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Just Back From Seeing Will Smith's "I am Legand" End Of The World Movie On The Big Screen....
Post Date: 2007-12-16 22:16:34 by tom007
And had anxiety prespiration to deal with afterwards. I like End Of World concept movies, am a sucker for them really. This sets the new standard for the genre for the transcending End Of The World Experience. Of course its set in Long Island, always the preferred location for the EOW experience, with distressing run down landmarks that signal that a really, really. really BAD EVENT has happened. It has automatic weapons, explosives, cars blowing up, food storage issues, mantraps, mis shapen diseased humans? choppers, ususual plot twists, needles, blood, bad looking pistols, scary looking medical equipment,fighter jets, bombs, huge distressed crowds of disparate people who are doomed, ...

Questions for Knowledgable 4um Members
Post Date: 2007-12-16 01:04:10 by Nintendo of the Gods
No matter how hard I search the net I cannot seem to find a plausible truth of the Kosovo dispute. Why is the US backing Kosovo secession? Why did French President Nicolas Sarkozy say "The Kosovans and the Serbs no longer want to live together. Our goal is that Europe does not explode."(http://politics.guardian.co.uk/eu/story/0,,2227980,00.html) when he is a member of western powers that bare fangs at the idea of any nationalist separation of peoples? Why is the west forming an independent Kosovo? Also, Saddam invaded Kuwait in the first Gulf War. But someone on this board knows of his invitation to do so by western powers, because I have seen their statement but did not copy ...

I have prolly posted this before but great is great Paco de Lucia
Post Date: 2007-12-16 00:07:29 by tom007

Five criteria for assessing the truth of news stories. (Stolen From Burkeman Sold in the Pawn Shop)
Post Date: 2007-12-15 23:47:52 by tom007
Five criteria for assessing the truth of news stories. 1) Proximity. How close to the event being reported is the reporter and his source(s)? Did the reporter personally witness the event? Does his source have first hand knowledge of the news or event he is relaying to the reporter? 2) Source Identification. Is the source anonymous or named? Is there any credible reason for the source to be anonymous? 3) Diversity of sources. A news story with multiple sources is more credible than a story with fewer or only one source. And a story with unrelated sources is more credible than multiple sources who belong to the same organization. 4) Motivation of the Source. Does the source have a ...

Video of Yertle Turtle's Personal Vehicle
Post Date: 2007-12-15 21:26:04 by tom007

A Picture of Yertle Turtle's Pool
Post Date: 2007-12-15 21:05:21 by tom007

The whites of Africa are African and not European
Post Date: 2007-12-14 20:45:23 by X-15
Dear Jan Directly or indirectly, us white Africans are being “encouraged” to leave Africa and “go home to Europe”. We are continually being told we don’t belong in Africa. What I want to say is quite obvious. The whites of Africa need to get the following two facts into their minds as well as the minds of those who would like to see us go, namely: 1. Most of us are here to stay whether we like it or not. 2. This is also our country and we aren’t leaving. The acceptance of these facts should give us the resolve to stand and fight for what is ours. We need to consider the following: 1.Where in Europe would we go to? The average white in Africa has no ...

Buchanan: Is World War III on Hold?
Post Date: 2007-12-14 19:45:23 by Brian S
The White House campaign to stampede this nation into war, to smash Iran's nuclear facilities before she acquires the capability to build an atom bomb, has been derailed, probably for the duration of the Bush presidency. And the Bush policy — to leave the military option on the table while pressing China, Russia and NATO to back tougher sanctions in the Security Council — has been torpedoed. Who are the sappers of the Bush policy? The leaders of the 16 intelligence agencies Bush commands. For even as he was raising the specter of "nuclear holocaust" and "World War III," those 16 agencies downgraded and virtually dismissed the threat, by declaring that ...

