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Diversity killed the U.S. space program
Post Date: 2007-12-26 19:58:09 by X-15
One of the most disgusting and shameful things that the past forty years of political correctness has forced on America is our virtual abandonment of the jewel in America’s crown, the ultimate goal of all humanity –manned space flight and the spread of mankind throughout the stars. According to Breitbart News: “NASA is on track to return humans to the moon by 2020 and set up a lunar outpost to serve as a springboard to explore Mars, officials said Monday. ‘Our job is to build towns on the moon and eventually put tire prints on Mars,’ NASA’s Rick Gilbrech told reporters here, one year after the US space agency unveiled an ambitious plan to site a solar-powered, ...

The US and the Roman empire
Post Date: 2007-12-26 12:10:53 by robin
FT.com's most popular story of the year reported a warning that the US is on a "burning platform" of unsustainable policies and practices. It came in an August report from David Walker, head of the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of the US Congress. In an Financial Times interview, he drew parallels with the end of the Roman empire. There were "striking similarities", he said, between the US's current situation and the factors that brought down Rome, including "declining moral values and political civility at home, an overconfident and overextended military in foreign lands and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government". He condemned current US policies on ...

Abiogenesis, Atheism, and Evolution
Post Date: 2007-12-25 19:02:11 by Alan Chapman
What most people think they know about science can be described as a comic-book understanding combined with Happy Hour gossip. A cursory review of talking points from Creationist websites exemplifies the ignorant and narrow-minded world view held by many. If you want to understand science then talk to scientists who conduct scientific research. Read their writings, listen to their lectures, and watch their presentations. Reification (anthropomorphic fallacy): Creationists reify God by ascribing human-like characteristics to natural phenomenon. They confuse order and complexity in man-made things with order and complexity in natural things. Without a scientific understanding of how things ...

The Greatest Gift For All (Paul Craig Roberts' Christmas Message)
Post Date: 2007-12-25 13:56:53 by Red Jones
The Greatest Gift For All by Paul Craig Roberts Christmas is a time of traditions. If you have found time in the rush before Christmas to decorate a tree, you are sharing in a relatively new tradition. Although the Christmas tree has ancient roots, at the beginning of the 20th century only 1 in 5 American families put up a tree. It was 1920 before the Christmas tree became the hallmark of the season. Calvin Coolidge was the first President to light a national Christmas tree on the White House lawn. Gifts are another shared custom. This tradition comes from the wise men or three kings who brought gifts to baby Jesus. When I was a kid, gifts were more modest than they are now, but even ...

A true Christmas story
Post Date: 2007-12-25 07:38:28 by freepatriot32
when my brother was six years old my dad hit a deer with his truck and got him right on the head and broke the deers nose.So he put it on the back of the truck and brought it home to clean it and cook it up.He pulled in about 10 seconds before my mom and brother did so my dad went and put down the gate of the truck and out plops the deers head and the first thing my brother saw was the blood RED nose of this deer.Now keep in mind this is about the 8 or 9th of december. As soon as my brother saw that he ran down the street shouting as loud as he could MY DAD KILLED RUDOLPH MY DAD KILLED RUDOLPH.He was doing that for a full minute before they caught him and got him back home and my dad spent ...

Thank The Internet For Saving US From Our 'Leaders'
Post Date: 2007-12-24 23:01:05 by robin
As we look back on 2007, we thank our computers hooked up to the Internet that hooked us up to one another. Without this unlimited communication device-Bush and Congress would have destroyed our constitutional republic. For the past 20 years, their lies, incompetence and sheer greed proved more powerful than the will of American citizens. The military-industrial complex and corporate America dictated this country's path. They own the media which feeds us the news they demand. They buy the Congress via huge financial perks. Men like McCain, Kennedy, Specter, Martinez, Hagel, Reid, DeLay, Cunningham and others routinely forgot their oath of office or responsibilities toward our country. ...

Post Date: 2007-12-24 16:15:26 by wakeup
"Warning! As you know, I always give you my best jokes in these pieces. This one will contain no humor. Will the conspiracy for world government assassinate Dr. Paul? That is the stark question now before us. Since the Paul campaign started to take off, I have been hearing agonized comments to that effect from his supporters. So far, I have said nothing, hoping they would subside, but now comes an authentic reporter citing “reliable sources” from inside. He is Daniel Estulin, an author who lives in Spain, and whose welcome, new exposé is The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (Walterville, OR, Trine Day, 2007). The Bilderbergers meet at least once a year. Somewhere in ...

