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Post Date: 2008-01-06 21:44:21 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
WHY DOES THE GOVERNMENT FEAR ARMED VETERANS? PART 2 of 2 by Alan Stang January 4, 2008 http://NewsWithViews.com Waiting for whom? For illegal alien invaders of our country, brought here by the Boosh treason gang? My guess is no, because no illegal alien is incarcerated there, despite overwhelming provocations like enormous numbers. There are only two kinds of people in this country: illegal aliens and legal residents. If the camps are not meant for illegal aliens, they are meant for us. One reason – preeminent among many – could be a national epidemic. A new “terrorist attack,” or a national quarantine could be the best “temporary” use for those camps. ...

Post Date: 2008-01-06 21:42:34 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
WHY DOES THE GOVERNMENT FEAR ARMED VETERANS? PART 1 of 2 by Alan Stang January 4, 2008 http://NewsWithViews.com Recent passage by the District of Criminals of the legislation known colloquially as the Veteran Disarmament bill raises the question of why the conspiracy for world government would want to disarm returning veterans. The conspiracy trusted these men to use the most devastating ordinance abroad; it does not trust them to keep and bear much smaller weapons here at home. The obvious answer is that these are the millions of well trained military men I was talking about in my recent piece about a possible assassination threat to Dr. Ron Paul. These are the men the psychos at the ...

America's Most Powerful Racist Hate Group
Post Date: 2008-01-05 15:26:30 by robin
America's Most Powerful Racist Hate Group 1-4-8 The Anti-Defamation League is the longest running and most powerful hate group in the United States with 28 offices domestically and 3 offices abroad. They bring in nearly $60 million a year to combat free speech and the right of ethnic minorities to defend themselves from bigotry (including Black Muslims, Arabs, and Euro-Americans).ADL's Dark HistoryThe Anti-Defamation League was created in 1913 by the racist secret society known as B'nai B'rith (which means "blood of the Chosen"). This organization, which exists today excludes people based on their ethnic background and religion. It is exclusively restricted to ...

Bhutto’s Deadly Legacy
Post Date: 2008-01-05 13:57:26 by scrapper2
WHEN, in May 1991, former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India was killed by a suicide bomber, there was an international outpouring of grief. Recent days have seen the same with the death of Benazir Bhutto: another glamorous, Western-educated scion of a great South Asian political dynasty tragically assassinated at an election rally. There is, however, an important difference between the two deaths: while Mr. Gandhi was assassinated by Sri Lankan Hindu extremists because of his policy of confronting them, Ms. Bhutto was apparently the victim of Islamist militant groups that she allowed to flourish under her administrations in the 1980s and 1990s. It was under Ms. Bhutto’s watch that ...

Putting Paul and Iowa into Perspective
Post Date: 2008-01-04 13:33:36 by gengis gandhi
If I had offered to bet any of the paul supporters that he would get 10% in Iowa two months ago, takers would be few and far between. Paul did better than anyone expected, and that is in the face of huge establishment resistance. With 10%, Paul is at least a spoiler. The GOP will then have to come to him to shore up their numbers if they wish to win. And this is just the first primary.

Bhutto, JFK, and Conspiracies
Post Date: 2008-01-03 02:48:20 by Zoroaster
Bhutto, JFK, and Conspiracies by Jacob G. Hornberger It’s interesting to compare the attitude of the U.S. mainstream press toward the assassination of Benazir Bhutto with its attitude toward the assassination of President John Kennedy. The immediate reaction of the American press (and U.S. government officials) to the Bhutto killing has been a presumption of a conspiracy. Equally important, among the prime suspects are Pakistani intelligence agencies. For example, the New York Times reported: “Pakistani and Western security experts said the government’s insistence that Ms. Bhutto, a former prime minister, was not killed by a bullet was intended to deflect attention from ...

Post Date: 2008-01-03 00:44:45 by wakeup
Hey, I just want you to see what I did with my van. Poster Comment:center>

Hillary and the Huckster's cult following
Post Date: 2008-01-02 20:09:38 by X-15
While the "mainstream" media complain about small donations from "extremists" to the campaign coffers of the populist maverick Ron Paul, little if anything is made of much larger donations made to the campaigns of Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Mike Huckabee by a shadowy group often characterized as a "cult." According to small, backpage style reports, people connected to a group called NXIVM (pronounced "nexium," like the acid reflux medication) gave the Hillary juggernaut $30,000, while Huckabee raked in $20,000. NXIVM, originally known as Executive Success Programs (ESP), is a new age "human potential" group that describes its ...

