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Worshipping the Military, or the Society it Defends?
Post Date: 2007-11-16 14:09:21 by Brian S
On much of the Right the U.S. military has become sacrosanct. Those most enthused about making war around the globe while never donning a uniform seem most determined to turn the Pentagon into a national idol. But if we are to have a national idol, it should be our system of ordered liberty, which the military is tasked to protect. Our democratic republic, and the larger civilian society surrounding it, are the end; the armed services are the means. America's founders were not fond of standing militaries. They suffered under the British occupation and through war with British regulars and German mercenaries. For years the famed Boston massacre was commemorated by notables denouncing ...

Citizen Dobbs
Post Date: 2007-11-16 14:03:03 by longnose gar
I mentioned this briefly last night but I wanted to find out some more about it—it's too chuck full of laffs to leave in a squib. Last week in his blockbuster CNN.com column, Lou Dobbs ordered a pox on both parties and predicted: I believe that independent Americans will demand a far better choice than any of the candidates now seeking their party's nomination. I believe next November's surprise will be the election of a man or woman of great character, vision and accomplishment, a candidate who has not yet entered the race. Earlier this week, Robert Novak told some conservative journos that Lou Dobbs was seriously considering a run for president. John Fund (a former ...

The real party of big government [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-11-16 12:31:28 by Alan Chapman
Soviet dictator Josef Stalin famously said, "One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic." The same principle – that the public can more easily grasp a small tragedy than a huge one – can be applied to budget matters. Americans can get rightly riled about a public official who misuses several thousand of their hard-earned dollars, but it's harder to get them riled about more massive abuses. A thousand bucks is a tragedy, whereas trillions of dollars are too hard to comprehend, let alone to get angry over. Well, Americans better learn to get angry soon, given that the federal debt has now hit nine trillion dollars, which is a heck of a lot of money, even by ...

American Patriotism Crushed By Republican SUVs
Post Date: 2007-11-15 14:13:53 by robin
Bob Cesca| BIO | I'M A FAN OF THIS BLOGGER American Patriotism Crushed By Republican SUVs Posted November 14, 2007 | 03:02 PM (EST) Read More: Bill O'Reilly, Bush Oil, Crude Oil Prices, Gasoline Prices, High Oil Prices, Michelle Malkin, O'Reilly Redacted, Oil, Oil Prices, Oil Prices New High, Redacted, Rush Limbaugh, Supporting The Troops, Wartime Sacrifice, Breaking Politics News The actual retail price of the Bush Wars: $1.6 trillion, according to a congressional report released yesterday. And this generation of (civilian) Americans has never been asked to sacrifice a single damn thing in order to help ameliorate the cost of these ...

Mentes Peligrosas: Confession of an American Thought Criminal
Post Date: 2007-11-15 10:27:21 by angle
If you needed more evidence that most of our “esteemed” members of Congress are members of a criminal class of ruling elites, who regard the likes of us in the poor and working classes with the disdain most people reserve for cockroaches, look no further than H.R. 1955. 93% of the filth “representing” us in the House voted in favor of the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. Once this vile piece of legislation sails through the Senate and the sociopath on Pennsylvania Ave gleefully slaps his endorsement on it, the mechanisms will be in place for our lords and masters to initiate programs that will make Cointelpro and the murder of Fred ...

Bush's Divine Comedy: Part I
Post Date: 2007-11-14 19:17:56 by robin
As the White House lame duck's Inferno in Iraq and Afghanistan drags on, the wars on the home front continue to fester, though with some red light at the end of the tunnel, observes Eric WalbergThe good, the bad...New enemies in United States President George W Bush's wars are popping up in unexpected places. The latest one is peaceful Europe, where determined demonstrators and human rights lawyers recently ambushed former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld at a breakfast meeting in Paris organised by Foreign Policy magazine. He fled, fearing arrest over charges of ordering and authorising torture of detainees at both Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It ...

