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Michael Moore Is a Sicko
Post Date: 2007-07-13 11:12:23 by christine
I want to tell the story of a young man who was attending a Southern University, a few years ago. During his freshman year he was sick with appendicitis, which he misdiagnosed as regular stomach ache for a day. As the agony grew unbearable, he was taken to the regional hospital in an ambulance. That night the doctors operated on his appendix. The young man was feeling better the next day. As he prepared to leave, the hospital’s representative took care of the paperwork by the side of his bed. His Insurance Company took care of the medical bills in accordance with his Insurance contract. The next day the young man was back to school. The Insurance Company saved the student from ...

[Oregon Sen.] Gordon Smith likes to pretend he's a moderate, but he's really just a slave to the GOP leadership
Post Date: 2007-07-12 17:16:32 by Ferret Mike
In the July 5th edition of the Oregonian, Mr. Jim Rassman bemoans the fact that that publication has, yet again, fallen for the ruse that Senator Gordon Smith is a "moderate" republican, this time due to his comments regarding the Iraq war. Mr. Rassman is correct in pointing out the contradiction between Senator Smith's words and his senatorial votes, but, alas, the contradiction is but the latest in Senator Smith's long history of attempting to appear moderate in the lead up to elections, while slavishly following the party line dictated by his republican leadership as he serves his term. Although Senator Smith might wish it, I cannot forget how, during his reelection ...

"Mr Chertoff to the White Courtesy Phone."
Post Date: 2007-07-12 12:14:12 by Eoghan
Maybe it’s just me but it looks like, yeah, it looks like they are at it again. You can hear the drums coming up on the fader, the bass is coming in… ba boomp boomp… ba boomp boomp. Any minute now and we’ll be hearing the lead guitar. Zionazi Herr Oberneocongruppenfuhrer Chertoff has just moon-walked on to the stage. And there’s some interesting synchronized swimming going on as well. If you’re paying attention… and some of us are. You hear rumbling. You hear odd snatches of conversation like someone keeps opening and closing the door on a cocktail party. Something is happening in Syria. Israel is making unusual noises, brandishing false overtures and ...

No amount of collaboration will make the sun orbit the Earth
Post Date: 2007-07-11 22:17:50 by Ferret Mike
It is not often that something makes me laugh so hard I cannot breathe, but Something Awful's piece on 'wikigroaning' did. It consists simply of a list of paired topics on Wikipedia: the game is just to guess which has the longer and more detailed entry and thus is more important to the nerds who write Wikipedia. In this way we learn that the entire universe can be described in 6,623 words, which makes it smaller, or at least less interesting, than Transformers: Universe - "a line of toys consisting of repainted re-releases from various Transformers toy lines", which gets an entry 8,752 words long. Some of these subject pairs are more obvious: the game Second Life ...

On the Road for Impeachment: A T-Shirt Poll
Post Date: 2007-07-11 17:33:51 by aristeides
On the Road for Impeachment A T-Shirt Poll By DAVE LINDORFF Austin--I just spent the weekend in this state capital, talkin' impeachment at a meeting organized by the Texas Green Party, World Can't Wait, Code Pink and Austin Impeach http://(www.austinimpeach.org), and was flying back home via Atlanta. As I was boarding my flight, the pilot, an Air Force veteran like many commercial pilots, looked at the bold "Impeach Bush and Cheney" emblazoned across my chest, smiled and said, "I like your shirt." Some 20 minutes later when the flight attendant came through serving drinks and I asked for a bottle of red wine, she handed me a bottle and then waved away my ...

"The Rude Pundit Says...." Six Other Things the Office of the Vice President Actually Is:
Post Date: 2007-07-11 15:56:59 by gengis gandhi
"The Rude Pundit Says...." No comments yet. - Hide Original Post About Cheney: 6/22/2007 Six Other Things the Office of the Vice President Actually Is: Dick Cheney has decided that his office is a free-floating radical in DC, not quite an executive entity, not truly a legislative one, but some unholy Reese's cup of evil. Here's some other ways the Veep has untethered himself from mortal binds. 1. Because his office is not an entity in the executive branch, but actually a Native American religion, Cheney and his staff are free to smoke peyote at the start of every morning meeting. 2. Because his office is not an entity in the executive branch, but actually a breach in ...

