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Saturday I Spent Six Hours At The Colorado Springs (El Paso County) Republican Central Commitee
Post Date: 2007-12-02 23:22:57 by tom007
Saturday I spent hours of my life at the El Paso County Colorado's Republican Central Committee. I am a division leader. So I am supposed to be in contact with about 1300 republicans, and six precienct divisions. If Stalin was alive he would have heartly approved of the substance of this meeting. We, about a hundred or so, were exposed to candidates for the senate. The speachs were nothing but mindless slogans, utterly devoid of intelligence of any sort save one congressional candidate who mentioned a few items that might be of substantive. The rest of the missives were as empty of meaning as a box of Lucky Charms. The word "IRAQ" never was uttered from the mouths of the ...

Citizens sit idly by as U.S. collapses under Bush
Post Date: 2007-12-02 17:57:28 by tom007
Citizens sit idly by as U.S. collapses under Bush Opinion ADVERTISEMENT Advertise with us! StoryChat Post Comment Sunday, December 2, 2007 By DEB CRIVARO For the Courier-Post I don't understand how the majority of people in this country can be so apathetic and ignorant. The United States is slowly collapsing; it is a travesty of what this country once stood for, and yet no one seems to care enough to do anything about it. Our rights have been eroded little by little while the citizens sit idly by and say nothing. Football games are more important to most people than how our government is screwing up this country. Spewing propaganda King Bush is now poking Iran with a stick. He ...

The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act: A Tutorial in Orwellian Newspeak
Post Date: 2007-12-02 15:01:13 by angle
“Political language has to consist largely of euphemisms . . . and sheer cloudy vagueness.” - George Orwell - H.R 1955: the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 recently passed by the House—a companion bill is in the Senate—is barely one sentence old before its Orwellian moment: It begins, “AN ACT - To prevent homegrown terrorism, and for other purposes.” Those whose pulse did not quicken at “other purposes” have probably not read George Orwell’s essay, “Politics and the English Language,” or they voted for the other George both times. Orwell’s jeremiad on the corruption of the English ...

Last Minute shopping ideas. A womans guide to buying him a gift
Post Date: 2007-12-01 21:44:50 by freepatriot32
Buying gifts for men is not nearly as complicated as it is for women. Follow these simple rules and you should have no problem. 1. When in doubt - buy him a cordless drill. It does not matter if he already has one. I have a friend who owns 17 and he has yet to complain. As a man, you can never have too many cordless drills. No one knows why. 2. If you cannot afford a cordless drill, buy him anything with the word ratchet or socket in it. Men love saying those two words, "Hey George, can I borrow your ratchet?" "OK, by the way, are you through with my 3/8-inch socket yet?" Again, no one knows why. 3. If you are really, really broke, buy him anything for his car. ...

The Spartan Three Hundred - An Historicall Accurate Re Enactment
Post Date: 2007-12-01 21:41:53 by tom007

Deck the Malls With Dirty Nukes
Post Date: 2007-12-01 17:41:35 by robin
Deck the Malls With Dirty Nukesby Gordon PratherHo-Ho-Ho. Halloween has now ushered in the year-end shopping season (formerly known as Christmas). We're supposed to deck the malls with boughs of holly. So it's a bit surprising that ABC News has picked-up (uncritically) a Associated Press "report" that Slovakian First Police Vice President Michal Kopcik has thwarted the black-market sale of what Kopcik says is about a pound of almost pure [98.6%] Uranium-235.According to AP-ABC;"Experts say roughly 55 pounds of highly enriched uranium or plutonium is needed in most instances to fashion a crude nuclear device. But they say a tiny fraction of that is enough for a dirty ...

