets, more jazz, and more Holocaust. Her inquisitive but sympathetic tone gives the feel of a comfortable but animated coffeehouse chat. Like so many of her NPR colleagues, Gross is Jewish, and her guests are also frequently Jewish. For those aware of the extent of Jewish influence in the media, this comes as little surprise. But the January 24, 2008 episode of her program provided a singularly pungent example of the insular nature of Jewish media influence. Her guest that ...

Tom007 is out of here and after listening to the raw BS offered by Bush in the SOTU speach and the monkeys who applauded him and must say I am glad to get out of the nation for awhile
Post Date: 2008-01-28 22:12:50 by tom007
Am going to Fiji and Australia tomorrow for a month. Am glad to get away from the nuttiynus of the political system here especially after listening to Bush's nonsense contained in the State of the Union address. It is simply Bizarre. Warped. A skein of lies wrapped up in a delusion surrounded by empty bombast. "You make me proud to be an American" Egads. Who are these people??? And where is the press to hold some of these brazen assertations accountable? O yeh - owned by the fascist corportocriacy. "Great Job" This country is in deep dodo.

It’s Time to Hold Democratic House Leaders in Contempt
Post Date: 2008-01-27 11:38:53 by angle
Enough is enough. Like many of us, after having watched helplessly as the Bush administration trampled the Constitution and made a mockery of checks and balances over the course of five bitter years, I was hopeful when the American people elected a Democratic Congress in November of 2006. Finally, I imagined, we would have a whiff of legality and the hint of a restoration of the rule of law in the land. Perhaps we would even have congressional committees to oversee the administration’s subversions of the rule of law and investigate the wide range of abuses that it had perpetrated since 2001. There has been a bit of movement — which is why the thousands of Americans I have met ...

Whos is going to win South Carolina? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-01-26 19:01:21 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Is it just Dems? The older I get the stupider I is. Oboma will win (cnn)

Makow: How They Control The World
Post Date: 2008-01-26 12:17:50 by robin
How They Control The World By Henry Makow PhD 1-24-8 To understand current events, we need a new paradigm. The paradigm fostered by the mass media of a 'balanced' world consisting of competing interests, nations, ideologies and religions only gives us false confidence and traps us in a false matrix of "good guys vs. bad guys."As my readers know, I suspect that most "competing" groups/ ideologies actually have been created or subverted by a single force: a satanic cult, the Illuminati (Sabbatean-Frankist Jews and cabalistic Freemasons.) This clique is empowered by a cartel of cartels, beginning with world central banking, based in London. It uses MI-6, the CIA, ...

Absolute Vanity Seeking Advice - Going On LOOOG Trip To Fiji and Australia. What Advice For The Ten Hour Flight To Fiji From LAX
Post Date: 2008-01-26 00:42:26 by tom007
Ok Lets be square about this. I will tell anyone I am going to Australia for three weeks and Fiji for six nights on the return. More than they want to hear about, nodoubt. But the hour draws neigh and I am not an experienced LD air traveller, not even an short distance air traveller. so here are my thoughts on surviving a International hemispherical trip. All comments welcome. Leave Colorado Springs @ 8:30 arrive Phoenix AZ then LAX at 5:00. 1030 depart LAX to Nadi Fiji, arrive at 5:30 aym Leave Nadi at 1000 for Brisbane. Arrive BNE at 1000. I am traveling light. Snorkeling gear is the bulk of the check in baggage. Have been told: Bring water. Drugs for sleep ...

Sorry, but marriage and sex DON'T go together
Post Date: 2008-01-25 12:55:39 by Ferret Mike
Carrie Jones hasn't had sex with her husband Hal, a City banker, for the past four years. Nor does she want to. Sex is something she can no longer summon the effort to endure - with the man she married, at least. She admits she stays in her sexless relationship for the sake of her children, aged nine and 11, and will remain celibate until the day they are grown up and she feels able to leave. At which point, she confesses, she will probably abandon her husband and begin a sexual odyssey to find the satisfaction that eludes her. An unusual case? A sorry lack of libido? She insists not. "If I thought I was unique in my sexual disappointment I'd probably be suicidal," ...

Post Date: 2008-01-24 23:55:27 by tom007

Happy Video from tom007 concerning Africa
Post Date: 2008-01-24 23:40:23 by tom007

Oh (dhimmi) Canada!!
Post Date: 2008-01-24 18:07:30 by X-15
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUTFcgE1F7w UK comedian who has been branded a RACIST!!