The 9/11 Truth Movement has peaked [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-07-11 14:09:58 by Mister Clean
The 9/11 "truth" movement has peaked and is currently stalled. It will eventually settle down as just another fringe belief system endlessly hyped by its followers. The online success of "Loose Change" was the peak for the movement. The independent "documentary" was the best chance the 9/11 "truth" movement had for the message to reach a broad audience. But the attempt to take "Loose Change" into the mainstream has gone nowhere as its makers are bogged down in the editing process trying to clean up the factual mess they made. The 9/11 "truth" movement is no longer growing and it will not enter the mainstream consciousness as a ...

Olbermann's Worst Person
Post Date: 2007-07-10 21:28:07 by Zipporah

Scooter Libby: A Case of Selective Compassion
Post Date: 2007-07-10 20:56:17 by Ferret Mike
As I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby just found out, it's good to have friends in high places. Despite being assigned an inmate number by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Libby will not spend a single day in prison. As everyone knows by now, President George W. Bush commuted the 30-month sentence imposed by a federal judge after a jury found Libby guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. There has been lots of conversation about the special treatment Libby received as compared to other people convicted of crimes who could benefit from the kind of compassion that Libby received -- people who would also like someone to give careful consideration to whether their sentences are ...

Larry Flynt speaks out on telling Falwell he was 'full of it' and Bush's abuse of government
Post Date: 2007-07-10 19:51:59 by Zipporah
Larry Flynt appeared Friday on Henry Rollins' show on the Independent Film Channel. Rollins first asked Flynt about his reaction to the death of Jerry Falwell, against whom Flynt won a landmark free speech case in 1983. Flynt replied that although he never agreed with Falwell on any issue, as a result of their joint participation in many debates over the years, he finally "could see him as a human being." Flynt recalled an occasion when Falwell came to see him at his office, saying, "I honesty believe that he was there to bury the hatchet. I don't think ... he felt he was on the winning side of that free speech issue." "I was probably the only guy in ...

Why nations die
Post Date: 2007-07-10 17:00:48 by Tauzero
Why nations die By Spengler Why people read a certain book often contains more information than the book itself, and there is rich information content in the brisk sales of Jared Diamond's Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Diamond picks out of the rubbish bin of history a few cases of nugatory interest in which environmental disaster overwhelmed a society otherwise desirous of continued existence. According to the publisher's notice (I do not read such piffle), Diamond avers that the problem was in breeding too fast and cutting down too many trees. The silly Vikings of Greenland refused to eat fish, disdained the hunting techniques of the Inuit, and consumed too ...

“Scooter” Libby and the president
Post Date: 2007-07-10 06:49:27 by Ada
Justice is not blind By giving a crony a get-out-of-jail-free card, George Bush has further tarnished his presidency ReutersTHE past week has been a terrible one for America's embattled president. First, on June 28th, his own Republicans scuppered his cherished—and, in the view of this newspaper, enlightened and brave—plan to reform the country's broken immigration system, decisively blocking it in the Senate. Then a group of prominent Republican senators joined forces with the Democrats to speak out against his policy of reinforcing Iraq. And on July 2nd George Bush brought fresh waves of vitriol down onto his own head, by annulling the 30-month prison sentence given ...

Post Date: 2007-07-09 15:48:19 by aristeides
'Scouting' the Hill on Iraq By Robert D. Novak Monday, July 9, 2007; Page A15 National security adviser Stephen J. Hadley visited Capitol Hill just before Congress adjourned for the Fourth of July. Meetings with a half-dozen senior Republican senators were clearly intended to extinguish fires set by Sen. Richard Lugar's unexpected break from President Bush's Iraq policy. They failed. Hadley called his expedition a "scouting trip," leading one senator to ask what he was seeking. It was not advice on how to escape from Iraq. Instead, Hadley appeared interested in how previous supporters of Bush's course had drifted away. In the process, though, he planted ...