The Dilemma of the Libertarian Homosexual
Post Date: 2007-11-29 07:24:20 by YertleTurtle
Most people don’t know it, but most "pure," anarchist libertarians are homosexuals. Specifically, the leftist libertarians. They also tend to be anarchists, or, as they put it, anarcho-capitalists. They are stuck in a dilemma. Like the Marxists they so strongly resemble, they believe that once the State "withers way," then all will be equal – there will be no prejudice, no sexism, no ageism, no "homophobia," no racism. This is why they are leftist. The words they use -- "sexism," "homophobia," etc. -- ultimately mean nothing because they can mean anything. This "equality" is the leftist, utopian, never-will-exist ...

New slogan: 'Welcome to Scotland' (See What $250,000 Will Get Ya)
Post Date: 2007-11-28 20:21:35 by tom007
New slogan: 'Welcome to Scotland' Posted : Wed, 28 Nov 2007 18:00:55 GMT Author : General News Editor Category : US (World) News Alerts by Email click here ) Create your own RSS US World News | Home GLASGOW, Scotland, Nov. 28 Scotland has replaced its airport signs proclaiming the country to be "the best small country in the world" with a new slogan: "Welcome to Scotland." The new slogan, which was revealed Tuesday after six months of development and $250,000 spent on the project, is also printed on the posters in Gaelic as "Failte gu Alba," The Times of London reported Wednesday. The posters also include a series of images depicting life in Scotland, ...

Bitter Partisan Politics and Education
Post Date: 2007-11-28 13:44:32 by Alan Chapman
Some people complain about bitter partisan politics. I welcome it. The greater the number of decisions made in the political arena the greater the conflict. Let's look at it by way of a few examples: I like the Lexus LS 460. I also like Dell computers. Many other people have a different set of preferences. Some might prefer a Cadillac and an HP computer while others prefer a Chrysler and IBM computer. With these strong preferences for particular cars and computers, we never see people arguing or fighting in an effort to impose their preferences for cars and computers on other people. There's car and computer peace. Why? You buy the car and computer that you want; I do likewise and ...

Post Date: 2007-11-27 20:38:07 by tom007
HOW THE FALLING DOLLAR IS SAVING THE MORTGAGE MARKET by Michael J. McDonald The declining dollar is about to rescue our housing market - and our stock market, too - not next year, but right now. Home foreclosures will be much less than expected and within a month, as many as 40% more people will qualify to buy a home. Homes sales should pick up and prices should respond to the pick up by increasing… and all this worry about subprime write downs will turn out to be over-blown. This isn’t a joke. I’m serious. I make a living following the dollar and its impact on international investments. It is very unusual to see a global financial event like the lower dollar affect a ...

IQ and Wealth
Post Date: 2007-11-27 06:59:41 by YertleTurtle
Berkeley economist Brad DeLong claims: "If inherited genetically-based IQ were the source of the extra edge that the children of the rich get in our society, than we would expect a parent with 4 times average lifetime full-time earnings--say $200,000 a year--to have a kid with a lifetime average income of $51,500 instead of the average of $50,000. But it is not $51,500. It is $150,000." To justify this claim, he cites a Rube Goldberg formula from a multiple regression study that I'll leave to you to ponder. This is a good example of how complex model-building can wind up in the ditch without the authors or readers noticing where things went wrong. It's reminiscent of ...

Update on the tom007 visa to Australia
Post Date: 2007-11-26 21:56:41 by tom007
As instructed by the Air Pacific agent I contacted the LAX Australian embassy, and was directed by a very kind Aussie girl to the ETA department of the Australian embassy, I think it stands for Electronic Travel Authority, or Visa. I told them my story, my father is 83, not in the best of health and I really needed to see him for the obvious reasons. The embassy sent me a "request for ETA" form, that asked about twenty of the questions you may suspect, employment, email, phone ##, who was I visiting, blah blah. I faxed it to the LAX embassy, and was promised within three days I would have a response. The first lady said "If you have a common name there can be a lot of ...