Soros predicts worst recession for 50 years
Post Date: 2008-01-22 21:02:09 by tom007
Soros predicts worst recession for 50 years Amid collapsing stock prices worldwide, the billionaire investor George Soros has told an Austrian daily, the Standard, that the United States is threatened with recession and the world is facing the worst financial crisis in half a century. "The situation is much more serious than any other financial crisis since the end of World War II," Soros was quoted as saying. He said over the past few years politics had been guided by some basic misunderstandings stemming from something that he called "market fundamentalism" - the belief that financial markets tended to act as a balance. "This is the wrong idea," he said. ...

The Ugliest Day of the Year
Post Date: 2008-01-22 16:06:13 by X-15
Today began just like any other day for me. Then at 9:30, I checked the stock market and saw there was no trading. I was perplexed for a while, and then it hit me. Yes, it’s the ugliest day of the year, the day on which Americans celebrate the loss of their civil rights. Let’s leave aside Martin Luther King’s communist connections and his record of adultery, sexual perversion, and plagiarism—we should all re-read Sam Francis’s “The King Holiday and Its Meaning” every year on this day. What stinks worst about the King myth is that history knows him as the man who led the “civil rights movement.” Consider the legislation that resulted from ...

Toronto Stock market takes biggest one-day plunge since tech sector tumbled
Post Date: 2008-01-21 23:32:08 by tom007
Toronto Stock market takes biggest one-day plunge since tech sector tumbled 10 hours ago TORONTO - The Toronto stock market was slammed with its biggest single-day loss since the tech bubble burst seven years ago as nervous investors worried that the Canadian economy will feel the ripple effects of a looming recession in the United States. The 605-point drop - 4.75 per cent of the market - trimmed more than $90 billion in value from the TSX. That's on top of a 6.6 per cent dive last week that had already wiped out all of the market's gains for 2007. Since Canada's dominant market hit a record high in late October, the TSX has lost more than $300 billion, or 17 per cent of ...

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Stocks tumbled across Asia on Tuesday, and U.S. stock index futures sank, as panic gripped markets that a U.S. recession could derail global economic growth, sending investors fleeing to safe-haven government bonds.
Post Date: 2008-01-21 23:25:18 by tom007
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Stocks tumbled across Asia on Tuesday, and U.S. stock index futures sank, as panic gripped markets that a U.S. recession could derail global economic growth, sending investors fleeing to safe-haven government bonds. ADVERTISEMENT Share markets from Tokyo and Hong Kong to Seoul and Sydney slumped around 5 percent, while industrial metals, such as zinc and copper, plunged and oil fell well below recent record highs. "It's like a funeral in here," said Ken Masuda, senior equities dealer at Shinko Securities in Tokyo. "No one knows what's going to happen tonight in New York. It's like we've gone blind, you don't know what's coming. ...

Stock futures pointing to sharp losses when U.S. re-opens Tuesday
Post Date: 2008-01-21 11:31:35 by tom007
Stock futures pointing to sharp losses when U.S. re-opens Tuesday By Steve Goldstein Last Updated: 1/21/2008 11:19:00 AM LONDON (MarketWatch) -- If futures contracts traded on a day when U.S. stocks weren't even due to open are anything near accurate, then markets will be in for a major decline on Tuesday, with concerns about bond insurers and the health of financial institutions dragging markets lower. March contracts on the Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 482 points lower to 11,624. Futures contract don't move in complete lockstep to the underlying indexes, but by comparison, the Dow industrials fell 382 points on Sept. 20, 2001, just days after the terrorist attack on ...

A long-time bull throws in the towel (Lets Name This Correctly "The Bush Depression" and get this family exiled to Siberia Forever
Post Date: 2008-01-20 23:54:30 by tom007
A long-time bull throws in the towel Commentary: Dan Sullivan's model stock portfolio is now 100% in cash By Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch Last update: 3:32 p.m. EST Jan. 17, 2008 PrintPrint EmailE-mail Subscribe to RSSRSS DisableDisable Live Quotes ANNANDALE, Va. (MarketWatch) -- Stock market bulls lost an important ally on Wednesday: Dan Sullivan is now convinced that we are in a major bear market. Sullivan is editor of two newsletters, The Chartist and The Chartist Mutual Fund Letter. Sullivan has been publishing the first of these since the late 1960s, nearly 40 years ago. Very few others have been continuously editing an advisory newsletter for any where close to that long a period. ...

Post Date: 2008-01-19 19:35:31 by iconoclast
From what I just saw on MSNBC Hitlery carried the strip. Will Bubba stop ranting and blubbering now? Will pigs fly?