Buchanan: Scooter Commutation Is A Neocon Job
Post Date: 2007-07-08 20:46:12 by Brian S
Sunday, July 8, 2007 Why did Bush do it?      Why did he suddenly barge into the legal process and erase the entire 30-month sentence of Scooter Libby?      For, from his own statement, Bush found the act deeply distasteful.      In that statement, Bush calls Libby’s crimes “serious convictions of perjury and obstruction of justice.” He praises Patrick Fitzgerald as “a highly qualified professional prosecutor who carried out his responsibilities as charged.”      Bush indicated no disagreement with the verdict.      “(A) jury of citizens weighed all the evidence ...

NY Times editorial - The Road Home-It is time for the United States to leave Iraq, without any more delay than the Pentagon needs to organize an orderly exit
Post Date: 2007-07-08 11:30:00 by Zipporah
The Road Home It is time for the United States to leave Iraq, without any more delay than the Pentagon needs to organize an orderly exit. • Like many Americans, we have put off that conclusion, waiting for a sign that President Bush was seriously trying to dig the United States out of the disaster he created by invading Iraq without sufficient cause, in the face of global opposition, and without a plan to stabilize the country afterward. At first, we believed that after destroying Iraq’s government, army, police and economic structures, the United States was obliged to try to accomplish some of the goals Mr. Bush claimed to be pursuing, chiefly building a stable, unified ...

Truck blast kills 105 in Iraq bloodbath
Post Date: 2007-07-07 21:59:46 by tom007
Truck blast kills 105 in Iraq bloodbath NICHOLAS CHRISTIAN A DEVASTATING truck bomb has killed 105 people in a busy market in northern Iraq, while two British soldiers have died in the south of the country. Following another bloody 24 hours in Iraq, the US also announced the loss of nine troops and said that the past three months have been their costliest in terms of lives lost since the invasion of 2003. The blast yesterday destroyed the market in the small town of Amirli, south of Kirkuk, killing many people instantly and trapping dozens in the rubble. More than 240 people were injured in what was the most deadly single attack in Iraq since April. The bomb ripped through the market ...

Olbermann’s Worst Person(s) In The World - Neil, BillO & BillO
Post Date: 2007-07-07 17:05:43 by Zipporah
Friday night’s Worst Person In The World honors go to Neil Cavuto, BillO and…BillO. Mr.Orally won the Silver for getting his radio show yanked from the Washington D.C. airwaves to make way for a sports talk show, but he takes the Gold for his report on a “national underground network of lesbian gangs carrying pink pistols” who are terrorizing and raping young girls and forcing them into lesbianism. A guest on his show stated that there are some 150 of these lesbian gangs in the D.C. area, which of course turned out to be false. Play Friday night’s Worst Person In The World honors go to Neil Cavuto, BillO and…BillO. Mr.Orally won the Silver for getting his ...

(General Odom Says) 'Supporting the troops' means withdrawing them
Post Date: 2007-07-07 16:57:32 by Red Jones
'Supporting the troops' means withdrawing them COMMENTARY | July 05, 2007 Gen. William Odom writes that opponents of the war should focus public attention on the fact that Bush’s obstinate refusal to admit defeat is causing the troops enormous psychological as well as physical harm. By William E. Odom diane@hudson.org Every step the Democrats in Congress have taken to force the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq has failed. Time and again, President Bush beats them into submission with charges of failing to "support the troops." Why do the Democrats allow this to happen? Because they let the president define what "supporting the troops" means. His ...

Demography is Destiny
Post Date: 2007-07-07 00:54:36 by Tauzero
Demography Is Destiny ared Taylor, American Renaissance, August 2005 I have been asked to speak on the subject, “Demography is Destiny.” The phrase is attributed to the 19th century French mathematician and philosopher, August Comte (1798–1857), who is known as the “father of sociology.” By it he meant that as a rise or fall in birth rates works itself out over the decades, it affects everything in a society. He would therefore have understood immediately the significance of something now happening in many nations of the West: The average number of children each woman has is closer to one than to the 2.2 necessary to maintain the population. When a society does ...