Vouchers or School Choice?
Post Date: 2007-11-14 12:37:00 by Alan Chapman
The voters of Utah said no to school vouchers on Tuesday. More than 60 percent of voters refused to ratify a bill passed earlier by the state legislature. It would have provided taxpayer-funded vouchers for each government-school student, ranging from $500 to $3,000, depending on family income. Students currently in private schools, unless they came from low-income families, would have been ineligible. This was the latest setback for the school-voucher movement. It was the tenth time since 1972 that vouchers or education tax credits have been defeated in public balloting, with the vote against the initiatives averaging more than 68 percent, according to the National School Boards ...

Pray for George W. Bush
Post Date: 2007-11-14 10:52:34 by longnose gar
While many politicians flaunt their "faith" and claim to be Christians, not as many live their faith, with Jesus Christ living in them. We believe George W. Bush is a man after God's own heart. He is a man who lives in Christ, and obeys God. Like King David, he is not perfect, but he is repentant, humble, and full of the mighty courage that results from trusting the Lord. We believe George W. Bush is a merciful gift from the Lord to an undeserving people. We ask you to join us in constant prayer for our President, his family, his administration, and his country. Constant prayer... urgent prayer... prayer that brings revival to America.

Is the Military Our Last, Best Hope for Averting War with Iran?
Post Date: 2007-11-13 22:01:10 by Brian S
When military command is the voice of reason in a debate about a new war, you know our democracy is in trouble. The last, best hope for averting a war with Iran lies with the United States military. The Democratic Congress, cowed by the Israel lobby and terrified of appearing weak on defense before the presidential elections, will do nothing to halt an attack. The media, especially the electronic press, is working overtime to whip up fear of a nuclear Iran and tar Tehran with abetting attacks against American troops in Iraq. The American public is complacent, unsure of what to believe, knocked off balance by fear and passive. We will be saved or doomed by our generals. The last wall of ...

Beyond Mukasey's Confirmation, White House Liability Issues Loom Large; Bush could be subject to prosecution for the rest of his life...
Post Date: 2007-11-13 21:17:31 by Brian S
Though it failed to send his nomination the way of Robert Bork, Attorney General nominee Michael Mukasey's evasiveness on the definition of torture has done something historic. It has made it unmistakably clear to mainstream observers that the President may be criminally liable for violating anti-torture laws. Criminal liability of this White House will have wider repercussions than Mr. Mukasey's confirmation. It will reverberate through his tenure as Attorney General, and beyond the end of the Bush administration. We now know the reason why Mr. Mukasey refused to acknowledge that waterboarding meets the legal definition of torture, or at the very least cruel, degrading and inhuman ...

Pistol Packing Feds
Post Date: 2007-11-13 14:12:52 by boonie rat
Friday, November 9, 2007 Pistol Packing Feds The fundamental difference between government and private entities which perform comparable functions is that government, based upon the supposed notion of a “social contract”, reserves to itself the use of force to achieve its ends. Such coercion at the hands of other, non-governmental, players (for example, price-fixing, abuse of a monopoly position, intimidation of competitors or labour unions, etc.) is rightly deemed criminal and often aggressively prosecuted by the state (with perhaps some of its zeal due to aversion to competition). Yet the very same acts, performed by authorities elected with 51% of the votes or appointed to act ...

Solving the "Problem" of Free Riding
Post Date: 2007-11-13 11:51:59 by Alan Chapman
With the almost constant statist apologetics we hear from many government and academic economists it is hard to believe that the discipline of economics was once a thorn in the side of the state and its political elite. So commonplace are fallacious economic arguments advocating state control that it sometimes seems that refutation of all of these arguments has become a case of cutting the heads off the Hydra — a tiring and fruitless endeavor. But if economics is to become an instrument of freedom and prosperity instead of an instrument of statism,[2] then there are certain fundamental fallacies that must be continually challenged and discredited. Chief among these is the persistent ...