The new world order that threatens Uncle Sam
Post Date: 2007-12-23 13:47:04 by robin
The new world order that threatens Uncle Sam America's next President faces the daunting task of countering Russia and China as they aggressively challenge struggling Western liberal democracies Henry Porter Sunday December 23, 2007 Observer Two events last week make me wish I could have just a few words with American thinker Francis Fukuyama. The first was Time magazine giving Vladimir Putin the accolade of person of the year. The second was the purchase by the China Investment Corp of nearly 10 per cent of American bank Morgan Stanley as it announced the write-off of $9.4bn in bad debts In 1992, I met Francis Fukuyama when he was touring his book The End of History and the Last Man ...

Yertle Turtle's Wedding Day Photo
Post Date: 2007-12-22 19:57:03 by tom007

Is there a Santa Claus?
Post Date: 2007-12-22 19:52:42 by scrapper2
Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York's Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial Sept. 21, 1897. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church has since become history's most reprinted newspaper editorial, appearing in part or whole in dozens of languages in books, movies, and other editorials, and on posters and stamps. "DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old. "Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. "Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so.' "Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? "VIRGINIA O'HANLON. "115 WEST NINETY-FIFTH STREET." ...

George W. Bush as Marie Antoinette: "Let Them Go Ice Skating in Maine"
Post Date: 2007-12-21 01:13:58 by kiki
In January of this year, President Bush in his State of the Union Address -- true to his oil industry roots -- stood foursquare against oil prices that were beginning to retreat dramatically. They had already touched $49.90/bbl a few days before. He declared that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve would be doubled from 750 million barrels to 1.5 billion barrels. What was not fully understood at the time by the public and the press, was that the announced increase, coming only weeks after OPEC's declaring that it would cut supply to world markets, would be interpreted by OPEC and oil interests at large, that for this administration the retreat in oil prices had gone far enough. Practically ...

This a good Christmas Present, the New Line Of Powerful LED Flashlights - here's a photo of one
Post Date: 2007-12-20 20:00:55 by tom007

Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler
Post Date: 2007-12-20 13:56:30 by gengis gandhi
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler Failure Beyond Finance Events are driving us now, not personalities or even policies. Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, and the other characters in the headlines might pretend that they are managing things, but the truth is that problems in the financial sector have spun wildly out of control. The wheels are coming off and we are in that long sickening moment of sideways sliding motion when no attempt at steering will avail to avoid the crash. That it is happening at the very height of the Christmas season, when events have previously been controllable -- the season of manufactured Santa Claus rallies and $50 million bonuses -- shows how perilous the ...

Impeachment or Treason Trials – Treason trials are easier!
Post Date: 2007-12-20 13:51:33 by robin
Impeachment or Treason Trials – Treason trials are easier! By Maher Osseiran I am all for impeachment but I am also a realist. Impeachment has been so politicized that it lost its edge as a legal tool. Also, what is being used to back up present calls for impeachment is in the eyes of many Americans – based on polls - a necessity of the times and thereby have political implications and some wiggle room. We do not want the impeachment process to drag and end up with the likely slap on the wrist; we want the criminals, all of them, out of office and in jail. Is there such a crime, so clearly apolitical, so clearly in violation of the legal code that would allow a meter maid in ...

Christmas Wish List For America's Future
Post Date: 2007-12-20 13:40:09 by robin
As we enter the Christmas countdown, children across America hope Santa grants their wishes when the sun rises over the horizon on December 25th. Bright eyes and expectant faces hope for a new doll or a special game. With adults, they might wish for a new shirt, a special set of golf clubs or fine jewelry. For the homeless or jobless, a hot meal may bring relief from the frustrations of this season of the heart. For the lonely, maybe a kind word could bring a smile. Christmas means a time of giving, receiving and fellowship. It's a time of renewal as a certain child, Jesus, arrived on this planet with a special message of kindness, understanding, love and compassion. If you notice, ...