GOP Defections on Iraq: Who's Next?
Post Date: 2007-07-06 23:27:28 by tom007
GOP Defections on Iraq: Who's Next? Friday July 6, 2007 8:01 PM AP Photo NMALJ101 By ANNE FLAHERTY Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - After the recent defection of prominent Republicans on the Iraq war, the big question in Washington is who might be next. More than a dozen Republican senators who are running for re-election next year head the list of lawmakers to watch. But others, too, have expressed concerns that the GOP has grown increasingly vulnerable on the issue. As the clock ticks toward Election Day, voter pressure is building against any lawmaker still standing with President Bush on the war. Potential wildcards include members up for re-election who have ...

Senator, You Used to Be a Pot Head -- Now You're Talking Like a Narc
Post Date: 2007-07-06 23:26:19 by Dakmar
A letter to GOP Sen. Norm Coleman from a former college friend asking why he supports brutal drug laws when he was an avid pot smoker as a young man. Tools email EMAIL print PRINT 134 COMMENTS Share & save this story: Digg iconDelicious iconReddit iconFark iconYahoo! iconNewsvine! icon Also in Top Stories Is the United States Killing 10,000 Iraqis Every Month? Or Is It More? Michael Schwartz, After Downing Street Is Texas Now Greener than California? Kate Galbraith, Grist Magazine Impeaching Dick Cheney: The Tide is Turning [VIDEO] Robert Greenwald, AlterNet Union Heavy Embraces Green Energy as Crucial Vision for the Future Joan Hamilton, Sierra Magazine More stories by Norman ...

The missing people-shredder
Post Date: 2007-07-06 10:40:10 by tom007
The missing people-shredder The horror of one of Saddam's execution methods made a powerful pro-war rallying cry - but the evidence suggests it never existed Brendan O'Neill Wednesday February 25, 2004 The Guardian Forget the no-show of Saddam Hussein's WMD. Ask instead what happened to Saddam's "people shredder", into which his son Qusay reportedly fed opponents of the Ba'athist regime. Ann Clwyd, the Labour MP who chairs Indict, a group that has been campaigning since 1996 for an international criminal tribunal to try the Ba'athists, wrote of the shredder in the Times on March 18 last year - the day of the Iraq debate in the House of Commons and ...

A Bloody Media Mirror (Warmonging US Press)
Post Date: 2007-07-06 10:10:55 by tom007
A Bloody Media Mirror by Norman Solomon Many of America's most prominent journalists want us to forget what they were saying and writing more than four years ago to boost the invasion of Iraq. Now, they tiptoe around their own roles in hyping the war and banishing dissent to the media margins. The media watch group FAIR (where I'm an associate) has performed a public service in the latest edition of its magazine Extra. The organization's activism director, Peter Hart, drew on FAIR's extensive research to assemble a sample of notable quotations from media cheerleading for the Iraq invasion. One of the earliest quotes to merit special attention came from ace New York Times ...

How Scooter Skated (Pat Patrick J. Buchanan)
Post Date: 2007-07-06 10:00:29 by tom007
How Scooter Skated by Patrick J. Buchanan Why did Bush do it? Why did he suddenly barge into the legal process and erase the entire 30-month sentence of Scooter Libby? For, from his own statement, Bush found the act deeply distasteful. In that statement, Bush calls Libby's crimes "serious convictions of perjury and obstruction of justice." He praises Patrick Fitzgerald as "a highly qualified professional prosecutor who carried out his responsibilities as charged." Bush indicated no disagreement with the verdict. "[A] jury of citizens weighed all the evidence and listened to all the testimony and found Mr. Libby guilty of perjury and obstructing justice ...

Sadr bloc joins Sunnis in rejecting Iraq oil law
Post Date: 2007-07-06 09:56:45 by tom007
Sadr bloc joins Sunnis in rejecting Iraq oil law by Joseph Krauss Thu Jul 5, 8:25 AM ET BAGHDAD (AFP) - Followers of Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Thursday joined a growing chorus of Sunni Arab, Kurdish and Shiite opposition to a draft oil law backed by Washington. ADVERTISEMENT His opposition, apparently motivated by anger at the idea of US and British oil firms snapping up contracts after their countries invaded Iraq, promises to feed a fierce debate but will not necessarily derail the legislation. "You cannot have both the Kurds and the Sadrists on the outside," said Joost Hiltermann, Iraq analyst at the International Crisis Group. Nevertheless, "the oil law ...

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