Narcs, crack, and federalism
Post Date: 2007-11-13 06:23:21 by YertleTurtle
What I wanted to look at was federalism. This morning's LA Times has a front page headlined article about the US Sentencing Commission in which a bunch of Washington people are going to decide whether the increased sentences for crack cocaine -- as opposed to powder cocaine -- are justified, or should be rolled back retroactively. From the article Potential beneficiaries of the proposal include Willie Mays Aikens, a former Major League Baseball star with the Kansas City Royals, who was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison in 1994 for selling 63 grams of crack to an undercover cop. Aikens' case illustrates the effect of the crack/powder divide: If the charges against him ...

Torture American Style
Post Date: 2007-11-12 23:11:07 by Brian S
One of the many genuine tragedies that have come out of the Bush Administration's maladroit handling of the past six years has been the transformation of the United States into a pariah among nations. American democracy has always had its flaws, but the country was truly viewed by many around the world as "the shining city upon a hill" rhetorically much loved by Ronald Reagan. Confronted only by a Democratic congress that is too terrorized and internally riven to pose any obstacle and a tame press, the White House now appears hell bent on a course that can only add new embarrassments during the fourteen months that George Bush and Dick Cheney will continue to be in power. The ...

George Pratt Shultz: Profile of a Hit Man
Post Date: 2007-11-12 16:19:21 by robin
This article appears in the December 10, 2004 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.George Pratt Shultz: Profile of a Hit Man by Scott Thompson and Nancy Spannaus If there is any one figure who stands out as a consistent, evil representative of the philosophy of the Economic Hit Man over the last 35 years, it is George Pratt Shultz. Shultz is a second-generation operative for the international synarchist banking network; he operates largely behind the scenes, but decisively toward carrying out the global fascist agenda of those international bankers. Exemplary is the crucial role which Shultz played in August 1971, when he was Director of the Office of Management and the Budget for ...

George Shultz: Godfather of Bush and Schwarzenegger
Post Date: 2007-11-12 10:04:01 by robin
This article appears in the February 25, 2005 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. George Shultz: Godfather of Bush and Schwarzenegger by Jeffrey Steinberg, Richard Freeman, and Harley Schlanger The following is the introduction to a LaRouche PAC pamphlet, Bush's Social Security Fraud—Stop George Shultz's Drive Toward Fascism! The article is entitled, "Behind the Social Security Heist Stands George Shultz: The Fascist 'Godfather' of Bush and Schwarzenegger." George Shultz, the political Godfather of President George W. Bush and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, is, like his role model Hjalmar Schacht, the kind of fascist who, one would imagine, ...

Alan Dershowitz: Was He Against Nazi Practices Before He Was for Them?
Post Date: 2007-11-11 19:12:36 by Brian S
Welcome to the desert of the real in which a Jewish man can cite Nazis in defense of torture tactics. I was raised on the Holocaust. I went to a highly religious school where many of my teachers and guest lecturers were Holocaust survivors. My family talked about the Holocaust at every opportunity, remembering those who were imprisoned, tortured, and murdered, including members of my family. I lived under the Soviet regime, which also tortured and murdered.  I have never met or spoken with any Jew who has ever defended torture, no matter who the "scapegoat" is. Apparently, there are some Jews who are more than willing to become the very monsters they abhor. This mentality ...

The Grand Delusion
Post Date: 2007-11-11 18:03:11 by statusquobuster
The Grand Delusion Joel S. Hirschhorn With an endless, futile and costly Iraq war, a stinking economy and most Americans seeing the country on the wrong track, the greatest national group delusion is that electing Democrats in 2008 is what the country needs. Keith Olbermann was praised when he called the Bush presidency a criminal conspiracy. That missed the larger truth. The whole two-party political system is a criminal conspiracy hiding behind illusion induced delusion. Virtually everything that Bush correctly gets condemnation for could have been prevented or negated by Democrats, if they had had courage, conviction and commitment to maintaining the rule of law and obedience to the ...