Holiday Season Hypocrisy
Post Date: 2007-12-20 06:19:53 by Stephen Lendman
Holiday Season Hypocrisy - by Stephen Lendman Christmas is observed December 25 by Christians and others celebrating the spirit of the season while for those of the Eastern Orthodox faith the holiday falls on January 7. It's to honor the birth of Jesus Christ even though it's widely acknowledged not to be his birthday. Along with its religious significance, the season is also for other celebratory events like winter festivals, parties, family get- togethers and Kwanzaa from December 26 - January 1 for Africans Americans to reconnect to their cultural and historical heritage. Jews as well celebrate the season with the Hanukkah Festival of Lights. It's to commemorate their ...

Yertle Turtle Winter Driving Hints
Post Date: 2007-12-19 20:49:43 by tom007

Five events that have defined 2007 (GIDEON RACHMAN IN FINANCIAL TIMES)
Post Date: 2007-12-18 15:51:40 by aristeides
Five events that have defined 2007 By Gideon Rachman updated 10:12 p.m. ET, Mon., Dec. 17, 2007 There are some events that change the world in an instant: the fall of the Berlin wall; the tanks rolling into Tiananmen Square; the aeroplanes flying into the World Trade Center. So far, there have been no such defining moments in 2007. Perhaps we should be grateful for that, since world-shaking events are often sudden acts of shocking violence. But it makes it both trickier and more interesting to carry out my annual end-of-year exercise - listing the five most important events of the past 12 months. Nonetheless, I intend to try. If you want to make sense of world affairs, it is useful to ...

My lunch-hour letter to my Congresscritter...
Post Date: 2007-12-18 14:55:32 by X-15
I saw some unemployed mexicons gathered outside of a 7-11 convenience store this morning and it pissed me off. I fired off a nasty-gram to my worthless Congresscritter, Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-Irving, Texas): Good afternoon Rep. Marchant, You, along with the rest of Congress and President Bush, have failed to win the war on illegal immigrants. The third-world scum from mexico have overrun America and nobody will deport them. The American people are dying by the thousands in car wrecks with drunk mexicans along with plain old murder committed in burglaries/home invasions/robberies. Thousands of Americans are being infecting with rare or unknown diseases from mexican invaders, diseases such ...

TBR News December 17, 2007 The Voice of the White House (CIA Tapes Have Been Copied!)
Post Date: 2007-12-18 12:45:41 by gengis gandhi
The Voice of the White House Washington , D.C. , December 17, 2007 : “Two topics of interest this week. When the press speaks of the destruction by the CIA of torture tapes, in spite of court orders, they were wrong. All of these Godawful tapes were copied and last weekend, I saw some of them. Disgusting and perverted but what can you expect from those bunch of losers down at Langley ? We see the faces of the torturers very clearly. I told the person who has a set to make copies and send them around. No point of sending them to the New York Times or the Washington Post because they will get shut down. Someone in both papers will get on the horn to Langley and try to save the wrapping ...

Hillary V Osama Bin Barak
Post Date: 2007-12-18 00:23:16 by tom007

Political Conversations with DC Insiders, Recommended for Serious Poly Students
Post Date: 2007-12-18 00:13:32 by tom007

Why Men Don't Write Advice Columns
Post Date: 2007-12-17 00:11:55 by tom007
Why Men Don't Write Advice Columns QUESTION Dear Walter: I hope you can help me here. The other day I set off for work leaving my husband in the house watching the TV as usual. I hadn't gone more than a mile down the road when my engine conked out and my bike coasted to a halt. I walked back home to get my husband's help. When I got home I couldn't believe my eyes. He was in the bedroom with a neighbor lady making mad passionate love to her. I am 32, my husband is 34 and we have been married for twelve years. When I confronted him, he tried to make out that he went into the back yard and heard a lady scream, had come to her rescue but found her unconscious. He'd ...

Cindy Sheehan: Impeach Pelosi for collaboration with Bush administration on torture
Post Date: 2007-12-16 23:12:41 by tom007
Cindy Sheehan: Impeach Pelosi for collaboration with Bush administration on torture by Abdus-Sattar Ghazali Page 1 of 1 page(s) http://www.opednews.com Tell A Friend Newark, CA: Peace activist, Cindy Sheehan says that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi collaborated with the Bush administration in condoning torture because Pelosi knew about water boarding torture since 2002. “Even before becoming Speaker of the House of Representative, she said that impeachment of Bush is out of question.” She should be impeached for knowing about torture which dehumanize us all, she added. Washington Post reported last week that in September 2002, four members of Congress met in secret for a first ...

Paco de Lucia
Post Date: 2007-12-16 22:47:37 by tom007

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