NYT columnist wants to keep Cheney in the White House (Thomas Friedman)
Post Date: 2007-11-26 19:32:32 by tom007
NYT columnist wants to keep Cheney in the White House Raw Story | November 19, 2007 Nick Juliano Obama-Cheney '08? If Thomas Friedman has his way, those bumper-stickers would be gracing the backs of automobiles across the country by next summer. The New York Times columnist argues that Vice President Dick Cheney's war-mongering would make the perfect addition to Sen. Barack Obama's policy team. The Illinois Democrat has made his promise to negotiate with America's enemies a central theme in his presidential campaign, but Friedman argues that Cheney's hawkish approach to the world is the only way to put some weight behind Obama's words. (Article Continues Below) ...

George Bush, Al Capone, and Wiseguy Government
Post Date: 2007-11-25 18:15:40 by Brian S
It was in Chicago, that city made notorious by gangster Al Capone, where President Bush at an impromptu news conference in 2004 said if somebody in his crime family broke the law, “that person will be taken care of.” (Ha ha. Actually, Bush said “Administration,” not “crime family.”) Even so, truer words were never spoken. Bush “took care” of White House consigliere I. Lewis (“Scooter”) Libby by commuting his sentence after Libby’s conviction for lying to a grand jury, didn’t he? And if former White House press secretary Scott McClellan is right that Bush was behind Libby’s bid to discredit former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, ...

Don't Let Go Of Your Guns
Post Date: 2007-11-23 16:51:43 by angle
Considering what happened to Jared Massey in Utah at the hands of power mad Utah Highway patrolman John Gardner, and the fact that the Utah Highway Patrol doesn't appear to be doing anything about it, I'd say that now is definitely not the time to accept any semblance of a law to restrict our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, Supreme Court be damned. From this writer's perspective the absolute best thing to come out of the Presidency of George W. Bush is the fact that so many liberal Democrats have changed their position on gun control. It's as if the scales were lifted from their eyes, they realized that government itself could no longer be trusted, they witnessed the election ...

All The President's Liars: Where the Hell are The Washington Post and New York Times on McClellangate?
Post Date: 2007-11-23 12:05:16 by Brian S
Do the investigative reporters at the Washington Post and New York Times fall under the Writers Guild Contract? Are Bernstein and Woodward too busy in makeup? Can the WGA and Producers get together and give satirical news an exemption? While the Writers Strike keeps The Daily Show from cleverly pointing out the obvious, The Washington Post and New York Times ignore the obvious altogether. We've been lied to by this White House. Who says? Scott McClellan, the guy who was paid to lie for the guys who lied in the first place. Of course, if he really wanted to bare his soul he would have let Helen Thomas write the foreword of "What Happened: Was I Lying Then Or Am I Lying ...

What is the real cost of things? - Iraq: Americans Pay US$300 a barrel or More for Mideast Oil
Post Date: 2007-11-23 11:44:12 by robin
Iraq: Americans Pay US$300 a barrel or More for Mideast Oil Nancy Pelosi with wounded Vet. Justin Sullivan/Getty ImagesWhat is the real cost of things?Freakonomics author Stephen Dubner cited a study this week that estimated a pack of cigarettes actually costs US$222 a pack. The amount includes the economic cost of a reduced lifespan.So what is the real cost of the Iraq war in terms of oil import prices?My rough estimate is that the real cost of oil from the Middle East for Americans may total US$300 a barrel or more.But no one has made the calculation.What is known is that the White House has asked for US$804 billion so far to pay for Iraq. But a recent report by Democrats point out ...

Post Date: 2007-11-22 10:37:13 by Zipporah
“Suburbia is also a spiritual wasteland, a place where the wonder of nature is desecrated ubiquitously with corporate logos and all the artifacts of late technological society.” By Stan Goff, Part I 11/18/07 Originally published at Speaking Truth to Power There is a common misconception among environmentalists and peak-oilers (I count myself among both) that cars created the suburbs. The car suburb, however, became what it is with regard to cars only incidentally. The real motive for the suburbs was plain garden-variety white supremacy. Cars simply became necessary to facilitate the spatial segregation that simultaneously confined African America largely to decaying urban spaces ...