Tim Russert Interviews Hunter S. Thompson
Post Date: 2008-01-01 01:32:45 by Dakmar

NY Times: We Cannot Recognize Our Country
Post Date: 2007-12-31 20:33:12 by kiki
Looking at America There are too many moments these days when we cannot recognize our country. Sunday was one of them, as we read the account in The Times of how men in some of the most trusted posts in the nation plotted to cover up the torture of prisoners by Central Intelligence Agency interrogators by destroying videotapes of their sickening behavior. It was impossible to see the founding principles of the greatest democracy in the contempt these men and their bosses showed for the Constitution, the rule of law and human decency. It was not the first time in recent years we’ve felt this horror, this sorrowful sense of estrangement, not nearly. This sort of lawless behavior has ...

I would like to thank Fox News for supplying another huge rallying/motivational tool for Ron Paul
Post Date: 2007-12-31 13:56:30 by gengis gandhi
thanks! its called a polarizing effect and works great to unite and energize folks. good thinking.

Misunderstanding The Depravity Of The President They Hate
Post Date: 2007-12-31 12:39:43 by robin
Most Americans have long ago now reached two conclusions about their government. First, that George W. Bush is an incompetent president with, additionally, a temperament ill-suited to the job. And second, that his grand project ­ the invasion of Iraq ­ was a major mistake. Both these conclusions are absolutely incorrect. But only by omission. They are, in fact, quite accurate as far as they go ­ it's just that they don't go nearly far enough. Bush is incompetent and Iraq is likely the greatest foreign policy blunder in two-plus centuries of American history. But to say that ­ and particularly to say that alone ­ does not truly do justice to either disaster, ...

Why The Bankers Love The Left
Post Date: 2007-12-31 04:12:30 by robin
Why The Bankers Love The Left By Henry Makow PhD 12-30-7Count Cherep-Spiridovitch was a Czarist general who battled the Bolsheviks in the 1917 Russian Revolution.In 1926 he published a book entitled "The Secret World Government" which shows how the Rothschild's plan for world tyranny dominates modern history. (See my "The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism.") http://www.savethemales.ca/000447.html The fact that "Secret World Government" is generally considered "right wing" and "anti Semitic" is revealing:1) It shows the extent society already has been brainwashed and subverted by the Rothschild conspiracy.2) It reveals how the ...

Machiavellian Musharraf (written before Benazir Bhutto's assassination)
Post Date: 2007-12-31 03:57:51 by robin
Machiavellian MusharrafBy Ramzy BaroudGlobal Research, December 30, 2007 Editor's NoteThis article was written before Benazir Bhutto's assassinationThe 42-day drama in Pakistan is far from over; the declaration of emergency and the lifting of emergency are part of a charade, behind which exists a complex power play between Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, various camps within the military elite, and the US government. The Pakistani people are the least relevant to these calculations, although every player never fails to justify unwarranted actions in their name.General Musharraf’s motives for declaring emergency on November 3 are far from enigmatic. To guarantee his ...

The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis
Post Date: 2007-12-30 11:44:51 by robin
The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis By Richard K. MooreGlobal Research, December 27, 2007 In order to understand anything about American political affairs, it is necessary to have some understanding of who it is that really makes the decisions behind the scenes, and what their interests are. In this way we have some hope of identifying the hidden agendas being served by government actions and programs, and some hope of identifying the longer-term strategies that are in play.It turns out—and informed people should already know this—that the U.S. is essentially owned and managed by a small clique of wealthy families—the ones who own and control the Federal Reserve. The ...

What Bhutto’s Assassination Means to America (Karen Kwiatkowski) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-12-29 23:28:22 by christine
Lately, neither right nor left has been talking much about our many murderous machinations in the Middle East. Perhaps it is the holiday season, or a nod to the establishment-picked presidential candidates who offer more of the same tired foreign policy entanglements. Maybe the recent NIE on Iran has caused visions of sugarplums to dance in the heads of the loyal opposition. Mainstream media has had little to say of the ongoing rudeness between the Turks and the Kurds, or the ethnic cleansing already accomplished throughout Iraq – both conditions directly caused by the United States policies and actions. It speaks not of holiday ugliness in Gaza or the occupied territories. Apparently, ...

Just How Dangerous Is Police Work
Post Date: 2007-12-29 13:59:24 by Split
The news wires buzzed yesterday with stories about an uptick in police fatalities last year. Most stories followed that lead with language about the dangers of police work. I won't deny that police work is more dangerous than your average profession (it's certainly more dangerous than journalism). I also don't mean to belittle those cops who were killed in the line of duty. Nor will I argue with the fact that there are times when police officers really do put their lives on the line, and that those who do deserve our admiration and gratitude. But it's also important to get some perspective, here. Browse online police forums, and you'll see cops defending all sorts of bad ...