You have to see this to believe it
Post Date: 2007-12-14 17:20:42 by Itisa1mosttoolate

Ron Paul Editoral Please View
Post Date: 2007-12-12 19:52:12 by tom007

Post Date: 2007-12-11 15:09:01 by aristeides
How to Defuse Iran By FLYNT LEVERETT and HILLARY MANN LEVERETT Washington IN the wake of the new National Intelligence Estimate on Iran’s nuclear program, Democrats and others are criticizing President Bush for again having “hyped” a nuclear weapons threat. This criticism, while deserved, does not address the critical policy question: What do we do now? Clearly, the United States cannot ignore Iran. Tehran may have suspended the purely weapons-related aspects of its nuclear program, but it continues to master uranium enrichment, with no agreed limits in place. And Iran is well positioned either to facilitate or thwart American objectives in Iraq and across the Middle ...

PJB: Can Diversity Destroy Us?
Post Date: 2007-12-10 20:49:15 by christine
On the Great Seal of the United States, first suggested by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, there was to be emblazoned a new motto: “E Pluribus Unum” – “Out of many, one.” It was in their unity, not their diversity, that the strength of the colonies resided. So Patrick Henry believed, as he declared, “The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers and New Englanders are no more. I am not a Virginian, but an American.” National identity must supersede state identity for America to survive. Yet it has lately become fashionable to say that America is great not because she is united, but because she is diverse. It is because ...

The Destruction of America - part I of IV
Post Date: 2007-12-10 19:18:13 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
PLEASE NOTE: Someone Emailed this tract to us as having been written by an anonymous source and circling the Internet. After reading it we found that it not only added to the material on our pages but corroborated what we already have. We broke this large file into four segments for faster loading and may do some reshuffling of info in the future, but for now we post it in its original form. By the way, we were asked to correct any errors and ask you to do the same - so far we only found a few spelling errors. The Destruction of America - part I of IV Is it happening by chance...or...Is our nation blindly following the plan of a small but powerful group of wealthy International Bankers ...

This Rocks
Post Date: 2007-12-10 00:44:01 by tom007

Bush Reaction to NIE Reveals Him As World Warmonger No. 1
Post Date: 2007-12-09 18:30:22 by tom007
Bush Reaction to NIE Reveals Him As World Warmonger No. 1 by Sherwood Ross Page 1 of 1 page(s) http://www.opednews.com Tell A Friend So, just how much are the American people supposed to take? Here we've got a president who lied us into making war on Iraq and who, despite a new National Intelligence Estimate(NIE), is stubbornly trying to lie us into another war against Iran. President Bush today is telling Iran to "come clean"- when he's nose deep in what comes out of the hind end of a Texas Longhorn. Our commander-in-chief is so fanatical for war against Iran that, as investigative reporter Seymour Hersh wrote earlier this year in The New Yorker, there's a ...

Should Corporate Media Be 'Wiped Off the Map'?
Post Date: 2007-12-09 18:04:39 by Brian S
Until they begin to act responsibly and come clean with their readers, corporate media are deserving of the same fate they would have visited upon those they help to fraudulently demonize and wage war upon. Despite a double brick wall of facts to the contrary, corporate media are still peddling neocon fraud — the existence of a viable Iranian nuclear weapons program — in the ongoing effort to foster public support for another neocon-exacted genocide in the Middle East. It’s certainly nothing new under the Sun for the traitorous neocon cartel. The build-up to war on Iran has been going on for many years. But in light of the most recent National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) ...

Persident Bush
Post Date: 2007-12-07 22:48:53 by tom007

How Much Did the Ancients Know?
Post Date: 2007-12-07 12:00:20 by Alan Chapman
In the news of "The only surviving copy of the 500-year-old map that first used the name America" going on display at the Library of Congress it appears that Reuters is rather amazed by the map. Others also seem amazed that there is such accurate detail of regions not yet explored by Europeans in 1507 on the map. How a German monk named Martin Waldseemuller made these maps is simply a mystery according to the mainstream media. I suppose that is better than calling the map a forgery as is often done with anything that violates the history we are taught in school. Usually it is far easier to declare something that doesn't match to be untrue rather than to do the investigation ...