Hitler and Nazi Resurgence …will a successor to Hitler emerge in Europe?
Post Date: 2008-01-19 18:13:19 by robin
Word from News Commentary - Hitler and Nazi Resurgence Hitler and Nazi Resurgence …will a successor to Hitler emerge in Europe? by Chris Cumming "Just as certainly as we restore Western Europe to economic prosperity, and then to military power, a successor to Hitler will emerge, gain control of this power through a 'United States of Europe,' which we [the United States government] are also encouraging, and we ...

Post Date: 2008-01-19 15:39:35 by tom007
BUSH'S LEGACY OF SHAME by Allen L Roland Page 1 of 2 page(s) http://www.opednews.com I, as well as millions of Americans, am embarrassed and shamed by the actions and inactions of the most arrogant, oblivious and inept President in our Republic's history. George W Bush is a moral coward masquerading as a world leader and his legacy is a legacy of shame: Allen L Roland Watching Bush recently swagger obliviously throughout the mideast completely ignorant of the chaos he has created is a fitting epitaph to his eight years of arrogance, violence, greed and ineptitude. His legacy of shame extends throughout the world and he is destined to be assaulted and ridiculed on a ...

Kucinich Labels Bush's Economic Stimulus Plan ''Another Tax Break for the Rich''
Post Date: 2008-01-19 15:27:02 by tom007
Kucinich Labels Bush's Economic Stimulus Plan ''Another Tax Break for the Rich'' WASHINGTON, Jan 18, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Ohio Congressman and Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich sharply criticized the economic stimulus plan President Bush proposed earlier today, which calls for an additional $145 billion in tax cuts in hope of ending the country's first recession since 2001. "President Bush's plan is nothing more than another tax break for the rich, this time cynically disguised as help for our ailing economy," said Kucinich, right before traveling this afternoon to Las Vegas on the eve of the Nevada caucuses. "Americans ...

Saudi Woman Is Always Guilty!
Post Date: 2008-01-18 20:46:31 by tom007
Saudi Woman Is Always Guilty! Dania Al-Ghalib, Al-Madinah The Saudi woman is guilty. She is guilty of being born in a male-dominated society. Her fault is that she grows up in a society that stigmatizes her sex as a sin. She is held accountable because society believes she is underaged — even if she is in her 60s — and implements a guardianship system over her as if she were a second-rate citizen. It is very common for a Saudi woman — a widow or a divorcee — to have her young son as her guardian and she needs his written permission to carry out official paperwork. He is in control of her life and her destiny. The Saudi woman can be blamed for living in a ...

The Texas Girl (An Arab View)
Post Date: 2008-01-18 20:45:04 by tom007
The Texas Girl Muhammad Al-Ohaideb • Al-Riyadh After so much was written in the American media regarding the Qatif girl who was sentenced by a Saudi court to 200 lashes and six months in prison, the case of a Texas woman, who was gang-raped by her American coworkers in Baghdad, was covered up by the company she worked for and also by the US government. Jamie Leigh Jones, now 22, said that several men at a camp in the Green Zone in Baghdad raped her and that her company, Halliburton, then put her under guard in a shipping container with a bed and warned her that if she left Iraq for medical treatment, she would lose her job. In a lawsuit filed in a US federal court against the ...

Uncle Sam Came to Town
Post Date: 2008-01-18 20:18:43 by tom007
Uncle Sam Came to Town Tariq A. Al-Maeena, talmaeena@aol.com What can be expected of a lame-duck US president on his first trip to the Kingdom? Would it win over and inspire the many skeptics that the US was finally going to play the honest broker in the region? To get answers to those questions and more, I literally hit the proverbial streets. While most people witnessed the ceremonial pomp and hand-holding splashed over his arrival on the state-run media, many confessed that they quickly switched the channel to a more palatable fare. The reason? Bush is not very popular here. In fact, his popularity rating is so low that it makes him one of the world’s undesirables. A stockbroker ...

Islamic terrorism not 'anti-Islamic activity'
Post Date: 2008-01-18 13:45:26 by X-15
Even by the standards of NU Labour, the latest Orwellian- double-speak of Jacqui Smith, Home Secretary for the UK, hits a new low. With the backing of other Government Ministers, Miss Smith has just stood reality on its head to such an extent that you really have to wonder about her fitness to be out on her own, much less hold High Office in our government! For in future, any further acts of Islamic terrorism that take place, anywhere in the world must be described as being ‘perpetrated by terrorist fanatics - pursuing “anti-Islamic activity”. Honestly, you couldn’t make it up. Surely this must rank as the most cynical misuse of words ever used in order to deny what ...

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