Bhutto Killing Caps West's Year of Failure
Post Date: 2007-12-28 22:15:46 by robin
SPIEGEL ONLINE - December 28, 2007, 11:57 AM URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,525670,00.htmlWEST WINGBhutto Killing Caps West's Year of Failure By Gabor Steingart in Washington Ongoing difficulties in Iraq. A Taliban offensive in Afghanistan. And now the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. For the West, 2007 has been a year of failure and missteps. The following sentence is the most bitter compliment imaginable: The Thursday assassination of Benazir Bhutto is a huge, shocking and possibly even historic triumph for the enemies of democracy. Even worse, the attack was the gruesome culmination of what has been a successful year for ...

Buy Some Stuff, Enslave Somebody
Post Date: 2007-12-28 17:58:32 by robin
Buy Some Stuff, Enslave Somebody By Josh Rosenblatt, Texas ObserverPosted on December 27, 2007, Printed on December 28, 2007 http://www.alternet.org/story/71173/ Years from now, when the story of our corporate age is told with the clarity of hindsight, I'm guessing one of the phrases scholars will keep coming back to is "plausible deniability." The tale will capture our era's wide disparities in wealth, and its almost universal indifference to the rampant mistreatment of workers from countries less fortunate than our own. After all, when we buy a product -- a piece of fruit, a new suit, an iPod -- how many of us really comprehend what was required to bring that ...

Benazir Bhutto: From the Oxford Union to her Last Rally in Rawalpindi
Post Date: 2007-12-28 14:09:38 by robin
The world is debating the political fallout from Benazir Bhutto's assassination -- from fear of chaos in Pakistan to the impact of her death in Iowa. There is already no shortage of analysis about the national security implications of her death, but I want to write about the young woman I met in England before she became a player on the world stage. She was at Oxford. I was at Cambridge. And by a strange coincidence I became president of the Cambridge Union and she became president of the Oxford Union. The anomaly of two foreign women heading the two unions meant that we ended up debating each other around England on topics ranging from British politics to broad generalities about the ...

Norway: The Country of Peace Meets the Religion of Peace
Post Date: 2007-12-28 00:46:50 by X-15
Thorbjørn Jagland is a former Prime Minister of Norway from the Labour Party, currently President of the Storting, the Norwegian Parliament. In April 2006, Jagland wrote an essay warning against the dangers of Islamophobia. According to him, paraphrasing the Communist Manifesto, a specter is haunting Europe – the spectre of Islamophobia. He fears that this could give rise to a new form of Fascism. Curiously, at almost the same time as Mr. Jagland warned against rising "Islamophobia," an article in Aftenposten newspaper warned that "youths" are in the process of destroying Norway's capital city, Oslo. Young girls are raped, schoolchildren are threatened ...

Happy Holidays From Tom 007
Post Date: 2007-12-27 20:41:38 by tom007

Life 'better' under Saddam says vicar of Baghdad
Post Date: 2007-12-27 14:20:31 by tom007
Life 'better' under Saddam says vicar of Baghdad Joanna Sugden Life was “better” for Christians in Iraq under the regime of Saddam Hussein than it is today, according to the only Anglican vicar working in Baghdad. Canon Andrew White, vicar of St George’s Church in the capital of Iraq told Times Online that day-to-day life was ‘a lot easier’ for Christians when the vicious dictator Saddam Hussein was President of the country. But he said he still believed removing him was the right thing to do, for the sake of the long-term future of the country and its inhabitants. “It is still very difficult ," he said . " Not like it was under Saddam, it ...

America's Fascist Coup Owes to Bush's Nazi Grandfather
Post Date: 2007-12-26 23:45:11 by robin
Naomi Wolf, author of "10 steps" speaks publicly for the first time about legacy of modern-day tyranny Author Naomi Wolf, who made headlines earlier this year after she identified the ten steps to fascism that were being followed to a tee by the Bush administration, spoke publicly for the first time yesterday about the origins of what we see unfolding today, Prescott Bush's attempt to launch a Nazi coup in 1930's America. Speaking on the Alex Jones Show, Wolf said that she was first alerted to begin researching America's slide into fascism when her friend, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, warned her that the same events that laid the foundations for the rise of ...

State of the World 2008
Post Date: 2007-12-26 23:06:04 by robin
State of the World 2008 by BARBARA CROSSETTE [posted online on December 24, 2007] Lakhdar Brahimi, the United Nations' top troubleshooter and mediator for more than a decade in Afghanistan, Iraq, South Africa and Haiti and the chair of a panel that produced a landmark report on the limits of UN peacekeeping, has often been an incisive and unrelenting critic of American foreign policies. But for many around the world, he ranks as a touchstone wise man in international affairs. He was recently invited to join The Elders, a small private group of global statesmen and former government leaders. Brahimi, now a director's visitor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, ...

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