Post Date: 2007-11-10 20:57:03 by robin
Regular readers may recall that recently I did a piece called “Your Papers, Please!” It chronicled some of the “false flag” operations in which Washington attacked the American people to create a phony justification for government by perpetual emergency and perpetual war. Since then, I have seen again a 1990 movie based on a Tom Clancy novel entitled, “The Hunt for Red October.” A Soviet submarine commander is defecting to the United States with his vessel. Sam Neill, his XO, asks him whether the Amerikanskis will let him live in Montana. Sure says Sean Connery. You can live anywhere you like. Then I think I’ll live in Montana, says Sam, get a pickup, ...

Once Upon A Time In Old America
Post Date: 2007-11-10 16:07:08 by robin
Once Upon A Time In Old America by: Guest Author Sat Nov 10, 2007 at 15:53:17 PM EST copyright © 2007 Judith Moriarty We are living in a state of selective amnesia or fearful denial? "The easy credit which created the subprime crisis in mortgage lending has now spread to the hedge fund industry. The troubles at Bear Stearns prove that Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson's assurance that the problem is 'contained' is pure baloney. The contagion is swiftly moving through the entire system taking down homeowners, mortgage lenders, banks, rating agencies, and hedge funds. We are just at the beginning of a system-wide breakdown." . . . "To a large ...

Rudy and Bernie: B.F.F.’s
Post Date: 2007-11-10 09:12:48 by Steel
The past seven years have given us some helpful hints on what we want to avoid in the next president. I’m starting to make a list. Whenever you read that a candidate “values loyalty above all else” — run for the hills. Loyalty is a terribly important consideration if you’re choosing a pet, but not a cabinet member. How about if this time we try for a president who would recruit gifted people who can accomplish great things, as opposed to a room full of dopes who will never write tell-all memoirs? Loyalty is on our mind today because of the indictment of Bernard Kerik, the really, really loyal former New York City police commissioner. Rudy Giuliani, who was ...

My Favorite Song
Post Date: 2007-11-10 01:48:35 by tom007

Amazing Grace
Post Date: 2007-11-09 22:04:32 by robin
Amazing Grace Published by cyrano2 at 11:26 am under American Nightmare, Raping the Earth, American Illusion, Fascism, Souless Capitalists, Species Extinction, Capitalism, American Delusion, Corporatism, False Consciousness, Imperialism, Savage Capitalism, American Empire, Moral Rot, Impending Doom, "Free" Markets, Resource Wars Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO ...

Hate Laws: Braid Your Own Noose
Post Date: 2007-11-09 22:00:40 by robin
In West Virginia, a young black woman named Megan Williams was horrifically tortured and raped for days. Six white men are charged with the crime and could get life in prison if convicted. Prosecution has not filed hate crime charges. They say it would complicate the case and be difficult to prove-especially since Megan already knew at least one of her attackers. But some activists want the hate crime prosecution. Malik Shabazz, co-founder of Black Lawyers for Justice, organized a Nov. 3 "National March Against Hate Crimes," in West Virginia to demand it. Rev. Al Sharpton joined him. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), however, refused to ...

The Ugly Truth
Post Date: 2007-11-09 21:57:09 by robin
The Ugly Truth By Rip Rense 11-9-7 I was watching "Ugly Betty" recently---much the way one stares helplessly at the corpse in an open-casket funeral---and I got to thinking ugly thoughts. It's easy, really. Most people do it all the time.Ugly, I realized, is as American as hindquarters the size of car doors, and McBurritotacofelafels, and Christmas. Nothing is much uglier than the Christmas, where kindness and fun have been gnarled into psychotic trillion-dollar greedslobber. Christmas is an avalanche of ugly, but that's fitting because for Amerryguns, ugly is the norm, the starting point, the exalted goal. The American Dream is nothing but ugly, nothing but craven ...

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