Bush Pardons Turkeys While Eagles Remain Caged
Post Date: 2007-11-22 10:22:37 by christine
Fellow Americans and patriots, I would give anything if I could write a syrupy-sweet, all-is-fine Thanksgiving Day message for you today. However, I have always taken pride in my endeavor of not being politically correct, but rather just ‘correct.’ Yes, we do have every reason to be thankful for our health, our livelihoods, and our loved ones. And, we also should give thanks for our dedicated military personnel that protect us, as well as our peace officers, firefighters, and other front-line public servants that honor us with their dedication. But, when it comes to the health of our nation, while we should obviously offer thanks that we are still ‘technically’ free, I ...

Buchanan: Democracy vs. Security
Post Date: 2007-11-20 11:27:55 by Brian S
November 20, 2007 Which is more critical to the United States in the Islamic world – that a government be democratic, or that it be a friend and ally in the war against al-Qaida and Islamic extremism? In the Bush era, the answer has seemed unequivocal. We are for democracy first. For democracy is the best guarantee of our security interests. As Condi Rice famously said in 2005 at Cairo University: "For 60 years, my country, the United States, pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region here in the Middle East, and we achieved neither. Now, we are taking a different course. We are supporting the democratic aspirations of all people." As the United States ...

Where is the Amero?
Post Date: 2007-11-20 10:07:13 by Mister Clean
With the dollar having so much trouble that even a supermodel shuns it, isn't it time for a push toward that single North American currency? To the doom & gloomer conspiracy theorist, the weak dollar is just part of the plan to create the Amero. But why isn't any action being taken to create the Amero? Nobody from the government is even hinting that a common currency would solve our problems. Where is the Amero? Hell, where is the TALK of an Amero?

Just Got a Republican Poll Call
Post Date: 2007-11-19 22:40:36 by tom007
Just got an automated phone poll in Colorado Springs a reliable Republican area. "If the pup primaries were held today how would you vote? Press one for McCain, two for Juli (etc), three for (I forget) four for (I forget), five for undecided or other. Ron Paul was not mentioned. Seems the system is deciding for us. It was a form of advertising mascarading as a poll.

Pakistan - Martial Law Will Lead To False 'Democratic' Solution
Post Date: 2007-11-17 16:18:06 by robin
Pakistan - Martial Law Will Lead To False 'Democratic' Solution World Affairs Brief By Joel Skousen 11-17-7 The Neocons are up to their old tricks again--creating conflict to fool people into accepting a false solution to a chronic national crisis. US puppet president Pervez Musharraf has lost his usefulness to them-at least as dictatorial head of state. The world will only look the other way so long at US hypocrisy in sustaining one dictator while ousting another. Musharraf can't win an election honestly and has alienated the Islamic majority and all of the opposition in Pakistan, except one: Benazir Bhutto, who only feigns opposition. The Bush administration globalists have ...

Mouseland - A Political Parable
Post Date: 2007-11-17 02:02:02 by Minerva
This is Canadian and you have to first listen to an intro that doesn't have much relevance for us. But the cartoon that follows is great.

From boom to bust: Yuppies wish they had saved more during 1980s (well Well Well)
Post Date: 2007-11-16 20:38:45 by tom007
From boom to bust: Yuppies wish they had saved more during 1980s By Amol Rajan Published: 17 November 2007 With their fast cars, formidably slick outfits and flash Filofaxes they epitomised the brash consumer culture of the late Eighties, swearing by such unashamedly mercantilist slogans as "greed is good" and 'show me the money'. But, two decades on, the once-profligate yuppie is no longer the toast of the town. Today he (or she) cuts a forlorn figure, harbouring regrets over his lavish lifestyle and wishing he had put prudence ahead of pleasure. Almost half of yesterday's yuppies now "struggle financially or fail to live within their means", according to ...

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