Christmas causes global warming (turn off those lights - or don't you care about the planet?)
Post Date: 2007-12-06 21:17:30 by freepatriot32
Can you believe it? People all over town are lavishing their homes, inside and out, with Christmas lights and electric-powered inflatables. Hasn't anybody heard about global warming? You can't go anywhere without seeing additional, energy-guzzling lights strung on street posts, fences, gates, eaves or around windows like festive cobwebs. Ely is small and may not be contributing much to global warming. But this is going on all over the world. Even non-Christian countries are being sucked into this Christmas, energy orgy. And that energy has to come from somewhere and the emissions go straight into our atmosphere. It's not just the lights. It's the entire, capitalistic ...

National Grocery Reform
Post Date: 2007-12-06 12:27:58 by Alan Chapman
One of the great scandals of our age is the fact that America spends more on food than any other nation. Many political leaders are now calling for urgent reform to bring spending on food under control. Even worse, while the result of this uncontrolled spending includes the fact that many Americans are overweight, some Americans do not have enough to eat. Leading liberal candidates now point to what they see as the heart of the problem: corporate "greed" in the form of grocery stores and restaurants operating on a for-profit basis. They promise to replace all private grocery stores with a national system of government commissaries, which will allegedly operate far more ...

What Mandatory Health Insurance Really Means
Post Date: 2007-12-06 12:25:37 by Alan Chapman
When talking about health insurance, "mandatory" is an increasingly popular term among politicians of both major parties, including presidential candidates. What do they really mean by it? Put simply, being uninsured would no longer be a misfortune or a choice, but a crime. And for the insured, the issue is much more complicated. No politician is going to use the force of law to require you to buy insurance without going further to specify in detail exactly the kind of insurance and what it must cover. Many states now have a long list of requirements for all insurance policies, and that list is sure to get longer if insurance becomes mandatory. And sure to follow will be ...

Burning Love - Adults Only, NO Minors Permitted
Post Date: 2007-12-05 00:20:14 by tom007

Terrorists are not the biggest problem threatening the US
Post Date: 2007-12-03 15:27:57 by Itisa1mosttoolate
No they aren't, it's ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION from Mexico. This is being allowed by the President and the Immigration Dept, and Homeland Security. Homeland Security is an oximoron in the same way the phrase "Patriot Act" is. Also, the "SPP" is a similar phrase - "Security and Prosperity Partnership". These are all 'sugar coated words' to make Tyranny and Treason more pallitable. And isn't it curious how media coverage of the war was able to cover up the meeting of the 3 countries which was held in Waco Tx.

Universal Health Scare
Post Date: 2007-12-03 11:52:44 by Alan Chapman
An increasingly popular argument in favor of socialized medicine goes like this: "If universal health care works for the elderly under Medicare, then why not for the rest of us?" If that's true, then the Democratic nominee for President should definitely work this one into his or her acceptance speech, starting now. But there's a tragic flaw in that argument. Universal care-socialized medicine-for the elderly does NOT "work," even on its own terms. Many services, such as my own (psychotherapy and mental health care), are only partially covered, if at all, under Medicare. It has to be this way; otherwise the program would be slated for bankruptcy even sooner than ...

Let's Make It Official: Your Life Isn't Worth Chicken Shit
Post Date: 2007-12-03 05:51:56 by Kamala
December 02, 2007 Let's Make It Official: Your Life Isn't Worth Chicken Shit Like a vulturous auction during a death watch, fat-cat lobbyists for stinking-rich corporations that lock in good things for your life -- like malignant air and inhumane working hours -- have descended en masse on the Bush administration's racketeering regulators, pleading for a final push of even grosser, antisocial malevolence. Both sides -- the lobbyists and the Bushies -- have rung the gong, because both are fairly convinced that in 2008 Democrats will sweep elective offices, from the White House to the lower House, and will then actually start catering to the electoral inmates, rather than the ...

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